





Variable Basics


set(varName value... [PARENT_SCOPE])

In CMake, a variable has a particular scope, much like how variables in other languages have scope limited to a particular function, file, etc. A variable cannot be read or modified outside of its scope.

CMake treats all variables as strings.

set(myVar a b c)  # myVar = "a;b;c"
set(myVar a;b;c)  # myVar = "a;b;c"
set(myVar "a b c")  # myVar = "a b c"
set(myVar a b;c)  # myVar = "a;b;c"
set(myVar a "b c")  # myVar = "a;b c"

In addition, CMake doesn’t require variables to be defined before using them. Use of an undefined variable simply results in an empty string being substituted with no error or warning, much like Unix shell scripts

set(foo ab)  # foo = "ab"
set(bar ${foo}cd) # bar = "abcd"
set(baz ${foo} cd) # baz = "ab;cd"
set(myVar ba) # myVar = "ba"
set(big "${${myVar}r}ef") #big = "${bar}ef"="abcdef"
set(${foo} xyz) # ab = "xyz"
set(bar ${notSetVar}) # bar = ""

Strings are not restricted to being a single line, they can contain embedded newline characters. They can also contain quotes, which require escaping with backslashes.

set(myVar "goes here")
set(multiLine "First line ${myVar}
Second line with a \"quoted\" word")
# Simple multi-line content with bracket syntax,
# no = needed between the square bracket markers
# 没有等号的语法用于简单的多行文本
set(multiLine [[
First line
Second line
# Bracket syntax prevents unwanted substitution
# 带等号括号语法能阻止不必要的替换
set(shellScript [=[
[[ -n "${USER}" ]] && echo "Have USER"
# Equivalent code without bracket syntax
# 特殊字符需要转义
[[ -n \"\${USER}\" ]] && echo \"Have USER\"

As the above example shows, bracket syntax is particularly well suited to defining content like Unix shell scripts. Such content uses the ${…} syntax for its own purpose and frequently contains quotes, but using bracket syntax means these things do not have to be escaped, unlike the traditional quoting style of defining CMake content.

A variable can be unset either by calling unset() or by calling set() with no value for the named variable.


Environment Variables


set(ENV{PATH} "$ENV{PATH}:/opt/myDir")


Cache Variables

In addition to normal variables discussed above, CMake also supports cache variables. Unlike normal variables which have a lifetime limited to the processing of the CMakeLists.txt file, cache variables are stored in the special file called CMakeCache.txt in the build directory and they persist between CMake runs.Once set, cache variables remain set until something explicitly removes them from the cache. but the set() command is different when used to set a cache variable:

set(varName value... CACHE type "docstring" [FORCE])

When the CACHE keyword is present, the set() command will apply to a cache variable named varName instead of a normal variable. The type must be one of the following:



ON/OFF, TRUE/FALSE, 1/0, etc.





The variable is not intended to be made available to the user. Internal cache variables are sometimes used to persistently record internal information by the project, such as caching the result of an intensive query or computation. GUI tools do not show INTERNAL variables.


option(optVar helpString [initialValue])

If initialValue is omitted, the default value OFF will be used


set(optVar initialValue CACHE BOOL helpString)

An important difference between normal and cache variables is that the set() command will only overwrite a cache variable if the FORCE keyword is present, unlike normal variables where the set() command will always overwrite a pre-existing value.

option 命令没有FORCE选项,设置cache变量,会像set()命令设置普通变量一样,默认覆盖原有的设置。


set(myVar foo)                         # Local myVar
set(result ${myVar})                   # result = foo
set(myVar bar CACHE STRING “”)         # Cache myVarm 第二次运行因为已经存在所有这里不会再设置,除非加上 FROCE

set(result ${myVar})                   # First run:
result = bar                           # Subsequent runs: result = foo

set(myVar fred)
set(result ${myVar})                   # result = fred

Manipulating Cache Variables

Using set() and option(), a project can build up a useful set of customization points for its developers. Different parts of the build can be turned on or off, paths to external packages can be set, flags for compilers and linkers can be modified and so on.

Manipulating 操纵

Setting Cache Values On The Command Line

CMake allows cache variables to be manipulated directly via command line options passed to cmake.

cmake -D myVar:type=someValue ...



cmake -D foo:BOOL=ON ...
cmake -D "bar:STRING=This contains spaces" ...
cmake -D hideMe=mysteryValue ...
cmake -D helpers:FILEPATH=subdir/helpers.txt ...
cmake -D helpDir:PATH=/opt/helpThings ...


cmake -U 'help*' -U foo ...
CMake GUI Tools

In the first stage, the CMakeLists.txt file is read and a representation of the project is built up in memory.
This is called the configure stage. If the configure stage is successful, the generate stage can then be executed to create the build tool’s project files in the build directory. When running cmake from the command line, both stages are executed automatically, but in the GUI application, they are triggered separately with the Configure and Generate buttons.


设置变量,并增加变量的可选项,经过set_property(CACHE trafficLight PROPERTY STRINGS Red Orange Green)设置,变量trafficLight GUI上进行编辑变量时就会出现设置的可选项。

set(trafficLight Green CACHE STRING "Status of something")
set_property(CACHE trafficLight PROPERTY STRINGS Red Orange Green)

In the above, the trafficLight cache variable will initially have the value Green. When the user attempts to modify trafficLight in cmake-gui, they will be given a combobox containing the three values Red, Orange and Green instead of a simple line edit widget which would otherwise have allowed them to enter any arbitrary text.

