

Python-opencv 实现PS操作


  • Python-opencv 实现PS操作
      • 0. 罗里吧嗦的开头
      • 1. 调整色阶操作 - levels-adjust
      • 2. 调节饱和度 - Saturation
      • 3. 调节亮度 - Illumi-adjust
      • 4. 调节颜色曲线 - curves-filter
      • 5. 图层混合方式 - layerBlending

0. 罗里吧嗦的开头



所以就有了我在网上寻找总结的这一系列,用python-opencv实现的photoshop操作。(网上基本上都是C++ - opencv实现的)


1. 调整色阶操作 - levels-adjust


def levels_adjust(img, Shadow, Midtones, Highlight, OutShadow, OutHighlight, Dim):
    # print(img)
    # dim = 3的时候调节RGB三个分量, 0调节B,1调节G,2调节R
    if Dim == 3:
        mask_shadow = img < Shadow
        img[mask_shadow] = Shadow
        mask_Highlight = img > Highlight
        img[mask_Highlight] = Highlight
        mask_shadow = img[...,Dim]<Shadow
        img[mask_shadow] = Shadow
        mask_Highlight = img[...,Dim]>Highlight
        img[mask_Highlight] = Highlight

    if Dim == 3:
        Diff = Highlight - Shadow
        rgbDiff = img - Shadow
        clRgb = np.power(rgbDiff / Diff, 1 / Midtones)
        outClRgb = clRgb * (OutHighlight - OutShadow) / 255 + OutShadow
        data = np.array(outClRgb*255, dtype='uint8')
        img = data
        Diff = Highlight - Shadow
        rgbDiff = img[...,Dim] - Shadow
        clRgb = np.power(rgbDiff/Diff, 1/Midtones)
        outClRgb = clRgb*(OutHighlight - OutShadow)/255 + OutShadow
        data = np.array(outClRgb * 255, dtype='uint8')
        img[..., Dim] = data
    return img

2. 调节饱和度 - Saturation

代码我使用了这个博主写的:https://blog.csdn/benja_k/article/details/95478100 他里面也有具体的代码原理解读,有兴趣可以直接跳转过去看。


def Saturation(rgb_img, increment):
    img = rgb_img * 1.0
    img_min = img.min(axis=2)
    img_max = img.max(axis=2)
    img_out = img

    # 获取HSL空间的饱和度和亮度
    delta = (img_max - img_min) / 255.0
    value = (img_max + img_min) / 255.0
    L = value / 2.0

    # s = L<0.5 ? s1 : s2
    mask_1 = L < 0.5
    s1 = delta / (value)
    s2 = delta / (2 - value)
    s = s1 * mask_1 + s2 * (1 - mask_1)

    # 增量大于0,饱和度指数增强
    if increment >= 0:
        # alpha = increment+s > 1 ? alpha_1 : alpha_2
        temp = increment + s
        mask_2 = temp > 1
        alpha_1 = s
        alpha_2 = s * 0 + 1 - increment
        alpha = alpha_1 * mask_2 + alpha_2 * (1 - mask_2)

        alpha = 1 / alpha - 1
        img_out[:, :, 0] = img[:, :, 0] + (img[:, :, 0] - L * 255.0) * alpha
        img_out[:, :, 1] = img[:, :, 1] + (img[:, :, 1] - L * 255.0) * alpha
        img_out[:, :, 2] = img[:, :, 2] + (img[:, :, 2] - L * 255.0) * alpha

    # 增量小于0,饱和度线性衰减
        alpha = increment
        img_out[:, :, 0] = img[:, :, 0] + (img[:, :, 0] - L * 255.0) * alpha
        img_out[:, :, 1] = img[:, :, 1] + (img[:, :, 1] - L * 255.0) * alpha
        img_out[:, :, 2] = img[:, :, 2] + (img[:, :, 2] - L * 255.0) * alpha

    # img_out = img_out / 255.0

    # RGB颜色上下限处理(小于0取0,大于1取1)
    # mask_3 = img_out < 0
    # mask_4 = img_out > 255
    # img_out = img_out * (1 - mask_3)
    # img_out = img_out * (1 - mask_4) + mask_4

    return np.array(img_out,dtype='uint8')

3. 调节亮度 - Illumi-adjust

代码我使用了这个博主写的:https://blog.csdn/weixin_30896511/article/details/95614626 比较简单哈,同样他里面也有具体的代码原理解读,有兴趣可以直接跳转过去看。

def Illumi_adjust(alpha, img):
    if alpha > 0 :
        img_out = img * (1 - alpha) + alpha * 255.0
        img_out = img * (1 + alpha)

    return np.array(img_out,dtype='uint8')

