




题    目   基于Web的手机模拟器的实现 

摘  要
Web手机模拟器的设计所涉及的技术层面主要包括:图形界面设计,主要是利用Photoshop创造出逼真的手机外观及操作界面;Flash基本工具,利用动作与形状渐变,各帧动画的设计,准确的把握手机的功能演示流程,制作影片剪辑;Javascript和ActionScript动作脚本,后台对手机各功能按钮以及一些关键帧上创建脚本语言。正确的完成从“功能菜单”转向个子功能菜单的跳转。系统开发的工具主要是采用Adobe公司推出的Flash CS和Dreamweaver系列产品,配合Javascript和Actionscript动作脚本语言作为支撑。


With the rapid development of information technology, Flash technology is becoming increasingly popular. In addition to the common courseware presentation, experimental animation, process simulation to achieve, visual simulation and test systems outside the application, Flash is also because of its small size, to achieve technology is relatively simple, flexible features, has been involved in life all aspects of people's lives as more and more convenient.
This article describes the design of mobile phone simulator is a company with an opportunity to launch new phones in order to allow more people to more easily understand the business sections of the new phone to use new services demand made . Flash animation showing the development of portable touch screen on the website and to facilitate understanding of mobile phone users anytime, anywhere to use the new features. All users as long as the manual operation by the terminal, completely simulate the real function of the phone is set up, with a user-friendly, simple, visual and other advantages. Thus increasing the audience and more, to promote the role of a good product.
Flash phone simulator technical aspects involved in the design include: graphical interface design, mainly using Photoshop to create a realistic look and user interface phone; Flash basic tools, the use of movement and shape of the gradient, each frame of animation design, accurate grasp the function of the phone shows the process, make a video clip; ActionScript dynamic script, the background of the function buttons on the phone and some scripting language to create keyframes. Done correctly from the function menu to a sub-function menu the jump. System development tool is mainly used Adobe's Flash CS introduced products, with Actionscript dynamic scripting language as support.

Key words: Flash, ActionScript Dynamic Scripting Languages, Mobile Simulator 

目  录
摘  要    I
Abstract    II
1  绪论
1.1 课题研究背景    (1) 
1.2 课题的现实意义    (1) 
1.3 论文结构    (2) 
2  系统分析
2.1可行性研究    (4) 
2.2 需求分析    (5) 
2.3 系统开发工具及运行环境    (5) 
2.4 系统流程和数据流图    (7) 
2.5 本章小结    (9) 
3  系统的设计
3.1 系统体系结构设计    (10) 
3.2 系统层级功能设计    (11) 
3.3 本章小结    (12) 
4  系统的实现
4.1功能框架的整理    (13) 
4.2前期准备    (13) 
4.3 外围功能模块的实现    (14) 
4.4 内部功能模块的实现    (20) 
4.5 本章小结    (31) 
5  系统功能测试
5.1 功能测试    (32) 
5.2 本章小结    (34) 
6  总结
致  谢    (36) 
参考文献    (37) 
1  绪论

本文标签: 源文件模拟器手机web