


  • Speaking Lesson 1: General Advice
    • Overall Tips
    • Aims of the course
  • Speaking Lesson 2: Part 1
    • Introduction to Part 1
    • Tips
    • Best Techniques
    • Topics
    • Full Example of Speaking Part 1
  • Speaking Lesson 3: Part 2 - Describe a person
    • Introduction to Part 2
    • Tips
    • Preparation: topics, techniques, vocabulary
    • Example Question: Describe a person
    • Summary
  • Speaking Lesson 4: Part 2 - Describe a place
    • Example Question: Describe a place
  • Speaking Lesson 5: Part 2 - Describe an object
  • Speaking Lesson 6: Part 2 - Describe a event
    • Example Question: Describe a event
  • Speaking Lesson 7: Part 2 - Describe an activity
    • Example Question: Describe an activity
  • Speaking Lesson 8: Part 2 - Describe your favourites
    • Example Question: Describe your favourites
  • Speaking Lesson 9: Part 2 - Other Topics
    • Possible Questions
    • Methods
  • Speaking Lesson 10: Part 3
    • Introduction to Part 3
    • Method
    • Example
    • Note
    • Summary of all 3 parts of the speaking test

Speaking Lesson 1: General Advice

Overall Tips

  1. Be ready for the test.
    • Knowing what to expect.
      • Part 1: fast questions & short fast answers
    • Knowing what the examiner expects from you.
  2. Natural language, not difficult language.

    There is no need to focus on all kinds of difficult words or difficult grammar in the test, that will stop you and make you speak more slowly as you’re thinking.

    • Instead, you should go for natural conversation, you should try to answer as quickly as you can.
      • You can think a little bit but not too much, because that will be a hesitation that could affect your fluency score.
      • Recommend saying the first thing that comes into your mind, the examiner is not judging the quality of your answers, but looking at the language that you use and the fluency of those answers. It’s much better just to say the first thing that comes into your head, and then try to keep going.
  3. Don’t worry about:
    • body language
    • eye contact
    • the quality of your ideas
    • whether the examiner agrees with you
    • presentation skills
    • the examiner’s behaviour

    None of those things matter.

Aims of the course

  1. give you a method / an approach for three parts of test and the different types of question.
  2. prepare topics and common questions with some good ideas and some good vocabulary, so you can have fluent answers with good language and not too many mistakes which could cover most of requirements of the scoring system.

Speaking Lesson 2: Part 1

Introduction to Part 1

  • 4 to 5 minutes
  • 10 or 11 questions

    quite short fast easy questions

  • 3 topic areas
  • easy part


  • Try to show fluency.
  • Don’t stop and think too much.

    That will be called a hesitation, which is when your fluency stops.

  • Don’t worry about vocabulary or grammar.
    • Of course you don’t want to make grammar mistakes, don’t try to show off your best language.
    • You don’t need difficult vocabulary or complex grammar in this part of the test, it won’t help you. Try to focus on fluency, answer as quickly as you can.
  • It’s an easy warm-up (to get you started).
  • Give a short & simple answers (without too many hesitations).

    You can’t get a high score from Part 1 of the speaking test, this is a little warm up really. If you want to show off your best language and get a high score, you should be worrying more about Part 2 & 3.

Best Techniques

  • Answer the question and then give a reason.

    It’s one or two sentences, that’s all.

  • Give short and simple answers, but use full sentences.
  • Stop with confidence (when you finished your answers), don’t keep talking, smile at the examiner (if necessary)!
    • Sometimes people get nervous when there is a period of silence, don’t try to fill the silence with more answer. You’ll only make mistakes and you won’t have anything to say, that’s a mistake that people often make.
    • If the examiner leaves any silence, don’t worry, don’t keep talking, just smile at the examiner if necessary, as if to show I finish my answer and I’m ready for the next question.


  • Often seems childish.
    • e.g. What’s your favourite colour?
      • My favourite color is blue, because it’s the color of the sky on a nice day.

    Just follow the technique, give an answer and a reason.

  • A good way to practice:
    • Do you like …?
      • games
      • walking
      • gardens
        • Yes, I like gardens because they’re nice places to relax. I like nature, I like being surrounded by plants and flowers.
      • flowers
      • dancing

      Remember you can give negative answers: No, I’ve never been much of a dance. I don’t really like dancing, but I understand that other people do because it seems like fun.

