

Sony’s PlayStation 4 can now stream games to Windows PCs and Macs with a feature called Remote Play. That means you can play your games right on your PC or laptop, without hogging the TV when your spouse or roommates want to use it.

索尼的PlayStation 4现在可以通过名为“远程播放”的功能将游戏流式传输到Windows PC和Mac。 这意味着您可以直接在PC或笔记本电脑上玩游戏,而当您的配偶或室友想要使用电视时,无需切换电视。

Remote Play isn’t entirely new, as it’s always worked with certain Sony devices and you can use it to unofficially stream PS4 games to any Android device. Unlike Microsoft’s Xbox-One-to-PC streaming, the PS4’s Remote Play works over the Internet, not just your local network. And, it also allows you to stream games to Macs–not just Windows PCs.

Remote Play并不是全新的,因为它始终可以在某些Sony设备上使用,您可以使用它来非正式地将PS4游戏流传输到任何Android设备上 。 与Microsoft的Xbox一对一PC流不同 ,PS4的Remote Play可以通过Internet而不只是本地网络工作。 而且,它还允许您将游戏流式传输到Mac,而不仅仅是Windows PC。

你需要什么 (What You’ll Need)

You’ll need to be running firmware 3.50 or newer on your PlayStation 4 to do this. To ensure you have the latest firmware updates, go to the Settings screen on your PS4 and select “System Software Update.” Your PS4 will check for any available updates and allow you to download them.

为此,您需要在PlayStation 4上运行固件3.50或更高版本。 为了确保您具有最新的固件更新,请转到PS4上的“设置”屏幕,然后选择“系统软件更新”。 您的PS4将检查是否有可用的更新,并允许您下载它们。

Sony recommends an Internet connection with download and upload speeds of at least 12Mbps for optimal game streaming. You may want to test your Internet connection speed using the SpeedTest website if you’re not sure how fast it is. This only matters if you’ll be streaming games over the Internet, however. If you won’t, your Internet connection doesn’t matter–your network is probably fast enough.

索尼建议Internet连接,其下载和上传速度至少应为12Mbps,以实现最佳游戏流。 如果不确定速度有多快,您可能需要使用SpeedTest网站 测试Internet连接速度 。 但是,这仅在您要通过Internet流媒体游戏时才重要。 如果不需要,则Internet连接没有关系-您的网络可能足够快。

On your computer, you’ll need either Windows 8.1 or Windows 10–sorry, Windows 7 isn’t supported, but you can still upgrade to Windows 10 for free. Sony recommends at least an Intel Core i5-560M 2.67GHz processor and 2GB of RAM for optimal performance

在您的计算机上,您将需要Windows 8.1或Windows 10 –很抱歉,不支持Windows 7,但是您仍然可以免费升级到Windows 10 。 索尼建议至少使用Intel Core i5-560M 2.67GHz处理器和2GB RAM,以获得最佳性能。

If you have a Mac, you’ll need either OS X Yosemite or OS X El Capitan. Sony recommends at least an Intel Core i5-520M 2.40 GHz processor and 2GB of RAM.

如果您使用Mac,则需要OS X Yosemite或OS X El Capitan。 索尼建议至少使用Intel Core i5-520M 2.40 GHz处理器和2GB RAM。

第一步:在PlayStation 4上启用远程播放 (Step One: Enable Remote Play on Your PlayStation 4)

First, you’ll need to enable Remote Play on your PlayStation 4 if you haven’t already. Head to your PlayStation 4’s Settings screen, select “Remote Play Connection Settings” in the list, and enable the “Enable Remote Play” option.

首先,您还需要在PlayStation 4上启用“远程播放”功能。 转到PlayStation 4的“设置”屏幕,在列表中选择“远程播放连接设置”,然后启用“启用远程播放”选项。

Next, head to the main Settings screen and select “PlayStation Network/Account Management.” Select “Activate as Your Primary PS4” and use the “Activate” option. Remote Play will automatically connect to and stream from the PlayStation 4 marked as your primary PlayStation 4.

