




(2)、try语句块:异常处理部分使用try语句块处理异常。try语句块以关键字try开始,并以一个或多个catch子句结束。try语句块中代码抛出的异常通常会被某个catch子句处理。因为catch子句处理异常,所以它们也被称作异常处理代码。catch子句包括三部分:关键字catch、括号内一个(可能未命名的)对象的声明(称作异常声明,exception  declaration)以及一个块。当选中了某个catch子句处理异常之后,执行与之对应的块。catch一旦完成,程序跳转到try语句块最后一个catch子句之后的那条语句继续执行。try语句块声明的变量在块外部无法访问,特别是在catch子句内也无法访问。如果一段程序没有try语句块且发生了异常,系统会调用terminate函数并终止当前程序的执行。

(3)、一套异常类(exception class):用于在throw表达式和相关的catch子句之间传递异常的具体信息。



(2)、stdexcept头文件定义了几种常用的异常类,如下(《C++ Primer(Fifth Edition)》):



Exceptions provide a way to react to exceptional circumstances (like run time errors) in programs by transferring control to special functions called handlers.

To catch exceptions, a portion of code is placed under exception inspection. This is done by enclosing that portion of code in a try-block. When an exceptional circumstance arises within that block, an exception is thrown that transfers the control to the exception handler. If no exception is thrown, the code continues normally and all handlers are ignored.

An exception is thrown by using the throw keyword from inside the try block. Exception handlers are declared with the keyword catch, which must be placed immediately after the try block.

The C++ Standard library provides a base class specifically designed to declare objects to be thrown as exceptions. It is called std::exception and is defined in the<exception> header. This class has a virtual member function called what that returns a null-terminated character sequence (of type char *) and that can be overwritten in derived classes to contain some sort of description of the exception.

C++provides a list of standard exceptions defined in <exception> ( https://www.tutorialspoint/cplusplus/cpp_exceptions_handling.htm ):


#include "try_catch.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <exception>
#include <vector>

// reference: http://www.cplusplus/doc/tutorial/exceptions/
int test_exception1()
	try {
		throw 20;
	catch (int e) {
		std::cout << "An exception occurred. Exception Nr. " << e << '\n';

	return 0;

class myexception : public std::exception
	virtual const char* what() const throw()
		return "My exception happened";
} myex;

int test_exception2()
	try {
		throw myex;
	catch (std::exception& e) { // catches exception objects by reference (notice the ampersand & after the type)
		std::cout << e.what() << '\n';

	return 0;

int test_exception3()
	exception		description
	bad_alloc		thrown by new on allocation failure
	bad_cast		thrown by dynamic_cast when it fails in a dynamic cast
	bad_exception		thrown by certain dynamic exception specifiers
	bad_typeid		thrown by typeid
	bad_function_call	thrown by empty function objects
	bad_weak_ptr		thrown by shared_ptr when passed a bad weak_ptr
	try {
		int* myarray = new int[1000];
	catch (std::exception& e) { // Takes a reference to an 'exception' object
		std::cout << "Standard exception: " << e.what() << std::endl;

	return 0;

// reference: http://en.cppreference/w/cpp/language/try_catch
int test_exception4()
	try {
		std::cout << "Throwing an integer exception...\n";
		throw 42;
	catch (int i) {
		std::cout << " the integer exception was caught, with value: " << i << '\n';

	try {
		std::cout << "Creating a vector of size 5... \n";
		std::vector<int> v(5);
		std::cout << "Accessing the 11th element of the vector...\n";
		std::cout <<; // vector::at() throws std::out_of_range
	catch (const std::exception& e) { // caught by reference to base
		std::cout << " a standard exception was caught, with message '"
			<< e.what() << "'\n";

	return 0;

// reference: https://www.tutorialspoint/cplusplus/cpp_exceptions_handling.htm
static int division(int a, int b) {
	if (b == 0) {
		throw "Division by zero condition!";
	return (a / b);

int test_exception5()
	int x{ 50 }, y{ 0 }, z{ 0 };

	try {
		z = division(x, y);
		std::cout << z << std::endl;
	catch (const char* msg) {
		std::cerr << msg << std::endl;

	return 0;

struct MyException : public std::exception
	const char * what() const throw () {
		return "C++ Exception";

int test_exception6()
	try {
		throw MyException();
	catch (MyException& e) {
		std::cout << "MyException caught" << std::endl;
		std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
	catch (std::exception& e) {
		//Other errors

	return 0;

int test_exception7()
	try {
		char* str = nullptr;
		str = new char[10];
		if (str == nullptr) throw "Allocation failure";
		for (int n = 0; n <= 100; n++) {
			if (n > 9) throw n;
			str[n] = 'z';
	catch (int i) {
		std::cout << "Exception: ";
		std::cout << "index " << i << " is out of range" << std::endl;
	catch (char * str) {
		std::cout << "Exception: " << str << std::endl;

	return 0;


本文标签: Catchthrow