


by Princiya


提问的艺术 (The art of asking questions)

The art and science of asking questions is the source of all knowledge. Source

提问的艺术和科学是所有知识的源泉。 资源

介绍 (Introduction)

What makes us human, I think, is an ability to ask questions, a consequence of our sophisticated spoken language. Animals are such agreeable friends — they ask no questions; they pass no criticisms. Jane Goodall, George Eliot.

我认为,使我们变得人性化的是一种提出问题的能力,这是我们复杂的口语表达的结果。 动物真是令人愉快的朋友-他们不问任何问题; 他们没有批评。 简·古道尔(Jane Goodall),乔治·艾略特(George Eliot) 。

背景 (Background)

“What makes us human, I think, is an ability to ask questions, a consequence of our sophisticated spoken language.” — Jane Goodall

“我认为,使我们变得人性化的是一种提出问题的能力,这是我们复杂的口语表达的结果。” — 简·古道尔

It has happened nnumber of times to me in the past. My brain has had a question, but I have always stopped it from slipping out, thinking I would make a fool out of myself. Only later would I realise that somebody else asked a similar question and got applauded for asking such a wonderful question!

它发生n的时间对我来说,在过去数。 我的大脑有一个问题,但我一直阻止它滑出,以为我会自欺欺人。 直到后来,我才意识到有人提出了类似的问题,并因提出如此精彩的问题而受到鼓掌!

Do you relate to this situation?


It’s been more than a year now, and I am getting better at asking questions, in fact, sometimes I have way too many questions to ask. Thanks to the Outreachy internship, I have overcome my imposter syndrome! Also, these days, usually I am on the other side of the table while handling interviews or pull requests, and I have some advice on the importance of asking questions and how to ask them right.

现在已经一年多了,而我的提问能力也越来越好,事实上,有时候我有太多的问题要问。 多亏了外展实习,我克服了冒名顶替综合症 ! 同样,这些天,通常我在桌子旁,面试或提出要求时,我对提出问题的重要性以及如何正确提出问题提出了一些建议。

“Animals are such agreeable friends — they ask no questions; they pass no criticisms.” — George Eliot.

“动物是如此友好的朋友-他们不问任何问题; 他们没有批评。” — 乔治·艾略特 ( George Eliot) 。

规则1 (Rule 1)

不要做假设。 (Don’t make assumptions.)

I cannot stress enough on the importance of open communication, asking questions whenever relevant and avoiding any silent assumptions. This rule applies to your normal day to day work, talking to your colleagues or undergoing an interview process.

我不能过分强调开放式沟通的重要性,在相关时提出问题并避免任何无声的假设。 此规则适用于您的日常工作,与同事交谈或进行面试。

规则二 (Rule 2)

深思 (Think deep)

Life throws at us many options and it is very easy to get lost and lose focus in life. At times, it is also very important to ask relevant questions of ourselves.

生活给我们带来了很多选择,很容易迷失方向,失去对生活的关注。 有时,问自己相关的问题也很重要。

Before you start some work, always ask yourself three questions:


  • Why are you doing it

  • What might the results be, and

  • Will you be successful.


Only when you think deeply and find satisfactory answers to these questions, go ahead. Chanakya

只有深思熟虑并找到满意的答案,才可以继续。 Chanakya

规则三 (Rule 3)

没有问题是愚蠢的 (No question is stupid)

If you are like me, then I totally understand how hard it is to push yourself to ask a question.


No one is dumb who is curious. The people who don’t ask questions remain clueless throughout their lives. Neil deGrasse Tyson

没有人会好奇。 不问问题的人一生都一无所知。 尼尔·德格拉斯·泰森

Once you start asking questions, innocence is gone. Mary Astor

一旦开始提出问题,纯真就消失了。 玛丽·阿斯特

例子 (Examples)

Based on my experience, few real world examples explaining the need to ask questions.


1:使用首字母缩写词时 (1: When using an acronym)

A common scenario is when one person uses an acronym that might not be very common. You can politely ask the person to abbreviate the acronym rather than making silent assumptions and thereby ending up with a different conclusion.

常见的情况是一个人使用的首字母缩写可能不太常见。 您可以礼貌地要求该人缩写,而不是默默假设,从而得出不同的结论。

2:维护作业日志 (2: Maintaining your homework log)

Another scenario is to silently note down points when you are too shy to ask questions openly. You end up building a homework log for yourself, and spend double the time to get answers for the very questions which could have been answered instantly, if you’d had the courage to ask in the first place.

另一种情况是,当您太害羞而无法公开提问时,请默默记录下来的要点。 您最终自己建立了一个作业日志,并且花了两倍的时间来获得可能立即得到回答的问题的答案,如果您首先有勇气要问的话。

Research shows this is a prevalent case with under-represented groups and people of colour. As a woman of colour, I myself, have done this n number of times when I have been too scared to be framed of not knowing anything. This is a clear symptom of having Imposter Syndrome.

研究表明,这是一个普遍存在的案例,有代表性不足的人群和有色人种。 作为一个有色女人,我本人已经做了n次了,因为我太害怕以至于不知道自己一无所知。 这是患有冒名顶替综合症的明显症状。

Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want or need to know. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life. Don Miguel Ruiz

勇于提出问题并表达您真正想要或需要知道的事情。 尽可能与他人进行清晰的沟通,以避免误会,悲伤和戏剧性。 只需达成一项协议,您就可以彻底改变自己的生活。 唐·米格尔·鲁伊斯

3:面试中 (3: During an interview)

While there is enough advice available on preparing yourself for an interview process and the questions to ask, I too would like to stress the importance of asking a few relevant questions when given the time. As an interviewer myself, I really like when interviewees ask questions.

尽管有足够的建议可以帮助您为面试过程做准备以及要提出的问题,但我也想强调一点,在有时间的时候提出一些相关的问题很重要。 作为我自己的面试官,我真的很喜欢面试官问问题。

4:问题和请求请求 (4: Issues and pull requests)

Dealing with the OpenSource world gets better with experience. I can still recall the days when I was new and everything was too overwhelming. Naturally, I was too shy to comment on an issue or pull request and used to spend a considerable amount of time before I made a public statement.

与开源世界打交道的经验会变得更好。 我仍然可以回想起刚开始的时候,一切都压倒性的日子。 自然,我很害羞,无法对问题或请求撤消发表评论,并且习惯于在发表公开声明之前花费大量时间。

Get a mentor or practice with your colleagues reviewing each other's pull requests in a constructive manner. Trust me, this gets much better over time.

与您的同事一起寻求指导或练习,以建设性的方式审查彼此的拉动请求。 相信我,随着时间的推移,这种情况会变得更好。

结论 (Conclusion)

Having said all that, while we have to get better at asking questions, it is also equally important to be in an environment which fosters the culture of asking questions and giving encouraging answers. Below are a few pointers on how to achieve this:

综上所述,尽管我们必须更好地提出问题,但在营造出提出问题和给出令人鼓舞答案的文化的环境中,同样重要。 以下是有关如何实现此目标的一些提示:

  1. Do not make fun of others or shame them for asking questions

  2. It is ok to not know the answer to everything

  3. Be humble in accepting the above fact

  4. Learn new things while discovering answers to unknown questions

  5. Share your learnings


I would be very much interested in knowing your thoughts and experiences on this subject. Please share your feedback. Thank you ?

我很想了解您在这个问题上的想法和经验。 请分享您的反馈。 谢谢 ?

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp/news/the-art-of-asking-questions-84c01c9987a4/


本文标签: 艺术新手