接下来,转到“设置”主屏幕,然后选择“ PlayStation网络/帐户管理”。 选择“激活为您的主要PS4”并使用“激活”选项。 远程播放将自动连接到标记为您的主要PlayStation 4的PlayStation 4并从其中流式传输。

You’ll also want to head back to the main Settings screen and select “Power Save Settings.” Select “Set Features Available in Rest Mode”, and enable the “Stay Connected to the Internet” and “Enable Turning on of PS4 from Network” options. This will allow the Remote Play application to remotely wake your PS4 from rest mode so you can quickly connect and play games.

您还需要回到“设置”主屏幕,然后选择“省电设置”。 选择“设置在休息模式下可用的功能”,然后启用“保持连接到Internet”和“启用从网络打开PS4”选项。 这将使Remote Play应用程序可以将您的PS4从休息模式远程唤醒,以便您可以快速连接和玩游戏。

第二步:在PC或Mac上安装和配置远程播放 (Step Two: Install and Configure Remote Play on Your PC or Mac)

Next, head to your computer and download the Remote Play application for Windows or Mac from Sony’s website. Install it as you would a normal application.

接下来,转到您的计算机,然后从Sony网站下载适用于Windows或Mac的Remote Play应用程序 。 像普通应用程序一样安装它。

Launch the PS4 Remote Play application once it’s installed, and you’ll be asked to connect a PlayStation 4 DualShock 4 controller to your computer via a USB cable. Unfortunately, Sony only officially supports controllers connected via a USB cable, despite the fact that you can pair PS4 controllers with your computer via Bluetooth. You can use the same USB cable you use to connect your DualShock 4 controller to your PlayStation 4 for charging.

安装PS4 Remote Play应用程序后,将其启动,然后将要求您通过USB电缆将PlayStation 4 DualShock 4控制器连接到计算机。 不幸的是,尽管您可以通过蓝牙将PS4控制器与计算机配对 ,但Sony仅正式支持通过USB电缆连接的控制器 。 您可以使用用于将DualShock 4控制器连接到PlayStation 4进行充电的USB电缆。

Click “Start” and you’ll be able to sign in with your PlayStation Network account you use on your PS4. Open the Settings screen in the application, and sign in with the same PlayStation Network account you use on your PS4. This will connect the Remote Play app with your PS4. The application may take up to a few minutes to find your PS4, so be patient.

单击“开始”,您将可以使用在PS4上使用的PlayStation网络帐户登录。 在应用程序中打开“设置”屏幕,然后使用您在PS4上使用的同一PlayStation网络帐户登录。 这会将Remote Play应用程序与您的PS4连接。 该应用程序可能需要几分钟才能找到您的PS4,因此请耐心等待。

Once you’re connected, you can use the PS4 controller connected with the Remote Play app to remotely control your PS4. Launch games, and they’ll run on your PS4 and stream to the computer you’re sitting in front of. Everything works like it normally would, although you’ll have some amount of added latency and somewhat inferior graphics than if you were sitting directly in front of your PS4.

建立连接后,您可以使用与Remote Play应用程序连接的PS4控制器来远程控制PS4。 启动游戏,它们将在您的PS4上运行并流到您坐在前面的计算机上。 尽管与直接坐在PS4前面相比,您将拥有一定程度的增加的延迟和稍微逊色的图形,但一切都可以正常进行。

Mouse over the window and use the button that appears at the bottom-right corner to set it to full-screen mode.


第三步:调整设置 (Step Three: Tweak Your Settings)

You can tweak graphical options by clicking the “Settings” button on the main screen. You can select a resolution of either High (720p), Standard (540p), or Low (360p). Standard is selected by default, but you should try using High for best graphical quality. If the video or audio skips, you can lower this setting to make the streaming work more smoothly. Remote Play doesn’t currently offer 1080p as a streaming option.