Full Example of Speaking Part 1

  1. 2 or 3 introduction questions
    • Do you work or are you a student?
      • I’m a software engineer, but at the moment I’m studying English.

        So you can tell the truth, if you work and study, just say that’s fine.

    • Do you enjoy your job / studies?
      • Yes, I love working as a software engineer because I like solving practical problems by programming, which gives a great sense of achievement. But when it comes to studying English, it makes me feel bored, to be honest.
    • Would you like to get a different job in the future?
      • No, I’m really happy with the career that I’ve chosen, so I have no plans to change jobs.

    I’ve given those short simple answers, sometimes with a reason, sometimes with a bit of extra information, full sentences and stop at the end confidently, that answer is finished.

  2. 4 questions about one small topic area

    Now, let’s talk about sport…

    • Do you like sport?
      • No, I’m not really a sports fan. I like swimming, but I don’t get much time to go these days because I’m too busy with work.
    • Do you think it’s better to watch sports or play them yourself?
      • It’s much healthier to play sports than to watch them, but it can be fun to be a spectator and support a team or a particular athlete.
    • Why do you think some sports are so popular?
      • Well, if I take football as an example, I think the fans like the feeling of winning and sharing an exciting experience with their friends and other fans.

        taking football as an example, …

    • Do you think children should all have to do sports at school?
      • Yes, I think children should all be encouraged to try a variety of sports, firstly because they need the exercise, and secondly because children need to have fun.
  3. 4 questions about a second small topic area

    Now, let’s talk about colors…

    • What’s your favourite colour? Why?
      • My favourite colour is blue because it’s the colour of the sky on a nice day.

        I have a fondness for the color of blue which resembles the blue sky on a nice sunny day. Whenever I see the blue sky, I tend to feel happy and relaxed. So blue is my favourite color.

    • Do different colours have different meanings in your country?
      • Yes they do. For example, red is usually used to mean danger, and green is always the colour we use for anything related to the environment or nature.

        Yes they do. Red is often used to represent a dangerous situation which needs you to be more cautious, while green is the color we usually use to demonstrate a relatively safe condition.

    • Do you think that colours can affect the way people feel?
      • Yes, colours do seem to affect our emotions. Bright colours like yellow or red can make us feel happier or more active, for example.
    • Do you wear different coloured clothes now compared to when you were a child?
      • I can’t really remember. I probably wore much more colourful clothes back then, because children usually like fun clothes rather than boring dark colours.

        Definitely yes. When I was a child, I tended to wear clothes in bright colors such as red, blue and purple, because these colors seemed delightful. At present, I often dress in dark colors particularly in my workplace, which makes me appear to be professional and serious.

Speaking Lesson 3: Part 2 - Describe a person

Introduction to Part 2

  • 3 to 4 minutes
  • 1 minute to prepare
  • speak for 2 minutes
    • Part 2 is a presentation or a short talk. You speak alone and the examiner listening. This is an important part, because it’s a good opportunity for the examiner to listen to you very carefully and see how good your language is.
  • task card
  • describe …

    All IELTS speaking part 2 questions begin with the word ‘describe’. It’s a describing task.


  • Make notes
    • quickly decide what you’re going to talk about

    Think the first thing that comes into your head, make that decision and then make a few notes about the topic.

  • Technique after one minute’s preparation [in the exam]
    • Follow the bullet points below the main task on the task card.
    • They help your structure and give you something to say.
    • Say as much as you can for each point.

    Use these bullet points to help you, you don’t have to cover them all, but I recommend you do because the bullet points help your structure.

  • Before the exam

    It tends to repeat the same topics and very similar questions all the time in IETLS Speaking Part 2.

    • Prepare for common topic areas.
    • Vocabulary and ideas and giving a good detailed answer are the key to Part 2.

      Don’t worry about too much about grammar or linking, those things you can’t really prepare for. If you try to prepare some good grammar and linking phrases, you’re not going to answer the actual question, you’re going to be so worried about your grammar that you forget to give the answer. Content is much more important than grammar and structure.

