

inside sqlite

I just got back from New York City, where I experienced a new kind of developer conference — one that emphasizes inclusion and encouragement above all else.


Codeland was the vision of a single developer — Saron Yitbarek — and actualized through the hard work of dozens of volunteers and contributors.

Codeland是单一开发人员Saron Yitbarek的愿景,并通过数十名志愿者和贡献者的辛勤工作得以实现。

Saron runs the CodeNewbie community and hosts the weekly CodeNewbie podcast. For years, she’s helped non-traditional learners get into coding, then sustain motivation throughout their transition to software development.

Saron管理CodeNewbie社区,并每周主持一次CodeNewbie播客 。 多年来,她一直帮助非传统学习者进行编码,然后在他们向软件开发的过渡过程中保持动力。

But organizing a two-day conference with dozens of speakers, panelists, and workshop leaders was an entirely different caliber of challenge.


Here’s how she pulled it off.


建立Codeland (Establishing Codeland)

Saron first mentioned Codeland to me back in October 2016. By this point, she was already well underway in planning the event. She’d chosen dates and secured a venue: Microsoft’s Times Square campus.

莎伦(Saron)于2016年10月首次向我提及Codeland。到目前为止,她在策划活动方面已经进行得很顺利。 她选择了日期并确定了一个地点:微软时代广场校区。

Saron described Codeland as “two days of demos, talks, panels, and workshops from coders of all skill levels and backgrounds.”


Over the next few months, a lineup of speakers emerged, which included people like Minerva Tantoco, the CTO of New York City.

在接下来的几个月中,出现了一系列演讲者,其中包括纽约市首席技术官Minerva Tantoco。

Saron also assembled a team of enthusiastic volunteers, including her tireless husband and CodeNewbie producer, Rob.


Saron went to great lengths to personally ensure the talks and workshops would be as high-quality as possible. During the months leading up to Codeland, she held a series of one-on-one video calls with each of the speakers.

Saron竭尽全力亲自确保讲座和讲习班的质量尽可能高。 在进行Codeland的几个月中,她与每个发言人进行了一系列一对一的视频通话。

I’ve gone to dozens of tech conferences, and presented at several, and I’ve never experienced this level of individual coaching from anyone involved — let alone the event organizer herself.


This was a single-track conference, so every 15-minute presentation had to be compelling and succinct.


Saron helped me decide on a topic best suited to my domain expertise. Then she coached me through the process of boiling everything down to the bare essentials. I delivered my talk to her several times, and each time she found new ways we could improve it.

Saron帮助我确定了最适合我的领域专业知识的主题。 然后,她指导我完成了将所有内容简化为基本要素的过程。 我多次向她讲过话,每次她发现新的方法可以改善它。

Then on Thursday morning, I boarded my flight to New York City, excited to see all that Saron had prepared for me and 300 other attendees.


进入Codeland (Entering Codeland)

When I walked in, volunteers greeted me and gave me spiral booklet, which included a schedule, biographies of speakers, and a comprehensive code of conduct.


One thing that became immediately apparent was how many women were attending. Even though the event was aimed at everyone, women easily outnumbered men — something I’ve never experienced before at a tech conference.

显而易见的一件事是有多少妇女参加。 尽管这次活动针对所有人,但女性人数轻易地超过了男性,这是我在一次技术会议上从未经历过的。

Codeland’s tickets were relatively inexpensive, so it drew a much wider socio-economic cross-section of developers and people learning to code than a typical tech conference. Attendees also had the option of paying slightly more money to help fund scholarships.

Codeland的门票价格相对便宜,因此与典型的技术会议相比,Codeland吸引了开发人员和学习编码的人们更广泛的社会经济领域。 与会者还可以选择支付更多的钱来帮助奖学金。

One of the scholarship recipients was CHUCK PHIPPS, who’d recently written about what it’s like to learn to code in your 60s.

其中一项奖学金获得者是CHUCK PHIPPS ,他最近写了一篇关于60多岁学习编码的感觉的文章 。

These scholarships even covered childcare, so that parents could attend.


The venue had a variety of interactive art on display.


