


Do you need to send someone sensitive information through email? Regular email is sent “in the clear” and therefore is subject to interception by hackers. However, there are many options for sending private, sensitive information securely through email.

您是否需要通过电子邮件向某人发送敏感信息? 常规电子邮件是“明文”发送的,因此容易被黑客拦截。 但是,有许多选项可以通过电子邮件安全地发送私人的敏感信息。

We have collected some links to sites providing solutions for sending secure email, secure one-time messages, and secure instant messaging, and encrypting files to send through email.


信息加密 (Infoencrypt)

Infoencrypt is a free, web-based service for easily securing your messages. Simply enter the text of your message and the encryption password that will be used for both encryption and decryption. The program encrypts your message using a strong encryption algorithm, making it secure to send. Anyone who intercepts the encrypted message without the password will not be able to read the original message.

Infoencrypt是一项基于Web的免费服务,可轻松保护您的消息。 只需输入您的消息文本和将用于加密和解密的加密密码。 该程序使用强大的加密算法对您的邮件进行加密,从而确保其发送的安全性。 任何截取没有密码的加密消息的人将无法阅读原始消息。

Infoencrypt does not require installation on your PC.


安全邮件 (SafeGmail)

SafeGmail is a free extension for Google Chrome that allows you to send encrypted emails to anyone. The messages are encrypted and decrypted within the browser and remain encrypted in both the sender’s and receiver’s email inboxes. The messages also automatically expire after a random amount of time.

SafeGmail是Google Chrome浏览器的免费扩展程序,可让您将加密的电子邮件发送给任何人。 邮件在浏览器中进行加密和解密,并在发件人和收件人的电子邮件收件箱中均保持加密状态。 消息还会在随机的时间后自动过期。

SafeGmail works with any recipient email provider. For more information about using SafeGmail [discontinued], see our article.

SafeGmail可与任何收件人电子邮件提供商一起使用。 有关使用SafeGmail的更多信息[已停产],请参阅我们的文章 。

邮件 (RMail)

RMail allows you to easily send emails with end-to-end security and compliance. Send encrypted email from your current email address (10 free messages allowed per month) and automatically receive a Registered Receipt™ record proving encrypted delivery and compliance with open tracking.

RMail使您可以轻松发送具有端到端安全性和合规性的电子邮件。 从您当前的电子邮件地址发送加密的电子邮件(每月允许免费发送10条消息),并自动接收Registered Receipt™记录,证明加密的传递和开放跟踪的合规性。

Sendinc (Sendinc)

Sendinc is a web-based service that makes it safe and simple to transmit sensitive information via email. You and your recipients can use Sendinc for free. No software is required.

Sendinc是一项基于Web的服务,通过电子邮件可以安全而轻松地传输敏感信息。 您和您的收件人可以免费使用Sendinc。 无需软件。

Sendinc secures your message by ensuring that your data remains encrypted from the time it leaves your computer through the time your recipients retrieve it. At no point in the process is your message data transmitted or stored in an unencrypted format. Sendinc further ensures the safety of your messages by verifying your recipients are in fact your intended recipients.

Sendinc通过确保从数据离开计算机到收件人检索数据之间的数据一直处于加密状态来保护您的消息。 在此过程中,您的消息数据绝不会以未加密的格式传输或存储。 Sendinc通过验证收件人实际上是您的预期收件人,进一步确保了邮件的安全性。

Messages are encrypted with a powerful randomly-generated encryption key that is emailed to your recipients in the form of a link. Sendinc does not save a copy of your recipients’ encryption keys and your message can not be decrypted without the key – not even by Sendinc. This means only your recipients can decode the message data.

邮件使用强大的随机生成的加密密钥进行加密,然后以链接的形式通过电子邮件发送给您的收件人。 Sendinc不会保存收件人的加密密钥的副本,没有该密钥也无法解密您的消息-即使是Sendinc也是如此。 这意味着只有您的收件人才能解码邮件数据。

Hushmail (Hushmail)

Hushmail is a secure web-based free email service that looks and feels just like any other web-mail site, but adds strong encryption to your emails to protect your secrets from prying eyes. It uses standards-compliant encryption and provides mobile access (Android, iPhone, BlackBerry, etc.).

Hushmail是一种安全的,基于Web的免费电子邮件服务,外观和感觉与其他任何Web站点一样,但是为您的电子邮件添加了强大的加密功能,以保护您的机密免遭窥视。 它使用符合标准的加密,并提供移动访问(Android,iPhone,BlackBerry等)。

Paid plans are also available that provide additional storage, unlimited email aliases, dedicated technical support, and desktop access.

还提供付费计划 ,提供额外的存储空间,无限的电子邮件别名,专门的技术支持和桌面访问。

锁仓 (Lockbin)

Lockbin is a free web application for sending private email messages and files. Lockbin ends message persistence, which means your email message will not be backed up on email servers or stored in backup files. Network sniffers can also spy on your email traffic while in transit. Use Lockbin to obscure the content of your message and avoid these hazards to your privacy.

