

When do you do your best creative work? At Unity, we know that when you’re around people you trust, in a relaxed, friendly environment, and you have a chance to deeply concentrate, interesting things happen. Add a time limit and a sense of shared purpose and you might just witness something pretty magical. That’s why we’re gathering our engineers together every year, for a week of experimentation, collaboration and overall good times that we call Unity Hackweek.

您什么时候做最好的创作? 在Unity,我们知道,当您与自己信任的人在一起时,在一个轻松友好的环境中,您就有机会深入专注,发生有趣的事情。 添加时间限制和共同目标感,您可能会见证一些非常神奇的事情。 这就是为什么我们每年都会召集我们的工程师,进行为期一周的试验,协作和整体美好时光,我们称之为Unity Hackweek 。

The principle was simple: think of a project you want to do, find teammates, work on it for a week, present the result. What is special about the way we do Hackweek is the spirit of freedom, openness and collaboration. There’s no central planning. All of the projects that people want to work on are listed in a simple Google Sheet.

原理很简单:考虑一个您想做的项目,找到队友,进行一个星期的工作,展示结果。 自由行,开放性和协作精神是我们“黑客周”活动的特色。 没有中央计划。 人们想要处理的所有项目都在一个简单的Google表格中列出。


To turn that wish list of projects into reality, we gathered in a small town in  Denmark, around 90 minutes from Unity’s original hometown of Copenhagen. The area is facing the open sea and the huge bridge between islands of Sjælland and Fyn. It really felt like the sky was the limit.

为了将愿望清单变成现实,我们聚集在丹麦的一个小镇,距离Unity的原始故乡哥本哈根约90分钟路程。 该地区面对公海以及Sjælland和Fyn岛之间的巨大桥梁。 真的感觉就像天空是极限。

So what did everyone actually work on? Most of this year’s projects evolved around learning new things, like ECS, AR, film-making or Machine Learning, or helping fellow developers, both our own engineers and all of you creators. Some great Unity features, like IL2CPP, Progressive Lightmapper and the Profiler, started a long time ago as Hackweek projects. The vast majority of hackweek experiments don’t make it to the Unity roadmap though. The point of Unity Hackweek is to try new approaches, free from the usual quality and workflow constraints we place on Unity code.

那么,每个人实际上在做什么? 今年的大多数项目都是围绕学习新事物(例如ECS,AR,电影制作或机器学习)发展的,或者帮助其他开发人员(包括我们自己的工程师和所有创作者)发展的。 一些很不错的Unity功能,例如IL2CPP,Progressive Lightmapper和Profiler,早在Hackweek项目就开始了。 不过,绝大多数hackweek实验并未进入 Unity路线图 。 Unity Hackweek的重点是尝试新方法,摆脱我们对Unity代码施加的通常的质量和工作流程约束。

乱搞源代码 (Messing with the source code)

For Hackweek 2018, we’ve mixed things up a bit, and invited more than 50 external guests, mostly from partners such as Google Cloud, Nordeus and Zynga, but also some of our most enthusiastic and vocal community members. The majority of our guests were a part of our Women in Gaming initiative. All of them were free to join any teams, listen in on internal tech talks, network and share feedback.

在2018年Hackweek大会上,我们进行了一些混搭,并邀请了50多位外部访客,其中大部分来自Google Cloud,Nordeus和Zynga等合作伙伴,也包括一些我们最热情和声音最大的社区成员。 我们的大多数客人都是我们的“游戏女性”计划的一部分。 他们所有人都可以自由加入任何团队,聆听内部技术对话,建立联系并分享反馈。

“I’ve always wanted to go to Unity Hackweek! Compared to going to a conference it’s been a lot more relaxing, very creative place to be,” says Lotte May of LotteMakesStuff. She’s been part of our ECS alpha group for a while and says that it’s been invaluable to be able to talk to the team face to face, instead of just the usual Slack channel. She was part of the “low hanging fruit” group that focused on those tiny practical improvements that we know a lot of people need, but for some reason, we haven’t implemented yet. “Touching Unity source code felt pretty magical! Even if what I made is just a proof of concept,” she says. You can read about her ListDrawerAttributes project on Twitter.

