

Do you want to start a blog, make a new website, transfer your blog from WordPress to WordPress, or simply want to switch hosting companies?


If your answer is yes, then let us make it super easy for you.


Our friends over at HostGator are offering an exclusive limited time deal for WPBeginner users.


Basically, you’ll get a 62% discount on your WordPress hosting along with with a free domain name and SSL certificate.


During this limited time offer, you’ll be able to get WordPress hosting for as low as $2.64 per month with a free domain name + free SSL certificate.


→ Claim This Limited Time HostGator Deal ←


为什么选择HostGator制作您的网站? (Why Choose HostGator to Make Your Website?)

HostGator is one of the oldest and most well-known web hosting companies around. They offer affordable hosting plans for businesses of all sizes.

HostGator是世界上最古老,最知名的网络托管公司之一。 他们为各种规模的企业提供价格合理的托管计划。

Our founder and CEO, Syed Balkhi, has been a loyal HostGator customer since 2007. In fact, WPBeginner itself started on HostGator’s shared hosting plan.

自2007年以来,我们的创始人兼首席执行官Syed Balkhi一直是HostGator的忠实客户。实际上,WPBeginner本身就开始使用HostGator的共享托管计划。

As our site grew, we upgraded to their VPS hosting plan, then a dedicated server, and now it is hosted on HostGator’s enterprise-level custom made infrastructure.

随着站点的增加,我们升级到了他们的VPS托管计划 ,然后升级到专用服务器,现在托管在HostGator的企业级定制基础结构上 。

We can confidently say, that HostGator has been with us every step of the way through out our WordPress journey. They have a helpful support team, rock-solid infrastructure, one-click WordPress install, and a ton of other features.

我们可以自信地说,HostGator在WordPress旅程的每一步都与我们同在。 他们有一个有用的支持团队,坚如磐石的基础架构, 一键式WordPress安装以及大量其他功能。

NOTE: At WPBeginner we believe in transparency. If you sign up with HostGator using our referral link, then we will earn a small commission at no extra cost to you (in fact, you will save money and get a free domain). We would get this commission for recommending just about any WordPress hosting company, but we only recommend products that we personally use and/or believe will add value to our readers.

注意:在WPBeginner,我们相信透明度。 如果您使用我们的引荐链接注册HostGator,则我们将为您带来小额佣金,而无需您支付任何额外费用(实际上,您可以节省金钱并获得免费域名)。 我们几乎可以推荐任何WordPress托管公司来获得此佣金,但是我们只推荐我​​们个人使用和/或认为可以为读者增加价值的产品。

此优惠适合谁? (Who is this offer great for?)

Well everyone, but in particular: those users who are thinking about starting a new blog or launching a new website.


This offer is also great for users who want to move their blogs from WordPress to self-hosted WordPress website. For a detailed comparison of the two platforms, see our guide on the difference between WordPress vs WordPress.

对于希望将其博客从WordPress移至自托管WordPress网站的用户而言,此优惠也非常有用。 有关这两个平台的详细比较,请参阅关于WordPress与WordPress之间区别的指南。

The following are some of the advantages of moving your site from WordPress to WordPress:


  • You’ll get your own free domain name. For example, wpbeginner or mycoolwebsite (* Fee domain offer is available with the HostGator deal only)

    您将获得自己的免费域名。 例如,wpbeginner或mycoolwebsite(*费用域优惠仅适用于HostGator交易)
  • You’ll be able to install any WordPress plugin on your website

  • You can choose any theme design you want and get even more customization options

  • You can create an online store, membership community, or make money online with your blog
  • 您可以创建在线商店,会员社区,或通过博客在线赚钱
  • Most importantly, you own and control all your content and do whatever you want with your website.


Basically, you get the full freedom to make any kind of website you want and bring your ideas to life.


For detailed instructions, see our guide on how to properly move from WordPress to WordPress.

有关详细说明,请参阅我们的指南, 了解如何正确地从WordPress迁移到WordPress 。

仍不确定如何进行? 让我们帮助您 (Still Not Sure How to Proceed? Let Us Help You with That)

Many beginners feel a bit reluctant to move their blog or start a new one. This is understandable, especially if you are just starting out with little to no technical knowledge at all.

许多初学者觉得不愿移动自己的博客或创建一个新博客。 这是可以理解的,尤其是如果您刚开始时几乎没有或几乎没有任何技术知识。

For those users, we have a special bonus offer:


Our expert team can help you get started. HostGator promised us that if you signup using our referral link, then they will compensate us to do the blog setup for you.

我们的专家团队可以帮助您入门。 HostGator向我们承诺,如果您使用我们的引荐链接进行注册,则他们将补偿我们为您进行博客设置的费用。

We will even migrate your WordPress blog over to self-hosted WordPress. Here’s how to claim this offer:

我们甚至会将您的WordPress博客迁移到自托管的WordPress。 领取此优惠的方法如下:

Step 1: Sign up using our referral link.

第1步 : 使用我们的推荐链接进行注册 。

Step 2 Fill out the form on this page to get in touch with our experts.


Our team will set up your WordPress blog for you, and you’ll be able to just login to WordPress and start working on growing your business.


谁不应该使用此优惠? (Who Shouldn’t Use this Offer?)

At WPBeginner, our goal is to help users make the best decisions for their business regardless of whether we get paid or not.


This HostGator offer is great for a lot of use cases, but it does have some catches.


Shared hosting companies are able to offer low-cost hosting plans because they allow several websites to share the same server resources.


Basically, a shared hosting plan is like riding a bus vs driving your own car.


While advertising these plans, each company claims to offer unlimited everything. However, there is no such thing as unlimited, and there are restrictions on your shared hosting plan.

在宣传这些计划时,每个公司都声称提供了无限的一切。 但是,没有无限的限制,并且您的共享托管计划受到限制。

As your website grows ,and you start getting more visitors, then you’ll start hitting those limits.


In simpler terms, if your blog is getting millions of pageviews each month or even 100,000 visitors per month, then this $2.64 is not enough to handle that kind of traffic.

简单来说,如果您的博客每月获得数百万的网页浏览量,甚至每月有100,000的访问者,那么$ 2.64不足以处理这种流量。

In that case, you’ll need to upgrade your hosting plan to VPS hosting or even managed WordPress hosting.

在这种情况下,您需要将托管计划升级到VPS托管甚至托管WordPress托管 。

On the other hand, if you are just starting a new blog or launching a small business website, then you’ll save hundreds of dollars each month by taking advantage of this exclusive offer.


→ Claim This Limited Time HostGator Deal ←


We hope you found this exclusive offer helpful.


If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在Twitter和Facebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner/news/wpbeginner-users-get-a-free-domain-and-62-off-hostgator-web-hosting/

本文标签: 可获得虚拟主机免费域名折扣用户