Preparation: topics, techniques, vocabulary

  • 6 main topic areas
    • Describe:
      • a person
      • a place
      • an object
      • an event
      • an activity
      • your favourites
  • Ideas and Vocabulary
    • Prepare ideas and vocabulary
    • not grammar or linking
    • Don’t prepare grammar or linking. If you’re trying to just put grammatical structures or memorize linking phrases into 2 minute talk, that’s not the best way to prepare for this.
    • It’s no good having lots of grammar and linking but no ideas. You should focus on answering the question well. Vocabulary and ideas are the secret to doing well.
  • Speak naturally, explain in detail
    • giving detail to your answers
    • it’s about content, not structure

      The examiner is not really listening to your structure or linking or how you organize ideas at all. If you can speak naturally and give a really nice detailed description, then you’ll get a good score.

Example Question: Describe a person

  • Describe a person
    • teacher
    • famous person
    • friend
    • family member
    • child
    • someone who helps people
    • someone who does something well
  • Bullet points
    • who (appearance, personality)
    • what he / she does
    • when / how / where you met
    • how you know about this person
    • why you like / respect this person

    If you can be ready for these description tasks and the bullet points, then will be well prepared for the test.

  • Preparation tips:

    It’s about preparation tips, not the exam tips.

    • Think of a ‘theme’ for any person
      • (friend, family, famous, child etc.)
      • e.g. hard-working
    • Start with easy adjectives
      • e.g. busy, active
    • Search for better words and phrases, using the dictionary or the Internet to improve our description
      • e.g. conscientious, someone you can count on

      These are not synonyms of ‘hard-working’, they’re related adjectives and phrases. So you’re not just looking for a list of synonyms, you’re looking to create a description based on the theme of this person being hard-working.

    • Think of examples or stories to demonstrate each theme
      • My brother is hard-working
        • I remember when he used to get up at 5am to do some extra work before school…

        You could keep talking about the example, make it into a longer story if necessary.

    • Don’t worry if you haven’t thought of the examples. Even if you’ve just prepared the themes and some good adjectives or good vocabulary, that’s a good start. You’ll be well prepared and you can be confident going into the exam.
    • Hopefully you’ll be able to think quickly in the exam and think of examples to support these themes even if you haven’t prepared them. But if you have more time at home, you could prepare an example or story for each of those people on the list to support the themes
    • You can’t prepare for everything. You will need to adapt your ideas and improvise [即兴发挥] in the test.

      Just suggest that before the test, you do your best to prepare some good theme language for the main topic areas.

    • Lots of practice using tests and record yourself.
      • Record yourself speaking for 2 minutes, trying to give an answer, trying to use some of your prepared theme language. Then when you’ve recorded yourself, write it down, analyze it and see what you can do to improve it.
      • You can check whether you included all the good vocabulary that you prepared, sometimes people prepare things but then forget to use them. So check whether you use it, check whether you could add more words and better phrases to improve what you said.
      • Look at the area that are weak and re-record yourself, practice again. Keep going and you’ll get better and better the more you do.
  • Example:
    • hard-working theme:
      • enthusiastic
      • energetic
      • studious
      • persistent
      • motivated
      • determinded to succeed
      • someone who sees things through
      • a good team player
      • likes to challenge himself / herself
    • friendly theme
      • kind, caring
      • generous, unselfish
      • big-hearted
      • supportive
      • down-to-earth, easy-going
      • always there when need him / her
      • someone who cheers me up
      • a big / magnetic personality
      • lights up the room

        less common vocabulary


  1. Quick decision in the preparation time.
  2. Follow the points on the task card.
  3. Try to say as much as you can about each one.

Speaking Lesson 4: Part 2 - Describe a place

Work on good ideas and vocabulary for the most common topic areas. Not on grammar or linking, that will not help you in Speaking Part 2.

Example Question: Describe a place

  • Describe a place

    One set of places.

    • a city (you’ve visited)
    • a city (you would like to visit)
    • somewhere you went on holiday
    • a historic place
    • a river, lake or sea
    • a journey (where you went)

    Another set of places.

