

《Here on Earth》作者Tim Flannery
Beginning at the moment of creation with the Big Bang,Here on Earth explores the evolution of Earth from a galactic cloud of dust and gas to a planet with a metallic core and early signs of life within a billion years of being created.In a compelling narrative,FLannery describes the formation of the Earth’s crust and atmosphere,as well as the transformation of the planet’s oceans from toxic brews of metals (such as iron,copper,and lead) to life-sustaining bodies covering 70 percent of the planet’s surface.Life,Flannery shows,first appeared in these oceans in the form of microscopic plants and bacteria,and these metals served as catalysts for the earliest biological processes known to exist.From this starting point,Flannery tells the fascinating story of the evolution of our own species,exploring several early human speciesfrom the diminutive creatures(the famed hobbits) who lived in Africa around two million years ago to Homo erectusbefore turning his attention to Homo sapiens.Drawing on Charles Drawin’s and Alfred Russell Wallace’s theories of evolution and Lovelock’s Gaia hypothesis,Here on Earth is a dazzling account of life on our planet.

“Here on Earth”探索了,从“大爆炸”的那一刻开始,地球从尘埃和气体到具有金属核心的行星以及十亿年之内的早期生命迹象。FLannery描述了地球地壳和大气层的形成,以及海洋从有毒的金属(如铁,铜和铅)如何转变为覆盖地球表面70%的维持生命的物体。FLannery指出,生命,首先以微观植物和细菌的形式出现在这些海洋中,这些金属是已知存在的最早的生物形成过程的催化剂。从这个起点,FLannery讲述了我们人类物种进化的迷人故事,从大约200万年前生活在非洲的小型生物(著名的霍比特人)中探索几种早期人种,然后转向智人(Homo sapiens)。从查尔斯·达尔文和阿尔弗雷德·拉塞尔·华莱士的进化理论到洛夫洛克的盖亚假说,“Here on Earth”是对我们星球上生命的一个令人眼花缭乱的描述。

Tim Flannery is a writer, a scientist and an explorer. He has published over a dozen books including the award-winning bestsellers The Future Eaters, The Eternal Frontier and The Weather Makers. The 2007 Australian of the Year, Tim is Panasonic Professor in Environmental Sustainability at Macquarie University, and is National Geographic’s representative in Australasia. He sits on the sustainability boards of Siemens and Tata Power and the board of WWF International, and from 2007 to 2010 he chaired the Copenhagen Climate Council. Tim lives on the Hawkesbury River in New South Wales.
To VJF, OMS and MH

Tim Flannery是一位作家、科学家和探险家。 他出版了十多本书,包括屡获殊荣的畅销书The Future Eaters,The Eternal Frontier和The Weather Makers, 在二〇〇七年被授予澳大利亚年度人物的称号。蒂姆是麦考瑞大学环境可持续发展方面的Panasonic Professor,也是“国家地理”在澳大利亚的代表。 他是西门子和塔塔电力公司的可持续发展委员会和世界自然基金会国际组织的董事会成员,并于2007年至2010年担任哥本哈根气候委员会主席。 蒂姆住在新南威尔士州的霍克斯伯里河上一间环保屋里。

