


You don’t have to hold up a microphone to your computer’s speakers to record its audio. Even if you don’t have a Stereo Mix option on your PC, you can easily record the sound coming from any Windows PC.

您不必举着麦克风连接计算机的扬声器来录制其音频。 即使您的PC上没有立体声混音选项,也可以轻松记录来自任何Windows PC的声音。

You can record the sound coming from your PC in numerous ways, and we’re going to show you the three best we’ve found. The first two options use only software, and the third relies on an old trick that connects your computer’s audio output to its audio input with an audio cable.

您可以用多种方式记录来自PC的声音,我们将向您展示我们发现的三种最佳声音。 前两个选项仅使用软件,而第三个选项则依靠一个古老的技巧,即通过音频电缆将计算机的音频输出连接到其音频输入。

选项1:立体声混音 (Option 1: Stereo Mix)

Stereo Mix is sometimes called “What U Hear.” It’s a special recording option that your sound drivers might provide. If it is included with your drivers, you can select Stereo Mix (instead of a microphone or audio line-in input), and then force any application to record the same sound that your computer is outputting from its speakers or headphones.

立体声混音有时被称为“您听到了什么”。 您的声音驱动程序可能会提供一个特殊的录音选项。 如果驱动程序附带了它,则可以选择“立体声混音”(而不是麦克风或音频输入输入),然后强制任何应用程序录制与计算机从扬声器或耳机输出的声音相同的声音。

On modern versions of Windows, Stereo Mix is g

本文标签: 立体声混音声音PC