“我一直想去Unity Hackweek! 与参加会议相比,这里要放松得多,很有创造力。” LotteMakesStuff的Lotte May说。 她加入我们的ECS alpha小组已有一段时间了,她说能够与团队面对面交流非常有价值,而不仅仅是通常的Slack渠道。 她是“垂头丧气的水果”小组的成员,该小组专注于我们知道很多人需要的那些微小的实际改进,但是由于某些原因,我们尚未实施。 “接触Unity源代码真是太神奇了! 即使我所做的只是概念的证明,”她说。 您可以 在Twitter上 了解她的 ListDrawerAttributes 项目。

Women in Games guests with our R&D HR Director Anders Johansen.

我们的研发人力资源总监Anders Johansen邀请了游戏中的女性参与。

Google Cloud和ECS (Google Cloud and ECS)

Mark Mandel and Joseph Holley came to Unity Hackweek as guests from Google Cloud. You might remember that we just announced our strategic alliance with Google at Unite Berlin. Using Unity, Google Cloud platform and Multiplay hosting, their team was able to turn the Hover Racer game from last year’s Unite Austin Training Day into a multiplayer game with matchmaking in just two days. “It really helped that everyone who could answer our questions was in the same room, so we could move extremely quickly. But hopefully, this will soon be easy for anyone, thanks to our continuing collaboration!,” says Mark Mandel, Developer Advocate for Google Cloud Platform. You can learn more about what we’re working on together in Mark’s interview with Brett Bibby, our Vice President for Engineering, and Micah Baker, Product Manager for Gaming on Google Cloud Platform.

马克·曼德尔(Mark Mandel)和约瑟夫·霍利(Joseph Holley)应Google Cloud的邀请来到Unity Hackweek。 您可能还记得我们刚刚 在Unite Berlin 宣布 了与Google的战略联盟。 通过使用Unity,Google Cloud平台和Multiplay托管,他们的团队能够 在短短两天内将 去年的Unite Austin Training Day 的 Hover Racer游戏 转变为具有对接会的多人游戏。 “这确实有助于所有能够回答我们问题的人都在同一房间内,因此我们可以非常Swift地行动。 但是希望,由于我们不断的合作,这对任何人都将很快实现!”,Google Cloud Platform开发倡导者Mark Mandel说。 您可以在Mark的工程副总裁Brett Bibby和Google Cloud Platform游戏产品经理Micah Baker 的访谈中,了解有关我们正在共同努力的更多信息。

Mark Mandel and Joseph Holley with their Hackweek project.

马克·曼德尔(Mark Mandel)和约瑟夫·霍利(Joseph Holley)的Hackweek项目

Their project was also one of the many explorations of our new model for writing high-performance code by default, the Entity Component System (ECS). Another was “ECSCraft”, a small game with mining, crafting, and lots of data, designed to test how ECS can make a similar game run more efficiently. “Most of the team started with no knowledge of ECS, but in the end, we put together a prototype in just a few days,” says Fabrice Lété from our core engineering team who also did a presentation on ECS for everyone at the start of the week.

他们的项目也是对我们的默认用于编写高性能代码的新模型 Entity Component System(ECS) 的众多探索之一 。 另一个是“ ECSCraft”,这是一款具有挖掘,制作和大量数据的小型游戏,旨在测试ECS如何使类似游戏更有效地运行。 “大多数团队都是在没有ECS知识的情况下开始的,但是最终,我们在短短几天内就完成了原型设计,”我们核心工程团队的FabriceLété说,他还在开始时就向所有人进行了ECS演示。星期。

Tove Brantberg from Ubisoft Redlynx, who’s a UI programmer in her daily work, coded the procedural generation of the environments in the project. She was a first-time guest at Hackweek, coming from Finland. “Everyone here is interested in the same thing. So even though there’s a lot of people, you can talk to anyone and you’ll have something in common. That’s such a really great feeling”.

Ubisoft Redlynx的Tove Brantberg是她日常工作的UI程序员,她为项目中环境的过程生成编码。 她是来自芬兰的Hackweek的第一次来宾。 “这里的每个人都对同一件事感兴趣。 因此,即使有很多人,您也可以与任何人交谈,并且会有一些共同点。 真是太好了”。

Hackweek ECSCraft

Hackweek ECSCraft

Morgan Paul (Natural Motion / Zynga), also got the introduction to ECS from Fabrice’s talk: “That absolutely helped. ECS represents a whole new way of thinking, so I had to move away from how I normally go about structuring code.” They worked together with the developers of our upcoming small runtime (currently in closed alpha) to explore Unity for Small things and ECS. The resulting game was just 330KB!

