


重点 (Top highlight)

都是有创意的。 您只需要一推即可。 (All are creative. You just need a push.)

People expect creativity from only artists, designers or geniuses. But that’s not true. Some people communicate their creativity well, and the others are not able to communicate. Everyone has a creative side to them. Possibles reasons of not letting it out can be less motivation, less creative confidence and lack of awareness(that we can think creatively). Here is a small attempt from me, which compiles 20 possible things which might boost and nurture your creative confidence, to explore your creative side. It is for one and all, irrespective of their professions.

人们只期望艺术家,设计师或天才的创造力。 但这不是事实。 有些人能很好地交流创造力,而另一些人则无法交流。 每个人都具有创造力。 拒绝的可能原因可能是动力 不足,创造力 信心 不足缺乏意识 (我们可以创造性地思考)。 这是我的一个小尝试,汇集了20种可能会增强和培养您的创造信心的事物 ,以探索您的创造力。 这是针对所有人的,而不管他们的专业是什么。

All these points are from my influences, experiences & from my point of view. These things include games, tasks/assignments, habits or policies which need to be incorporated in your life or organisation. There might be more, which can help you boost your creative confidence. Feel free to mention that in the responses below.

所有这些观点都是基于我的影响力,经验和观点。 这些东西包括游戏任务/任务习惯政策 ,这些都需要纳入您的生活或组织中。 可能还有更多,可以帮助您增强创作信心。 请在下面的回复中随意提及。

So, here we go:


1.玩30圈挑战✍🏻 (1. Play the 30 Circle Challenge ✍🏻)

Source 资源

Ask people to visualise and draw different recognisable objects, in those circles, in not more than 3 minutes. Do it everyday, it’s fun. You will understand your potential when you are given constraints. Are you a rule breaker or are the rule follower? One can get unique insights about themselves, as well as, your team members also.

要求人们在不超过3分钟的时间内,在这些圆圈中可视化并绘制不同的可识别对象。 每天都做,这很有趣。 当您受到限制时,您将了解自己的潜力。 您是违反规则的人还是遵循规则的人 ? 人们可以获得关于自己以及您的团队成员的独特见解。

30 circle challenge glass wall 30圈挑战玻璃墙的参考图片

工作场所的墙 (A wall at your workplace)

A wall which has this 30 circles printed/engraved and everyday anyone of you can sketch on it and change it for the other day. Play around on this glass writing board, so you can have your creative juices flowing. Can have some kind of fun games around it at your informal interaction spaces, with your team members.

墙壁上印有/刻有这30个圆圈 ,任何人每天都可以在其上绘制草图,并在另一天进行更改。 在这个玻璃书写板上玩耍,这样您就可以尽情发挥创意。 与您的团队成员在非正式的互动空间中可以玩一些有趣的游戏。

The image is a reference here, which can have 30 plain circles printed or engraved onto the glass, which can be explored for sketching or drawing.


2.什么是? 如果? 和什么哇? 🧠 (2. What is? What if? and What wows? 🧠)

Brainstorm on different possibilities of how existing solutions can have a different way of solving that issue, in a more better and quick way, maybe. And this need not be a solution or screens. It is just raw sketchy brainstroming or a desktop study and have a discussion with your team members or other designers. Example take BookMyShow, and brainstorm on it for 15 mins, in a group of 5, what is, what if and what may wow the users while using this app.

集思广益探讨现有解决方案如何以一种更好,更快的方式解决问题的不同方式 。 并且这不必是解决方案或屏幕。 仅仅是粗略的脑力激荡或桌面研究,并与您的团队成员或其他设计师进行讨论。 例如,以BookMyShow为例,以5人为一组,进行15分钟的集体讨论,这是什么,如果使用该应用程序,将会给用户带来怎样的惊喜?

  • What is - basically what is the existing solution

    什么是 -基本上是现有解决方案

  • What if - What do you think of a different way of solving the same problem?

    如果 -怎么办?您如何看待解决同一问题另一种方式

  • What wows - What is the kickass feature, which you think with excite your users, while completing their task?


3.让我们冒险🧭 (3. Let’s Venture out 🧭)

Take examples of top companies and explore with the Ansoff matrix diagram by identifying their ventures, and you can brainstorm if you think of new ventures possibly for that company. Like example see the image below for the Ansoff Matrix applied to Amazon and it’s different ventures which they have penetrated into. The risk factor increases as you diagonally go up from Market penetration to Industry disruption.

