

Back in 1997, I bought my first computer that had a built-in modem and was Internet-ready. It was a Friday afternoon, and I had taken the day off. I went home with my new PC, set up my AOL account, and stayed up all night.

早在1997年,我就购买了第一台内置调制解调器并且可以上网的计算机。 那是一个星期五下午,我请了一天假。 我带着新PC回家,设置了AOL帐户,并整夜不眠。

Don’t remember getting very much sleep at all over the next few weeks. Having the Internet was like traveling to a brand new world. All of a sudden, information about virtually any topic was at my fingertips.

不要记得接下来几周的睡眠。 拥有互联网就像进入一个崭新的世界。 突然之间,几乎所有主题的信息都触手可及。

I finally understood why the same thing had happened to my friends who went through the same thing before me. Before my internet experience, I just didn’t understand why people spent so much time online — but now, I too was addicted — and I fully understood.

我终于明白为什么在我之前经历过同样事情的朋友们会发生同样的事情。 在进行Internet体验之前,我只是不明白为什么人们在网上花了这么多时间-但现在,我也上瘾了-我完全理解。

互联网的发展 (Evolution of the Internet)

Over the past 20 years, the Internet has evolved more than most things in our society. When I first signed online, my phone line had to be sacrificed. Unless you had two phone lines, no one could call you when you were on the Internet.

在过去的20年中,互联网的发展比我们社会中大多数事物都多。 当我第一次在线签名时,必须牺牲我的电话线。 除非您有两条电话线,否则您上网时没人能给您打电话。

And there was the sound of the modem dialing up your connection — those modem beeps were the familiar trademark of that experience.


Then high-speed Internet service came along. It was revolutionary and was eons faster than the old dial-up service. All of a sudden, I could bust through about ten times as many webpages as I did before.

然后出现了高速Internet服务 。 它是革命性的,并且比旧的拨号服务更快。 突然之间,我浏览的网页数是以前的十倍左右。

Next, we saw the rise of blogs — as opposed to the original websites. The big difference between the two is that websites are a collection of static webpages, and blogs are more like a magazine.

接下来,我们看到了博客的兴起 -与原始网站相反。 两者之间的最大区别是网站是静态网页的集合,博客更像杂志。

These new blogging platforms were much easier to set up and manage than websites were. This gave non-techies the ability to have a blog. All of a sudden, anyone could buy a domain, get a web host, and start publishing content as much as they desired.

这些新的博客平台比网站更易于设置和管理。 这使非技术人员可以拥有博客。 突然之间,任何人都可以购买域名,获取虚拟主机并开始发布所需的内容。

The major search engines also prefer blogs over static websites. This means that blogs attract more web traffic, as well. This fact resulted in the surge of businesses and corporations jumping on the blog train. They recognized that blogs had become a low-cost way to drive their brand.

与静态网站相比,主要的搜索引擎也更喜欢博客。 这意味着博客也吸引了更多的网络流量。 这一事实导致企业和公司激增,加入了博客大军。 他们认识到博客已成为一种低成本的品牌推广方式。

Blogs were the first significant platform that established the online interaction between bloggers and their readers. This is because blogging platforms allowed readers to make comments on their content. Readers began to realize that they had a voice, and they liked it.

博客是第一个在博客与读者之间建立在线互动的重要平台。 这是因为博客平台允许读者对其内容发表评论。 读者开始意识到自己有声音,并且喜欢它。

Reader interaction was taken to new levels through the creation of social media sites. These social sites like Facebook, My Space, Twitter, and Instagram attracted millions to the Internet. More importantly, it empowered the average person as they had never been before. Everyone has a voice through these social media sites.

通过创建社交媒体网站,读者的互动达到了新的水平 。 这些社交网站,例如Facebook,My Space,Twitter和Instagram,吸引了数百万的互联网。 更重要的是,它赋予了普通人前所未有的权力。 每个人在这些社交媒体网站上都有自己的声音。

Additionally, social media sites provide businesses with advertising options that are more targeted than any other form of marketing in all of history. Ads can now be purchased that target customers with precise demographics.

此外,社交媒体网站为企业提供的广告选项比历史上任何其他形式的营销更有针对性。 现在可以购买以准确的受众特征为目标客户的广告。

Finally, the online experience was supercharged through the use of vibrant imagery and video. It was like the Internet took steroids when graphic capabilities were enhanced. We can now enjoy colorful and creative graphics as we surf our favorite blogs and sites.