Morgan Paul(Natural Motion / Zynga)也从Fabrice的演讲中获得了ECS的介绍:“那绝对有帮助。 ECS代表了一种全新的思维方式,因此 我不得不摆脱通常构建代码的方式。” 他们与即将到来的小型运行时( 目前处于封闭的Alpha版 ) 的开发人员一起合作, 探索Unity for Small Things和ECS。 最终的游戏只有330KB!

乐于帮助 (Happy to help)

Morgan has a 1.5 year old daughter and going away for seven days would normally present a logistical challenge for their family. For the first time this year, however, we offered a daycare at hackweek. “The standard of care here is great! This option really brings down the stress of attending a professional event when having kids,” says Morgan. The daycare also meant a lot to a couple who are both working at Unity. They didn’t have to pick who will get to go to Hackweek and who will stay home with children. Taking part in Hackweek is such a big part of being in Unity R&D that it was only natural that we got some proper professionals to look after the little ones while their parents hacked away.

摩根有一个1.5岁的女儿,通常外出七天会给家人带来后勤方面的挑战。 但是,我们今年第一次在hackweek提供了日托。 “这里的护理标准很棒! 这种选择确实减轻了生孩子时参加专业活动的压力。”摩根说。 对于一对在Unity工作的夫妻来说,日托也意义重大。 他们不必选择谁可以去Hackweek和谁可以留在孩子家里。 参与Hackweek是Unity R&D的重要组成部分,我们很自然地找到了一些合适的专业人员来照顾孩子,而他们的父母被砍掉了。

The daycare was also one of the things that set Unity Hackweek apart from what some might imagine a hackathon looks like. Yes, a large part of the event consisted of developers furiously drawing diagrams on whiteboards or intently staring at screens until very late in the evening. But the overall atmosphere was relaxed, and people took breaks to recharge. The weather turned out to be amazing, so swimming in the Baltic sea was an option, as well as walking on the beach, or just sitting on the grass and enjoying the view. The goal wasn’t to compete against one another; there were no winners and losers. “Well, my team is done, so I’m happy to help,” was a common sentiment on the last day.

日托也是使Unity Hackweek与某些人可能会想到的黑客马拉松不同的原因之一。 是的,活动的很大一部分由开发人员疯狂地在白板上绘制图表或专心凝视屏幕直到深夜。 但是总体气氛轻松,人们休息片刻。 事实证明天气非常好,因此可以选择在波罗的海游泳,或者在沙滩上散步,或者只是坐在草地上欣赏美景。 目的不是要互相竞争。 没有赢家和输家。 “嗯,我的团队做完了,所以很高兴为您提供帮助,”最后一天的普遍看法是。

Richard Fine, from our Build team, is a veteran of four Hackweeks. “My first Hackweek, my project completely failed! I felt good about it though – Hackweek is a time for testing out risky and ambitious ideas, and if nobody fails, it means we’re not being risky enough.” This time he joined a team adding dynamic content to one of our upcoming example games. “We all learned a lot, but also have a huge list of feedback and code that the game team and the ECS team can take apart”.

来自我们Build团队的Richard Fine是四个Hackweeks的资深人士。 “我的第一个Hackweek,我的项目完全失败了! 不过,我对此感觉很好– Hackweek是测试风险和雄心勃勃的想法的时候,如果没有人失败,那就意味着我们的风险还不够。” 这次,他加入了一个团队,为我们即将推出的示例游戏添加了动态内容。 “我们都学到了很多东西,但也有大量的反馈和代码清单,游戏团队和ECS团队可以从中受益”。

The basic idea of Unity Hackweek is that we all have a lot to learn from each other and can do amazing things when we get the right people together. Watching the results of all those clever experiments during one long presentation on Friday, with everyone is cheering and clapping, is incredibly inspiring. And inspired and motivated people make great game engines! Therefore, Hackweek is also our long-term investment in solving your real-world problems.

Unity Hackweek的基本思想是,我们每个人都有很多可以互相学习的地方,当我们召集合适的人时,他们可以做令人惊奇的事情。 在星期五的一次长篇演讲中,观看所有这些聪明的实验的结果,每个人都在欢呼和鼓掌,这令人鼓舞。 受过激励和积极进取的人成为了出色的游戏引擎! 因此,Hackweek也是我们为解决您的实际问题而进行的长期投资。

If you would like to know more about working at Unity and see open positions, have a look at our Careers page.

如果您想了解有关在Unity工作的更多信息并查看空缺职位,请查看我们的 职业页面。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d/2018/07/04/unity-hackweek-2018-creating-x-together/

本文标签: UnityHackweek