    • a shop
    • a restaurant
    • a street market
  • Bullet points
    • which place
    • where
    • what you did / can do there
    • why you like it
  • Preparation tips:
    • Think of a ‘theme’ for any place
      • e.g. an interesting place
    • Start with easy adjectives
      • e.g. fun, lively
    • Search for better words and phrases, using the dictionary or the Internet to improve our description
      • e.g. fascinating, unforgettable, the time flew by

        spectacular, memorable

  • Example:
    • interesting / fun city theme:
      • lively, bustling [adj.繁忙的,熙熙攘攘的], hectic [adj.繁忙的,忙乱的], thriving [adj.兴旺的,旺盛的,繁荣的]
      • cosmopolitan [adj.国际化的,世界性的;见识广的], multicultural
      • fascinating, unique
      • a special atmosphere
      • sightseeing [n.观光,旅游], entertainment
      • an unforgettable experience
      • enjoyed every minute
      • the time flew by
      • endless things to see and do
      • (the visit) it was over too quickly [结束得太快了]
    • historic theme
      • old buildings, palaces, statues
      • ancient
      • monuments [n.纪念碑;历史遗迹;丰碑]
      • landmarks [n.路标;界标;里程碑;纪念碑]
      • where great events took place
      • connection to the past
      • reminders of the past
      • everywhere you look
      • full of history
      • a rich cultural heritage [n.遗产;传统]
    • friendly theme (e.g. restaurant)
      • welcoming, inviting
      • warm, approachable [adj.可接近的;可亲近的]
      • polite
      • thoughtful [adj.体贴的;深思熟虑的], attentive [adj.殷勤的;注意的], considerate [adj.考虑周到的;体贴的]
      • great atmosphere
      • make you feel at home
      • the service was excellent
      • nothing was too much to ask
      • an unforgettable evening
    • Think of examples or stories to demonstrate each theme
      • The city was interesting:
        • We visited famous landmarks and attractions, such as … We lost track of time [我们忘记了时间] because we were enjoying ourselves so much.
      • The restaurant was friendly:
        • The waiters really made us feel special. They even surprised us with a birthday cake …
        • Bali Island in Indonesia, Amilla Resort in Maldives
        • The ocean view was so spectacular that we decided to seize as every minute as we can to immerse ourselves in the fascinating / attractive / beautiful / wonderful scenery.

Speaking Lesson 5: Part 2 - Describe an object

  • Describe an object
    • something you own
    • something you would like to own
    • something you use every day
    • a piece of electronic equipment
    • a gift you received
    • a gift you gave
    • something old that you own
  • Bullet points
    • what:
      • what the object is
    • where:
      • where you got it from
    • who:
      • who gave it to you
    • how:
      • how long you have had this object
    • why:
      • why do you like this object
      • why do you think it is special
      • why do you want it
  • Main tip:
    • choose an object that could be used for any of the topics above
      • a watch
  • Example:
    • electronic watch features ‘theme’:
      • smartwatch
      • synchronise with phone / computer
      • contacts, photos, emails
      • store music
      • receive notifications
      • search the web
      • it responds to voice commands
      • make ‘contactless’ purchases
      • track exercise goals
      • fashion accessory [n.配件,附件;配饰] - it looks stunning [adj.极好的]
    • electronic watch useful ‘theme’:
      • various features and functions
      • organise my life
      • work, appointments, social life
      • check calendar at a glance
      • set reminders and notifications
      • practical, functional, convenient
      • the ultimate in portable devices
      • instant access to…
      • couldn’t live without it
    • old watch inherited ‘theme’:
      • an inheritance [n.继承;遗产;遗传]
      • passed down to me by
      • a family heirloom [n.祖传遗物;传家宝]
      • in the family for several generations
      • an antique [n.古董;古物 adj.古老的;古董的]
      • it has sentimental value [情感价值]
      • I’m emotionally attached to it
      • it reminds me of
      • it brings back happy memories
      • I’ll hand it down to my children
    • old watch appearance:
      • parts: the face, the strap
      • traditional clock dial [n.钟面;表盘] and hands
      • made of (leather, gold, silver)
      • colours
      • inscription [n.题词;碑文] / engraving [v.铭记;镌刻] on the back
      • grandfather’s name engraved
      • simple, minimalistic [adj.极简化的;简约的] design
      • timeless [adj.永恒的,永久的;不受时间影响的], classic
      • elegant, stylish [adj.时髦的,流行的;现代风格的;漂亮的]
      • well-made, durable, resilient
    • Think of examples or stories to demonstrate each theme
      • My watch is useful:
        • If my watch hadn’t notified me, I would have forgotten that I had a dentist’s appointment.
      • It has sentimental value:
        • I remember that when I was a child, my grandfather taught me how to tell the time …

Speaking Lesson 6: Part 2 - Describe a event

Work on good ideas and vocabulary for the most common topic areas. Not on grammar or linking, that will not help you in Speaking Part 2.

Example Question: Describe a event

Prepare vocabulary ‘themes’ for any event.

