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用户体验 (UX)

UX Design is a term that came into existence (in jobs, roles in organisations and team requirements) suddenly in early 2000s! The visual design game was not as strong in 2000s, as it is now maybe because of lack of tools or slow speed internet (you can see the websites of top-companies like Apple, from back in 1990s and 2000s, and get ready, to get shocked!) But suddenly when pretty much everything was functional, and the users figured pretty much everything about internet surfing and browsing, we also wanted to make things look beautiful!

UX设计这个名词在2000年代初突然出现(在工作,组织中的角色和团队需求中) ! 视觉设计游戏在2000年代并不那么强大,现在可能是由于缺少工具或互联网速度缓慢(您可以看到1990年代和2000年代苹果等顶级公司的网站,并做好了准备,震惊!)但是突然之间,当几乎所有功能都正常运行,并且用户几乎了解了有关Internet冲浪和浏览的所有内容时,我们还想使事情看起来更漂亮!

Someone started a wave of designing websites (and not only developing them), and there started an entire career stream for thousands of people, who wanted to get into tech, but with creativity and not just logic. There were, of course, designers and developers earlier, even in 20th century, but the kind of job they did, versus the kind of job today’s UX Designers do, are fundamentally different. The tools that we have at our disposal right now, didn’t even exist. The infrastructure to support those tools didn’t exist.

有人开始了设计网站的浪潮(不仅是开发网站),然后开始了数千人的整个职业生涯,他们想进入技术领域,但要有创造力,而不仅仅是逻辑。 当然,甚至早在20世纪,就有设计师和开发人员,但是他们所做的工作与今天的UX设计师所做的工作有着根本的不同。 我们现在可以使用的工具甚至不存在。 没有支持这些工具的基础架构。

When we talk about UX Design, we think about a lot of scenarios. We think about ideating by using post-its, colourful office walls where everyone sticks their ideas, paper-prototyping, good amount of research, and a lot of time in hand to actually do all that! But the reality can be completely opposite than that!

当我们谈论UX设计时,我们会想到许多场景。 我们考虑通过使用便利贴,色彩斑office的办公室墙壁来进行构想,每个人都坚持自己的想法,进行纸质原型制作,进行大量研究,并花大量时间进行所有这些工作! 但是现实可以完全相反!

Image Credits: Unsplash

您如何向您的朋友或父母解释一下您的工作是什么? 你是做什么? (How do you explain it to your friends or parents, about what your job is? What do you do?)

Let’s imagine your five year old niece asks you about your typical day at office, how do you tell her what your primary job is?


I say I’m a super-hero. I’m saving the world one-webpage at a time. I am saving the world from ugliness and non-functional websites and apps. I am saving people’s time, by designing quick sign-ups and forms. I am making things look pretty, but also simpler.

我说我是超级英雄。 我一次保存了一个世界的网页。 我从丑陋的网站和应用程序中拯救了世界。 通过设计快速注册和表单,我节省了人们的时间。 我使事情看起来更漂亮,但也更简单。

I am removing the junk, the clutter and the sh*t from websites and web-pages. I am the e-janitor!

我正在从网站和网页中删除垃圾,混乱和混乱。 我是电子管理员!

I am preventing Karen from getting frustrated while she’s looking for a dress online, and the page takes a long time to load. I provide interesting facts about Coco-Chanel that keep her occupied while the app loads the page! I am preventing John from throwing his phone away, when he’s trying to book a cab and the driver cancels the ride. I provide him discounts and offers on his next ride, and save the thousand dollars that he just spent on his new, flashy phone!

我防止Karen在网上寻找衣服时感到沮丧,并且该页面需要很长时间才能加载。 我提供了有关Coco-Chanel的有趣事实,可让她在应用程序加载页面时全神贯注! 当他试图预订出租车而驾驶员取消乘车时,我要防止约翰丢掉电话。 我会为他提供下一次乘车折扣和优惠,并节省他刚刚花在新手机上的一千美元!

