


1、关于申请购买电脑的请示XXXXX 领导:因我 XXXX 工作量大,人员增加,现科室所配的电脑不够开展工作的需要,而且原有的一台台式电脑配置太低, 运行速度极其缓慢且频频死机,已严重影响正常工作。为顺利开展工作,提高工作效率,特申请购买 XXX 台台式电脑。希望领导给予批准。特此申请XXXXXX2015 年 11 月 7 日院领导:因我科工作量大,人员增加,现只有两台台式电脑, 科室所配的电脑不够开展工作的需要,严重影响正常工作。为顺利开展工作,提高工作效率,需再增加一台台式电脑, 特申请购买一台台式电脑。希望领导给予批准。特此申请医务科2013 年 12 月 11日“”“”At the end。

2、, Xiao Bian gives you a passage. Minand once said, people who learn to learn are very happy people. In every wonderful life, learning is an eternal theme. As a professional clerical and teaching position, I understand the importance of continuous learning, life is diligent, nothing can be gained, on。

3、ly continuous learning can achieve better self. Only by constantly learning and mastering the latest relevant knowledge, can employees from all walks of life keep up with the pace of enterprise development and innovate to meet the needs of the market. This document is also edited by my studio professionals, there may be errors in the document, if there are errors, please correct, thank you。

本文标签: 计算机报告电脑最新