  • Describe a event

    One set of events.

    • an important event in your life
    • a festival in your country
    • a party (wedding, birthday)
    • a celebration

    Another set of events.

    • a sports event that you watched
    • a concert or music event
  • Bullet points
    • what
    • where
    • who
    • why
  • Example:
    • a special event:
      • memorable unforgettable, spectacular
      • fantastic, amazing, wonderful
      • a day to remember
      • it was a once-in-a-lifetime experience
      • I had a great time
      • I enjoyed every minute
      • I was blown away [I was really impressed / surprised]
      • I couldn’t have asked for more
      • it exceeded my expectations
    • where the event was:
      • the venue
      • a perfect / prime location
      • beautifully decorated
      • the decoration / lighting was…
      • spectacular, romantic
      • a lovely setting
      • a fantastic atmosphere
      • the atmosphere was electric
      • we were impressed by…
      • service, staff, attention to detail
    • specific vocabulary:
      • wedding: bride, groom, guests, ceremony, marriage vows, speech, wedding reception (party), flowers, clothing (dress), cake
      • festival: what it commemorates, religious significance, gifts, decorations, customs, special meal, public holiday
      • sports event: athletes, players, crowd, spectators, stadium, field / pitch / track, commentators, the contest, the score, the winner
      • concert: band, group, orchestra, lighting, sound, stage, crowd, audience, instruments, voice, song, piece of music
    • Think of examples or stories to demonstrate each theme
      • My sister’s wedding was special:
        • I enjoyed the occasion because it was great to see my sister so happy on her big day.
      • The concert was spectacular:
        • Suddenly the venue lit up, and the crowd cheered as the musicians came onto the stage.
  • A few more tips:
    • Search on the Internet for ideas about the particular events that you would choose.
      • For this topic, you really need to choose your own events and it’s best if they are real. If you’re telling the truth, it is easier.
      • So you need to search on the Internet for your particular festival / wedding / concert / sporting event to get a few more ideas.
    • Use my theme vocabulary, but also add your own themes and vocabulary ideas.
    • Describe what happened step by step, from the beginning to the end of the event.
      • For this topic, it’s really useful to have a story that goes in order from the beginning to the end because events happen in that way.
      • You can describe step by step what happened and it should be very easy for you to fill the two minutes with that kind of description.

Speaking Lesson 7: Part 2 - Describe an activity

Example Question: Describe an activity

Prepare vocabulary ‘themes’ for any activity.

  • Describe an activity
    • a hobby
    • a sport: running / swimming
    • a game: chess
    • something healthy that you do
    • something new that you have done recently
  • Bullet points
    • what
    • where
    • who
    • why
  • Example:
    • a healthy sport (running / swimming):
      • keep fit, stay in good condition
      • get in better shape
      • feel refreshed
      • rejuvenated [使变得年轻/使恢复活力], invigorated [使精力充沛/使生气勃勃/使健壮]
      • gives me an energy boost
      • a good cardiovascular workout [心血管的]
      • build strength and endurance
      • a low-impact sport
      • helps to relieve stress
      • relaxing, helps to clear my mind
    • an enjoyable game (chess):
      • board game, a chess set
      • pieces e.g. king, queen, bishop
      • taking the opponent’s pieces
      • checkmate
      • hone my skills
      • thinking ahead
      • out-think / outwit [以智取胜] the opponent
      • concentration, mental workout
      • problem solving, strategy
      • learn from mistakes / losses
    • Think of examples or stories to demonstrate each theme
      • Swimming / Running is relaxing:
        • Yesterday I had a lot on my mind, but as soon as I hit the water / ground, all of my troubles disappeared.
      • I learned from my losses:
        • I had one friend who always beat me, but I copied his strategies when playing other people.
  • A few more tips:
    • Search on the Internet for the ideas about the hobbies or activities that you would choose.
    • Use my theme vocabulary, but also add your own themes and ideas.