最后,通过使用生动的图像和视频来增强在线体验 。 当图形功能得到增强时,就像互联网使类固醇一样。 现在,当我们浏览喜爱的博客和网站时,我们可以享受丰富多彩的创意图形。

Online video allows us to experience events from the other side of the world — that we would never see otherwise. Video also will enable us to learn specific tasks and information. The opportunities are endless for online videos.

在线视频使我们能够体验来自世界另一端的事件-否则我们将再也看不到。 视频还将使我们能够学习特定的任务和信息。 在线视频的机会是无限的。

互联网吸引了创纪录的用户数量 (Internet Attracts Record Numbers of Users)

Perhaps the most foolish choice today is to resist the power, growth, and success of the Internet. For instance, there are business owners who refuse to set up a blog, there are old-timers who refuse to use email, and many other examples like these.

也许当今最愚蠢的选择是抵制互联网的力量,增长和成功。 例如,有一些企业主拒绝建立博客,有一些老朋友拒绝使用电子邮件,还有许多类似的例子。

For those doubters, here are some facts that clearly illustrate the success of the Internet in only a few short decades¹:


  • The world has 7.8 billion people, 4.5 billion of them are Internet users.

  • Google alone generated $162 billion of revenue in 2019.

  • Top 100 Online Marketplaces sold over $200 trillion in goods during 2019.

  • Amazon alone sold over $275 billion in goods during 2019.

  • Experts estimate that $582 billion will be generated by mobile apps alone in 2020.


And if you do a little research, you will find hundreds of more facts like these that validate the power and influence of the Internet.


互联网吸引邪恶活动 (Internet Attracts Evil Activities)

Like with everything else in life, the Internet is not all rainbows and unicorns. Things as powerful and as massive as the Internet will always attract the most unsavory in our culture².

就像生活中的其他一切一样,互联网也不是彩虹和独角兽。 像互联网一样强大和庞大的事物将永远吸引着我们文化中最不幸的人²。

Here are 7 ways that the Internet is becoming more hostile every day:


大量在线不良机器人³ (Massive Numbers of Bad Bots Online³)

In 2014, Internet data told us that there were more bots online than there were people. Experts reported that around 60% of all web traffic was comprised of automated activities. And 23% of this automated web traffic was created by hackers and con-artists to conduct dirty work.

2014年,互联网数据告诉我们,在线机器人人数超过人。 专家报告说,所有网络流量中约有60%由自动化活动组成。 这种自动网络流量的23%是由黑客和骗子创建的,目的是进行肮脏的工作。

Sadly, these activities have only gotten worse. Over the past decade, these have not only grown in number, but they have also become more sophisticated.

可悲的是,这些活动只会变得更糟。 在过去的十年中,它们不仅数量增加,而且变得越来越复杂。

While software can be instructed to do a variety of tasks, it is essential to note that these tasks can be either good or bad. For instance, Facebook uses bots to put images and content on your news feed. And Google bots are used to crawl blogs and websites to catalog the information so that we can find it faster on their search engine. These kinds of bots are a good thing and make their respective online environments better and more customer-friendly.

虽然可以指示软件执行各种任务,但必须注意,这些任务可以是好事也可以是坏事。 例如,Facebook使用漫游器在您的新闻源上放置图像和内容。 Google机器人用于爬网博客和网站以对信息进行分类,以便我们可以在其搜索引擎上更快地找到信息。 这些机器人很不错,可以使各自的在线环境更好,更友好。

Unfortunately, hackers are creating bots to conduct all kinds of evil tasks. These include stealing content and posting it on randomly generated blogs, to stealing credit card numbers from eCommerce sites. Digital publishers are usually hardest hit by these bad bots.

不幸的是,黑客们正在创造机器人来执行各种邪恶的任务。 其中包括窃取内容并将其发布在随机生成的博客上,以及窃取电子商务网站中的信用卡号码。 这些不好的机器人通常会对数字出版商造成最大的打击。

Surprisingly, it is the smaller blogs and websites that are most vulnerable to bad bots. Hackers get the least security resistance from them, and they are perfect targets for personal credentials. Often, it is not money that they want from these small sites, because they are mainly looking for usernames and passwords.