您可以通过单击主屏幕上的“设置”按钮来调整图形选项。 您可以选择高(720p),标准(540p)或低(360p)分辨率。 默认情况下选择标准,但是您应该尝试使用高以获得最佳图形质量。 如果视频或音频跳过,则可以降低此设置以使流媒体工作更加顺畅。 远程播放当前不提供1080p作为流媒体选项。

You can also select either Standard or High as your frame rate, with Standard selected by default. High will result in a smoother streaming experience, but you’ll need to have a faster connection to the PS4 for this. The PS4’s built-in gameplay recording options will also be disabled if you select High. High is ideal on your home network, assuming you have a fast enough Wi-Fi connection or wired Ethernet connection for your PS4 and computer. You can always try enabling High to see how it performs, and back off if it ends up being too slow.

您也可以选择标准或高作为帧速率,默认情况下选择标准。 “高”将带来更流畅的流媒体体验,但是为此您需要更快地连接到PS4。 如果您选择“高”,则PS4的内置游戏录制选项也将被禁用。 如果您的PS4和计算机具有足够快的Wi-Fi连接或有线以太网连接,则High在家庭网络上是理想的选择。 您始终可以尝试启用“高”以查看其性能,如果最终变得太慢则退后。

如何解决连接和流媒体问题 (How to Fix Connection and Streaming Problems)

If the Remote Play app doesn’t find your PS4 automatically, you can manually pair the Remote Play application with a PS4. Just click the “Register Manually” button on the screen that appears while the app is trying to connect. You’ll then need to get a code by visiting the Settings > Remote Play Connection Settings screen on your PS4 and selecting “Add Device.” You’ll receive a code you’ll need to enter in the app.

如果“远程播放”应用程序未自动找到您的PS4,则可以手动将“远程播放”应用程序与PS4配对。 在应用程序尝试连接时,只需在出现的屏幕上单击“手动注册”按钮即可。 然后,您需要通过访问PS4上的“设置”>“远程播放连接设置”屏幕并选择“添加设备”来获取代码。 您将收到需要在应用程序中输入的代码。

If the connection isn’t very smooth, try going into the Settings screen and selecting a lower resolution or frame rate. The lower the resolution and frame rate, the less bandwidth you need and the better it will perform on slower Internet connections.

如果连接不是很顺畅,请尝试进入“设置”屏幕,然后选择较低的分辨率或帧频。 分辨率和帧速率越低,所需的带宽就越少,并且在较慢的Internet连接上将具有更好的性能。

If you’re having trouble streaming within your home, you may have an older wireless router that doesn’t provide fast enough Wi-Fi. You may need to upgrade to a more modern router. You could also just connect your PS4 and PC to the router with a wired Ethernet cable. This will give you faster connection speeds and you won’t have to worry about Wi-Fi reception.

如果您在家中无法进行流媒体传输,则可能是旧的无线路由器无法提供足够快的Wi-Fi。 您可能需要升级到更现代的路由器 。 您也可以使用有线以太网电缆将PS4和PC连接到路由器。 这将为您提供更快的连接速度,并且您不必担心Wi-Fi接收。

Sony’s Remote Play already works fairly well, and will hopefully continue to get better in the future. Support for Windows 7 is an unfortunate omission, considering how popular the operating system still is, and it’s a bummer that you have to plug your controller in with a USB cable. It would also be nice to stream games in 1080p, but the PS4 may just never have the hardware chops for that. All in all, even with the drawbacks, it’s a pretty cool feature–especially if you share your living room TV with other people.

索尼的Remote Play已经相当不错,并且有望在将来继续变得更好。 考虑到操作系统仍然非常流行,对Windows 7的支持是一个不幸的遗漏,必须通过USB电缆插入控制器实在是太可惜了。 以1080p播放游戏流也很不错,但是PS4可能永远都没有硬件支持。 总而言之,即使有缺点,它也是一个很酷的功能-特别是如果您与他人共享客厅电视。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/249412/how-to-stream-playstation-4-games-to-your-pc-or-mac-with-remote-play/

本文标签: 流式游戏PlayStationPCMac