Speaking Lesson 8: Part 2 - Describe your favourites

Example Question: Describe your favourites

  • Prepare vocabulary ‘themes’ for any favourite.
  • Use ideas from other topics.
  • Describe your favourites
    • film or TV programme
    • song / piece of music
    • book
    • website
    • advertisement
  • Bullet points
    • what
      • what is your favourite book?
    • when
      • when did you first read it?
    • where
      • where did you find this book?
    • who
      • who told you about it?
    • how
      • how do you know about it?
      • how long have you kept this book?
    • why
      • why did you like it?
  • Example:
    • what?
      • film / TV / book: the story
      • song: artist, style, instruments
      • website: features
      • advertisement: product, ‘story’
    • why?
      • film / TV / book: your feelings
      • song: feelings, emotions
      • website: how you use it
      • advertisement: opinion, effect
    • advertisement: use ideas from the ‘watch’ description [lesson 5]
      • smartwatch e.g. Apple Watch
      • synchronise with phone / computer
      • contacts, photos, emails
      • store music
      • receive notifications
      • search the web
      • it responds to voice commands
      • track exercise goals
      • fashion accessory - it looks stunning
    • song: use ideas from the ‘concert’ description (lesson 6)
      • film soundtrack (e.g. James Bond)
      • theme music
      • orchestra
      • instruments
      • popular, well-known
      • immediately recognisable

        You immediately recognise the music straightway and link it with the film.

      • creates expectation
      • adventure, mystery, suspense
      • exciting, dramatic, powerful
    • film: James Bond
      • the film is / was released
      • the plot (story)
      • the genre [类型/种类] e.g. action, drama
      • the cast: actors, roles, characters
      • scenes, locations, special effects
      • I thoroughly enjoyed it
      • spectacular, entertaining
      • great performances
      • I was on the edge of my seat

        very excited.

      • I was enthralled [迷住/吸引住; 使感到非常愉快]
    • website: Facebook
      • social networking website
      • keep in contact with friends
      • find people you’ve lost touch with
      • post messages
      • write status updates
      • upload photos and videos
      • post links to other websites
      • check your news feed
      • find people with shared interests
      • connect with like-minded people
    • book: novel or non-fiction

      You can connect this with the ‘film’ topic. For example, you can choose a James Bond novel if you want to describe that just omly prepare one script for the book and film. Many films are also books, so it’s a good idea to choose one that is both film and book.

      • novel
        • storyline, plot, genre
        • the author, the characters
        • entertaining, enthralling
        • I couldn’t put it down

          You must keep reading because it’s so interesting.

      • non-fiction book / textbook
        • topic, field, subject
        • informative, fascinating, inspiring
        • I learnt about / I found out about
        • it opened my mind to…

Speaking Lesson 9: Part 2 - Other Topics

Questions that don’t fit into the 6 main topic areas.

Possible Questions

  1. Describe an important choice that you had to make
  2. Describe an idea you had for improving something at work or college
  3. Describe a competition that you took part in
  4. Describe a meeting that you went to at work, college or school
  5. Describe a time when you were asked for your opinion in a survey
  6. Describe a journey that you remember well
  7. Describe an open-air or street market that you enjoyed visiting
  8. Describe a shop near where you live that you sometimes use
  9. Describe a conflict that you had, or a time when you became angry
  10. Describe a beautiful sky that you enjoyed looking at
  11. Describe an interesting story that someone told you
  12. Describe a law in your country that you think is good
  13. Describe a local news story that people in your area found interesting
  14. Describe a time when you were stuck in traffic or delayed when travelling
  15. Describe a time when you helped


  1. Adapt your ideas from a main topic

    Even some questions don’t seem to be from one of those 6 main topics straightway, often you can use one of main topics or you can adapt your ideas at least you’ve prepared good vocabulary which you can use some for almost any question.

    • competition: sport (activity topic)
    • journey: place you visited
    • shop: object [watch] or favourite [book]
    • beautiful sky: place
    • story: event or person [famous person]
    • local news story: place or event [concert]
    • in traffic or delayed: place
    • when you helped: place [give someone directions in a place, which place to visit] or object [help someone to use a phone or smartwatch]
  2. Talk about your job or studies
    • Besides the 6 main topics, you should be able to describe either your job or study depends on what you do. You definitely should be able to describe your career (what you do in life).
    • This should be a strong topic for everyone to talk about.
    • important choice
      • choice of work / study
    • idea at work or college
      • work / study
    • competition
      • sports
      • academic / work competition (some kinds of targets)
    • meeting
      • work / school meeting
    • survey
      • end of academic course
      • end of project
    • conflict, a time you became angry
      • a group work / team project
      • [person topic] someone who didn’t work hard / didn’t contribute properly

        In a situation where your work or study didn’t go very well.