令人惊讶的是,较小的博客和网站最容易受到不良机器人的攻击。 黑客从他们那里获得的安全阻力最小,它们是个人证书的理想目标。 通常,他们从这些小型网站获取的不是金钱,因为他们主要是在寻找用户名和密码。

建立巨大的公司垄断 (Creation of Huge Corporate Monopolies)

A big problem with the Internet from the start has been its tendency to create monopolies⁴. Google has gotten so vast that it controls some 80–90 percent of all the search market in Europe. It has been repeatedly accused of breaking antitrust laws by the EU. And if Facebook were to be a country, it would easily be the largest country in the world.

从一开始,互联网的一个大问题就是它倾向于建立垄断。 Google的规模如此之大,以至于它控制了整个欧洲搜索市场的80%至90%。 欧盟一再指责它违反反托拉斯法。 如果Facebook要成为一个国家,那么它很容易成为世界上最大的国家。

These broadband monopolies have gotten so bad in the United States that roughly one-third of homes have just one provider to choose from. And these sole providers have gotten away with several questionable business practices.

这些宽带垄断在美国变得如此糟糕,以至于大约三分之一的家庭只有一个提供商可以选择。 这些唯一的提供商已经摆脱了一些可疑的业务实践。

We all know that monopolies are not new — they’ve been around for decades. But these new monopolies have achieved massive influence faster than any in history. And they pose a considerable threat to the Internet.

我们都知道垄断并不是新生事物,它们已经存在了数十年。 但是,这些新的垄断机构取得的巨大影响力比历史上任何时候都要快。 它们对互联网构成了相当大的威胁。

I’m sure you remember when the FCC implemented the net neutrality law. This law prevents the Internet from becoming a toll road where one fast wide lane exists for significant wealthy users, and a small dirt road that is backed up with traffic exists for the rest of us.

我相信您还记得FCC实施网络中立性法律的时候。 这项法律禁止互联网成为收费公路,在该公路上有大量富裕用户可以使用一条快速宽车道,而对于我们其余的人来说,还有一条以交通为后盾的小土路。

Immediately after passage of the law, we saw broadband giants like AT&T and Comcast start legally undermining it and attempting to take it down. Their efforts have paid off as the courts⁵ has already overturned net neutrality.

法律通过后,我们立即看到AT&T和Comcast之类的宽带巨头开始合法破坏并试图将其拆除。 他们的努力取得了回报,因为法院已经推翻了网络中立性。

在线愤怒已成为新常态 (Online Outrage Has Become the New Norm)

Have you ever gotten so angry over something or at someone online that you were ready to explode?


If so, then you are not alone. Outrage has become a norm on the Internet⁶. And for those of us who either enjoy getting outraged — or getting others outraged — there are plenty of places to do just that. Most of these places are social media sites.

如果是这样,那么您并不孤单。 愤怒已成为互联网上的一种规范。 对于那些喜欢被激怒或让其他人感到愤怒的人来说,有很多地方可以做到这一点。 这些地方大多数是社交媒体网站。

You can create false social media personas and then start insulting and taking potshots at everyone with which you disagree. The only thing is that thousands of other people have already beaten you to the punch. You and your phony Twitter account are probably fighting with someone else’s phony Twitter account.

您可以创建虚假的社交媒体角色,然后对您不同意的每个人进行侮辱和拍照。 唯一的事情是成千上万的其他人已经击败了您。 您和您的虚假Twitter帐户可能正在与其他人的虚假Twitter帐户作斗争。

These online rants get very hostile because 1) no one knows who you are, and 2) there are no repercussions for this behavior. The question should be: Why isn’t there more of this going on?

这些在线骚扰者变得非常敌对,因为1)没人知道你是谁,以及2)这种行为没有影响。 问题应该是:为什么没有更多的这种情况呢?

While this may seem like fun to some of us, there are many problems with this excessive outrage. For starters, it is muzzling free speech. People will quit voicing their real opinion if they will be bullied for doing so.

尽管这对于我们中的一些人来说似乎很有趣,但是这种过度的愤怒仍然存在许多问题。 对于初学者来说,这是在限制言论自由。 如果人们因为这样做而受到欺负,他们将放弃发表自己的真实意见。

Secondly, and much worse, is that as a society — we are desensitizing ourselves. We get outraged over someone getting verbally attacked in a New York restaurant, yet say very little over human rights violations in the Middle East. We try to get someone fired from a major network for making an allegedly insensitive comment when they were in high school, and then ignore a homeless man getting brutally beaten on live video.