以顶级公司为例,并通过确定合资企业来利用Ansoff矩阵图进行探索,如果您想到该公司可能会有新的合资企业 ,则可以集思广益。 像示例一样,请参见下图,了解适用于亚马逊的Ansoff矩阵,这是他们已经渗透到的不同企业。 当您从市场渗透率上升到行业中断时 ,风险因素会增加。

Source 源

It can be a session, where you can take your company as an example, of how your company can venture out into new directions and increase the landscape of your scope. Take examples of famous companies, like Apple, Adobe, Tesla, etc, to know their strategic movements & get better insights. Ventures are nothing but possibilities, and exploring the possibilities, adds up to your confidence levels.

这可以是一个会议,您可以以公司为例,介绍公司如何开拓新方向并扩大业务范围。 以苹果Adobe特斯拉等著名公司为例,了解他们的战略动向并获得更好的见解 。 冒险不过是可能性 ,而探索这些可能性可以加深您的信心水平。

For more info on Ansoff matrix and Venture Design, take this online course by Ethan Imboden on LinkedIn, shown below. It is quite insightful and interesting. Do have a look.

有关Ansoff矩阵和Venture Design的更多信息,请参加LinkedIn上的Ethan Imboden的在线课程,如下所示。 这是非常有见地和有趣的。 看看吧

4.大声思考📢 (4. Think out loud 📢)

Make it a habit, to talk out loud when you are part of any good or bad experience. This helps you to become a keen observer and a good critic. End of the day, it boosts your confidence of speaking out and trying to make things better.

养成习惯 ,在任何好或坏的经历中都要大声说出来 。 这可以帮助您成为敏锐的观察者良好的批评家 。 一天结束时,它可以增强您说出来并尝试使事情变得更好的信心。

Everyday take one experience (online or offline, it doesn’t matter), and ask your team members one by one to think out loud(it can be anything from the intent till the color of the interface, too) while experiencing it. Very key for the growth of critical thinking skills.

每天都需要一种体验(在线或脱机都没关系),并让您的团队成员一个个地思考(从意图到界面的颜色,也可以是任何东西),同时进行体验。 对于批判性思维技能成长至关重要

5.交换角色。 鼓励同理心。 🔁 (5. Swap roles. Encourages empathy. 🔁)

Swap roles for 15 minutes with any other professional, like a developer(for example), and think like him to give 2 good ideas which would improve his/her workflow. Empathy should come first within your team, to achieve greater goals. This encourages communication, which builds trust with your team members, which eventually creates confidence for all.

与其他专业人员(例如,开发人员)交换角色15分钟,然后像他一样思考以提供两个好主意 ,这将改善他/她的工作流程 。 移情应该首先出现在团队中,以实现更大的目标。 这会鼓励沟通 ,与团队成员建立信任 ,最终为所有人建立信心

Doing this, people might understand better their pain points and fears(if any), and work towards solving or overcoming it, as a team.

这样做,人们可能会更好地了解他们的痛点恐惧 (如果有的话),并作为一个团队努力解决或克服它。

6.思维导图🕸 (6. Mind-mapping 🕸)

Source 资源

Scribble out and do a rough mind mapping thing to explore your thinking and imagination capabilities. Your imagination horizons should be at continuous practise. This improves your psychological thinking and having empathy towards your users, which is a key skill for anyone who wants to build a great experience for their people.

涂鸦并做一个粗略的思维导图,以探索您的思维想象能力。 您的想象力范围应该不断地练习。 这可以改善您的心理思维和对用户的同理心 ,这对于任何想要为自己的员工建立良好体验的人来说都是一项关键技能。

Mind mapping is an intuitive way to organise your thoughts.


7.智囊团📝 (7. Think tank 📝)

Photo by Freshh Connection on Unsplash
图片由 Freshh Connection在 Unsplash上 拍摄

Raw ideas are like dreams. It comes and goes, you forget like anything. Document it in one journal and develop it as pet projects for future. Good ideas quickly need to have some initial validations. Share it with valuable content of social platforms to get better validations or feedback, for later iterations.

原始想法 就像梦想。 它来来去去,你就像什么都忘记了。 将其记录在一份日记中 并将其开发为未来的宠物项目。 好主意很快需要进行一些初步验证。 与社交平台的有价值的内容共享它,以获取更好的验证或反馈,以供以后的迭代使用。

8. 促进蛋白效应👩‍🏫👨‍🏫 (8. Contribute to the protégé effect 👩‍🏫👨‍🏫)

Source 资源

‘Teaching someone else is the best way to learn, according to research’.