Lockbin是一个免费的Web应用程序,用于发送私人电子邮件和文件。 Lockbin结束了消息持久性,这意味着您的电子邮件将不会备份到电子邮件服务器上或存储在备份文件中。 网络嗅探器还可以监视传输过程中的电子邮件流量。 使用Lockbin掩盖邮件的内容,并避免这些危害您的隐私。

No registration is required to use Lockbin. Your message and file attachments are protected by strong AES-256 bit encryption and your secret password. You invent the password and deliver it to the recipient using a different secure method, not email.

使用Lockbin无需注册。 您的消息和文件附件受到强大的AES-256位加密和密码的保护。 您发明了密码,然后使用其他安全方法(而不是电子邮件)将其发送给收件人。

The free plan allows one user to send secure messages with secure file attachments up to 15MB. Files are stored for up to one month. You can also download free Lockbin Java desktop software and a free Microsoft Outlook add-in for sending and receiving Lockbin messages. There are also paid plans providing more features and allowing for larger limits on file attachments and for more users

该免费计划允许一个用户发送安全消息,并带有最大15MB的安全文件附件。 文件最多可以存储一个月。 您还可以下载免费的Lockbin Java桌面软件和免费的Microsoft Outlook加载项,用于发送和接收Lockbin消息。 也有付费计划提供更多功能,并允许更大的文件附件限制和更多的用户

iSafeguard (iSafeguard)

iSafeguard is a software package that provides easy-to-use and highly secure encryption and digital signature solutions for everyone from big companies to individual users. The software allows you to sign and encrypt files, folders, and emails and verify digital signatures and countersignatures. It provides a secure text editor and allows you to wipe files, folders, and free disk space. It also integrates with the Windows shell.

iSafeguard是一个软件包,可以为从大公司到个人用户的每个人提供易于使用且高度安全的加密和数字签名解决方案。 该软件允许您对文件,文件夹和电子邮件进行签名和加密,并验证数字签名和加签。 它提供了一个安全的文本编辑器,并允许您擦除文件,文件夹和可用磁盘空间。 它还与Windows Shell集成。

The freeware edition of their software is for non-business, individual users. Although it lacks some of the features the enterprise and professional editions have it does provide powerful encryption and digital signatures capabilities, and security is as strong as the enterprise and professional editions.

他们的软件的免费版本是针对非商业个人用户的。 尽管它缺少企业版和专业版的某些功能,但确实提供了强大的加密和数字签名功能,并且安全性与企业版和专业版一样强。

All editions support using certificates from any Certificate Authorities, and handle certificate status checking automatically.


Sbwave加密器 (Sbwave Enkryptor)

Sbwave Enkryptor is a free service that encrypts text messages for email delivery. The encrypted email is entered and sent via a web form. The recipient receives the encrypted message in a similar form, then simply enters the encryption code you chose and the message is decrypted.

Sbwave Enkryptor是一项免费服务,可以加密文本消息以进行电子邮件传递。 加密的电子邮件是通过Web表单输入和发送的。 收件人以类似的形式接收加密的消息,然后只需输入您选择的加密代码,然后对该消息进行解密。

There is no software to install, nothing to sign up for, and no ads attached to the messages. The service requires an encryption code that both you and the recipient know and a mail client that understands HTML such as Outlook Express, Netscape Messenger, Hotmail, NetZero, Lycos or any number of free email systems.

没有要安装的软件,没有要注册的内容,也没有广告附加到邮件上。 该服务需要您和收件人都知道的加密代码,以及能够理解HTML的邮件客户端,例如Outlook Express,Netscape Messenger,Hotmail,NetZero,Lycos或任意数量的免费电子邮件系统。

Safe-mail (Safe-mail)

Safe-mail is a highly secure communication, storage, sharing and distribution system for the Internet. It provides email, instant messaging, data distribution, data storage, and file sharing tools in a suite of applications that enables businesses and individuals to communicate and store data with privacy and confidence. Every application is secured by state-of-the-art encryption ensuring the highest level protection and privacy to users. Within the overall system as with each application, security is not an add-on feature but has been designed into the fundamental architecture of the system.

安全邮件是用于Internet的高度安全的通信,存储,共享和分发系统。 它在一组应用程序中提供电子邮件,即时消息传递,数据分发,数据存储和文件共享工具,使企业和个人能够以隐私和自信的方式进行通信和存储数据。 每个应用程序都通过最先进的加密技术来保护,从而确保为用户提供最高级别的保护和隐私。 与每个应用程序一样,在整个系统中,安全性不是附加功能,而是已设计到系统的基本体系结构中。

The system is available at any time and from any location using any device or operating system, be it PC or Macintosh, Windows or Unix, Sun or i-mode enabled wireless device.


Safe-mail’s free service contains ALL the functionality of the Safe-mail system but is limited to 3Mb of storage space, less names in the address book, less folders, filters, smaller mail quota and reduced frequency of backup. To increase access to these resources, they offer a range of Premium Services.

