


“Only the paranoid survive.” — Andy Grove
“只有偏执狂才能生存。” —安迪·格罗夫

Artist credit: “Connected with the Past” by Federico Uribe. 2012. Electric cables on canvas.

艺术家荣誉:费德里科·乌里韦(Federico Uribe)的“与过去联系”。 2012。在画布上的电缆。

Andy Grove was a Hungarian refugee who escaped communism, studied engineering, and ultimately led the personal computer revolution as the CEO of Intel. He died earlier this year in Silicon Valley after a long fight with Parkinson’s disease.

安迪·格鲁夫(Andy Grove)是匈牙利难民,逃脱了共产主义,学习了工程技术,并最终以英特尔(Intel)首席执行官的身份领导了个人计算机革命。 在与帕金森氏病长期斗争后,他于今年年初在硅谷去世。

When one of the most powerful people in the world encourages us to be paranoid, maybe we should listen.


And Grove isn’t the only powerful person urging caution. Even the director of the FBI — the same official who recently paid hackers a million dollars to unlock a shooter’s iPhone — is encouraging everyone to cover their webcams.

格罗夫并不是唯一需要谨慎的有力人物。 甚至连联邦调查局局长(最近又向黑客支付了一百万美元以解锁射手的iPhone的官员)也在鼓励所有人遮盖自己的网络摄像头 。

But you obey the law. What do you have to worry about? As the motto of the United Kingdom’s surveillance program reminds us, “If you’ve got nothing to hide, you’ve got nothing to fear.”

但是你遵守法律。 你要担心什么 正如英国监视计划的座右铭提醒我们的那样:“如果您什么都没有藏起来,那就没有什么可担心的。”

Well, law-abiding citizens do have reason to fear. They do have reasons to secure their devices, their files, and their communications with loved ones.

好吧,守法公民确实有理由害怕。 他们确实有理由保护自己的设备,文件以及与亲人的通信。

“If one would give me six lines written by the hand of the most honest man, I would find something in them to have him hanged.” — Cardinal Richelieu in 1641
“如果有人给我六句最诚实的人的笔迹,我会发现其中有一些东西使他被绞死。” — 1641年的黎塞留枢机

In this article, I will show you how you can protect yourself by leveraging state-of-the-art encryption. In a single sitting, you can make great strides toward securing your privacy.

在本文中,我将向您展示如何利用最新的加密技术来保护自己。 一口气,您就可以在确保隐私方面取得长足进步

每个人的常识安全 (Common sense security for everyone)

To be clear, everything I recommend here is 100% free and 100% legal. If you bother locking your doors at night, you should bother using encryption.

明确地说,我在此推荐的所有内容都是100%免费和100%合法的。 如果您晚上不方便锁门,则应该使用加密。

“Be prepared” — The Scout Motto

Let’s get prepared.


First, a couple definitions. When I use the term “attacker” I mean anyone trying to access your data whom you haven’t given express permission to — whether it’s a hacker, a corporation, or even a government.

首先,有几个定义。 当我使用“攻击者”一词时,是指任何试图访问您未经您明确许可的数据的人,无论是黑客,公司还是政府。

And when I use the terms “private” or “secure”, I mean reasonably so. The reality is that — as long as humans are involved — no system will ever be 100% private or 100% secure.

当我使用“私有”或“安全”一词时,我的意思是合理的。 现实情况是,只要涉及人类,就不会有100%私有或100%安全的系统。

As long as your phone, computers, and accounts are sufficiently protected, their contents will remain an “encrypted lump” and there’s not much anyone — regardless of how powerful they are — can do about it.


提示1:在收件箱中使用两因素身份验证 (Tip 1: Use two-factor authentication on your inbox)

Your inbox is the skeleton key to your life. If an attacker compromises it, they can not only read your emails, they can use it to reset your passwords for pretty much anything. This includes social media accounts and even bank accounts.

收件箱是您生活的万能钥匙。 如果攻击者攻破了它,他们不仅可以阅读您的电子邮件,还可以使用它来重置几乎所有内容的密码。 这包括社交媒体帐户,甚至银行帐户。

The simplest thing you can do to dramatically improve your personal security is to turn on two-factor authentication on your inbox.


Basically, two-factor authentication is a second layer of security when signing in. It usually involves receiving a text message with a special code whenever you sign into your account.


Two-factor authentication substantially reduces the likelihood of your inbox getting hacked.


If you use Gmail, you should activate two-factor auth here.

如果您使用Gmail,则应在此处激活两因素身份验证 。





I’ll still be here when you get back.


提示2:加密硬盘 (Tip 2: Encrypt your hard drive)

Both Windows and MacOS have built-in full-disk encryption. You just need to turn it on.

Windows和MacOS都具有内置的全盘加密功能。 您只需要打开它。

提示3:开启手机的密码保护功能 (Tip 3: Turn on your phone’s password protection)

Thumbprint identification is better than nothing, but it’s often not enough.


The fifth amendment (against self-incrimination) allows you to keep your password secret. But a court can compel you to unlock your phone with your thumbprint.

第五项修正案(针对自我证明)使您可以将密码保密。 但是法院可以强迫您使用指纹来解锁手机。

Also, you can’t exactly change your thumbprint after an attacker gets ahold of it.


An attacker will usually get 10 tries before your phone will completely lock them out. So if your 4-digit password is one of these common ones, change it.