So, once in a week, give a half hour session/talk of your choice of topic and let your team gather and listen out and give their valuable constructive feedback and lots of appreciation, too. Because that’s what keeps you going and inspires you to do more.

因此,每周一次,半个小时的会议/讨论您选择的主题,让您的团队聚在一起并倾听,并给出宝贵的建设性反馈和赞赏。 因为那才是您前进的动力,并激发您做更多的事情。

This increases self-efficacy in individuals. Self-efficacy is, according to psychologist Albert Bandura, who originally proposed the concept, a personal judgment of “how well one can execute courses of action required to deal with prospective situations”.

这增加了个体的自我效能 。 根据最初提出该概念的心理学家阿尔伯特·班杜拉(Albert Bandura)的说法,自我效能感是一种个人判断,即“一个人能如何很好地执行应对潜在情况所需的行动方针”

Know more about the benefits of Protege effect here


9.昵称热身😎 (9. Nickname warm up 😎)

Source 资源

Play this quirky game of nicknames with your teammates. There are 2 ways to do this :

与队友一起玩这个古怪的昵称游戏。 有两种方法可以做到这一点:

匿名方式 (The anonymous way)

One way can be anonymous, by putting chits with the names of your teammates and asking everyone to pick. Write their nicknames next to the name and submit the chit. Voting can be done to give a more better validated nickname by majority of the team. More participation, more fun and flattens the hierarchy.

一种匿名的方法是,将闲聊的名字和队友的名字放在一起,然后要求所有人选择。 在名字旁边写下他们的昵称,然后提交提示。 可以进行投票,以使团队中的大多数人获得更好的验证昵称。 更多的参与,更多的乐趣和扁平化的层次结构

大声思考 (The Think-out-loud way)

The other way is think out loud, and voting on the best, by not keeping it anonymous. In my POV, this way is better, as discussions are open and transparent. Nicknames can be fun like Mr. Big head, Ms. Know-it-all, Genie, Mr CEO, Ms Blogger, etc.

另一种方法是大声思考,并通过不匿名将其投票给最好的人。 在我的观点中,这种方式更好,因为讨论是公开 透明的 。 昵称可能很有趣,例如Big先生,Known-it-all女士,Genie,CEO先生,Blogger女士等。

Note : While coming up with names, know what that person is good at(one best quality), like a guitarist, good swimmer, nice presenter, a nice painter, etc. And finally based on these clues, you can brainstorm on the nicknames.

注意:在提出名字时,要知道那个人最擅长的(一种最好的素质),例如吉他手,游泳者,漂亮的主持人,漂亮的画家等。最后, 根据这些线索 ,您可以集思广益

10.在您的工作文化中引入价值指标🏅 (10. Introduce Value metrics in your work culture 🏅)

Photo by Lina Trochez on Unsplash
Lina Trochez在 Unsplash上 拍摄的照片

Start evaluating and promoting people on the base of value they add.


How? (one of the way)

怎么样? (方法之一)

  • Value can be saving money. How much?

    价值可以省钱 。 多少?

  • Value can be saving time. How much?

    价值可以节省时间 。 多少?

  • Value can be satisfaction ratings of the user, while using your solution. How much(out of 10 maybe)?

    在使用您的解决方案时,价值可以是用户的满意程度。 多少(可能是十个)?

  • Value can be impact created in any of the above parameters


  • And finally value can be genuine direct user feedback.


So start measuring people on the value(it is definitely measurable) which they bring to the table and to people’s life. So how cool it would be if we create an environment where people are recognised on value metric numbers, not just by their experience.

因此,开始评估人们的价值 (这绝对是可衡量的) 他们带来了餐桌和人们的生活。 因此,如果我们创建一个环境,使人们在价值指标数字上得到认可,而不仅仅是根据他们的经验,那将是多么酷。

Some policies need to be redefined. But it will definitely create confidence and encourage people to design and work for impact & value. And that’s the long term infinite game we all should be playing.

一些策略需要重新定义。 但这肯定会建立信心,并鼓励人们为影响和价值设计和工作。 这是我们所有人都应该玩的长期无限游戏。

11.消除团队中的恐惧🚫😨 (11. Remove fears in your team 🚫😨)

Don’t fear anything, as when you face your fear one day, that will be the most blissful moment of your life. Firstly watch video to get an insight from Will Smith’s sky diving experience, where he talks about the day before the dive, how he felt. Must watch.

