



在使用ACCRUAL作为PROXY的时候,通常头疼于数据库中的不同变量应该如何排列组合,之前找到一篇由 Larson et. al (2017) 发的会计相关论文中给出了一个汇总,主要汇总的如何计算total accrual 和 operating accrual。非常好用!
文章全称为:Defining, Measuring and Modeling Accruals: A Guide for Researchers,可在SCHOLAR上面找到。


A voluminous literature examines accounting accruals. We systematically survey the definitions and empirical accrual measures used in the prior archival literature. This portion of our study is not intended to be a comprehensive survey, but rather to illustrate the diversity of accrual definitions and measurements used in the accounting literature. A Web of Science search for variants of the word “accrual” in the title of publications from The Accounting Review, Contemporary Accounting Research, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Journal of Acc

本文标签: 方式Accrual