Safe-mail的免费服务包含Safe-mail系统的所有功能,但仅限于3Mb的存储空间,地址簿中的名称更少,文件夹,过滤器更少,邮件配额更少以及备份频率降低。 为了增加对这些资源的访问,他们提供了一系列高级服务 。

There are no advertisements, downloads or cookies. Safe-mail supports most hardware platforms and any operating system. Includes file storage, spam filters and anti virus protection. Full compatibility with most browsers, email clients and all relevant protocols including POP, SMTP, IMAP, S/MIME and Public Key Infrastructure (PKI).

没有广告,下载或cookie。 安全邮件支持大多数硬件平台和任何操作系统。 包括文件存储,垃圾邮件过滤器和防病毒保护。 与大多数浏览器,电子邮件客户端以及所有相关协议(包括POP,SMTP,IMAP,S / MIME和公共密钥基础结构(PKI))完全兼容。

Enigmail (Enigmail)

Enigmail is a security extension to Mozilla Thunderbird and Seamonkey. It enables you to write and receive email messages signed and/or encrypted with the OpenPGP standard. Enigmail can also be used with Eudora OSE and Postbox (using a Postbox extension).

Enigmail是Mozilla Thunderbird和Seamonkey的安全扩展。 它使您能够编写和接收使用OpenPGP标准签名和/或加密的电子邮件。 Enigmail也可以与Eudora OSE和Postbox一起使用(使用Postbox扩展名)。

Enigmail is an email plugin. It cannot be run by itself. You need to use one of the supported email clients, the GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG), and a little patience. You may also need to install the proper Enigmail language pack.

Enigmail是一个电子邮件插件。 它不能单独运行。 您需要使用一种受支持的电子邮件客户端 ,即GNU Privacy Guard(GnuPG)和一点耐心。 您可能还需要安装正确的Enigmail语言包 。

Comodo免费安全电子邮件证书 (Comodo Free Secure Email Certificate)

Comodo Free Secure Email Certificate allows you to protect your digital communications. The digital signature ensures confidentiality and provides secure message encryption with up to 256-bit security. The Comodo Free Secure Email Certificate is free for personal use, integrates with Microsoft® Office and major applications, and is trusted by popular email clients.

Comodo免费安全电子邮件证书可让您保护您的数字通信。 数字签名可确保机密性,并提供安全的消息加密和高达256位的安全性。 Comodo免费安全电子邮件证书免费供个人使用,与Microsoft®Office和主要应用程序集成,并受到流行电子邮件客户端的信任。

Email certificates provide the strongest levels of confidentiality and security for your electronic communications by allowing you to digitally sign and encrypt your mail and attachments. Encryption means that only your intended recipient will be able to read the mail while digitally signing allows them to confirm you as the sender and verify the message was not tampered with en route. Comodo’s email certificates are free for personal/home users and are available from as little as $12 per year for business users.

电子邮件证书允许您对邮件和附件进行数字签名和加密,从而为您的电子通信提供最强的机密性和安全性。 加密意味着只有预定的收件人才能阅读邮件,而数字签名使他们可以确认您是发件人,并确认邮件在途中未被篡改。 Comodo的电子邮件证书对于个人/家庭用户是免费的,对于企业用户而言 ,每年的费用仅为12美元。

Mobrien (Mobrien)

Mobrien offers a free encrypted email service that transmit your email text message in an encrypted form so that it cannot be parsed for key words while en route. What happens once it is stored on the receiver’s computer is up to them and the protective security measures they have enabled.

Mobrien提供免费的加密电子邮件服务,该服务以加密形式传输您的电子邮件文本消息,以便在途中无法解析关键词。 一旦将其存储在接收方的计算机上,该如何处理取决于接收方及其启用的保护性安全措施。

Your e-mail remains encrypted from the time it is sent and until it is received and decrypted by the intended recipient. The recipient automatically receives instructions for decrypting messages. No unencrypted message is transmitted across the internet.

从发送到您的电子邮件一直被加密,直到目标收件人收到并解密为止。 收件人自动接收用于解密消息的指令。 不会通过Internet传输未加密的消息。

Between transmissions, when your e-mail is stored on mail servers, the message remains encrypted and the content cannot be “sniffed” for specific key words, which is the manner in which email “eavesdroppers” select the emails they want to read.


Using Mobrien’s encrypted email service, there is no need to exchange passwords or complex public key details with encrypted email recipients. The recipients are automatically sent instructions for deciphering the encrypted email. Sending an encrypted email message using Mobrien is as simple as sending an ordinary email with a web client. Other email encryption methods require the sender and receiver to exchange public keys which is complicated, inconvenient, and not very practical when spontaneously sending encoded email messages.

使用Mobrien的加密电子邮件服务,无需与加密电子邮件收件人交换密码或复杂的公共密钥详细信息。 收件人会自动收到有关解密加密电子邮件的说明。 使用Mobrien发送加密的电子邮件消息与通过Web客户端发送普通电子邮件一样简单。 其他电子邮件加密方法要求发送者和接收者交换公钥,这很复杂,不便,并且在自发发送编码的电子邮件消息时不太实用。

安全邮件 (SafeMess)

SafeMess allows you to encrypt any message text in a few seconds. After the encryption is done, your message will appear unreadable to the human eye. Then you can send your message to a friend or save it to a file for later use. Your friend will only be able to read the message if he or she enters the secret password that you have chosen.

