

Omar pulled the trigger and we released DasBlog 1.9.6264. Why 6264 you ask? Because it's 2006 and the 264th day, that's why. Download it.

Omar扣动了扳机,我们发布了DasBlog 1.9.6264 。 为什么问6264? 因为是200 6264天,所以。 下载它

Here's some of the new features.


  • Much better multi-user/blogger support including a Top Posters macro and total comments - from Christoph De Baene

    更好的多用户/博客支持,包括Top Posters宏和总注释-来自Christoph De Baene

  • TagCloud Support - from Scott

  • Support for Mobile Browsers like Blackberries and SmartPhones - from Scott


    • Note the large section in your web.config and the mobile theme that is required for this support.

  • Huge (100x+) speedup in Macro execution - from Scott

    宏执行中的巨大(100x +)加速-来自Scott
  • Support for If-Not-Modified to speed up execution, improve RSS bandwidth and CPU cycles - from Scott

  • Direct Feedburner Support with 301 redirection for RSS and Atom feeds. Don't lose a single subscriber. We're the only blog with direct support for Feedburner and Feedflare I believe. - from Scott

    直接Feedburner支持,具有RSS和Atom提要的301重定向。 不要失去一个订户。 我相信,我们是唯一直接支持Feedburner和Feedflare的博客。 -来自Scott

    • I encourage you to check out FeedBurner. You can add FeedFlare to your posts, and modify your feed in ways DasBlog can't. They also handle your Feed bandwidth and provide rich statistics. It's free ($ for advanced stats) and it's very powerful. Do be aware that when you make the decision to move over to FeedBurner your existing feeds will start redirecting folks to FeedBurner immediately. That's part of the power of the whole thing, but be warned.

      我鼓励您检查FeedBurner 。 您可以将FeedFlare添加到帖子中,并以DasBlog无法做到的方式修改Feed。 它们还可以处理您的Feed带宽并提供丰富的统计信息。 它是免费的(高级统计信息为$),功能非常强大请注意,当您决定移至FeedBurner时,现有的Feed将立即开始将人们重定向到FeedBurner。 那是整件事力量的一部分,但要当心。

  • Delete comments directly from your mail reader - from Omar

  • Comment moderation option

  • New themes out of the box, 18 at last count - from Many Folks

  • New XML-RPC support for newMediaObject and new version of XML-RPC.NET from Charles Cook - from Omar and Giuseppe Dipietro

    对于newMediaObject和新版本中的新XML-RPC支持XML-RPC.NET从查尔斯·库克-从奥马尔和Giuseppe DiPietro评论

  • Macros for Next Post and Previous Post - Justice Gray

    下一篇和上一篇文章的宏-Justice Gray

    • Check the DasBlog theme or add this line to the top of your itemtemplate.blogtemplate.


      Check the DasBlog theme or add this line to the top of your itemtemplate.blogtemplate.<%PreviousLink("&laquo;&nbsp;",25)%><%MainPageEntryLink("Main", "|")%><%NextLink("&nbsp;&raquo;",25)%><br/>

      检查DasBlog主题,或将此行添加到itemtemplate.blogtemplate的顶部。 <%PreviousLink(“&laquo;”,25)%> <%MainPageEntryLink(“ Main”,“ |”)%> <%NextLink(“&rab;”,25)%> <br/>

  • A few security and XSS fixes

  • Support for Gravatars, images of your choosing that appear next to your comments - John Forsythe

    支持Gravatars ,您选择的图像显示在您的评论旁边-John Forsythe

  • Support for limited HTML markup in comments

  • Emails removed to avoid having email addresses stolen from Feeds

  • Added an Email page for leaving comments to the author, includes Captcha

  • New support for RSD so client software can autoconfigure itself - from Omar

  • Pluggable Rich Text Editor, choose from the latest version of FreeTextBox or FCKEditor or write your own adapter - from Josh Flanagan

    可插拔的RTF编辑器,从最新版本的FreeTextBox或FCKEditor中选择,或编写自己的适配器-来自Josh Flanagan
  • Support for alternate SMTP ports

  • We work with Windows Live Writer out of the box - from Omar

    我们开箱即用地使用Windows Live Writer-来自Omar

  • Support for CoComment - from Scott


  • Microsummary support for Firefox 2.0 Beta - from Scott

    对Firefox 2.0 Beta的微观摘要支持-来自Scott

  • Organized source, build, and packing for clarity - from Josh Flanagan

    为清晰起见,有组织地进行了源代码,构建和打包-来自Josh Flanagan

  • New Feed Icons - from Omar

  • Autometic generation of Google SiteMaps - from Scott

    自动生成Google SiteMaps-来自Scott

  • Automatic disabling of Comments after a certain number of days. Also manual "close comments" support - from Omar

    在一定天数后自动禁用评论。 还提供手动“关闭评论”支持-来自Omar
  • ContentLookAhead show future dated posts - from Josh Flanagan

    ContentLookAhead展示未来约会的帖子-来自Josh Flanagan
  • Other fixes and suggestions from Tomas Restrepo, Jason Follas, Rene Lebherz and Steven Rockarts. Added entry CPU usage optimizatons from George V. Reilly.

