


7101 Electrical Energy from the Ocean 

Paragraph 1 


 Paragraph 2 


Paragraph 3 


 Paragraph 4 

问题4 做错

 Paragraph 5 

问题5 做错

Paragraph 6 


Paragraph 7 


 Paragaph 8 

问题8 做错

Paragraph 2 



7101 Electrical Energy from the Ocean 


Paragraph 1

Solar energy reaching Earth is responsible for differential heating of the 

atmosphere and thus air circulation as wind. Some of the energy of wind is 

transferred to the oceans, where it causes waves and is partly responsible for 

oceanic currents, although Earth's rotation also plays a role in currents. 

Gravitational attraction between Earth and the Sun and Moon generates tides 

and, along with Earth's rotation, causes most coastal areas to experience a 

twice-daily rise and fall of sea level. In short, the oceans possess a 

tremendous reservoir of largely untapped energy. 

differential        adj.微分的;差别的;特异的        n.微分;差别

circulation        n.发行量,销售量;血液循环;流传,流通;参加社交活动,交际;环流,循环;(图书的)借出

rotation              n. 旋转,转动;旋转一周(一圈);轮流,交替;轮班,换班;<美>值轮班的人;<美>(尤指实习医生的)轮流实习;轮作,轮耕;(林业)轮伐期;(数学)坐标轴的旋转;(数学)旋度,旋量(=curl)

Gravitational attraction                万有引力

untapped        adj.未利用的,未开发的;塞子未开的


Paragraph 2

 If we could effectively harness the energy possessed by the oceans, an almost 

limitless, Iargely nonpolluting energy supply would be ensured. 

Unfortunately,ocean energy is diffuse, meaning that the amount of energy for a 

given volume of water is small and thus difficult to concentrate and 

use. Several ways of using ocean energy are being considered or are under 

development, and one is currently in use, although it accounts for only a tiny 

proportion of all energy production. Of the several sources of ocean 

energy-temperature differences with depth; currents; waves; and tides-only the 

last shows much promise for the near future. 

nonpolluting               adj.不会引起污染的

diffuse                         v.扩散,弥漫;减弱,平息(不良情绪或局面);传播,散布


promise                      v.承诺,保证;使很可能,预示;指望,期待(promoise oneself);<古>把(某人,尤指女人)许配给;有指望,有前途


Paragraph 3

Ocean water at depth might be as much as 25°C colder than surface water, a 

difference that allows for ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC). OTEC 

exploits this temperature difference to run turbines and generate electricity. 

The amount of energy available is enormous, but a number of practical 

problems must be solved before it can be used. For one thing, any (1)potential 

site must be close to land and also(2) have a sufficiently rapid change with depth 

to result in the required temperature difference. Furthermore, enormous 

quantities of warm and cold seawater would have to circulate through an 

electrical-generating plant, (3)thus requiring that large surface areas be devoted 

to this purpose.

thermal                adj.热的,热量的;(衣服)保暖的,御寒的;(水)天然温热的;地热的,地温的(同 geothermal)【adj.[地物] 地热的;[地物] 地温的】

                               n.上升的热气流;保暖衣服,保暖内衣(thermals)【n.热裂法炭黑;保暖内衣裤;上升暖气流(thermal 的复数)】;


ocean thermal energy conversion OTEC                海洋热能转换

turbine                / ˈtɜːrbaɪn /        n. 涡轮机,汽轮机


thermal 热的;热量的

ocean thermal energy conversion 海洋热能转换
geothermal        adj.[地物] 地热的;[地物] 地温的

thermals n.保暖衣
turbine  n.涡轮机,汽轮机

Paragraph 4

The concept of OTEC is more than a century oid, but despite several decades 

of research, no commercial OTEC plants are operating or even under 

construction, although small experimental ones have been tested in Hawaii and 


commercial                adj.商业的,商务的;商业化的,以获利为目的的;由广告商支付的;(化学制品)大量供应且纯度不高的        n.电视广告,电台广告