不要害怕任何事情,因为当您有一天面对恐惧时,那将是您一生中幸福的时刻 。 首先,观看视频,以了解威尔·史密斯(Will Smith)的高空跳伞经验,他在那儿谈论潜水前一天的感受。 必须注意。

领导人能做什么? (What Leaders can do?)

Every leader should have frequent one on one sessions with their teammates and figure out what they are good at and what they fear of, which is stopping them from being productive. And your responsibility is to try to remove those fears in them. Removing this fear does not happen overnight. A technique called ‘Guided mastery’, coined by Albert Bandura(one of the greatest living psychologists), is helpful to overcome any fears in life.

每个领导者都应该经常与队友进行一对一的交流,并弄清他们的擅长恐惧之处 ,这会阻碍他们的工作效率。 您的责任是设法消除其中的恐惧。 消除这种恐惧并不是一朝一夕的事。 阿尔伯特·班杜拉(Albert Bandura)(最伟大的在世心理学家之一)发明了一种称为“ 引导式掌握 ”的技术,有助于克服生活中的任何恐惧。

Guided mastery steps would look like this for any fear to overcome in life. Illustration source : Writer
对于生活中任何需要克服的恐惧,引导式的掌握步骤将看起来像这样。 插图来源:作家

让我们看一些例子 (Let’s see some example)

For example, if you fear ‘Judgement of others on social networking platforms’. Possible ‘Guided Mastery’ steps from my POV to overcome this fear is

例如,如果您担心“在社交网络平台上对他人的评判”。 从我的POV可能采取的“精通掌握”步骤来克服这种恐惧是

Step 1 : Follow people who are not afraid of judgement.

步骤1: 跟随不害怕判断的人。

Step 2 : Observe & Learn from their thought process.

步骤2: 观察并学习他们的思维过程。

Step 3 : Attend sessions or talks of motivational speakers or experts in this field

步骤3: 参加该领域的激励性演讲者或专家的会议或讨论

Step 4 : Try putting out valuable content, and listen closely to your comments(good and bad)

第4步: 尝试发布有价值的内容,并认真听取您的评论(好与坏)

Step 5 : Take constructive criticism and move on.


Have a look at this video of David Kelley from IDEO, who explains the guided mastery technique, in his own words and from his experience.

观看来自IDEO的David Kelley的这段视频,他用自己的语言和经验解释了指导的精通技巧。

Know more here.


12.归功于他们🍹 (12. Give the credit to them🍹)

This quality in many leaders who are successful, has worked like a motivation factor for the team and as well as the organisation, as a whole. Leaders taking credits(like a one man show), does not work in teams. A small recognition in the terms of credit, incentive, reward, promotion or just a pat on the back, works wonders in boosting creative confidence.

在许多成功的领导人中,这种素质一直是团队和整个组织的动力因素 。 取得荣誉的领导者(例如一个人的表演)不能与团队合作。 对信用激励奖励晋升或只是轻拍一下的认可很少,可以激发创造信心。

13.找到自我暴露的方法🤩 (13. Find ways of self exposure 🤩)

Try to make yourself visible and relevant.


您如何使自己可见并具有相关性? (How do you make yourself visible & relevant?)

By creating valuable exposure for yourself. Thanks to the different social media platforms which are easily available to create this exposure at scale. Create content which is valuable for your audience and help them in whichever way possible. Find out the different ways of communication you are good at, it can be writing, video-making, podcasts, memes, cartoons, caricatures , gifs, etc., and use it to communicate your valuable content out there. LinkedIn is one of a great platform now to make yourself visible, relevant and build your brand.

通过为自己创造宝贵的曝光机会 。 得益于不同的社交媒体平台,这些平台可轻松用于大规模创建此展示机会。 创建对您的受众有价值的内容,并尽一切可能帮助他们。 找出您擅长的不同交流方式,例如写作视频制作播客模因卡通漫画gif等等,然后使用它来交流您有价值的内容 。 领英现在是一个出色的平台,可以让自己与众不同,相关并建立自己的品牌。

Have a look at this video below, where Gary V, talks about how LinkedIn is right now living the 2011 Facebook moment and why LinkedIn is totally relevant for us now.