4. 调节颜色曲线 - curves-filter





class Filter:

    def __init__(self, acv_file_path, name): = name
        with open(acv_file_path, 'rb') as acv_file:
            self.curves = self._read_curves(acv_file)
        self.polynomials = self._find_coefficients()

    def _read_curves(self, acv_file):
        _, nr_curves = unpack('!hh',
        curves = []
        for i in range(0, nr_curves):
            curve = []
            num_curve_points, = unpack('!h',
            for j in range(0, num_curve_points):
                y, x = unpack('!hh',
                curve.append((x, y))

        return curves

    def _find_coefficients(self):
        polynomials = []
        for curve in self.curves:
            xdata = [x[0] for x in curve]
            ydata = [x[1] for x in curve]
            p = interpolate.lagrange(xdata, ydata)
        return polynomials

    def get_r(self):
        return self.polynomials[1]

    def get_g(self):
        return self.polynomials[2]

    def get_b(self):
        return self.polynomials[3]

    def get_c(self):
        return self.polynomials[0]

class FilterManager:

    def __init__(self):
        self.filters = {}
        # add some stuff here

    def add_filter(self, filter_obj):
        # Overwrites if such a filter already exists
        # NOTE: Fix or not to fix?
        self.filters[] = filter_obj

    def apply_filter(self, filter_name, image_array):

        if image_array.ndim < 3:
            raise Exception('Photos must be in color, meaning at least 3 channels')
            def interpolate(i_arr, f_arr, p, p_c):
                p_arr = p_c(f_arr)
                return p_arr

                # NOTE: Assumes that image_array is a numpy array

            image_filter = self.filters[filter_name]
            # NOTE: What happens if filter does not exist?
            width, height, channels = image_array.shape
            filter_array = numpy.zeros((width, height, 3), dtype=float)

            p_r = image_filter.get_r()
            p_g = image_filter.get_g()
            p_b = image_filter.get_b()
            p_c = image_filter.get_c()

            filter_array[:, :, 0] = p_r(image_array[:, :, 0])
            filter_array[:, :, 1] = p_g(image_array[:, :, 1])
            filter_array[:, :, 2] = p_b(image_array[:, :, 2])
            filter_array = filter_array.clip(0, 255)
            filter_array = p_c(filter_array)

            filter_array = numpy.ceil(filter_array).clip(0, 255)

            return filter_array.astype(numpy.uint8)

if __name__ == '__main__':

    img_filter = Filter('curves/curves.acv', 'rgb')

    im = cv2.imread('tmp/test.png')

    image_array = im

    filter_manager = FilterManager()

    filter_array = filter_manager.apply_filter('rgb', image_array)

5. 图层混合方式 - layerBlending



import numpy as np
import cv2

def Darken(target, blend):
    # 变暗
    return np.minimum(target, blend)

def Multiply(target, blend):
    # 正片叠底
    return np.array(np.multiply(target/256,blend/256)*256, dtype=np.uint8)

def ClolorBurn(target, blend):
    # 颜色加深
    # return np.array((1-(1-target/256)/(blend/256))*256, dtype=np.uint8)
    return (1-(1-target/256)/(blend/256))

def LinearBurn(target, blend):
    # 线性加深
    return target/256+blend/256-1

def Lighten(target, blend):
    # 变亮
    return np.maximum(target, blend)

def Screen(target, blend):
    # 滤色
    return 1-(1-target/256)*(1-blend/256)

def ColorDodge(target, blend):
    # 颜色减淡
    target = target / 256
    blend = blend / 256
    return target+(target*blend)/(1-blend)

def LinearDodge(target, blend):
    # 线性减淡
    return cv2.add(target, blend)

def Overlay(target, blend):
    # 叠加
    mask1 = target<=128
    mask2 = target>128
    img = np.zeros(target.shape,dtype=np.float64)
    img[mask1] = np.multiply(target[mask1]/256,blend[mask1]/256) #(暗部正片叠底,更暗)
    img[mask2] = 1-(1-target[mask2]/256)*(1-blend[mask2]/256) #(亮部滤色,更亮)
    return img

def SoftLight(target, blend):
    # 柔光
    mask1 = blend<=128
    mask2 = blend>128
    target = target/256
    blend = blend/256
    img = np.zeros(target.shape, dtype=np.float64)
    img[mask1] = (target[mask1]*blend[mask1])/0.5 + (target[mask1]*target[mask1])*(1-2*blend[mask1])
    img[mask2] = (target[mask2]*(1-blend[mask2]))/0.5 + np.sqrt(target[mask2]) * (2*blend[mask2] - 1)
    return img

def HardLight(target, blend):
    # 强光
    mask1 = blend <= 128
    mask2 = blend > 128
    target = target / 256
    blend = blend / 256
    img = np.zeros(target.shape, dtype=np.float64)
    img[mask1] = target[mask1]*blend[mask1]/0.5
    img[mask2] = 1 - (1-target[mask2])*(1-blend[mask2])/0.5
    return img

def VividLight(target, blend):
    # 亮光
    mask1 = blend <= 128
    mask2 = blend > 128
    target = target / 256
    blend = blend / 256
    img = np.zeros(target.shape, dtype=np.float64)
    img[mask1] = target[mask1] - (1-target[mask1])*(1-2*blend[mask1])/(2*blend[mask1])
    img[mask2] = target[mask2] + target[mask2]*(2*blend[mask2]-1)/(2*(1-blend[mask2]))
    return img

def LinearLight(target, blend):
    return target/256 + 2*blend/256 -1

本文标签: 操作PythonOpencvphotoshop