Image Credits: Unsplash

您真的认为UX到底是什么? (What do you really think UX is all about?)

User Experience Design, a heavy term coined by the father of UX — Donald Norman, and that’s where the journey of entire generation of UX Designers began! No, I’m not kidding, there was no term such as a UX Designer, before Don Norman came up with it in his book “Design of Everyday Things” published in 1980s. It is considered a holy-book for those willing to learn UX Design and those who are already working as designers! And now companies across the globe require those ‘UX Designers’ to save their worlds!

用户体验设计,是UX之父唐纳德·诺曼(Donald Norman)创造的一个沉重的名词,这就是整代UX设计师的旅程开始的地方! 不,我不是在开玩笑,在Don Norman于1980年代出版的《日常事物的设计》一书中提出之前,就没有UX设计师这样的名词。 对于那些愿意学习UX设计的人和已经从事设计师工作的人来说,这是一本圣书 ! 现在全球各地的公司都需要那些“ UX设计师”来拯救世界!

UX Design is more about function over form, which means ideally, in a mythical scenario, there should be two different designers in an organisation — one UX Designer, who should do all the back-end cleaning and other UI or Visual Designer who should focus on beautifying the app, or adding illustrations, running social media campaigns, focusing on branding, creating presentation templates etc. by the side.

UX设计更多的是功能而非形式,这意味着在理想情况下,组织中应该有两个不同的设计师-一个UX设计器,应执行所有后端清理工作,另一个UI或Visual Designer则应集中精力在旁边美化应用程序或添加插图,进行社交媒体活动,专注于品牌塑造,创建演示模板等。

But that’s an ideal world that we are talking about. The reality is far, far away from this utopic universe! Most “small” companies and limited budget startups cannot afford two designers. Many companies have only one designer overall. YES. They don’t even have two people working as designers, let alone having a separate UX and a UI Designer in the team. Most of the times, it’s the ‘all-rounder-designer’ who has to do everything — from research to wireframes, from visuals to final prototypes, sometimes even videos for social media campaigns!

但这是我们正在谈论的理想世界。 现实离这个异位宇宙很远! 大多数“小型”公司和预算有限的初创公司无法负担两名设计师。 许多公司总体上只有一名设计师。 是。 他们甚至没有两个人担任设计师,更不用说在团队中有单独的UX和UI设计师了。 在大多数时候, 都是“全能设计师 ”必须做的一切-从研究到线框,从视觉到最终原型,有时甚至是社交媒体活动的视频!

Image Credits: Unsplash

总而言之,它可以是一支单兵! (All in all, it can be a one man army!)

And this one-man army, has to fight many wars everyday! From fixing the functionality issues, to keeping your head sane enough to come up with creative illustrations for that brand campaign that your sales-manager has decided to run on LinkedIn!

这个单人军队每天都要打很多仗! 从解决功能问题到保持头脑清醒,为您的销售经理决定在LinkedIn上运行的品牌宣传活动提供创意插图!

I was working in a small start-up, that had the budget only for one UX Designer, and they hired me.


作为一个新手,我充满热情,热情和充满活力-正是他们所需要的,因为没有人向我暗示即将到来的工作量! (Being a newcomer, I was enthusiastic, passionate and energetic — exactly what they needed, because nobody even hinted me about the ‘amount’ of work that was coming up!)

While some of you might think it was unfair on the part of my employer to hide secrets, but on the other hand, even he was clueless about the amount of work their apps and websites actually required!


The second biggest myth that people have about UX Designers is that we can do everything in a minute! That it doesn’t take much time to ‘design’, it only takes time to ‘develop’.

人们对UX设计师的第二大误解是,我们可以在一分钟内完成所有工作! “设计”不需要花费很多时间,“开发”只需要时间。

No. We are not robots. We need time to think, ideate and then build. We need our creative juices to flow, so that you can approve our design in the first go!