请看下面的这段视频,其中Gary V谈到了LinkedIn现在如何度过2011 Facebook时刻以及为什么LinkedIn现在与我们完全相关。

LinkedIn is your Business Partner now

14.拥有一些宠物项目👨‍💻 (14. Have some pet projects 👨‍💻)

A wise man once told me


“It’s not what you do between 9 to 5, that makes you, it’s what you do after that.”


Try to do more of side hustle regarding your work, which makes your portfolio and boosts creative confidence in you. Any new findings, share it with your known designer friends or colleagues, to gather constructive feedback which will make you outgrow yourself.

尝试在工作上多做一些烦恼 ,这可以增加您的作品集并增强您的创作信心。 任何新发现,请与您的知名设计师朋友或同事分享,以收集建设性反馈,这将使您超出自我。

As mentioned above, take out one good idea, from your think tank journal, and start working on it.

如上所述,从您的智囊期刊中找出一个好主意 ,然后开始进行研究

15.拥抱失败😇 (15. Embrace Failures 😇)

We need to redefine failures to learnings. People need to be given that flexibility of quickly failing and moving on with the learnings. Don’t use the blame game to justify failures. Have an open minded culture, where failures are not frowned upon.

我们需要将失败重新定义为学习 。 需要给人们以快速失败和继续学习的灵活性。 不要用责备游戏来证明失败。 拥有开明的文化,不屈服于失败。

“Happily Fail in it, until you finally nail it.”


16.在舒适区域之外学习创新技能skill‍🎨 (16. Learn a creative skill outside your comfort zone 👩‍🎨)

When you are out of your comfort zone, and you keep exploring, there are points of achievements in this explorations.


This explorations in new fields, is called as Creative Cross Training. Check out this blog below, where Author, Srinivas Rao explains “The Power of Creative Cross Training: How Experimentation Creates Possibility”.

这种在新领域的探索被称为创意交叉训练。 请在下面查看此博客,作者Srinivas Rao解释了“创造性交叉培训的力量:实验如何创造可能性”。

Exploring a new pet skill has its own benefits : encourages open minded approach, you will meet failures(which is good, as mentioned in the above point 15), you embrace new POVs, get fresh ideas and it boosts your creative landscape and confidence.

探索一种新的宠物技能有其自身的好处:鼓励开放的态度 ,会遇到失败 (这是很好的,如以上第15点所述),您会接受新的POV获得新鲜的想法,并会增强您的创造力和信心。

Listen to Matt Cutts, why to try a new skill for the next 30 days and it’s benefits.

听马特·卡茨(Matt Cutts)讲,为什么接下来30天要尝试一项新技能,它的好处。

17.每天玩自己喜欢的运动🏏 (17. Play your favourite sport daily 🏏)

Playing a sport improves your fitness and also keeps you active. It has a positive impact on your professional (work ethics) and personal life. It is suggestive, that one should have keystone habits.

进行运动不仅可以提高身体素质,还可以使您保持活跃。 它对您的职业(职业道德)和个人生活产生积极影响。 有人建议,要养成基调的习惯

什么是基斯通习惯? (What is Keystone habits?)

Charles Duhigg, author of The Power of Habit, coined the term “keystone habits” to describe positive habits that have a strong correlation with other positive habits — like a ripple effect of positivity. For example, exercising regularly has been proven to increase confidence levels and lead to healthier eating and sleeping habits. When you adopt keystone habits, a lot of other things in your life tend to fall into place. Source.

《习惯的力量》一书的作者查尔斯·杜希格(Charles Duhigg)创造了“基石习惯”一词,用以描述与其他积极习惯密切相关的积极习惯 ,例如积极连锁React 。 例如,事实证明,定期锻炼可以增加自信心,并导致更健康的饮食和睡眠习惯。 当您采取基调的习惯时,生活中的许多其他事情会趋于固定。 来源 。

18.在一些关键领域进行微管理💁‍♀️ (18. Micro manage in some key areas 💁‍♀️)

Micro managing is a bad thing for productivity you would say. Yes, definitely I agree with you. It hits your productivity massively and your confidence and trust level decrease with your leader/manager. But there are different areas, where micro management can be done responsibly & effectively.

您可能会说,微管理对于提高生产力是一件坏事。 是的,我绝对同意你的观点。 它极大地影响了您的生产力,而您的领导者/经理则降低了您的信心和信任度。 但是在不同的领域,可以 负责任 有效地 进行微观管理

What has happened in the past few years is that, most of the open-minded managers understood the negative impacts of micro management and have totally given up on it. That itself is a problem. You need to micro manage with your employees, not for work, but for other psychological & mental state of things.