其次,更糟糕的是,作为一个社会,我们正在使自己失去敏感性。 我们为某人在纽约餐馆遭到口头攻击而感到愤怒,但对于中东的侵犯人权行为却很少说。 我们试图让某人因在高中时发表涉嫌不敏感的评论而被主要网络开除,然后忽略一个无家可归的人,在直播视频中遭到残酷殴打。

人造草皮正变得越来越猖⁷⁷ (Astroturfing is Becoming More Rampant⁷)

Astroturfing is when someone creates a false impression that a policy has strong, widespread grassroots support — when very little support exists. Multiple web identities and false pressure mobs are created to deceive the public into thinking that a preferred position is the most popular view.

当有人误以为政策拥有强大而广泛的基层支持时,就会出现草率的现象。 产生了多种网络身份和虚假的压力小怪,以欺骗公众,认为首选位置是最受欢迎的观点。

Since peer pressure is used, these grassroots movements can be extremely powerful because they are reflecting the will of the people. There is no ulterior motive or filter at work; there’s only a natural effort to bring about change.

由于施加了同伴的压力,这些基层运动可能非常强大,因为它们反映了人民的意愿。 工作中没有别有用心的人或过滤器; 只有自然的努力才能带来改变。

Over the past few years, business people and especially politicians have recognized the power of grassroots movements and attempted to harness it by any means — even if it means creating a phony movement.


This new astroturf approach is a direct result of what the Internet can offer someone desiring more power. People that are motivated only need a few operatives and a handful of computers. With these two items, several legions of supporters can magically appear out of thin air — for minimal cost.

这种新的草皮方法是Internet可以为渴望提供更多功能的人提供的直接结果。 有动力的人只需要几个操作员和少量计算机。 有了这两个项目,数不清的支持者就可以像魔术般凭​​空出现-以最低的成本。

Blogging and Twitter alone can echo the voices of millions of these “magic” supporters in a speedy fashion. Yes, there have been some attempts at shutting down and censoring these false movements, but quite a number of them have become permanent fixtures.

仅博客和Twitter就能Swift地回响成千上万的“魔术”支持者的声音。 是的,已经进行了一些尝试来关闭和检查这些虚假的动作,但是其中很多已经成为永久性的手段。

DDoS攻击急剧增加 (Sharp Increase in DDoS Attacks)

A denial-of-service (DoS) attack is when someone seeks to render an entity on a network unavailable to users — such as a website. A distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) is when such an attack is spread across several unique IP addresses — or even devices. All of these unique sources are aimed at one or more targets. The goal is the make the target collapse under the traffic surge.

拒绝服务(DoS)攻击是某人试图使用户无法访问的网络上的实体(例如网站)。 分布式拒绝服务(DDoS)是指这样的攻击分散在多个唯一IP地址(甚至设备)上的情况。 所有这些独特的资源都针对一个或多个目标。 目的是使目标在流量激增的情况下崩溃。

DDoS attacks are the easiest and quickest way to shut a website down. Scrupulous marketers will often attack their competitors in this fashion in an attempt to take away their market share.

DDoS攻击是关闭网站的最简单,最快的方法。 谨慎的营销人员通常会以此方式攻击竞争对手,以夺取其市场份额。

Akamai Technologies put out a 2014 State of the Internet report that discovered DDoS attacks had gone wild that year. The attacks had increased a mind-blowing 90% over the previous year⁸. Currently, it is estimated that around 30,000 of these attacks are occurring every single day.

Akamai Technologies于2014年发布了一份互联网状况报告,该报告发现DDoS攻击在当年变得疯狂起来。 与前一年相比,这些袭击令人震惊的增加了90%⁸。 目前,估计每天大约发生30,000起此类攻击。

So if you are an online marketer or involved in eCommerce, then this is something you need to learn more about. Because the more you succeed online, the bigger of a DDoS target you will become.

因此,如果您是在线营销商或从事电子商务,那么这是您需要了解的更多信息。 由于您在线上成功的次数越多,您将成为DDoS目标的越大。

There are two big problems with these attacks that are only getting larger. The first problem is that as more and more governments and corporations unleash these attacks on their adversaries, the methods they use are getting more and more sophisticated and destructive.

这些攻击有两个大问题,而且只会变得越来越大。 第一个问题是,随着越来越多的政府和公司对他们的对手发动这些攻击,他们使用的方法变得越来越复杂和具有破坏性。

The second problem is that launching a DDoS attack is getting easier. This means that we will keep seeing more of these attacks, and they will be used for trivial reasons.