不,我们不是机器人。 我们需要时间思考,构想然后建立。 我们需要我们的创意汁,以便您可以一开始就批准我们的设计!

On the job, I explored and learnt a different tool every week, I learnt about how things in the world ‘actually’ work. I needed that reality-check since now I was out of college and the dreamy life was over!

在工作中,我每周探索和学习一种不同的工具,了解世界上的事物实际上是如何工作的。 自从我离开大学以来,我就需要进行现实检查,梦想的生活已经结束!

Nobody in the real-life really cared about things that you thought were important in college. Where on one side, there was a technical co-founder who was only concerned about how things functioned. The visualisations and the beauty could just go to hell for all he cared! While on the other hand, there was our social media manager, who ‘only’ cared about the beauty of the things. The app should look beautiful, doesn’t matter if it’s throwing an error on a new sign-up!

现实生活中没有人真正关心您认为在大学中很重要的事情。 一方面,有一位技术联合创始人,他只关心事物的功能。 他所关心的一切,视觉效果和美丽都可能落入地狱! 另一方面,我们的社交媒体经理“只”关心事物的美丽。 该应用看起来应该很漂亮,无论是否在新注册时抛出错误都没关系!

I was stuck into a whirlpool of contradictions. There were different and same things to do everyday!

我陷入了矛盾的漩涡中。 每天都有不同的事情要做!

Image Credits: Unsplash

Sometimes, I only worked on the sign-up page of the application for one complete month, because there were back and forth iterations, as the screenshots had to go on Google Play Store. Nobody was happy with one design, and the suggestions were extreme!

有时候,我只在应用程序的注册页面上工作了一个完整的月,因为有来回的反复,因为屏幕快照必须在Google Play商店上发布。 没有人对一个设计感到满意,而且建议非常极端!

Our social media manager liked everything ‘clean’, and aesthetic. While our technical head wanted me to show the ugly-insides of the app that weren’t even designed or thought of ?

我们的社交媒体经理喜欢一切“干净”和美观的产品。 尽管我们的技术负责人希望我展示该应用程序的丑陋内部,这些内部结构甚至还没有设计或想到?

Sometimes, I worked on a different poster everyday for their Instagram and LinkedIn campaigns that were going on by the side, and sometimes, just one page of one app wouldn’t be finalised for months!


As a UX Designer, I also did the job of a UI Designer, a graphic designer, a video editor and a social media creative person, who also handled their Instagram and Twitter account in the time of crisis! There were many roles that I played, and juggled with.

作为UX设计师,我还担任过UI设计师,图形设计师,视频编辑和社交媒体创意人的工作,他们在危机时期还处理了Instagram和Twitter帐户! 我扮演过很多角色,也经常玩弄。

But all in all, I am happy that I survived such a hectic, disorganised and chaotic work environment. And I am sure the way many companies are just coming up, a lot of new designers are down the same path, or already struggling and juggling different roles in their one job, that they have signed up for. The job of a UX Designer!

但总而言之,我很高兴能在如此忙乱,混乱和混乱的工作环境中生存下来。 而且我可以肯定,许多公司的崛起方式,许多新设计师走的是同一条路,或者已经在一份已签约的工作中挣扎并兼顾了不同的角色。 UX设计器的工作!

So, if you are someone who’s looking at starting your career in UX Design, be prepared to do everything and anything that comes your way (in case of crisis). But if you do happen to get an ideal work environment — cherish it and don’t forget to share your story with the rest of us! :)

因此,如果您正在寻找开始使用UX Design的职业的人,请做好一切准备,做好一切准备(以防万一)。 但是,如果您确实遇到了理想的工作环境,请珍惜它,不要忘记与我们其他人分享您的故事! :)

That’s all for now folks. Let’s make this community awesome!

现在只剩下这些了。 让这个社区变得很棒!

翻译自: https://uxdesign/the-bitter-truth-no-one-will-tell-you-about-being-a-ux-designer-251d1c5f084e


本文标签: 设计师告诉你没有人会薪水真相