


The unknown things can be frightening. The unknown is usually followed by a type of resistance. Vim is not an exception. Still, despite the fact that a StackOverflow question asking about ways of exiting from it has been seen more than one million times, Vim is still one of the most used editors by developers around the world.

未知的事情可能会令人恐惧。 未知之后通常是一种抵抗。 Vim也不例外。 尽管如此,尽管已经有超过一百万次的问题问过StackOverflow询问退出方法,但Vim仍然是全世界开发人员最常用的编辑器之一 。

Many people who do not use Vim are accustomed to other editors and think that they do not need to switch to it. They do not want to leave their comfort zone. They think that Vim takes too much time and effort to learn and that it does not make that much of a difference after all.

许多不使用Vim的人已经习惯了其他编辑器,并认为他们不需要切换到Vim。 他们不想离开自己的舒适区。 他们认为Vim需要花费大量的时间和精力来学习,并且毕竟没有太大的不同。

By taking the time to read this article, you have shown that you already have some type of interest about Vim. Before we see some resources that make it easier for you to learn Vim, let’s see the reasons why should we even consider using this 1980s text editor.

通过花时间阅读本文,您已经表明您已经对Vim感兴趣。 在我们看到一些使您更轻松地学习Vim的资源之前,让我们看一下为什么我们甚至应该考虑使用1980年代文本编辑器的原因。

为什么首先要学习Vim? (Why should you learn Vim in the first place?)

“To use Vim is one of the best choices I’ve made in my programming career.” — Lucas Oman

“使用Vim是我在编程生涯中做出的最好选择之一。” — 卢卡斯·阿曼

It is reasonable that you may need some reasons to know why learning Vim is worth the effort. After all, it may affect your entire workflow. It may even seem unreasonable to start learning something that does not look suitable for you.

合理地讲,您可能需要一些理由来了解为什么学习Vim是值得的。 毕竟,这可能会影响您的整个工作流程。 开始学习看起来不适合您的东西似乎甚至是不合理的。

Vim is used by almost everybody at thoughtbot which is one of the most recommended companies in Bay Area. Knowing this might make it compelling for you to start learning it. Aside from that, there are other reasons worth mentioning. Let’s begin.

Vim 在thoughtbot上几乎为每个人所用,thoughtbot是湾区最受推荐的公司之一。 知道这一点可能会促使您开始学习它。 除此之外,还有其他原因值得一提。 让我们开始。

就像玩游戏一样 (It is like playing a game)

When you want to start playing a game, you do not step back from playing it just because it is hard. You actually get motivated to play it because it gives you pleasure. Developing with Vim is similar. When you start to see that it is fast and intuitive, you may start to enjoy the experience. You can even get more hooked on it once you learn some of the more advanced commands that increase your productivity.

当您想开始玩游戏时,不要仅仅因为它很难就退出游戏。 实际上,您有动力去玩它,因为它给您带来乐趣。 用Vim进行开发是相似的。 当您开始发现它既快速又直观时,您可能会开始享受这种体验。 一旦学习了一些可以提高工作效率的更高级的命令,您甚至可以更加迷上它。

无需鼠标 (No need for a mouse)

You have many shortcuts to navigate through the code and files, which can actually help you get rid of the need to use your mouse at all. As a result, you do not need to get your fingers off the keyboard, which speeds up your coding.

您有许多浏览代码和文件的快捷方式,实际上可以帮助您完全摆脱使用鼠标的需要。 因此,您无需将手指从键盘上移开,这可以加快编码速度。

In other words, you can code in Vim as fast you can type. It is fast. Even the word Vim means energy and enthusiasm.

换句话说,您可以以最快的速度在Vim中进行编码。 很快 甚至Vim这个词也意味着活力热情

许多强大的命令 (Many powerful commands)

The list of commands that you can use is pretty long. You do not have to learn each one, you simply need to learn a few in the beginning and then try to learn new ones as you go. You may learn something new and important that is in Vim even many years after your first lesson.

您可以使用的命令列表很长。 您不必学习每个知识,您只需要在开始时学习一些知识,然后在尝试过程中尝试学习新知识。 即使您上了第一堂课,也可能会在Vim中学到一些新的重要内容。

高度可定制 (Highly customizable)

There are configurations that you can use and change based on your own preference. There are hundreds of colors schemes that you can download. Moreover, you can use a large number of plugins that enhance your editor and make it as powerful as modern IDEs.

您可以根据自己的喜好使用和更改某些配置。 您可以下载数百种配色方案。 此外,您可以使用大量插件来增强您的编辑器,使其与现代IDE一样强大。

以文本为中心 (It is text-centered)

Modern IDEs have a lot of built in features. They usually come with a lot of buttons and a rich user interface to make it easier for you to use all the functionalities that are in it. Vim on the other hand is generally text centered. This makes it easier for you to focus only on the code and get rid of other distractive icons and options that are not code related.

