


  • as的意思总结

    • as+n.

      • 作为

      • 例句

        • As a logical consequence of this development,separate journals have now appreared aimed mainly towards either professional or amateur readership.

          • 由于这种发展的逻辑结果,现在已经针对主要是专业或业余读者的独立期刊进行了评估。
        • As a result, the support for ambition as a healthy impulse , a quality to be admired and fixed in the mind of the young , is probably lower than it has ever in the United States.

          • 结果,将雄心壮志作为一种健康的冲动,一种在年轻人心目中得到赞赏和固定的品质的支持,可能比美国以往任何时候都低。
    • v.+…(n.)…+as

      • 此时as的意思取决于前面名词的意思

      • 例句

        • I shall define him as an individual who has elected as his primary duty and pleasure in life the activity of thinking in Socratic way about moral problems.

          • 我将他定义为一个个人,他选择了以苏格拉底式的方式思考道德问题
        • Tylor defined culture as " …that complex whole which includes belief ,art, morals,law,custom,and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.

          • 泰勒将文化定义为“ …一个复杂的整体,其中包括信仰,艺术,道德,法律,习惯以及人类作为社会成员获得的任何其他能力和习惯。
    • as+句子

      • as可翻译为(状语从句)

        • 当…的时候
        • 因为
        • 虽然、尽管
        • 好像、似乎
        • 可能是定语从句,很少考
      • 例句

        • As is true of any developed society , in America a complex set of cultural signals ,assumptions,and conventions underlies all social interrelationships.

          • 就像任何发达社会一样,在美国,所有社会相互关系都是一系列复杂的文化信号,假设和惯例的基础。
        • Shortlists for job interviews ,election ballot papers ,lits of conference speakers and attendees:all tend to be drawn up alphabetically ,and their recipients lose interest as they plough trough them.

          • 求职面试的清单,选举选票,会议演讲者和与会人员的名单:都倾向于按字母顺序绘制,当人们费劲的往后翻看这些名单时,会失去兴趣。
        • With other audiences you mustn’t to cut in with humor as they will resent an outsider making disparaging remarks about their canteen or their chairman.

          • 与其他观众一起时,您切不可幽默,因为他们会讨厌局外人,对他们的食堂或董事长轻描淡写。
        • New forms of thoughts as well as new subjects for thought must arise in the future as they have in the past ,giving rise to new standards of elegance.

          • 新的思想形式和新的思想主题必须像过去一样在未来出现,从而产生新的优雅标准。
    • as…as

      • 和…一样

        • 取决于前后两句话的意思

本文标签: 比较级语法专题长难句