SafeMess允许您在几秒钟内加密任何消息文本。 加密完成后,您的消息将对人眼不可读。 然后,您可以将消息发送给朋友或将其保存到文件中以备后用。 您的朋友只有输入您选择的秘密密码,才能阅读消息。

SafeMess can be used on any message and is suitable when the communication is done via an unsecured channel (like mail, IM, chat, etc.) or when you want to hide information from robots or filters.


The encryption script always runs locally in the browser on your computer. Therefore, your secret password and message will never be sent over the Internet to the SafeMess server.

加密脚本始终在计算机的浏览器中本地运行。 因此,您的秘密密码和消息将永远不会通过Internet发送到SafeMess服务器。

Currently, you cannot encrypt more than 32 kilobytes of data (that is more than 10 printed pages of text) using SafeMess. All character sets are supported, including US, European, Cyrillic, Chinese and Japanese as long as the browser has support for UTF-8 encoding.

当前,您不能使用SafeMess加密超过32 KB的数据(即超过10个打印的文本页面)。 只要浏览器支持UTF-8编码,就支持所有字符集,包括美国,欧洲,西里尔字母,中文和日语。

You can use SafeMess in any modern web browser with JavaScript enabled. They have successfully tested it in Internet Explorer 6+, Firefox 2+, Chrome 2+, Safari 3+ , Opera 9+ and Opera Mini. You should also be able to use SafeMess on advanced phones and PDAs, such as iPhone and Android devices. However, it does not work with older Nokia and Sony Ericsson phones.

您可以在任何启用JavaScript的现代网络浏览器中使用SafeMess。 他们已经在Internet Explorer 6 +,Firefox 2 +,Chrome 2 +,Safari 3 +,Opera 9+和Opera Mini中成功测试了它。 您还应该能够在高级电话和PDA(例如iPhone和Android设备)上使用SafeMess。 但是,它不适用于较旧的诺基亚和索尼爱立信手机。

随处加密 (Crypto Anywhere)

Crypto Anywhere is a program that is small enough to fit on a USB flash drive, providing free secure email on the go. Don’t have a computer yourself but want to protect your web based e-mail at your local internet cafe? Crypto Anywhere is for you. If you run Crypto Anywhere from a USB flash drive, you can encrypt your email without even installing software on your workstation. With Crypto Anywhere you can send and receive secure email to and from anyone with an email account – the recipients do not have to have Crypto Anywhere themselves.

Crypto Anywhere是一种程序,它的大小足以装在USB闪存驱动器上,可随时随地提供免费的安全电子邮件。 您自己没有计算机,但想在本地网吧保护基于Web的电子邮件吗? Crypto Anywhere适合您。 如果从USB闪存驱动器运行Crypto Anywhere,则无需在工作站上安装软件即可加密电子邮件。 使用Crypto Anywhere,您可以与拥有电子邮件帐户的任何人之间收发安全的电子邮件-收件人本身不必拥有Crypto Anywhere。

Crypto Anywhere is free for personal and corporate use.

Crypto Anywhere免费提供给个人和公司使用。

Opolis安全电子邮件服务 (Opolis Secure Email Service)

Opolis is a high-security email service. Combining the latest E-Mail security technologies, Opolis transmits, processes and stores all your confidential messages in encrypted mode. Accessible from all over the world, Opolis operates on your PC in parallel to standard email applications, such as Microsoft’s Outlook or Apple’s Mail. The Opolis Mail Client runs on any machine and does not require any specific configuration.

Opolis是一种高安全性的电子邮件服务。 结合最新的电子邮件安全技术,Opolis以加密模式传输,处理和存储所有机密消息。 Opolis可从世界各地访问,与标准电子邮件应用程序(例如Microsoft的Outlook或Apple的Mail)并行运行在您的PC上。 Opolis Mail Client可在任何计算机上运行,​​并且不需要任何特定配置。

Opolis is a fully integrated service provider for all your confidential emails, combining a global infrastructure, server systems, backup facilities, storage and customer service.


邮袋 (Mailvelope)

Mailvelope is an easy-to-use Chrome extension that offers free, OpenPGP encryption for the most popular webmail services. It comes preconfigured for major webmail providers (Gmail/Google Apps, Outlook, Yahoo! and GMX) and integrates directly into the webmail user interface. It can also be configured to support other webmail services.

Mailvelope是一个易于使用的Chrome扩展程序,可为最受欢迎的网络邮件服务提供免费的OpenPGP加密。 它已为主要的Webmail提供商(Gmail / Google Apps,Outlook,Yahoo!和GMX)预先配置,并直接集成到Webmail用户界面中。 也可以将其配置为支持其他Webmail服务。

A Firefox version of Mailvelope is currently in development. An early preview can be found in the GitHub repository.

