


Cloud environments are regularly touted as providing 100% guaranteed uptime, making them amongst the most reliable services available in the web hosting industry. Although dedicated servers have been able to provide similar uptime rates for a long time now, this hasn’t been without its cost and what has made the cloud popular is its relative affordability in comparison. With all this considered, you’re probably wondering what ingredients go into the cloud to make it as reliable as it is, well read on to find out.

云环境经常被吹捧为提供100%有保证的正常运行时间,使其成为Web托管行业中最可靠的服务之一。 尽管专用服务器已经能够在很长一段时间内提供类似的正常运行时间率,但这并非没有代价,而使云普及的原因是其相对的可承受性。 考虑到所有这些因素,您可能想知道将什么成分放入云中以使其变得尽可能可靠,请仔细阅读以进行查找。

支持多台服务器 (The support of multiple servers)

A cloud environment is comprised of multiple servers that are controlled by a common piece of software known as a ‘hypervisor’. Rather than running an operating system such as Windows or Linux, the hardware underpinning the cloud is based on this hypervisor software so that it has direct access to the hardware on the server and therefore better control; running virtualisation software on top of an existing operating system can sometimes cause compatibility and permissions issues.

云环境由多个服务器组成,这些服务器由称为“管理程序”的通用软件控制。 支持云的硬件不是基于Windows或Linux之类的操作系统,而是基于该虚拟机监控程序软件,因此可以直接访问服务器上的硬件,从而可以更好地进行控制。 在现有操作系统上运行虚拟化软件有时会导致兼容性和权限问题。

With all of these servers being controlled by central servers and running a common piece of software, all resources are virtually pooled and the cloud is treated as a single entity rather than as a collection of individual servers. Virtual machines in the cloud can be transported across the cloud as dictated by server availability; if one server fails, the VMs hosted on that server can be moved over to another server almost instantaneously so that users don’t experience any disruption to their service. A central SAN, or Storage Area Network, which is basically a large collection of hard drives hosted on a network-connected appliance, usually managed storage in the cloud. The central storage architecture contributes to the ease of transporting VMs across servers since all data is stored here so when a virtual machine is migrated to another server, the VM’s actual data doesn’t need to be moved.

由于所有这些服务器都由中央服务器控制并运行一个通用软件,因此虚拟地共享了所有资源,并且将云视为单个实体,而不是单个服务器的集合。 根据服务器的可用性,可以在云中传输虚拟机。 如果一台服务器发生故障,则该服务器上托管的VM可以几乎立即转移到另一台服务器上,以使用户不会受到服务中断的影响。 中央SAN或存储区域网络,基本上是网络连接的设备上托管的大量硬盘驱动器,通常是云中的托管存储。 由于所有数据都存储在此处,因此中央存储体系结构简化了跨服务器传输VM的工作,因此,当将虚拟机迁移到另一台服务器时,无需移动VM的实际数据。

 All this aids the reliability of the cloud by providing an environment that is resilient against hardware failure.


网络和电源冗余 (Network and power redundancy)

To accompany the multiple servers that power a cloud environment, network and power redundancy also assist in providing a service that is capable of achieving 100% uptime.


Network redundancy is fundamental in allowing external access to websites and servers that are hosted in the cloud and you will be hard done by to find an ISP or data centre provider that hosts its servers on a single connection. In the case of our cloud, you will find that your virtual machines will be hosted on a cloud in a data centre that utilises multiple Internet connections so that if the primary connection does fail, you will still have full access to your cloud servers. N+1 redundancy has also been used in the design of internal networks; if you imagine N = a piece of networking hardware, +1 is the exact same piece of hardware. Network item N is the primary piece of hardware that is in use, whilst +1 is a backup that is available for the network to fall back onto in the event of the failure of the primary networking appliance.

网络冗余是允许外部访问托管在云中的网站和服务器的基础,您将很难找到在单个连接上托管其服务器的ISP或数据中心提供商。 对于我们的云,您会发现您的虚拟机将托管在使用多个Internet连接的数据中心的云中,因此,如果主连接确实失败,您仍将拥有对云服务器的完全访问权限。 N + 1冗余也已用于内部网络的设计中。 如果您想象N =一个网络硬件,则+1是完全相同的硬件。 网络项N是使用中的主要硬件,而+1是备用项,一旦主要联网设备出现故障,网络就可以使用备用项。

Power redundancy is just as important as networking redundancy. If the power of the hardware in the cloud fails, then in any place other than a data centre, this would result in the entire environment crashing because it has no electricity to run it. However, in a professional data centre a cloud will be running off multiple power feeds. As is the case with network redundancy, multiple power feeds have been used so that in the event that the primary power feed is cut off, electricity can still be supplied from other sources. Other typical power redundancy measures taken include UPS (Uninterruptable Power Supply) batteries and diesel generators that can provide power for the short-term in case of a complete blackout.

电源冗余与网络冗余同等重要。 如果云中硬件的电源出现故障,那么在数据中心以外的任何地方,这都将导致整个环境崩溃,因为它没有电力运行。 但是,在专业的数据中心中,云将由多个电源供电。 与网络冗余一样,已使用了多个电源,因此在切断主电源的情况下,仍然可以从其他来源供电。 采取的其他典型电源冗余措施包括UPS(不间断电源)电池和柴油发电机,在完全停电的情况下,可在短期内提供电源。

支撑 (The support)

All server hardware needs to be professionally maintained if it is to remain operational. And the cloud is no exception to this rule; indeed having professional support engineers available around the clock is one of the core pillars of a reliable cloud environment.

要保持所有服务器硬件的正常运行,必须对其进行专业维护。 云也不例外。 确实,全天候有专业支持工程师是可靠云环境的核心Struts之一。

In the case of our cloud services, we provide full 24×7 support so that we are on hand to deal with any issues in the cloud the moment that they are discovered. Similarly, as your package includes this full support, you can call on us to help you with any issue at any time of the day so that you can get the most out of your cloud servers. It doesn’t matter whether hardware needs replacing, or software needs installing or updating, support engineers are the only people who have the technical know how to achieve these things and the chances are that the cloud would simply grind to a halt if such tasks weren’t performed on a regular basis.

就我们的云服务而言,我们提供了全天候的24×7全天候支持,以便我们一经发现就立即处理云中的任何问题。 同样,由于您的软件包提供了全面的支持,因此您可以在一天中的任何时间致电我们以帮助您解决任何问题,以便您最大程度地利用云服务器。 硬件是否需要更换,软件是否需要安装或更新都无关紧要,支持工程师是唯一具有技术知识来实现​​这些目标的人员,而且如果不执行这些任务,云很可能会停顿下来。没有定期进行。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost/blog/webhosting/what-makes-a-cloud-environment-reliable/


本文标签: 可靠装机骑士大师环境