

  1. 问题原因



I have fixed it with pure javascript.

Since the dom is just invisible due to missing "language.js" file - some do elements have incorrect state.

So, the easy way is to "set programmatically" the language combobox value AND execute POST request to the sever (rv320)

Here is the steps:

1. Open you routers login page

2. Open dev tools in your browser -> select Console and be ready to type 3 commands.

[I got the html source from page and found this code in it, Software Engineers may find this here: "function LanguageChange()"]

3. Print and hit enter:

 document.form_contents.changelanguage.value = "ENGLISH"

4. POST request must be sent to webserver of rv320 and page reload must occur.

Now your router is usable.

本文标签: 思科界面只显示路由器解决方案