Cache variables can also have a property marking them as advanced or not. This too only affects the way the variable is displayed in cmake-gui, it does not in any way affect how CMake uses the variable during processing. By default, cmake-gui only shows non-advanced variables, which typically presents just the main variables a developer would be interested in viewing or modifying.

mark_as_advanced([CLEAR|FORCE] var1 [var2...])

The CLEAR keyword ensures the variables are not marked as advanced, while the FORCE keyword ensures the variables are marked advanced. Without either keyword, the variables will only be marked as advanced if they don’t already have an advanced/non-advanced state set.



Debugging Variables And Diagnostics


message([mode] msg1 [msg2]...)
set(myVar HiThere)
message("The value of myVar = ${myVar}"):

This will give the following output :

andrew@ubuntu:/work/linux-sys/CMake/variables/build$ cmake ./../source/
The value of myVar = HiThere







Like WARNING, but only shown if developer warnings are enabled (requires the -Wdev option on the cmake command line). Projects do not often use this particular type of message.



CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:30 (message):
  The value of myVar = HiThere

-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!



CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:32 (message):
  The value of myVar = HiThere

-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
See also "/work/linux-sys/CMake/variables/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".


Special category used to log a deprecation message. If the CMAKE_ERROR_DEPRECATED variable is defined to a boolean true value, the message will be treated as an error. If CMAKE_WARN_DEPRECATED is defined to a boolean true, the message will be treated as a warning. If neither variable is defined, the message will not be shown.

If no mode keyword is provided, then the message is considered to be important information and is logged without any modification.


variable_watch(myVar [command])
String Handling


The first argument to string() defines the operation to be performed and subsequent arguments depend on the operation being requested. These arguments will generally require at least one input string and since CMake commands cannot return a value, an output variable for the result of the operation. In the material below, this output variable will generally be named outVar.

string(FIND inputString subString outVar [REVERSE])

FIND searches for subString in inputString and stores the index of the found subString in outVar (the first character is index 0). The first occurrence is found unless REVERSE is specified, in which case the last occurrence will be found instead. If subString does not appear in inputString, then outVar will be given the value -1.

set(longStr abcdefabcdef)
set(shortBit def)
string(FIND ${longStr} ${shortBit} fwdIndex)
# 反方向查找
string(FIND ${longStr} ${shortBit} revIndex REVERSE)
message("fwdIndex = ${fwdIndex}, revIndex = ${revIndex}")


fwdIndex = 3, revIndex = 9


string(REPLACE matchString replaceWith outVar input [input...])

The REPLACE operation will replace every occurrence of matchString in the input strings with replaceWith and store the result in outVar.

set(matchString abc)
set(replaceWith zzz)
string(REPLACE ${matchString} ${replaceWith} replaceOutVar abcdjdiuegnkajkjfajabcabcabcdskfjksdjkabc abc)
message("replace string = ${replaceOutVar}")


replace test ============
replace string = zzzdjdiuegnkajkjfajzzzzzzzzzdskfjksdjkzzzzzz



string(REGEX MATCH regex outVar input [input...])
string(REGEX MATCHALL regex outVar input [input...])
string(REGEX REPLACE regex replaceWith outVar input [input...])

The MATCH operation finds just the first match and stores it in outVar. MATCHALL finds all matches and stores them in outVar as a list.

set(longStr abcdefabcdef)
string(REGEX MATCHALL "[ace]" matchVar ${longStr})
string(REGEX REPLACE "([de])" "X\\1Y" replVar ${longStr})
message("matchVar = ${matchVar}")
message("replVar = ${replVar}")


string(SUBSTRING input index length outVar)

input输入的字符串, index索引字符串下标,length子串长度。


string(LENGTH input outVar)   # 获取字符串长度
string(TOLOWER input outVar)  # 将字符串转换为小写
string(TOUPPER input outVar)  # 将字符串转换为大写
string(STRIP input outVar)    # 将字符串空格剔除




list(LENGTH listVar outVar)
list(GET listVar index [index...] outVar)

The output of the above example would be :

length = 3
letters = c;b


list(APPEND listVar item [item...])
list(INSERT listVar index item [item...])
set(myList a b c)
list(APPEND myList d e f)
message("myList (first) = ${myList}")
list(INSERT myList 2 X Y Z)
message("myList (second) = ${myList}")
myList (first) = a;b;c;d;e;f
myList (second) = a;b;X;Y;Z;c;d;e;f


list(FIND myList value outVar)
message("list test +++++++++++++++++++++")
# Example
set(testList a b c d e)
list(FIND testList d bIndex)
message("index = ${bIndex}")
list test +++++++++++++++++++++
index = 3



list(REMOVE_ITEM myList value [value...])
list(REMOVE_AT myList index [index...])





List items can also be reordered with REVERSE or SORT operations (sorting is alphabetical):

list(REVERSE myList)
list(SORT myList)


math(EXPR outVar mathExpr)

第一个参数为固定EXPRmathExpr定义计算过程,结果最终存储在outVar中。支持+ - * / % | & ^ ~ << >> * / %.等运算符,具体使用和C语言中的完全一样。mathExpr支持使用变量${myVar}

set(x 3)
set(y 7)
math(EXPR z "(${x}+${y}) / 2")
message("result = ${z}")

Expected output:

result = 5

本文标签: 变量详解详细CMAKE