目前正在开发Firefox版本的Mailvelope。 可以在GitHub 存储库中找到早期预览。

趋势科技电子邮件加密客户端 (Trend Micro Email Encryption Client)

Trend Micro Email Encryption Client is a plug-in for Microsoft Outlook that enables secure, confidential and private email communications between you and any of your Outlook contacts.

趋势科技电子邮件加密客户端是Microsoft Outlook的插件,可实现您与任何Outlook联系人之间的安全,机密和私人电子邮件通信。

Since regular email is transmitted “in the clear,” it is vulnerable to interception and eavesdropping on the internet and by online email providers such as Gmail, Hotmail and Yahoo! Mail. Safe, secure, and free for non-commercial use, Trend Micro Email Encryption Client ensures that no one except you and your recipients can read your encrypted email messages and attachments.

由于常规电子邮件是“明文”传输的,因此容易受到Internet和在线电子邮件提供商(例如Gmail,Hotmail和Yahoo!)的拦截和窃听。 邮件。 趋势科技电子邮件加密客户端安全,可靠且可用于非商业用途,可确保您和收件人之外的任何人都无法阅读您的加密电子邮件和附件。

Simply click the “Send Private” button from Outlook to encrypt your email message and any attachments with 256-bit AES, the same encryption standard approved for used by US government agencies.


地穴4免费 (Crypt4Free)

Crypt4Free is a free program that allows you to encrypt every kind of file on every kind of medium, whether floppy disk, removable hard drive, zip drive, tape drive or other, using the proven encryption algorithm, DESX. It offers full .zip support, providing the ability to browse for existing .zip archives, extract their contents, and even create new .zip archives.

Crypt4Free是一个免费程序,可让您使用成熟的加密算法DESX对每种介质(软盘,可移动硬盘,zip驱动器,磁带驱动器或其他介质)上的每种文件进行加密。 它提供了完整的.zip支持,提供了浏览现有.zip存档,提取其内容甚至创建新的.zip存档的功能。

The program also allows you to send encrypted files and messages via the internet and to encrypt email text (or any other text message) to send it securely via e-mail, chat, or instant messengers like ICQ, AOL Messenger, Microsoft Messenger, etc. The recipient must enter the password to read this message.

该程序还允许您通过Internet发送加密的文件和消息,并对电子邮件文本(或任何其他文本消息)进行加密,以通过电子邮件,聊天或ICQ,AOL Messenger,Microsoft Messenger等即时通讯程序安全地发送电子邮件收件人必须输入密码才能阅读此消息。

Crypt4Free provides a user privacy tool that removes all internet traces, such as URL history, typed URLs, Favorites, Recycle Bin, typed passwords in web forms, etc. There is also a built-in file shredder that allows you to wipe the contents of the original, pre-encrypted file.


The company that offers Crypt4Free, SecureAction, also sells a program called Advanced Encryption Package Professional for $49.95. The program offers features not available in the freeware version, such as creation of self-extracting archives, integration with Windows Explorer, complete command line support, RSA algorithm support, and 17 additional encryption algorithms and 19 additional secure files erasure algorithms.

提供Crypt4Free,SecureAction的公司还出售名为Advanced Encryption Package Professional的程序,价格为49.95美元。 该程序提供免费软件版本中不可用的功能,例如创建自解压存档,与Windows资源管理器集成,完整的命令行支持,RSA算法支持以及17种其他加密算法和19种其他安全文件擦除算法。

dsCrypt (dsCrypt)

dsCrypt is an AES/Rijndael file encryption program with a simple, multi-file, drag-and-drop interface. It features optimal implementation, performance and safety measures. dsCrypt uses an advanced encryption algorithm and offers unique options for enhanced security. It is available as a small, self-contained, and dependency-free file you can run on your PC or on a USB flash drive.

dsCrypt是一个AES / Rijndael文件加密程序,具有简单的多文件拖放界面。 它具有最佳的实施,性能和安全措施。 dsCrypt使用高级加密算法,并提供独特的选项以增强安全性。 它是一个小型,独立且无依赖性的文件,您可以在您的PC或USB闪存驱动器上运行。

Files you encrypt are converted into encrypted .dsc files. If you use dsCrypt to send a private message to someone via email, the recipient simply has to drag and drop a .dsc file onto the dsCrypt program window, type the correct password, and the file will be decrypted and made usable again.

您加密的文件将转换为加密的.dsc文件。 如果您使用dsCrypt通过电子邮件将私密消息发送给某人,则收件人只需将.dsc文件拖放到dsCrypt程序窗口中,输入正确的密码,该文件将被解密并再次可用。


MEO is file encryption software for Windows or Mac or Windows that allow you to encrypt and decrypt files of any type. Protect sensitive data against unauthorized viewers with the latest data encryption technologies to keep your documents safe and secure.

MEO是用于Windows或Mac或Windows的文件加密软件,可让您加密和解密任何类型的文件。 使用最新的数据加密技术保护敏感数据,防止未经授权的查看者使用,以确保文档安全。

Use MEO to easily send encrypted emails, or create self-extracting encrypted files so the receiver can open the encrypted files on any Windows or Mac computer without needing to install the encryption software on their machine. MEO also provides context menu integration so you can encrypt files outside of the MEO program.