This book is a twin biography of our species and our planet. At its heart lies an investigation of sustainability-not how we achieve it, but what it is. I have written it at a time when hope that humanity might act to save itself from a climatic catastrophe seems to be draining away. Yet I am not without hope, for I believe that as we come to know ourselves and our planet we will be moved to act. Indeed, provoking that action is the purpose of this book.
这本书是“我们物种和地球”的双胞胎传记,其核心是对可持续性的调查 - 不是我们如何实现它,而是它本应该是什么。我曾经写过这个主题,希望人类可以采取行动以拯救自己免受气候灾难的影响(似乎没有引起人们的注意)。然而,我并非完全不报希望,因为我相信,当我们了解自己和我们的星球时,我们将会采取行动。的确,激发这一行动是本书的目的。
What is the nature of Earth? Is it akin to a cell, an organism or an ecosystem? How much energy does it require to operate? What is that energy used for, and how is it deployed? How flexible are Earth’s systems? Can they withstand severe challenges, and can their resilience and productivity be enhanced?
And what of us? Are we constituted by natural selection to be so selfish and greedy that we’re doomed to catastrophe? Or are there reasons to believe that we can overcome the problems confronting us, allowing our civilisation to continue? What of civilisation itself? What, precisely, is it?
These are some of the questions I attempt to answer in this book. Guiding me are the two great strands of evolutionary theory-reductionist science as epitomised by Charles Darwin and Richard Dawkins, and the great holistic analyses of the likes of Alfred Russel Wallace and James Lovelock. Each pursues a truth that at first seems to be in opposition to the other, but in the enormous complexity that is our living planet they operate as necessary and complementary opposites. When viewed together, these Darwinian and Wallacean world views, as I call them, provide a convincing explanation of life as a whole-and of what sustainability entails.
Fifty thousand years after our ancestors left Africa, our species is entering a new phase. We have formed a global civilisation of unprecedented might, a civilisation that is transforming our Earth. We have become masters of technology, spinning energy from matter at will and withal realising the dreams of the alchemists-transforming one element into another. We have trod the face of the Moon, touched the nethermost pit of the sea, and can link minds instantaneously across vast distances. But for all that, it’s not so much our technology, but what we believe, that will determine our fate.
Today, many think that our civilisation is doomed to collapse. As I will show, such fatalism is misplaced. It derives in large part from a misreading of Darwin, and a misunderstanding of our evolved selves. Either such ideas will survive, or we will.
There are others who believe that endless growth is possible. In their imaginations only the fittest survive, and human intelligence will triumph over all. This optimism also derives from a misreading of Darwin, but it owes much as well to ignorance of the fundamentally important insights of Wallace and Lovelock. Despite their patently flawed nature, such foolishly optimistic ideas have now reigned largely unchallenged in western society for 150 years and have already led us far down the road to a dismal fate. Unless corrected, they may become a fatal flaw indeed.
Narrow horizons and short time frames are always misleading. That’s why it’s impossible to determine whether, even in the dramatic changes we see over a lifetime, we’re witnesses to a descent into chaos, or a profound revolution that will lead to a better future. A wider view, one that encompasses humanity over the millennia and the world over the aeons, is required if we are to discern the true path of our evolutionary trajectory. In writing this book I’ve taken that long view, and, despite the challenges we now face, I feel optimistic-for ourselves, our children and our planet.
If we are to prosper, we must have hope, goodwill and understanding.
狭窄的视野和短暂的时间总会带来误解, 尽管在我们一生中能看到各种戏剧性变革,我们也难以确定,这些变革是会使我们陷入混乱,还是会带来更美好的未来的深刻革命。 如果我们真正要辨别我们的进化轨迹,就必须有一个更宏观的角度,一个涵盖千年以来的人类和世界的永恒观点。 在撰写本书时,我采取了长远的观点,尽管我们现在面临挑战,但我对自己,我们的孩子和地球感到乐观。 如果我们要繁荣,我们必须心怀希望、善意和理解。

Evolution’s Motive Force 进化的动力
There is nothing conscious about life’s lethal activities.PETER WARD 2009
Whatever each day held, Charles Darwin tried to set aside time for a stroll around a ‘sand walk’ near his home, Down House, in Kent. Tradition has it that the sand walk was his thinking space-the place where he sharpened his evolutionary theory, as well as the sentences that would so elegantly carry it into print. Consequently, the walk is regarded with reverence by many scientists, and when I made my first pilgrimage to Down House in October 2009 it was this place above all that I wished to see. After paying my respects to the great man’s office and drawing room, I followed the signs to the walk. It’s a little removed from the house and its enclosed gardens, and entering it one feels instantly transported from the ordered human world into the wider world of nature.
生命的致命活动没有任何意识。 PETER WARD 2009
无论每一天发生什么,查尔斯·达尔文都试图留出时间在他位于肯特郡的家(Down House)附近的“散步沙滩”周围散步。 人们普遍认为,“散步沙滩”就像是他的思维空间——他在那里构造了他的进化理论,以及那些优雅地打印出来的句子。 因此,许多科学家都非常喜欢散步。“散步沙滩”是我一直想参观的地方,当我在2009年10月第一次到Down House朝圣时, 向伟人办公室和客厅致敬之后,我按照标志走了一圈。 “散步沙滩”离房子及封闭的花园有点远,进入它时,人们会立刻从有序的人类世界进入到更广阔的自然世界。