    Tomas Restrepo,Jason Follas,Rene LebherzSteven Rockarts的其他修复和建议。 增加了George V. Reilly的条目CPU使用率优化。

  • Ajax Autosave Drafts support from Steven Rockarts and Justice Gray.

    Steven RockartsGray的Ajax Autosave Drafts支持。

  • Better strings and support for German from Alexander Groß, Portuguese from Adelino Araújo, and Vietnamese from Phạm Đức Hải.


  • Many great new themes

  • Updated readme.rtf from Tim Sherill

    Tim Sherill的readme.rtf更新

  • Single-handed support of and to the enthusiastic and tireless Tom Watts!

    对狂热和不知疲倦的Tom Watts一手支持DasBlog.info和!

  • Welcome to new team members Alexander Groß, Paul Van Brenck, and John Forsythe who really did a lot of work to make this release possible! Thanks to Jacob Proffitt for doing some crazy debugging of caching on FireFox that will be in a point release soon.

    欢迎加入新成员AlexanderGroß,Paul Van Brenck和John Forsythe,他们为使此版本的发布付出了巨大的努力! 感谢Jacob Proffitt对FireFox进行了一些疯狂的缓存调试,这些调试很快就会发布。

  • New DasBlog Badges/Artwork from Alexander Groß them here: File Attachment: DasBlog (1015 KB)

    AlexanderGroß的新DasBlog徽章/艺术品...在此处下载:文件附件:DasBlog KB)

Thanks again to all who jumped in this release. The number of bug fixes and patches was fantastic.

再次感谢所有跳入此版本的人。 错误修复和补丁数量惊人。

If you are starting from scratch, READ THE README.


If you are upgrading, always back up your whole site. You have a number of choices on how to upgrade but mostly it's just merge the web.config and copy over everything else. Read the readme.rtf.

如果要升级,请始终备份整个站点。 您在如何升级方面有很多选择,但是大多数情况下,只是合并web.config并复制其他所有内容。 阅读readme.rtf。

  • If you have made changes to your web.config, manually merge your existing web.config with the one we ship, using a tool like Beyond Compare.

    如果您对web.config进行了更改,请使用Beyond Compare之类的工具将现有的web.config手动与我们附带的合并。

  • If you are running DasBlog 1.8, you don't need to run the DasBlog Upgrader if you don't want to. It'll clean up spam and tighten up your content, but it's not required.

    如果您运行的是DasBlog 1.8,则不需要运行DasBlog升级程序。 它会清理垃圾邮件并收紧您的内容,但这不是必需的。
  • If you've modified your themes or an included theme with DasBlog, back up your stuff so you can merge in new features as you like.

  • DasBlog is written in ASP.NET 1.1 but runs under 1.1 or 2.0. Read the readme.rtf and the web.config for details.

    DasBlog用ASP.NET 1.1编写,但在1.1或2.0下运行。 阅读readme.rtf和web.config了解详细信息。

Some things to note:


  • File bugs here.


  • Submit patches here.


    • Here's how to submit a patch and get the source code.


  • Daily builds (if you like living on the edge) are here.


    • Some folks have said that DasBlog isn't actively developed because we are slow to release. Do join our mailing list, our checkin list and check out the daily builds.

      有些人说,由于我们发布缓慢,因此没有积极开发DasBlog。 加入我们的邮件列表,签入列表,并查看每日构建。

      • Join our developers mailing list (very active) here.

        在此处加入我们的开发人员邮件列表(非常活跃) 。

      • Subversion Checkin mailing list is here.

        Subversion Checkin邮件列表在这里。

If you want to extend DasBlog...

如果您想扩展DasBlog ...

  • You can always write your own THEME

  • You can write custom's a writeup from Kris van der Mast on how, and a number of nice macros from Vasanth Dharmaraj including his tutorial.

    您可以编写自定义宏...这是Kris van der Mast撰写的有关如何编写的宏,还有Vasanth Dharmaraj的许多不错的宏,包括他的教程。

Regarding Macros:


  • The best documentation for the Macros (so far) is the Macros.cs file itself. Nearly every public function in there is a potential macro you can use in your templates. If you wish a Macro existed, perhaps it already does. You can browse the code in the Subversion Repository without installing anything. Here's a link directly to the Macros.cs file.

    迄今为止,有关Macros的最佳文档是Macros.cs文件本身。 几乎每个公共功能都有一个可以在模板中使用的潜在宏。 如果您希望宏存在,则可能已经存在。 您可以浏览Subversion存储库中的代码,而无需安装任何程序。 这是直接指向Macros.cs文件的链接。

We're always looking for help editing the documentation and working on We also appreciate folks who answer questions in the forums at

我们一直在寻找帮助,以帮助您编辑文档并使用 。 我们也感谢在的论坛中回答问题的人们。

Enjoy, and thanks team!


Now playing: Rent - I'll Cover You (Reprise)


翻译自: https://www.hanselman/blog/dasblog-19-released

本文标签: DasBlog