Paragraph 5

Wind-generated ocean currents, such as the Gulf Stream, which flows along 

the east coast of North America, also possess energy that might be tapped to 

generate electricity. Unlike streams that can be dammed to impound

reservoir, any electrical-generating facility exploiting oceanic currents would 

have to concentrate currents' diffuse energy and contend with any 

unpredictable changes in direction. In addition, whereas hydroelectric 

generating plants on land depend on the rapid movement of water from a 

higher elevation to the turbines, the energy of ocean currents comes from their 

flow velocity, which is at most a few kilometers per hour. 

gulf stream         墨西哥湾流        

tapped                adj.抽头的;分接的;发接触音的        v.发掘(tap 的过去分词);拔出

dammed              v.筑坝;控制(dam 的过去式和过去分词)

impound        / ɪmˈpaʊnd /        vt.没收;拘留;将……关在圈中

reservoir        / ˈrezərvwɑːr /        n.水库,蓄水池;储藏,蓄积 ;(机器等的)贮液器,贮液槽;(病原体的)储存宿主

contend with                对付;与……作斗争

hydroelectric         / ˌhaɪdroʊɪˈlektrɪk /        adj.水力发电的;水电治疗的

elevation                / ˌelɪˈveɪʃ(ə)n /        n.高度,海拔;立面,立视图;提拔,提升;增加,升高;高地,高处;(枪炮的)射角,仰角;空中动作技巧

turbines                n.[动力]涡轮;[动力]涡轮机(turbine 的复数);[动力]汽轮机

velocity                n.速度,速率;高速,快速;(经济)周转率,流通速度

gulf stream 墨西哥湾流
reservoir n.水库;蓄水池

Paragraph 6

The most obvious form of energy in the oceans lies in waves. Harnessing 

wave energy and converting it to electricity is not a new idea, and it has been 

used on an extremely limited scale. Unfortunately, the energy possessed by a 

wave is distributed along its crest and is difficult to concentrate. Furthermore, 

any facility would have to be designed to withstand the effects of storms and 

saltwater corrosion. The Japanese have developed wave-energy devices to 

power lighthouses and buoys, and a facility capable of providing power to 

about 300 homes began operating in Scotland during September 2000. 

crest                 n.(山)顶,(浪)峰;(家族、城镇、机构等作为标记的)饰章,徽章;鸟冠,羽冠;(昔日士兵帽子上的)羽饰

                             v.到达山顶(或浪峰);到达洪峰,达到顶点;(波浪)形成峰;饰有(或系有)冠状饰物(be crested with)

lighthouses        n.灯塔(lighthouse 的复数形式)

buoys                / ˈbuːi /        n.浮标,航标;救生圈


Scotland             n.苏格兰

buoy 浮标;航标

lighthouse 灯塔

Paragraph 7

Perhaps tidal power is the most promising form of ocean energy. In fact, it has 

been used for centuries in some coastal areas to run mills, but its use at 

present for electrical generation is limited. Most coastal areas experience a 

twice-daily rise and fall of tides, but only a few areas are suitable for exploiting 

this energy source. One limitation is that the tidal range must be at least five 

meters, and there must also be a coastal region where water can be stored 

following high tide. 

exploit                v.剥削,压榨;利用(……为自己谋利);运用,发挥;开发,开拓


Paragraph 8

Suitable sites for using tidal power are limited not only by tidal range but also 

by location. Many areas along the U.S. Gulf Coast would certainly benefit from

tidal power plants, but a tide range of generally less than one meter precludes 

the possibility of development. Even areas with an appropriate tidal range such 

as the Arctic islands of Canada offer little potential because of their great 

distances from population centers. 

preclude                v.<正式>阻止,妨碍(preclude sb. from)

Paragraph 1 

Solar energy reaching Earth is responsible for differential heating of the atmosphere and thus air circulation as wind. Some of the energy of wind is transferred to the oceans, where it causes waves and is partly responsible for oceanic currents, although Earth's rotation also plays a role in currents. Gravitational attraction between Earth and the Sun and Moon generates tides and, along with Earth's rotation, causes most coastal areas to experience a twice-daily rise and fall of sea level. In short, the oceans possess a tremendous reservoir of largely untapped energy. 

