


Chrome is Chrome, right? You download Google’s browser—now the most popular in the world—and you’d think you have the same experience as everyone else. But like most large software vendors, Google releases Chrome in differing “channels,” testing out features in more unstable versions before they get to the release build that hundreds of millions of people use every day.

Chrome是Chrome,对吗? 您下载了Google的浏览器(现在是世界上最受欢迎的浏览器),并且您会认为自己与其他人一样。 但是,与大多数大型软件供应商一样,谷歌以不同的“渠道”发布Chrome,并在更不稳定的版本中测试功能,然后才能使用每天都有成千上万人使用的发布版本。

Whether you want to know what version number you’re on, what development channel you’re using, or whether it’s 32-bit or 64-bit, the About page will tell you everything you need to know.


Click the primary “Menu” button (the three vertical dots in the upper-right corner of the window), then click Help > About Google Chrome.

单击主要的“菜单”按钮(窗口右上角的三个垂直点),然后单击帮助>关于Google Chrome。

This will show you the Version, followed by a long number, and possibly a few values in parentheses. If it’s been a while since you updated Chrome, the browser may automatically start a download and ask you to relaunch when it’s ready.

这将向您显示版本,后跟一个长数字,并可能在括号中包含几个值。 自您更新Chrome以来已经有一段时间了,浏览器可能会自动开始下载并在准备就绪时要求您重新启动。

So what do all these things mean? Let’s go through them one by one.

那么这些东西到底是什么意思呢? 让我们一一介绍。

版本号:前两位数字很重要 (Version Number: The First Two Digits Are What Matter)

When people talk about Chrome’s “version,” they generally mean the larger releases, sent out by Google approximately every two months. There are smaller patches for security and speed tweaks, but the big releases are what holds changes to the interface and new user-facing features. The major version bumps are the first two numbers in that big string: the computer above is running “Chrome 56,” which changed HTML5 to default, added Bluetooth API settings, and added support for new CSS tools.

人们谈论Chrome的“版本”时,通常指的是Google大约每两个月发布一次的较大版本。 对于安全性和速度调整,有一些较小的补丁程序,但是重要的发行版是对界面和新的面向用户功能进行更改的内容。 主要版本的变化是该大字符串中的前两个数字:上面的计算机正在运行“ Chrome 56 ”,它将HTML5更改为默认值,添加了Bluetooth API设置,并增加了对新CSS工具的支持。

发布渠道:您的稳定性如何? (Release Channels: How Stable Are You?)

The standard edition of Chrome just uses a number code for its version identifier. But if you see “Beta,” “Dev,” or “Canary” after it, that means you’re running a pre-release version of Chrome. You can switch between these versions using these instructions, but here’s what they mean.

Chrome的标准版仅使用数字代码作为其版本标识符。 但是,如果在其后看到“ Beta”,“ Dev”或“ Canary”,则表示您正在运行Chrome的预发行版本。 您可以按照以下说明在这些版本之间进行切换,但这就是它们的含义。

镀Chrome稳定 (Chrome Stable)

If you don’t see any of these identifiers after your version number, you’re running the stable version of chrome. It’s the one that most people use, the one that Google links to when you search for “download Chrome” in Edge or Internet Explorer. The stable version has had the most extensive testing of the lot, and is what Google wants most people to use. It’s the last to get new features, but if you want a safe and stable browsing experience with no surprises, this one is for you.

如果您在版本号之后看不到任何这些标识符,则说明您正在运行chrome的稳定版本 。 这是大多数人使用的一种,当您在Edge或Internet Explorer中搜索“下载Chrome”时Google会链接到的一种。 稳定版经过了最广泛的测试,是Google希望大多数人使用的版本。 这是最后一次获得新功能的方法,但是如果您希望获得安全稳定的浏览体验而不会感到意外,那么此功能非常适合您。

Chrome Beta (Chrome Beta)

The Beta channel is an earlier version of the software meant for testing out new features before they come to the much wider audience in the Stable build. Google updates Beta approximately once a week, with major updates coming every six weeks. It’s generally one version release ahead of stable. So when the stable version of Chrome was on 50, Chrome Beta was on 51. Newer features include tweaks to the rendering engine for speed or accuracy, adjustments to the user interface, new options in the Flags menu, and so on.

