

by Niall Joe Maher

由Niall Joe Maher

如何编写更好的简历-Web Developer版本 (How to write a better CV— the Web Developer edition)

I have met plenty of very talented engineers over the years who struggle to get called into interviews directly due to an unprofessional, sloppy or unfocused CV. I know when I started applying to jobs this was something I struggled with. So I’m hoping now that I have been on all sides of the interview process I can help other engineers get over the first hurdle.

多年来,我遇到了许多非常有才华的工程师,他们由于缺乏专业,草率或不专心的简历而难以直接接受采访。 我知道当我开始求职时,这就是我的工作。 因此,我现在希望我在面试过程的各个方面都可以帮助其他工程师克服第一个障碍。

Skip to the end for a free CV template!


Let’s first break it down section by section.


标头 (Header)

The header should include your name, contact details and a link to your GitHub — and if you have one, your personal website. It should also include a title matching the role you are applying for. I also like to include some bullet points of skills tailored for the role. For example, if you are applying for a Frontend role you should have something like:

标头应包含您的姓名,联系方式和指向GitHub的链接-如果您有,则为个人网站。 它还应包含与您申请的角色匹配的标题。 我还希望包括一些针对角色而设计的技能要点。 例如,如果您要申请前端角色,则应具有以下内容:

John Fakerson


Frontend Developer


Github — Website

Github —网站





Agile development Practice ▪ JavaScript development ▪ HTML5 ▪ CSS3 ▪ Cross-browser compatibility


介绍 (Intro)

The intro should be brief and professional. It should be less of an introduction and more of a headline, a teaser that makes the reader feel like it’s worth reading on. You are better off having a single focused sentence here than rambling about how “enthusiastic” you are.

简介应该简短而专业。 应该减少介绍,而应增加标题,使读者觉得值得一读。 您最好在这里只讲一个集中的句子,而不是对您的“热情”有多大的抱怨。

A senior engineer with over 6 years experience in software development. Experienced in leading teams, mentoring engineers and software architecture.

具有6年以上软件开发经验的高级工程师。 在领导团队,指导工程师和软件架构方面经验丰富。

技术能力 (Technical Skills)

Again sticking to the theme of being relevant, add a section about all of your relevant technical skills to the role. So for a frontend role, this might be suitable:

再次坚持相关性主题,在此角色中添加有关所有相关技术技能的部分。 因此,对于前端角色,这可能是合适的:

经验/工作经历 (Experience / Job History)

If you are just looking for your first job, this section is always the most terrifying because you probably feel like you don’t have much worth mentioning. John Sonmez has a great video to help you get started with “no experience” or how you should build your experience section.

如果您只是在寻找第一份工作,这部分总是最恐怖的,因为您可能觉得自己没有什么值得一提的。 John Sonmez的视频非常不错,可以帮助您从“没有经验”开始,或者如何建立经验部分。

But for the rest of you…


This should be brief, focused and include relevant bullet points. It should follow a structure of — Company name, your job title, the date you started/finished and then a summary of the role finishing with bullet points with the technical skills you used in the role.

这应该简短,有重点,并包括相关的要点。 它应遵循以下结构:公司名称,职务,开始/结束的日期,然后是角色完成的摘要,并带有要点和要用的技术技能。

Professional Experience


Fake Company 1 2012 — Present

Fake Company 1 2012年至今

.NET Developer


It was my responsibility to develop the online systems within Fake Company 1. This included management of the company’s cloud solution and involvement in the entire development lifecycle of their product. Etc…

在Fake Company 1中开发在线系统是我的责任。这包括管理公司的云解决方案,并参与其产品的整个开发生命周期。 等等…

  • It was my responsibility to manage the design and development of all aspects of the company’s IT systems. This included managing the overall operation of the IT systems and software.

    管理公司IT系统各个方面的设计和开发是我的责任。 这包括管理IT系统和软件的整体操作。

  • Team Size


  • Projects


  • Technologies used


  • Continue on in this way.


Do this for each of your relevant roles and it’s an easy, digestible format for the reader.


教育和培训 (Education and Training)

For a lot of companies, education or at least some technical coursework will be important to show that you are a capable learner. Although a degree is not always required for a role, you should definitely be including at the bare minimum some of the online courses and tutorials you have finished.