1. According to paragraph 1, both wind energy and the rotation of Earth contribute to the creation of 

A. waves         B. oceanic currents 

C. a gravitational attraction between Earth and the Sun and the Moon         D. tides 


 Paragraph 2 

If we could effectively harness the energy possessed by the oceans, an almost limitless, Iargely nonpolluting energy supply would be ensured. Unfortunately,ocean energy is diffuse, meaning that the amount of energy for a given volume of water is small and thus difficult to concentrate and use.Several ways of using ocean energy are being considered or are under development, and one is currently in use, although it accounts for only a tiny 

proportion of all energy production. Of the several sources of ocean energy-temperature differences with depth; currents; waves; and tides-only the last shows much promise for the near future. 

2. The word “harness” in the passage is closest in meaning to 

A. put into use         B. separate out         C. come to understand         D. identify the location of 


harness=put into use ✅




put into use                                  使用,应用;投入使用

separate out                                析出;分出

come to understand                   开始明白;开始了解

identify the location of                标记位置;确定位置

Paragraph 3 

Ocean water at depth might be as much as 25°C colder than surface water, a difference that allows for ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC). OTEC exploits this temperature difference to run turbines and generate electricity. The amount of energy available is enormous, but a number of practical problems must be solved before it can be used. For one thing, any potential site must be close to land and also have a sufficiently rapid change with depth to result in the required temperature difference. Furthermore, enormous quantities of warm and cold seawater would have to circulate through an 

electrical-generating plant, thus requiring that large surface areas be devoted 

to this purpose. 

3. According to paragraph 3, the concept of OTEC is tied to which of the following aspects of the ocean? 

A. Deep waters of the ocean are often calmer than surface waters are. 

B. Enormous amounts of water are available below the surface of the ocean. 

C. Temperatures beneath the ocean's surface water can vary greatly according to the depth of the water. 

D. Waves and tides contribute to forming land sites that are ideal for running turbines and generating electricity. 


C ✅

 Paragraph 4 

The concept of OTEC is more than a century oid, but despite several decades of research, no commercial OTEC plants are operating or even under construction, although small experimental ones have been tested in Hawaii and Japan. 

4. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information. 

A. Although the construction and operation of OTEC plants are expensive, many commercial plants have been built in Hawaii and Japan. 

B. Although OTEC is nofa new idea, experimental OTEC plants are limited, and commercial OTEC plants do not even exist. 

C. Because successful experiments using the concept of OTEC have been conducted in Hawaii and Japan for several decades,there are now commercial plants under construction. 

D. After several decades of research, small experimental OTEC plants are being expanded to operate as large commercial plants. 

问题4 做错

A no commercial plants

B 最开始感觉B选项里的“plants are limited”不太正确

C no commercial plants

D are not being expanded ➕no commercial plants

错选 D ❎

正解 B ✅

 Paragraph 5 

Wind-generated ocean currents, such as the Gulf Stream, which flows along the east coast of North America, also possess energy that might be tapped to generate electricity. Unlike streams that can be dammed to impound a reservoir, any electrical-generating facility exploiting oceanic currents wouid have to concentrate currents' diffuse energy and contend with any unpredictable changes in direction. In addition, whereas hydroelectric generating plants on land depend on the rapid movement of water from a 

higher elevation to the turbines, the energy of ocean currents comes from their flow velocity, which is at most a few kilometers per hour. 

5. How does the author develop the discussion in paragraph 5 on the possibility of using wind-generated currents to generate electricity

A. By providing examples of places where ocean currents have been used successfully

B. By describing the process by which wind-generated ocean currents produce energy 

C. By contrasting ocean currents with other sources of water-generated electricity 

D. By establishing a historical context for modern techniques of generating electricity 

问题5 做错

高亮部分描述的是 water-generated electricity;

没有仔细分析文章中描述的例子,一开始就把contrast排除,仅仅是因为文章中没有出现明显的对比关键词,如: in contrast 之类的;

错选 B ❎

正解 C ✅

Paragraph 6 

The most obvious form of energy in the oceans lies in waves. Harnessing wave energy and converting it to electricity is not a new idea, and it has been used on an extremely limited scale. Unfortunately, the energy possessed by a wave is distributed along its crest and is difficult to concentrate. Furthermore, any facility would have to be designed to withstand the effects of storms and saltwater corrosion. The Japanese have developed wave-energy devices to power lighthouses and buoys, and a facility capable of providing power to about 300 homes began operating in Scotland during September 2000. 