攻击者通常会在您的手机将其完全锁定之前进行10次尝试。 因此,如果您的4位数密码是这些常见密码之一,请进行更改。

1234  99991111  33330000  55551212  66667777  11221004  13132000  88884444  43212222  20016969  1010

Pro Tip: if you insist on enabling thumbprint identification for convenience’s sake, and are ever arrested, immediately power off your phone. When the authorities turn your phone back on, they won’t be able to unlock it without your password.

专家提示 :如果您为了方便起见一直坚持启用指纹识别,并且遭到逮捕,请立即关闭手机电源。 当当局重新打开您的手机时,如果没有您的密码,他们将无法对其进行解锁。

提示4:每个服务使用不同的密码。 (Tip 4: Use different passwords for each service.)

Passwords are inherently insecure.

密码本质上是不安全的 。

Mark Zuckerberg used the password “dadada” on his LinkedIn account. Earlier this year, when hackers released 117 million email-password combinations, his was among them. Hackers were then able to use his email and password to gain access to his Twitter and Pinterest accounts.

马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)在其LinkedIn帐户上使用了密码“ dadada”。 今年初,当黑客发布了1.17亿个电子邮件密码组合时,他就是其中之一。 然后,黑客可以使用他的电子邮件和密码来访问他的Twitter和Pinterest帐户。

So don’t use the same password more than one place.


Of course, remembering a ton of passwords is a hassle, so use a password manager.

当然,记住很多密码很麻烦,因此请使用密码管理器 。

提示5:使用Signal发送私人短信 (Tip 5: Send private text messages with Signal)

Signal is a popular messaging service that got a perfect score from the Electronic Frontier Foundation. You can do all the things you would normally do through text messages, like have group messages and send photos and videos. Except that everything’s encrypted.

Signal是一种流行的消息传递服务,在Electronic Frontier Foundation中获得了满分。 您可以通过短信来完成通常要执行的所有操作,例如拥有群组信息以及发送照片和视频。 除了一切都是加密的。

Signal is free, open source, and available in iOS and Android app stores. I was able to set it up and start messaging securely with friends and family in less than 5 minutes.

Signal是免费的开源软件,可在iOS和Android应用商店中使用。 我能够进行设置,并在不到5分钟的时间内开始与亲朋好友安全地进行消息传递。

步骤1:安装信号 (Step 1: Install Signal)
步骤2:邀请朋友安装 (Step 2: Invite friends to install it)
步骤3:传送讯息 (Step 3: Send messages)

Congratulations — you can now talk with your friends and family about whatever you want, and it will be practically impossible for anyone to spy on your conversation.


You can also use Signal to make secure phone calls.


提示6:浏览器的隐身模式不够私密 (Tip 6: Your browser’s incognito mode isn’t private enough)

Even if you use Chrome’s “Incognito Mode” or Firefox’s “Private Browsing”, the following parties will still be able to snoop in on your network activity:


  • Internet service providers

  • System administrators in charge of the network at your school, workplace, or wherever get online

  • Google, or whoever made your browser


Internet Explorer, Safari, Opera, and other browsers are no more private.

Internet Explorer,Safari,Opera和其他浏览器不再是私有的。

If you want reasonably private browsing (no system can ever be 100% secure), you should use Tor.


提示7:使用Tor私下浏览 (Tip 7: Browse in private with Tor)

Tor stands for “The Onion Router” which is a reference to its use of many onion-like layers to mask network activity. It’s free, open source, and reasonably easy to use.

Tor代表“洋葱路由器”,指的是使用许多类似洋葱的层来掩盖网络活动。 它是免费的,开源的,并且相当容易使用。

步骤1:下载Orbot (Step 1: Download the Orbot)
步骤2:下载Orfox浏览器 (Step 2: Download the Orfox browser)
步骤3:开启Orbot (Step 3: Open Orbot)
步骤4:开启Orfox (Step 4: Open Orfox)
第5步:验证其是否有效 (Step 5: Verify it worked)

Visit check.torproject to verify everything worked. Congratulations — you can now use the internet with peace of mind that it would be extremely difficult for anyone to track you.

访问check.torproject以验证所有工作。 恭喜,您现在可以放心使用Internet,因为任何人都很难追踪到您。

秘诀8:私下搜寻 (Tip 8: Search in private)

If Tor isn’t convenient enough for you, you can at least search privately using DuckDuckGo, the search engine that doesn’t track you.


DuckDuckGo doesn’t have all the thousands of engineer-years poured into its search engine that Google has, but it does have a shortcut to get encrypted Google searches when you need them. You just need to prefix your search with !google

DuckDuckGo并没有像Google那样投入数千年的工程师工作,但是它确实有捷径可以在需要时进行加密的Google搜索。 您只需要在搜索前加上!google

I encourage you to read computer security expert Bruce Schneier’s book “Data and Goliath: The Hidden Battles to Collect Your Data and Control Your World.” I learned a ton from it, and am listening to it a second time.

我鼓励您阅读计算机安全专家布鲁斯·施耐尔(Bruce Schneier)的书“ 数据与巨人:收集数据和控制世界的隐藏战役 ”。 我从中学到了很多,并且正在第二次听。

Data and Goliath: The Hidden Battles to Capture Your Data and Control Your WorldEdit

数据与巨人:捕获数据并控制世界的隐藏式战斗 编辑说明

I only write about programming and technology. If you follow me on Twitter I won’t waste your time. ?

我只写关于编程和技术的文章。 如果您在Twitter上关注我,我不会浪费您的时间。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp/news/tor-signal-and-beyond-a-law-abiding-citizens-guide-to-privacy-1a593f2104c3/


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