

Module 4 Line Charts and Pie Charts

  • 1.Chart writing
    • 1.1Step to incoporate charts informatin into writing
    • 1.2 Specific steps to complete a chart writing
      • step 1 :
      • step 2:
  • Pie charts

1.Chart writing

1.1Step to incoporate charts informatin into writing

(1) Make sure you understand every detailed information in the chart
(2)Provide an appropriate introdution (the contents of the chart; statements of its significance)
(3)Analysis the charts content and illustrate the most remarkable characteristics or features from it
(4)Keep sentence structure varying on explanation of charts; Avoid any repetition in any lexical and syntactical level

1.2 Specific steps to complete a chart writing

step 1 :

read the topic and chart information carefully(the headline,horizontal axis and vertical axis)
identify the category of the charts (static and dynamic)

step 2:

Pie charts

The two pie charts below show the distribution of workforce from 16 years old to 65 in Great Britain in 1932 and 1992.
revised:The two pie charts illustrate the distributional situation of labor forece between the age of 16 and 65 in two different years in UK.

In 1932, 25% of the people between 16 and 65 were unemployed. Of those who had a job, the largest percentage of the population(42%) chose to work in the industrial sector, which was followed by those in the service sector(15%) and department of agriculture and fishing(12%). Only 3% of the workers were employed by the goverment.

Compared with the year 1932, 1992 witnessef tremendous changes in many of the selected sectors. The proportion of unemployed significantly shrank to only 10%.As for the employed, dramatic expansion took place in the sector of government and setvice industry to about 52% and 15% respectively. Noticeably, government workforce witnessed the most obvious change, which is 5 times that of the previous 3% in 1932.

本文标签: Chartwriting