6. By mentioning the Japanese and Scotland in paragraph 6, the author is supporting which of the fllowing points? 

A. Some countries have come to depend heavily on power generated by the waves. 

B. Unlike other countries, Scotland and Japan have had little success using energy from waves because of the effects of weather and corrosion. 

C. The use of energy from waves is better suited for industrial purposes than it is for use in homes. 

D. It is difficult to generate electricity by using ocean waves, even though it is being done to a limited extent in some places. 


D ✅ 300 homes

Paragraph 7 

Perhaps tidal power is the most promising form of ocean energy. In fact, it has been used for centuries in some coastal areas to run mills, but its use at present for electrical generation is limited. Most coastal areas experience a twice-daily rise and fall of tides, but only a few areas are suitable for exploiting this energy source. One limitation is that the tidal range must be at least five meters, and there must also be a coastal region where water can be stored following high tide. 

7. Why does the author mention the fact that tides have been “used for centuries in some coastal areas to run mills”? 

A. To compare how energy from the ocean was gotten in the past with how it is currently gotten 

B. To emphasize the difficulty of providing for the energy needs of the coastal areas 

C. To explain why some coastal areas had more energy available in the past than inland areas typically did 

D. To support the idea that the tides are probably the most easily converted source of energy from the sea 


D ✅ 

 Paragaph 8 

Suitable sites for using tidal power are limited not only by tidal range but also by location. Many areas along the U.S. Gulf Coast would certainly benefit from tidal power plants, but a tide range of generally less than one meter precludes the possibility of development. Even areas with an appropriate tidal range such as the Arctic islands of Canada offer little potential because of their great distances from population centers. 

8. The word “precludes” in the passage is closest in meaning to 

A. prevents         B. presents         C. prepares         D. preserves 

问题8 做错

preclude        / prɪˈkluːd /        v.<正式>阻止,妨碍(preclude sb. from)


prevent        v.阻止,阻碍;防止,预防;设置障碍

Paragraph 2 

If we could effectively harness the energy possessed by the oceans, an almost limitless, Iargely nonpolluting energy supply would be ensured.[█] Unfortunately,ocean energy is diffuse, meaning that the amount of energy for a given volume of water is small and thus difficult to concentrate and use.[█] Several ways of using ocean energy are being considered or are under development, and one is currently in use, although it accounts for only a tiny proportion of all energy production. [█]Of the several sources of ocean energy-temperature differences with depth; currents; waves; and tides-only the last shows much promise for the near future.[█] 

9. Look at the four squares [█] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage. 

The ocean, therefore, presents a potentially appealing source of energy. 

Where would the sentence best fit? Click on a square to add the sentence to the passage. 


A ✅


10. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas thatare not presented in the passage or are minior ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points. 

The oecans represent a potentially great source of usable energy.

Answer Choices 

A. Earth's rotation is the most important factor in the formation of oceanic currents. 

B. Despite the oretical advantages of waves, currents, and tides as sources of energy, it remains difficult to take advantage of these resources. 

C. OTEC produces large amounts of energy and is used to run turbines and to produce a great deal of electricity. 

D. Experts have tried, mostly unsuccessfully, to solve the practical problems associated with exploiting the temperature differences of the ocean. 

E. Problems associated with energy storage, concentrating ocean power, and resource location have limited the use of oceanic energy. 

F. The Arctic islands of Canada have been shown to be the most suitable sites for tidal power and have benefitted the most from the use of this source of electricity.


本文标签: 托福真题OceanelectricalEnergy