过去几年发生的事情是,大多数思想开放的经理都了解微观管理的负面影响,并完全放弃了微观管理。 那本身就是一个问题。 您需要与员工进行微观管理 ,而不是为了工作,而是为了其他 心理 状态。

在哪里进行微管理? (Where to micro manage?)

Some examples:


- Is that person happy in the project?


- Is that person having any issues with other team member/s?


- If that person is unable to deliver work, what went wrong personally or professionally, both?


- Ask that person, how would they like to rate their manager/leader and get points of improvements from them.


- What is that person’s expectations or preferences from the next project?


And so on…


It is no surprise that the number one reason employees leave their companies, is due to ineffective managers. Leaders need to stand as a support system and should act as a catalyst in the growth of their people.

员工离职的主要原因之一经理人的无效 ,这不足为奇。 领导者需要作为一种支持系统,并应作为其人民成长的催化剂。

Micro management should be done on the right stuff, not particularly on their work. If you take care of the emotional and mental state of mind of your employee, then great work is bound to happen(great work is the by product of such positive ecosystem).

微观管理应该在正确的地方进行,而不是在工作上。 如果您照顾到员工的情感和心理状态 ,那么伟大的工作就必定会发生(伟大的工作是这种积极的生态系统的副产品)。

19.用六个字讲一个故事🎤 (19. Tell a story in 6 words 🎤)

To understand one of the key concepts of effective communication & content, ie, KISS(Keep it Simple & Short), this task or exercise can be an interesting one to explore. To start of, you can take examples of famous movies and summarise them in not more than 6 words.

要了解有效沟通和内容的关键概念之一,即KISS(保持简单和简短) ,此任务或练习可能是一个有趣的探索对象。 首先,您可以举一些著名电影的例子,并用不超过6个字的摘要进行总结。

Like some examples

像一些 例子

Avatar : ‘A new world named Pandora, exists’.

阿凡达: “存在一个名为Pandora的新世界,”

Titanic : ‘Love story on a drowning ship’.

泰坦尼克号: “一艘溺水船上的爱情故事”

Baahubali : ‘Good & evil, portrayed by brothers’.

巴奥巴利: 好与坏,由兄弟们刻画”

Can definitely brainstorm more, but it’s more important, how to give it a try, in the first place. Try it out with your team, it’s fun(do have a time limit).

绝对可以进行更多的头脑风暴 ,但是,更重要的是,首先尝试一下 。 与您的团队一起尝试,这很有趣(有时间限制)。

For more inspiration have a look at this Instagram page of surprisinglyshortstories, where stories are told in short paragraph formats. This exercise will boost your content writing skill in the long run.

欲了解更多灵感看看这个Instagram网页surprisinglyshortstories ,在故事中短款形式告知。 从长远来看,该练习将提高您的内容编写技能

20.工作场所的游戏符号👍🏻 (20. Symbols of play at your workplace 👍🏻)

This is for the leaders and organisations specifically, to create an environment, which encourages playfulness. Because through playfulness, comes friendships, trust, interactions and breaking the ice, which eventually leads to a space, where you feel confident to express yourself freely.

这是专门针对领导者和组织的,目的是营造一种 鼓励嬉戏 的环境 。 因为通过嬉戏, 友谊信任互动破冰而来,最终形成了一个空间,您可以在其中自信 地自由 表达自己。

事实表明 (Facts say that)

82% of the employees agree that companies cannot encourage innovation, unless their workplace design and environment is innovative.


一些例子 (Some examples)

where ‘symbols of play’ in workplaces are built for their people :


At Google office
Some other office

The bottom line is, in any profession you may be, boosting your creative side, is key to generate maximum productivity in yourself. End of the day, a cool and pleasant state of mind will be able to produce positive impact for the company and as well as the people.

底线是,无论您从事哪种专业,都应发挥创造力 ,这是在您自己中实现最大生产力的关键。 一天结束时,冷静愉快的心态将能够对公司和员工产生积极的影响。

谢谢你的时间 (Thanks for your time)

If you have any things/tasks/games/ideas, which you think is good to boost one’s creative confidence, do write it and share in the responses below. Would love to hear them.

如果您有任何东西/任务/游戏/想法,认为对增强一个人的创造力很有帮助,请写下并分享以下答复。 希望听到他们的声音。

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翻译自: https://uxdesign/20-things-to-boost-your-creative-confidence-fa2cfb9d3e39


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