The walk consists of an oval-shaped path around a forest of hazel, privet and dogwood planted by Darwin himself. I was surprised to discover that despite its name there is no sand on it, nor has there ever been. Instead, it is surfaced with flints, which Darwin’s son Francis remembered his father kicking from the path as a means of keeping count of the number of circuits he’d completed. The forest is now tall and venerable, and as I strolled I found myself pondering the thoughts that might possess a man as he walked repeatedly-almost compulsively-on a course as regular as a racetrack, through what must then have been saplings. While we can’t know what occupied Darwin on the sand walk, there are hints in notes left by his children. As they grew up they took to playing in the walk, and often distracted and delighted their father with their games. To a man immersed in complex reasoning, such disturbances would surely be resented, so perhaps complex theories or elegant sentences weren’t the things that occupied him after all.
It’s my guess that during this repetitious physical activity Darwin was mentally fingering his worry beads-and looming large among his concerns were the implications of the theory he is now famous for. Known today as evolution by natural selection, it explains how species, including our own, are created. Natural selection, Darwin understood from his studies, is an unspeakably cruel and amoral process. He came to realise that he must eventually tell the world that we are spawned not from godly love, but evolutionary barbarity. What would the social implications be? As his discovery became widely understood, would faith, hope and charity perish? Would England’s early industrial society, already barbaric enough, become a place where only the fittest survived, and where the survivors believed this was the natural order? Might his innocent-sounding theory turn people into cold-blooded survival machines?
** 我猜想,在这些重复的步伐中,达尔文在精神上忧心忡忡,但隐约可见的是他那些著名的理论,也就是今天被称为自然选择的进化论,它解释了物种,包括我们自己,是如何被创造出来的。达尔文从他的研究中了解到的这是一种无法形容的残忍和不道德的过程。他开始意识到他必须告诉全世界,我们的出生不是来自上帝的爱,而是来自野蛮的进化。这一发现的社会影响是什么呢?随着他的发现被广泛了解,信仰、希望和慈善会消亡吗?已经足够野蛮的英格兰早期的工业社会,会成为一个所谓的只有最适合的人才能生存的地方吗?并且那些幸存者会认为这就是自然的秩序吗?他“无辜的理论”会把人类变成冷血的机器吗?**
Charles Robert Darwin was born in 1809 in Shropshire, the son of a wealthy society doctor. Baptised into the Anglican Church, he was expected to follow his father into medicine. But the cruelty of surgery in the pre-anaesthetic era horrified him, so he quit his studies in favour of training as an Anglican parson, and in 1828 he enrolled in a Bachelor of Arts degree at Cambridge. This was the necessary prerequisite for a specialised course in divinity, and in his finals he excelled in theology, while barely scraping through in mathematics, physics and the classics. Darwin’s plans for a life of bucolic vicardom, however, were deferred when, in August 1831, he heard that a naturalist was needed for a two-year voyage to Tierra del Fuego and the East Indies aboard the survey ship Beagle.
**查尔斯·罗伯特·达尔文于1809年出生于什罗普郡,是一位富有的医生的儿子。 他受洗进入英国国教教堂,并被期望继承父亲的医业。 但是在麻醉前的时代,手术的残忍使他感到不适,所以他放弃了医学,转而接受了英国圣公会牧师的培训,并于1828年在剑桥大学攻读文学学士学位, 这是神学专业课程的必要条件,在学期末,他在神学方面的表现非常出色,而在数学,物理和古典艺术方面却没有造诣。 他本打算过着田园诗般的生活,然而,在1831年8月,当他听说考察船Beagle需要一名博物学者进行为期两年的航行(到达火地岛和东印度群岛)时,他推迟了他的的田园生活想法。 **
Although his father initially opposed the venture, Charles won him over and was accepted as a self-funded gentleman naturalist on the voyage. His most important duty, from the navy’s perspective, was to provide Captain Robert Fitzroy-a man of rather melancholy temperament-with companionship. The voyage would stretch to five years, taking Darwin round the globe and exposing him to the extraordinary biodiversity and geology of South America, Australia and many islands. It was in the Galápagos archipelago that Darwin collected what would become vital evidence for his theory-species of birds and reptiles that had evolved on, and were unique to, specific islands. For any young man such a voyage would be formative, but for Darwin it was world-changing. He later said that ‘the voyage of the Beagle has been by far the most important event in my life and has determined my whole career’.
