

最近在协助导师完成审稿工作,邀请到的几位 reviewer 十分负责,回复结构很清晰,所以总结在这里,供大家学习。

The authors investigated that ?
They analyzed ?
It was found that ?
The authors claimed that ?

The study is well desinged and conducted. The sample is relevant.
I find the paper relevant and interesting.
Methods, results and data interpretation are scientifically sound.
Methods, results and data interpretation are excellent and clear.
Limitiations are well described at the end of the article.
Excellent important message with a clear and high level methodology.

However, I see that ……
I have just a couple of questions for the authors.
The authors should better support why ……
Please explain ……
In the introduction authors should clearly justify why ……

What is the level of revision required based on your comments:
Substantial revisions
Moderate revisions
Minor revisions

本文标签: 如何写peerreview