Beta通道是该软件的早期版本,用于在稳定版本中将新功能引入更广泛的受众之前对其进行测试。 Google大约每周更新一次Beta版本,每六周进行一次重大更新。 通常,它是稳定版本之前的一个版本。 因此,当Chrome的稳定版本为50时,Chrome Beta是51。新功能包括对渲染引擎的调整,以提高速度或准确性,调整用户界面,在“标志”菜单中添加新选项,等等。

Chrome开发人员 (Chrome Dev)

Now we’re getting into the deep end on the pool. Chrome Dev is one or two versions ahead of stable, usually updated at least once a week, and it’s used to test out more comprehensive changes to the browser that may or may not make it into the general release afterward. The Dev version is more prone to crashing, hanging tabs, rendering errors, incompatible extensions, and similar problems (though for most websites it will be okay).

现在,我们进入池中的最深处。 Chrome Dev比稳定版提前一两个版本,通常每周至少更新一次,它用于测试对浏览器进行的更全面的更改,这些更改可能会或可能不会在以后发布到一般版本中。 Dev版本更容易崩溃,挂起标签,呈现错误,不兼容的扩展名以及类似问题(尽管对于大多数网站而言,这是可以的)。

Chrome金丝雀 (Chrome Canary)

This is the Wild West of Chrome. It’s three full versions ahead of the Stable release, updated daily, and that Canary title is indicative of its purpose. Like a canary in a coal mine, if something’s going to go wrong, it will go wrong first in this build. Canary is mostly a tool for developers testing out compatibility issues. Unlike the Beta and Dev versions, installing the Canary build will not overwrite a standard Chrome installation in Windows or Mac OS—you can run them side by side if you want.

这是Chrome的狂野西部。 它是稳定版之前的三个完整版本,每天更新,而Canary标题表明了其用途。 就像煤矿中的金丝雀一样,如果出现问题,它将首先在此构建中出错。 Canary主要是用于开发人员测试兼容性问题的工具。 与Beta版和Dev版不同,在Windows或Mac OS中安装Canary构建版本不会覆盖标准的Chrome安装-如果需要,可以并行运行它们。

32位或64位:Chrome可以使用多少内存? (32-Bit or 64-Bit: How Much Memory Can Chrome Use?)

Lastly, you’ll see either “32-bit” or “64-bit” in parentheses next to your version number. The 64-bit version of Chrome is the one to get if you have a 64-bit capable computer. (If you aren’t sure, here’s how to find out.)

最后,您会在版本号旁边的括号中看到“ 32位”或“ 64位”。 如果您有一台具有64位功能的计算机,则可以使用64 位版本的Chrome 。 (如果不确定, 这是查找方法 。)

In addition to having access to larger pools of memory for better efficiency (which you’ll want, since Chrome gobbles up memory like Pac-Man pellets), the 64-bit version has several improved security features.

64位版本除了可以访问更大的内存池以提高效率(您想要的,因为Chrome像吃豆人颗粒一样吞噬了内存)之外,还具有一些改进的安全性功能 。

On macOS and Linux, Chrome is now 64-bit by default. Windows users should be automatically directed to download their correct version from Google, but if for some reason you’re running the 32-bit version on a 64-bit machine, you should definitely upgrade.

在macOS和Linux上,Chrome现在默认为64位。 Windows用户应被自动引导从Google下载正确的版本,但是如果出于某种原因您在64位计算机上运行32位版本,则必须升级 。

如何升级或降级Chrome (How to Upgrade or Downgrade Chrome)

If you’re using a lower version of Chrome on your desktop and you want to go higher, like moving from Stable to Beta or Beta to Dev, simply download and install the newer version from the relevant page on Google’s web site.


Unfortunately, downgrading isn’t so easy: you’ll have to completely uninstall Chrome from your operating system, then re-install the older package. Remember that Canary is a stand-alone program, and will be installed and uninstalled separately from Chrome Stable, Beta, or Dev.

不幸的是,降级并不是那么容易:您必须从操作系统中完全卸载Chrome,然后重新安装较旧的软件包。 请记住,Canary是一个独立程序,将与Chrome Stable,Beta或Dev分开安装和卸载。

On Android and iOS, things are a little different: all versions of Chrome are completely separate. So for example, if you wanted to, you could run Chrome Stable, Chrome Beta, Chrome Dev, and Chrome Canary all at once—you just need to download the ones you want from the App Store or Play Store. To remove any of them, just uninstall the app.

在Android和iOS上,情况有所不同:Chrome的所有版本都是完全独立的。 因此,例如,如果您愿意,可以一次运行Chrome Stable,Chrome Beta,Chrome Dev Chrome Canary, 您只需要从App Store或Play商店下载所需的文件即可。 要删除其中任何一个,只需卸载应用程序即可。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/299243/which-version-of-chrome-do-i-have/


本文标签: 版本最好用chrome