The experience led Darwin to reject religion. He later described how he had struggled to hold onto his faith, even as exposure to other cultures and the wider world made it less and less plausible:
I was very unwilling to give up my belief; I feel sure of this, for I can well remember often and often inventing day-dreams of old letters between distinguished Romans, and manuscripts being discovered at Pompeii or elsewhere, which confirmed in the most striking manner all that was written in the Gospels. But I found it more and more difficult, with free scope given to my imagination, to invent evidence which would suffice to convince me. Thus disbelief crept over me at very slow rate, but was at last complete.
Upon returning to England in 1836, Darwin was accepted immediately into the bosom of the Victorian scientific establishment, and he commenced working up his Beagle discoveries. In 1842, aged thirty-two, he purchased Down House and there embarked upon a long career as an independent, and independently wealthy, scientist. The property provided for all Darwin’s needs, serving as both a laboratory and a family home. Relatively modest in size, Down House must have been alive with the sounds of Charles and Emma Darwin’s seven surviving children, and at times it must have seemed crowded. There is nonetheless an orderliness to the house and grounds that marks them as laboratories, in which Darwin pursued every conceivable ramification of the theory of evolution by natural selection, from the pollination of orchids to the origins of facial expressions.
1836年回到英格兰后,达尔文立即进入了维多利亚时代科学机构,并开始研究他在Beagle船上的发现。 1842年,在他32岁时,他购买了Down House,并开始了一个独立的、自费的(independently wealthy并不知道什么意思)科学家的长期职业生涯。 Down House满足达尔文的所有需求,既可作为实验室,也可作为家庭住宅。 它大小适中,富有生机,达尔文和妻子孩子生活在一起,尽管有时看起来拥挤, 但作为实验室,房屋和地面仍然是有序的。在这里,达尔文研究了从兰花的授粉到面部表情的起源,追求每一种可以想象的自然选择的进化论(可能意思不太对)。
Such a life is for the scientist a kind of Nirvana, but Darwin’s lot was not entirely a happy one. Soon after returning from the Beagle voyage he fell ill, and for the rest of his life was plagued with symptoms, including heart palpitations, muscle spasms and nausea, that increased as he anticipated social occasions. Down House became his refuge, its solitude sustaining him through years of relentless work, illness and psychological stress until his death in 1882. I have little doubt that his illness was partly psychological, and exacerbated by what he believed to be the moral implications of his theory-a theory he largely kept to himself for twenty years. Darwin had realised that new species arose by natural selection as early as 1838, but he didn’t publish until 1858. ‘It is like confessing a murder,’ he confided to a fellow scientist when explaining his evolutionary ideas in a letter.
这样的生活对于科学家来说是一种天堂,但达尔文的生活并不完全是幸福的。从Beagle航行回来后不久,他病倒了,他的余生一直受到病痛的困扰,包括心悸,肌肉痉挛和恶心,并且随着预期的社交场合的增加而情况加剧。 Down House成了他的避难所,它的孤独使他经历了多年休止的工作、疾病和心理压力,直到1882年去世。我毫不怀疑他的病情部分是心理上的,并且是由于他坚持了二十年的理论在道德上是有深意的,因此他的病情更加恶化。早在1838年,达尔文就已经意识到新物种是通过自然选择产生的,但他直到1858年才出版。他在一封信中解释他的进化理论时向一位科学家吐露说,这就像“承认谋杀”一样。
Down House is central to Darwin and the development of his theory, and to understand that extraordinary place one can do no better than to read Darwin’s study of earthworms.[2] We might have earthworms in our gardens and compost bins, but few of us take the time to investigate them. For Darwin, however, they held a lifelong fascination. In many ways his worm monograph, which was his last book, is his most remarkable, documenting as it does experiments that ran continuously for almost three decades. Some of the worms lived in flowerpots, which were often kept inside Down House, and they seem to have become family pets. Certainly their individual personalities were appreciated, Darwin noting that some were timid and others brave, some neat and tidy while others were slovenly.
Down House是一个不平凡的地方,是达尔文的生活和他理论发展的中心,想要认识Down House,那就要读一读达尔文在这里对蚯蚓的研究。 我们的花园里可能也会有蚯蚓和堆肥箱,但我们很少有人花时间去研究它们。 然而,对于达尔文来说,他对它们终生着迷。他的最后一本书《蚯蚓》,是他最引人注目的书籍,记录了一个连续进行了三十年的实验, 一些蚯蚓生活在花盆里,这些花盆经常被放在唐楼内,它们似乎已成为家庭宠物。 当然,它们的个性受到关注,达尔文注意到有些蚯蚓胆怯,有些勇敢,有些整洁,而有些则邋遢。

本文标签: Earth