


Have you ever tried to select a bunch of files in Windows Explorer while holding down the Ctrl key, and then all of a sudden there are duplicate copies of all of those files sitting in the folder? Really irritating, so how do we fix it?

您是否曾经尝试在按住Ctrl键的同时在Windows资源管理器中选择一堆文件,然后突然发现文件夹中所有这些文件都有重复的副​​本? 真的很烦人,那么我们该如何解决呢?

To illustrate the problem, you try and select a number of files by holding down the Ctrl key and clicking on each one… and then suddenly you’ve got a ton of copies of all your files. This gets even more annoying in a large directory, because now you’ve got to remove the copies.

为了说明问题,您尝试通过按住Ctrl键并单击每个文件来选择一些文件,然后突然间,您获得了所有文件的大量副本。 在大型目录中,这变得更加令人讨厌,因为现在您必须删除副本。

The reason this happens is because you moved your mouse more than 4 pixels while clicking down on a file, so Windows assumes you’ve dragged the files and want to copy them, and is happy to litter your folder with duplicates.


Fixing Copy Annoyance in Windows XP

在Windows XP中修复复制烦恼

If you are running Windows XP, you can use Microsoft’s free Tweak UI utility to configure the drag setting easily. What we’ll do is tell Windows not to assume that we’re dragging until we’ve move more than 4 pixels, which should eliminate this problem, but still make drag and drop work fine for regular operations.

如果您运行的是Windows XP,则可以使用Microsoft的免费Tweak UI实用程序轻松配置拖动设置。 我们要做的是告诉Windows在移动超过4个像素之前不要假设我们正在拖动,这应该可以消除此问题,但对于常规操作而言,仍然可以使拖放正常工作。

Just click on Mouse on the left-hand side, and then change the value under “Drag” to something more than 4 pixels.


I wouldn’t set the value too high, because then it will make it difficult to drag things the way you normally would. Somewhere between 10-20 should help stop the accidental copying, but you might need to set it higher. You can test the effect by dragging the test icon around.

我不会将值设置得太高,因为那样将使您难以像通常那样拖动事物。 在10到20之间的某个位置应该有助于阻止意外复制,但是您可能需要将其设置得更高一些。 您可以通过拖动测试图标来测试效果。

Fixing the Annoyance in Windows Vista

修复Windows Vista中的烦恼

Unfortunately Tweak UI doesn’t work in Windows Vista, so you’ll have to make the registry setting manually, or use the downloadable registry hack file I’ve provided, which will set the drag size to 20 pixels.

不幸的是,Tweak UI在Windows Vista中不起作用,因此您必须手动进行注册表设置,或使用我提供的可下载的注册表黑客文件,该文件会将拖动大小设置为20像素。

Open up regedit.exe through the start menu search or run box, and then browse down to the following key:


HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop


On the right-hand side you should see two values, DragHeight and DragWidth. Just double-click on them and change the value to something higher. You might have to experiment to get it right for you, but I’d start with somewhere between 10 and 20.

在右侧,您应该看到两个值,DragHeight和DragWidth。 只需双击它们,然后将值更改为更高的值即可。 您可能需要尝试才能使其正确适用,但我将从10到20之间的某个位置开始。

Note that you can pretty much disable drag and drop by setting it to a really high value.


Download Registry File (Vista or XP)


This registry hack file will set the values to 20 pixels, which may or may not be right for you. You can always just edit the file if you want different values.

此注册表黑客文件会将值设置为20像素,这可能适合您,也可能不合适。 如果需要不同的值,则始终可以只编辑文件。

To install, extract and double-click on the StopDragDroppingAnnoyance.reg to enter the information into the registry. There’s a reset file that will change the setting back to the defaults as well.

要安装,请解压缩并双击StopDragDroppingAnnoyance.reg,以将信息输入注册表。 有一个重置文件,也可以将设置更改回默认值。

Download StopDragDroppingAnnoyance Registry Hack

下载StopDragDroppingAnnoyance Registry Hack

For extra credit: you can also enable checkboxes in Windows Vista’s Explorer for easier file selecting.

要获得额外的荣誉,您还 可以在Windows Vista的资源管理器中启用复选框, 以更轻松地选择文件。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/howto/windows-vista/fixing-annoyances-stop-windows-from-copying-files-accidentally-when-ctrl-click-selecting/


本文标签: 单击多选烦恼意外文件