使用MEO轻松发送加密的电子邮件,或创建自解压缩的加密文件,以便接收者可以在任何Windows或Mac计算机上打开加密文件,而无需在其计算机上安装加密软件。 MEO还提供了上下文菜单集成,因此您可以在MEO程序外部加密文件。

The free version is available for non-commercial use.


加密文件 (Encrypt Files)

Encrypt Files is a free, lightweight but powerful program that allows you to encrypt your files and folders and password protect them. It supports 13 encryption methods. You have the option to shred the original files after encryption or to make the files hidden after encryption. The software must be installed on both the sender’s and recipient’s computers. When you encrypt a file, a new copy of the file is created that is encrypted, leaving the original file alone. You can then choose leave, delete, or shred the original file.

加密文件是一个免费,轻巧但功能强大的程序,可让您加密文件和文件夹,并用密码保护它们。 它支持13种加密方法。 您可以选择在加密后粉碎原始文件,或者在加密后隐藏文件。 该软件必须同时安装在发送者和接收者的计算机上。 加密文件时,将创建该文件的新副本,该副本将被加密,而将原始文件保留下来。 然后,您可以选择离开,删除或切碎原始文件。

那个 (ThreadThat)

ThreadThat is a free web-based service that allows you to easily conduct online, bi-directional, passkey-protected, anonymous communication using secure threads in your own private, encrypted message center. A secure thread is a series of exchanges between two or more individuals arranged in one convenient continuous conversation that can be accessed with a single mouse click. There is no limit to the number of messages or files on a Thread and no limitation on the length of time the conversation spans. All messages and files are encrypted while in-transit and while at-rest and can only be accessed by other invited ThreadThat users. Threads only exist on ThreadThat servers, never on an end-user computing device.

Thread那是一项免费的基于Web的服务,使您可以使用自己的私有加密消息中心中的安全线程轻松进行在线,双向,受密码保护的匿名通信。 安全线程是指在一个或多个连续的对话中安排的两个或多个个人之间的一系列交换,单击一次即可访问。 线程上的消息或文件数量没有限制,并且会话跨越的时间长度也没有限制。 所有消息和文件在途中和静止时均被加密,并且只能由其他受邀的ThreadThat用户访问。 线程仅存在于ThreadThat服务器上,而不存在于最终用户计算设备上。

ThreadThat does not require that you download and install any software and there is no advertising, games, SPAM, or malware.


烧录音符 (Burn Note)

Burn Note is a free web application that allows you to have private conversations online. Enter a note and protect it with a password. When you click Send, a link is generated. Send the link and communicate the password to the recipient. Once they have read the note, or the specified time period has passed, the note self destructs. The recipient can securely reply to your note.

Burn Note是一个免费的Web应用程序,它使您可以在线进行私人对话。 输入注释并使用密码进行保护。 当您单击发送时,将生成一个链接。 发送链接并将密码传达给收件人。 一旦他们阅读了笔记,或者经过了指定的时间段,笔记就会自毁。 收件人可以安全地回复您的笔记。

Every message on Burn Note is automatically deleted and uses patent-pending technology to prevent copying. Deleted Burn Notes are completely erased from the Burn Note servers after a certain amount of time you specify, so it is impossible for anyone to retrieve them.

Burn Note上的每条消息都会自动删除,并使用正在申请专利的技术来防止复制。 在指定的时间后,已删除的Burn Notes将从Burn Note服务器中完全删除,因此任何人都无法检索它们。

QuickForget (QuickForget)

QuickForget is a free, web-based service that allows you to share secret messages that self destruct after a set amount of time. Enter a message and get a link you can share with the recipient of your message. You can set the number of views allowed and also the amount of time before the message self-destructs. Once a message is deleted, it is gone forever. If you try to access to access the message after it is deleted, a message displays, saying, “Sorry, I’ve already forgotten the secret.”

QuickForget是一项免费的基于Web的服务,可让您共享在一定时间后会自毁的秘密消息。 输入一条消息并获得一个链接,您可以与该消息的收件人共享一个链接。 您可以设置允许的视图数量,以及消息自毁之前的时间。 邮件一旦删除,便永远消失了。 如果您尝试在删除消息后访问该消息,则会显示一条消息,说:“对不起,我已经忘记了密码。”

私人笔记 (Privnote)

Privnote is a free service that allows you to send private message that self-destruct after being read once. You do not need to register or create a password. You simply write your note, click the red button to create a link, and then send that link to the desired recipient. When the person accesses that link, they will see the note in their browser, and the note automatically self-destructs. No one, not even the same person who viewed the note, can access the note again.

