


WordPress is an extremely versatile platform, with a diverse range of capabilities. One of the most popular (and growing) uses of WordPress is running an eCommerce website. Thanks to some very brilliant plugins it’s possible to set up a online shop at a relatively low cost while still achieving professional design and functionality.

WordPress是一个非常通用的平台,具有多种功能 。 WordPress最受欢迎(并且还在不断增长)的用途之一是运行一个电子商务网站。 多亏了一些非常出色的插件,才有可能以较低的成本建立在线商店,同时仍能实现专业的设计和功能。

In this article I will show you five of the best WordPress shopping cart plugins, including their front-end design and most important features. Each plugin has its own strengths and weaknesses, so you will find pros and cons for each one of them.

在本文中,我将向您展示五个最好的WordPress购物车插件,包括它们的前端设计和最重要的功能。 每个插件都有其优点和缺点,因此您会发现它们各自的优缺点。

1. WooCommerce (1. WooCommerce)

WooCommerce demo


WooCommerce is by far the most popular eCommerce plugin for WordPress. It has definitely taken it’s place as a perfect alternative to Magento, which is considered the current leader in open source eCommerce software.

WooCommerce是迄今为止最流行的WordPress电子商务插件。 它肯定已经采取了它的地方作为一个完美的替代品Magento的 ,这被认为是开源电子商务软件目前处于领先地位。

Originally a fork of Jigoshop, WooCommerce is a free plugin maintained by WooThemes a very popular WordPress themes shop with lots of marketing power behind it. Popularity is one of the reasons for WooCommerce’s success, but being hot gets you nowhere in the long run. What’s more important is that WooThemes has put some serious effort into its product development, largely depending on it to keep the business running. WooCommerce is also supported by a large and active developer community, including it’s own dedicated developer and shop owner conference.

WooCommerce最初是Jigoshop的一个分支,是一个由WooThemes维护的免费插件,WooThemes是一个非常受欢迎的WordPress主题商店,其背后具有强大的营销能力。 受欢迎程度是WooCommerce成功的原因之一,但长远来看,炙手可热会让您一无所获。 更重要的是,WooThemes已对其产品开发进行了认真的努力,很大程度上取决于它来保持业务运行。 WooCommerce还得到了大型活跃的开发者社区的支持,包括其自己的专门开发者和商店所有者会议 。

And it shows, WooCommerce has many great features which make it a very worthy contender in this list. It includes important tools to start your online shop out of the box right away (even it’s base theme is quite nice). But eventually you’ll want to expand the default feature set, and that’s where a major downside of WooCommerce comes in: pricing.

它表明,WooCommerce具有许多出色的功能,使其成为此列表中非常有价值的竞争者。 它包含重要的工具,可以立即开箱即用地开始您的在线商店(即使它的基本主题也非常不错)。 但

本文标签: 插件最好的购物车wordpress