对于许多公司而言,教育或至少一些技术课程对于表明您是一名有能力的学习者很重要。 尽管角色并非总是需要学位,但您绝对应该至少包括已完成的一些在线课程和教程。



2004–2005 Fake University of Ireland: Degree in Computer Science


2001–2004 Fake University of Ireland: Masters in Computer Science


Technical Courses Completed:


2002–2003 Udemy Course Java Course 1

2002–2003 Udemy课程Java课程1

2000–2001 Java College Java Course 2

2000–2001 Java College Java课程2

1999–2000 Code Academy Java Course 3


其他 (Other)

Most companies will also like to see that you are not just a one-dimensional coding robot, as it can also help with conversation starters in an interview. You can also throw in a little more about how you are staying up to date. For example, I always include a MeetUp I’m a member of, a sporty hobby and a nerdy hobby. Be creative here, you can grab someone’s attention with an odd hobby.

大多数公司还希望看到您不只是一维编码机器人,因为它还可以帮助采访中的初学者。 您还可以添加一些有关您如何保持最新状态的信息。 例如,我始终会加入我参加的MeetUp,运动爱好和书呆子爱好。 在这里发挥创造力,您会以一种奇怪的爱好吸引某人的注意力。



  • Member of code for Ireland


  • Fitness Enthusiast: Regularly attend the gym


  • Computer Games


参考文献 (References)

I don’t usually include references on the end of my CV but do include a “References available upon request”. If you have references from jobs (not your current role) it would be helpful to include them here as it might speed up the hiring process. Usually, references are used after a candidate has progressed through all of the stages of the interview.

我通常不会在简历的末尾添加参考,但会包含“根据要求提供参考”。 如果您有职务的推荐信(不是您当前的职务),将其包含在此处会很有帮助,因为这可能会加快招聘过程。 通常,参考是在候选人完成面试的所有阶段之后使用的。

更多提示... (More Tips…)

简明扼要 (Brief and to the point)

Every section of your CV should be kept relevant and as brief as possible to show how you add value. You don’t need to have flowery language skills, you want to show your technical and interpersonal competencies as clearly as possible.

简历的每个部分都应保持相关性并尽可能简短,以显示您如何增加价值。 您不需要掌握繁华的语言技能,而是要尽可能清楚地展示自己的技术和人际交往能力。

保持最新 (Keep it up to date)

I like to come back to my CV and keep it updated every few months. Sometimes an unexpected opportunity might come knocking and it’s good to be prepared. It’s also a nice way to track your experience so you know you are always constructively building on to your CV.

我想回到我的简历,并每隔几个月更新一次。 有时可能会遇到意想不到的机会,这是很好的准备。 这也是跟踪您的经历的好方法,因此您知道自己始终在建设自己的简历。

使用模板 (Use a template)

Job sites like Monster offer some great CV templates, and I think you should be using some sort of template to aid you so you don’t lose hours on formatting pointlessly. They are also great as guidelines for what to include to keep you on track. Your choice of font and layout are key to making sure a would-be employer carries on reading your CV. Simple formats work best. I have attached my own template for you to use and abuse here.

像Monster这样的求职网站提供了一些很棒的CV模板,我认为您应该使用某种模板来帮助您,这样您就不会浪费大量时间进行毫无意义的格式化。 它们也非常适合作为指导您包括在其中的内容的指南。 您选择的字体和布局是确保潜在雇主继续阅读您的简历的关键。 简单格式最有效。 我已附上我自己的模板,供您在此处使用和滥用。

再次检查 (Check and check again)

Avoid errors at all costs. You might think you made no mistakes but you probably did somewhere. Check for date conflicts, make sure your email, phone number and links all work and are correct. Ask a friend proofread your CV when you think it is done. You should also be using tools like Grammarly to make your life a little easier.

不惜一切代价避免错误。 您可能会认为自己没有犯错,但您可能在某个地方做了。 检查日期冲突,确保您的电子邮件,电话号码和链接都有效并且正确。 当您认为简历完成后,请朋友对您的简历进行校对。 您还应该使用诸如Grammarly之类的工具来使您的生活更轻松一些。

It should go without saying but… use your spell check.


Now go forth and smite those job interviews!


Grab your free CV template here.


If this helped or you have any improvements, please add some comments below ❤️


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp/news/how-to-write-a-better-cv-the-web-developer-edition-6d27f37d4e67/

本文标签: 版本简历webDeveloper