Privnote是一项免费服务,使您可以发送一次被私人销毁的自毁消息。 您不需要注册或创建密码。 您只需编写便笺,单击红色按钮以创建链接,然后将该链接发送给所需的收件人。 当该人访问该链接时,他们将在浏览器中看到该注释,并且该注释会自动自毁。 没有人可以查看该笔记,甚至没有人查看该笔记。

There is no time limit by which the link must be viewed or it will be self-destructed. The one feature Privnote has that does not is a check box that allows you to receive notification when the message has been read.

没有查看链接的时间限制,否则链接将被自毁。 Privnote具有OneShar.es没有的一项功能是允许您在阅读消息后接收通知的复选框。 ( is a free service that allows you to share confidential information with others that you don’t want to send through email or post on instant messaging services. The information shared is encrypted from you to and stored encrypted. cannot read your information. It is assigned a unique URL that you can share. The provided URL can only be accessed once. Once someone visits the URL you send them, the information is unlocked so they can view it, and then the message is deleted. You can specify minutes, hours, or days by which the message will be self-destructed if not viewed. The maximum amount of time is 3 days.

OneShar.es是一项免费服务,可让您与您不想通过电子邮件发送或张贴在即时消息服务上的其他人共享机密信息。 共享的信息已从您加密到,并已加密存储。 OneShar.es无法读取您的信息。 为它分配了一个可以共享的唯一URL。 提供的URL只能访问一次。 有人访问您发送给他们的URL后,信息便被解锁,以便他们可以查看,然后消息被删除。 您可以指定分钟,小时或天,如果不查看该消息,它们将被自毁。 最长时间为3天。 does not require a password or registration and can also be used on Android and iOS devices.


How-To Geek previously showed you how to use to send self-destructing sensitive information to someone.

How-To Geek之前向您展示了如何使用OneShar.es将自毁的敏感信息发送给某人 。

Steganos LockNote (Steganos LockNote)

Steganos LockNote is a small, simple program that allows you to store private text in filessecurely. For example, if you purchase a download-only program, you can use LockNote to store the product key or serial number that goes with that program in the same folder, so you always know where to find it. The program works like Windows Notepad, but when you save the file, you’ll be prompted for a password.

Steganos LockNote是一个小型简单程序,可让您安全地将私人文本存储在文件中。 例如,如果您购买了仅下载程序,则可以使用LockNote将该程序附带的产品密钥或序列号存储在同一文件夹中,因此您始终知道在哪里可以找到它。 该程序的工作方式类似于Windows记事本,但是保存文件时,系统会提示您输入密码。

In addition to using LockNote to store personal, private data, you can use LockNote to send someone a private message. Enter your message in LockNote, password-protect the message, and then send the LockNote file to your recipient via email. When your recipient opens the LockNote file on their PC, all they have to do is enter the password and they can read your message.

除了使用LockNote存储个人的私人数据外,还可以使用LockNote向某人发送私人消息。 在LockNote中输入您的消息,对消息进行密码保护,然后通过电子邮件将LockNote文件发送给您的收件人。 收件人在其PC上打开LockNote文件时,只需输入密码即可阅读您的消息。

You can also add protection to the file by putting it in a secure, encrypted vault using an encryption program. We list some options for that later in this article.

您还可以通过使用加密程序将文件放入安全的,已加密的保险库中来为文件添加保护。 我们将在本文后面列出一些选项。

For more information about using LockNote, see our article.

有关使用LockNote的更多信息,请参见我们的文章 。

免费文件伪装 (Free File Camouflage)

Free File Camouflage is a free program that allows you to hide your files inside a jpeg image. The software can be used with the main interface or via the Windows Explorer “send to” context menu (the first time you only need to select a directory with some images).

Free File Camouflage是一个免费程序,可让您将文件隐藏在jpeg图像中。 该软件可以与主界面一起使用,也可以通过Windows资源管理器“发送至”上下文菜单使用(第一次您只需要选择包含某些图像的目录)。

All the files are encrypted using AES and hidden inside an image. If someone tried to open your camouflaged image, all they see is the image.

所有文件都使用AES加密并隐藏在图像中。 如果有人试图打开您伪装的图像,那么他们所看到的就是该图像。

If you use this method to send someone a private text message in a file hidden inside an image, the recipient must use Free File Camouflage to de-camouflage the file. If sending the camouflaged image through email, we recommend that you add a password when encrypting the file into an image.

如果您使用此方法向某人发送隐藏在图像内文件中的私人短信,则收件人必须使用“免费文件伪装”对文件进行伪装。 如果通过电子邮件发送伪装的图像,我们建议您在将文件加密为图像时添加密码。

For more information about using Free File Camouflage, see our article.

有关使用免费文件伪装的更多信息,请参阅我们的文章 。

The remaining two options for securing data allow you to create encrypted file vaults in which you can store private files. As long as your recipient knows the password required to open the vault, you can use this method to send private information to people via email. Simply attach the encrypted vault file to an email message.