After grabbing some coffee and breakfast, about 300 attendees congregated in a room so wide that it needed three projectors. Saron welcomed everyone and, in her typical high-energy fashion, set the tone for what was to come.

喝完咖啡和早餐后,大约300名与会者聚集在一个宽敞的房间中,需要三台投影仪。 沙龙(Saron)欢迎所有人,并以她典型的高能量方式为即将发生的事情定下基调。

The talks spanned a wide array of topics — from how to contribute to open source to how to ask for help from a mentor. Developers shared projects they’d built and organizations they’d formed.

讲座涵盖了广泛的主题-从如何为开源做贡献到如何向导师寻求帮助。 开发人员共享他们建立的项目和他们形成的组织。

In between talks, attendees didn’t awkwardly reach for their phones. Instead they turned to their neighbors. Everyone I made eye contact with would instantly greet me. Then we’d launch into stories about our own coding journeys, and our near-term goals.

在会谈之间,与会者没有尴尬地拿起手机。 相反,他们转向邻居。 与我目光接触的每个人都会立即向我打招呼。 然后,我们将介绍有关自己的编码历程以及近期目标的故事。

Toward the end of each day, Nikhil Paul — the event’s emcee — would teach everyone some Bollywood dance moves. Everyone in the room would join in an impromptu dance to Bollywood anthems.

每天快结束时,活动的主持人尼克希尔·保罗(Nikhil Paul)将教大家一些宝莱坞舞蹈动作。 房间里的每个人都会参加一场宝莱坞国歌的即兴舞蹈。

Scott Hanselman delivered an epic 50-minute keynote about virtual servers and the cloud. Had we been in a night club, you could’ve easy mistaken his talk for stand-up comedy.

Scott Hanselman发表了有关虚拟服务器和云的史诗般的50分钟主题演讲。 如果我们去过一家夜总会,您很容易将他的谈话误解为喜剧。

Scott’s talk culminated in him using a virtual machine to emulate an old computer running Windows 3.1 — inside a 3D virtual reality representation of his mother’s basement.

斯科特的演讲最终使他使用虚拟机模拟了运行Windows 3.1的旧计算机,该计算机位于母亲地下室的3D虚拟现实表示中。

One of my most poignant Codeland moments was at the end of the first day, when we were walking out of Microsoft office. Greeting us on the way to the elevators were Codeland volunteers. And they were clapping and cheering for us!

我最激动人心的Codeland时刻之一是在第一天结束时,我们离开了Microsoft Office。 Codeland志愿者在通往电梯的路上向我们致意。 他们为我们鼓掌和欢呼!

Day two started with 3-hour breakout workshops on topics like Docker, chatbots, and coding virtual reality games. Then there were panels on topics like work-life balance, and an employer panel lead by recruiters from companies like Google and Genius.

第二天从3个小时的分组讨论会开始,主题是Docker,聊天机器人和编写虚拟现实游戏。 然后有关于工作与生活平衡等主题的小组,由Google和Genius等公司的招聘人员领导的雇主小组。

Saron closed the conference by recognizing all the speakers and volunteers. She gave a powerful speech that brought everyone to their feet.

沙龙隆重了所有发言者和志愿者的讲话,宣布会议闭幕。 她发表了有力的演讲,使每个人都站起来。

“Codeland is my love letter to all of you.” — Saron Yitbarek

“ Codeland是我致所有人的情书。” — 萨隆·伊特巴莱克 ( Saron Yitbarek)

I’ve been to a lot of tech conferences, but never one like this.


I learned so much from these new developers — about their aspirations, the challenges they face, and their will to break into the field.


I also made new friends, whom I’ll stay in touch with in the years to come.


And I learned a lot about myself, too.


I’m looking forward to returning to that magical place that is Codeland. Until then, much love to everyone involved.

我期待着回到那个神奇的地方,即Codeland。 在那之前,所有人都深表热爱。

I only write about programming and technology. If you follow me on Twitter I won’t waste your time. ?

我只写关于编程和技术的文章。 如果您在Twitter上关注我,我不会浪费您的时间。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp/news/inside-codeland-the-most-inclusive-supportive-developer-conference-yet-5f01cadf0a42/

inside sqlite

本文标签: 包容性最具迄今为止开发者大会