现代IDE具有很多内置功能。 它们通常带有许多按钮和丰富的用户界面,使您可以更轻松地使用其中的所有功能。 另一方面,Vim通常以文本为中心。 这使您可以更轻松地仅关注代码,并摆脱与代码无关的其他干扰性图标和选项。

它存在于每台Linux机器中 (It is present in every Linux machine)

The vast majority of servers use Linux as their operating system. When you are familiar with the basics of Vim, you may become comfortable with the deployments and server maintenance.

绝大多数服务器使用Linux作为其操作系统。 熟悉Vim的基础知识之后,您可能会对部署和服务器维护感到满意。

These are not the only reasons why Vim needs your attention. But they represent some of the most important ones. If they resonate with you, then you may give learning Vim a chance.

这些并不是Vim需要引起您注意的唯一原因。 但是它们代表了一些最重要的方面。 如果他们与您产生共鸣,那么您可能会给学习Vim一个机会。

5个免费的在线资源来学习Vim (5 free online resources to learn Vim)

Here are a few resources that you can use to help you in your learning journey. Do not pretend to learn everything related to Vim at once. There are people who have been using Vim for 20 years and they are still learning new things related to it.

这里有一些资源可以用来帮助您的学习过程。 不要假装一次学习与Vim相关的所有知识。 有些人已经使用Vim 20年了,他们仍在学习与此有关的新知识 。

VimTutor (VimTutor)

If you are using a Unix-based machine, you can go to your shell and type vimtutor. If you are on Windows, you can see some of the answers to open it here.

如果使用的是基于Unix的计算机,则可以转到您的shell并键入vimtutor 。 如果您使用的是Windows,则可以在此处看到一些打开它的答案。

You will have an excellent tutorial that will help you learn the basics of Vim in a few minutes. When you are done, you will already see why Vim is amazing.

您将拥有一个出色的教程,可以帮助您在几分钟内学习Vim的基础知识。 完成后,您将已经明白了为什么Vim很棒。

OpenVim (OpenVim)

This is an interactive tutorial that you can use to get a solid understanding of the basics in Vim. You can also use it to test your existing Vim skills.

这是一个交互式教程,可用于深入了解Vim的基础知识。 您也可以使用它来测试您现有的Vim技能。

Vim历险记 (Vim Adventures)

If you like learning while playing games, then this resource may be valuable for you. In this game, you can learn to use Vim commands for navigation, which are essential for you to navigate the maze. You can always type :help for any hint.

如果您喜欢边玩游戏边学习,那么此资源可能对您很有价值。 在这个游戏中,您可以学习使用Vim命令进行导航,这对于您导航迷宫至关重要。 您始终可以键入:help以获得任何提示。

Vim的基础 (The basics of Vim)

Derek Wyatt has prepared an album with 13 videos where he teaches Vim. These videos have been seen several thousand times and are very valuable resources for you to learn the basics of Vim. If you are still doubting whether you should learn Vim, then these videos can give you more reasons to learn.

德里克·怀亚特(Derek Wyatt)已准备了一张包含13个视频的专辑,他在那里教Vim。 这些视频已经观看了数千次,对于您学习Vim的基础知识来说是非常宝贵的资源。 如果您仍然不确定是否应该学习Vim,那么这些视频可以为您提供更多学习的理由。

Vim备忘单 (Vim Cheat Sheet)

Print this cheat sheet and leave it next to your desk. From time to time, take a few seconds to look through the list and try to use something from it. This way you can memorize new commands on the go and also reinforce the ones that you already one.

打印这份备忘单,并将其放在桌子旁边。 时不时花几秒钟时间浏览列表,然后尝试使用列表中的内容。 这样,您可以随时随地记住新命令,也可以增强已经使用的命令。

结论 (Conclusion)

If you’re new to Vim, then it may be better to not start to use it immediately in your work projects, because you may get frustrated and never get back to it. You should initially use it in your side projects, and only start using it in your full time job once you are pretty comfortable.

如果您是Vim的新手,那么最好不要立即在工作项目中使用它,因为您可能会感到沮丧并且从不回头。 您最初应该在辅助项目中使用它,并且只有在相当舒服的时候才开始在全职工作中使用它。

Try using Vim for a few days in a side project that you have and see how it goes. If you enjoy using it, then you can stick to it.

尝试在已有的辅助项目中使用Vim几天,然后看看它如何进行。 如果您喜欢使用它,则可以坚持使用。

I am a Passionate Software Engineer, currently serving as a Team Lead Developer for a group of enthusiastic developers that specialize in developing web and mobile applications, mostly using Ruby on Rails and React JS.

我是一名热情的软件工程师,目前是一群热心的开发人员的团队负责人,这些开发人员专门开发Web和移动应用程序,主要使用Ruby on Rails和React JS。

I am an open source enthusiast and also a blogger.

我既是开源爱好者 ,也是博客作者 。

I am currently looking for a remote job. Please contact me for new opportunities.

我目前正在寻找远程工作。 请与我联系以获得新的机会。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp/news/vim-isnt-that-scary-here-are-5-free-resources-you-can-use-to-learn-it-ab78f5726f8d/


本文标签: 免费资源供您不保存可怕vim