剩下的两个用于保护数据的选项允许您创建加密的文件库,在其中可以存储私有文件。 只要您的收件人知道打开保管库所需的密码,您就可以使用此方法通过电子邮件将私人信息发送给人们。 只需将加密的保管库文件附加到电子邮件中即可。

TrueCrypt (TrueCrypt)

If you are looking for a simple and powerful way to encrypt everything from system drives to backup discs to everything in between, TrueCrypt is a free, open-source tool that will help you lock up your files. It is an on-the-fly encryption application that allows you to work with encrypted files as you would work on files located on a regular drive. TrueCrypt allows you to create a virtual, encrypted disk within a file and mounts it like a real hard drive. Encryption in TrueCrypt is automatic and transparent, as well as real-time.

如果您正在寻找一种简单有效的方法来加密从系统驱动器到备份光盘以及介于两者之间的所有内容的所有内容,则TrueCrypt是一个免费的开源工具,可以帮助您锁定文件。 它是一种即时加密应用程序,可让您像处理常规驱动器上的文件一样使用加密文件。 TrueCrypt允许您在文件中创建虚拟的加密磁盘,并将其像真正的硬盘一样装入。 TrueCrypt中的加密是自动,透明以及实时的。

Once you have created your virtual, encrypted disk in a file, you can email that file. The recipient needs to have the TrueCrypt software installed and the password used to protect the file.

在文件中创建虚拟加密磁盘后,即可通过电子邮件发送该文件。 收件人需要安装TrueCrypt软件和用于保护文件的密码。

For more information, see our guides on getting started with TrueCrypt and hiding your data in a TrueCrypt hidden volume.

有关更多信息,请参阅关于TrueCrypt入门以及将数据隐藏在TrueCrypt隐藏卷中的指南 。

安全屋浏览器 (SafeHouse Explorer)

SafeHouse Explorer is a free, portable encryption program available to everyone as a free download in order to promote data privacy and to help you to protect your confidential files. It makes your secret files invisible and hides them from snoopers, intruders and anyone else who doesn’t have your permission to view them. Use SafeHouse Explorer to create private storage vaults to store sensitive files. These vaults can be as large as 2GB each.

SafeHouse Explorer是一个免费的便携式加密程序,每个人都可以免费下载该程序,以促进数据隐私并帮助您保护机密文件。 它使您的秘密文件不可见,并将它们隐藏在窥探者,入侵者和没有您查看权限的其他任何人中。 使用SafeHouse Explorer创建专用存储库以存储敏感文件。 这些保管库每个可以最大2GB。

SafeHouse Explorer uses passwords and maximum-strength 256-bit Twofish advanced encryption to protect your storage vaults, completely hiding and defending your sensitive files, including photos, videos, spreadsheets, databases and just about any other kind of file that you might have. The program can protect files residing on any drive, including memory sticks, external USB drives, network servers, CD/DVDs, and even iPods. SafeHouse Explorer is easy to use, providing a Windows Explorer-like drag-and-drop interface.

SafeHouse Explorer使用密码和最大强度256位Twofish高级加密来保护您的存储库,完全隐藏和保护您的敏感文件,包括照片,视频,电子表格,数据库以及您可能拥有的任何其他类型的文件。 该程序可以保护任何驱动器上的文件,包括记忆棒,外部USB驱动器,网络服务器,CD / DVD甚至iPod。 SafeHouse Explorer易于使用,提供类似于Windows Explorer的拖放界面。

If you use SafeHouse Explorer to send someone private information via email, your recipient can access the SafeHouse storage vault using the free SafeHouse Explorer program. However, you can also create a self-extracting .exe encrypted storage vault that your recipient can simply run to open and access the files within the vault. Creating a self-extracting .exe file automatically includes the SafeHouse Explorer program in the storage vault file. When you run the file and enter the password, SafeHouse Explorer starts and the storage vault is automatically opened.

如果您使用SafeHouse Explorer通过电子邮件向某人发送私人信息,则收件人可以使用免费的SafeHouse Explorer程序访问SafeHouse存储库。 但是,您也可以创建一个自解压缩的.exe加密存储库,收件人可以简单地运行该文件以打开和访问该库中的文件。 创建自解压缩的.exe文件会自动在存储库文件中包含SafeHouse Explorer程序。 当您运行文件并输入密码时,SafeHouse Explorer将启动,并自动打开存储库。

SafeHouse Explorer is a full featured program and will never expire.

SafeHouse Explorer是功能齐全的程序,永远不会过期。

Sophos免费加密 (Sophos Free Encryption)

Sophos Free Encryption is a program that allows you to send encrypted data by creating password-protected archives you can send using most email programs. When you encrypt your data, the files are automatically compressed and the archives are automatically added to new email messages. Encrypted files can be self-extracting so recipients don’t need special software to open the file; all they will need is the password.

Sophos Free Encryption是一个程序,它允许您通过创建可以使用大多数电子邮件程序发送的受密码保护的存档来发送加密的数据。 对数据加密时,文件将自动压缩,并且存档会自动添加到新的电子邮件中。 加密的文件可以是自解压的,因此收件人不需要特殊的软件即可打开文件。 他们所需要的只是密码。

If you have discovered other useful methods of sending sensitive information through email, let us know in the comments.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/135638/the-best-free-ways-to-send-encrypted-email-and-secure-messages/


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