

Google Chrome hides the “https://” and “www.” in web addresses until you click twice in the address field. If you’d rather see the full URL, you can by enabling a hidden flag added in Chrome 83. You’ll see “https://www.howtogeek” instead of “howtogeek”.

Google Chrome浏览器会隐藏“ https://”和“ www”。 在网址中输入,直到您在地址字段中单击两次。 如果您希望看到完整的URL,可以启用在Chrome 83中添加的隐藏标记。您将看到“ https://www.howtogeek”而不是“ howtogeek”。

This option requires enabling a hidden flag in Google Chrome. To find it, copy-paste the following text into Chrome’s address bar and press Enter:

此选项需要在Google Chrome浏览器中启用隐藏标志。 要找到它,请将以下文本复制并粘贴到Chrome的地址栏中,然后按Enter:


To the right of “Context menu show full URLs” on the Flags page, click the box and select “Enabled.”


Click “Relaunch Chrome” to restart the browser. Be sure to save any data on web pages before clicking this button—Chrome will reopen all your tabs, but you may lose information that you typed in forms on web pages, for example.

点击“重新启动Chrome”以重新启动浏览器。 单击此按钮之前,请确保将所有数据保存在网页上-Chrome将重新打开所有标签页,但是例如,您可能会丢失在网页上键入的信息。

Now, right-click in Chrome’s address bar select “Always show full URLs” to make Chrome show full URLs.


To disable this feature, right-click in the address bar again and uncheck it.


As usual with Chrome flags, this hidden flag is experimental and could be removed or change at any time in the future.


We expect that Google will one day remove the flag and leave the “Always show full URLs” option in the address bar for everyone. Anyone would then be able to toggle full web addresses in a few clicks without messing with flags.

我们希望Google有一天会删除该标记,并在所有人的地址栏中保留“始终显示完整的URL”选项。 这样,任何人都可以单击几下即可切换完整的网址,而不会弄乱标记。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/677848/how-to-always-show-full-urls-in-google-chrome/

本文标签: 器中完整Googlechromeurl