第二个问题是发动DDoS攻击变得越来越容易。 这意味着我们将继续看到更多此类攻击,并且出于琐碎的原因而使用它们。

免费应用正在窃取我们 (Free Apps are Stealing From Us)

We have all seen the apps that promise the world — yet after we download them, they come nowhere close to fulfilling their promises⁹. This is a horrible sign, by the way. It often means the app might be inflicting severe damage on either your PC or device, or stealing your credentials — or even worse.

我们都已经看到了承诺世界的应用程序-但是,在下载它们之后,它们离实现承诺的距离还很遥远⁹。 顺便说一句,这是一个可怕的信号。 这通常意味着该应用可能会对您的PC或设备造成严重损害,或者窃取您的凭据,甚至更糟。

Many of these simple little apps are out to destroy you.


For instance, suppose you download a free plug-in that lets you get past certain location restrictions — such as watching YouTube videos that are forbidden in your country. The company could be doing something like selling your bandwidth all over the world.

例如,假设您下载了一个免费插件,该插件可让您摆脱某些位置限制,例如观看您所在国家/地区禁止的YouTube视频。 该公司可能正在做一些事情,例如在全球范围内出售您的带宽。

This means that those who pay enough money could use your IP address to do virtually anything. They could be setting up drug deals or downloading kiddie porn under your IP footprint. Not only that, but they could also install software on your computer without your knowledge. Many hackers install software that mines bitcoin on the PCs of other people.

这意味着那些支付足够钱的人可以使用您的IP地址进行几乎任何事情。 他们可能正在建立毒品交易或在您的IP足迹下下载儿童色情片。 不仅如此,他们还可以在您不知情的情况下在您的计算机上安装软件。 许多黑客在其他人的PC上安装了挖矿比特币的软件。

Here is another example. Some ad blocker apps have been known to allow ads to display on sites — for the right price. So instead of getting those annoying ads blocked, they get shoved down your throat. Thus, the owners of the ad blocker app are using old-school mafia methods to shake people down.

这是另一个例子。 众所周知,某些广告拦截器应用程序允许广告以适当的价格在网站上展示。 因此,与其让那些烦人的广告被阻止,不如将它们推到您的喉咙。 因此,广告拦截器应用的所有者正在使用老式的黑手党方法来震撼人们。

政府正在扼杀网络安全 (Governments are Killing Cyber Security)

You might recall, not too long ago, when there was a bit of a fuss regarding the NSA installing “backdoors” into all electronic communication methods. This meant that any online message sent could be read, and any online activity could be monitored.

您可能还记得不久前,当NSA在所有电子通信方法中都安装“后门”时,大惊小怪。 这意味着可以阅读发送的任何在线消息,并且可以监视任何在线活动。

As you might imagine, many debates ensured, but there is a huge risk here. These backdoors have the potential to compromise Internet security¹⁰.

正如您可能想象的那样,许多辩论都得到了保证,但是这里存在着巨大的风险。 这些后门程序有可能损害Internet安全性。

The moment any door opens within the encryption of a particular company, it can’t ever be closed again. This means that anyone can use it, once they have the knowledge. Unfortunately, there’s no master key that just the good guys could use.

在特定公司使用加密技术打开任何一扇门之后,就永远无法将其再次关闭。 这意味着一旦拥有知识,任何人都可以使用它。 不幸的是,只有好人才能使用没有万能钥匙。

What this would mean is that terrorists, gangsters, thieves, and hackers of every variety would have access to your encrypted data. So if Apple or Microsoft put a backdoor within their code, then these undesirable people would have access to your passwords, Paypal information, and credit card numbers.

这意味着各种恐怖分子,黑帮,小偷和黑客将可以访问您的加密数据。 因此,如果Apple或Microsoft在其代码中放入后门,那么这些不受欢迎的人将可以访问您的密码,Paypal信息和信用卡号。

The problem with this is that many governments in the past have considered going through with this backdoor requirement. Such a decision could result in an online security breach of the worst kind.

这样做的问题是,过去许多政府都考虑过要遵守这一后门要求。 这样的决定可能会导致最严重的在线安全漏洞。

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翻译自: https://medium/swlh/these-are-7-ways-the-internet-is-becoming-more-hostile-58f117294e2d

本文标签: 这是互联网敌对方式