    • in traffic or delayed
      • travelling to an interview or a meeting or an exam

        You can talk about where you’re going, when you are in traffic or delayed, how you feel / how stressful it is.

    • when you helped someone
      • work in a team, you help a team member

    Prepare some good ideas and vocabulary about your job or studies.

  3. Look through the lessons on my blog

    Often cover the stranger and different topic.

    • open-air or street market
    • law in your country

      Choose a easy law.

      • not using a mobile phone while driving
      • not smoking in restaurant
    • an environment problem
    • a business
    • a prize that you’d like to win etc…
  4. If none of this advice works, do your best, tell the truth.

    If you can tell a real story about your life, you can describe something you’ve really done, it’s always easier to tell the truth.

Speaking Lesson 10: Part 3

Introduction to Part 3

  • Between 3 and 6 questions
  • Give long and detailed answers
    • The examiner is listening to see if you can give good answers, lots of explanations.
    • It’s your opportunity to show your how good your English language is.
    • It’s your final chance to impress the examiner, leave a good impression.

Speaking Part 3 can be a secret to make enough improvement in your score, maybe you can get the score you need if doing well in this part.


  • Follow 3 or 4 steps. Force yourself to follow these steps, otherwise your answers won’t have ‘direction’.
  • Notice: In part 3 of the speaking test, many people just give one answer and one idea, and they keep going around and around for the same idea, they don’t say anything new, they repeat themselves too much.
  • If you follow a step-by-step structure in your answer, your answer will move forward, you won’t go around and around repeating.
  • Steps:
  1. Answer the question directly.
    • Give an answer, trying to use a full sentence instead of just one word answer.
  2. Explain your answer (reasons).
    • Give your reasons, give some details.
    • Ask yourself why in your head, keep thinking why and give more details by answering that question ‘why’.
  3. Give an example.
    • Try to give a personal example or real-life example (talking about your country / family / yourself), any types of examples.
    • Force yourself to say these two keywords: for example.
      • As soon as you say this, you mind has to think quickly and give any example that comes to your head.
      • You don’t have time to plan, just say those keywords and do your best.
  4. Explain the opposite / alternative. [Optional]

    If you want to give an even longer answer and if it is possible, explain the opposite / alternative to your answer.

    • What would happen if …
  • You don’t need the fourth step [opposite] for every question or answer, but it is nice to have sometimes.


  • Q: Do you think it’s better to have clear aims for the future, or is it best to take each day as it comes?

a either or question

  • A:
    • [1.Answer] I think it’s best to have a good idea of what you want to do with your life, especially in terms of studies and career.
    • [2.Why] Having aims allows you to plan what you need to do today and tomorrow in order to achieve longer-term objectives.
    • [3.Example] For example, if you want to become a doctor, you need to choose the right subjects at school, get the right exam results, and work hard at university.
    • [4.Opposite] Without a clear aim, it would be impossible to take the necessary steps towards a career in medicine, or any other profession.


  • Main focus in Part 3 is on the answer structure (following the steps), not on grammar or vocabulary.
    • Because your priority / focus is to give a long, detailed good answer. You don’t have time to think of good words or grammar.
    • But hopefully if you give a long answer, it will contain some good vocabulary. You’re forcing yourself to speak more, so hopefully you’re going to use some good words.
    • And your grammar focus should just be on not making mistakes. Don’t try to use the complex structure in your head. If you think about the grammer, you’re going to go away from the answer.
  • Google search more examples.

    speaking part 3 site:ielts-simon

Summary of all 3 parts of the speaking test

  • Part 1:
    • Focus on fluency: try not to hesitate, answer quickly, short and simple.
    • The part of the test is supposed to be easy, try to give short and simple answers, give an answer and a reason and stop.
    • Try to give answers straightaway.
  • Part 2:
    • Focus on good vocabulary ideas: prepare for 6 main topic areas.
    • You can prepare really good vocabulary using themes. And if you’re going into the exam with good vocabulary prepared, that can really help your score.
  • Part 3:
    • Focus on step-by-step structure: answer, explain, example (alternative).
    • This forces you to give a longer answer with more details, and that’s the key thing in this test.
  • The only part of this test where we can really stop and think and prepare some ideas and vocabulary is Part 2.
  • In Part 1 & Part 3, you don’t have time to think or prepare, so it’s best to focus on qucik answer in Part 1 and step-by-step structure in Part 3.

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