


If you’ve grown tired of exploring the vanilla Minecraft world and the thrill of stumbling upon the tiny dungeons or sprawling mineshafts is gone, we’ve got just the thing for you: enormous procedurally generated dungeons courtesy of MCDungeon. Read on as we show you how to pack your Minecraft world with exciting and elaborate dungeons to explore, treasure hunts to engage in, and ruins to give the place a lived-in look.

如果您已经厌倦了探索Minecraft的世界,而绊倒在微小的地牢或蔓延的矿井上的快感已不复存在,那么我们为您准备的东西:MCDungeon提供的程序化巨大地牢。 请继续阅读,我们将向您展示如何在Minecraft的世界中探索令人兴奋而精致的地牢,探索寻宝活动和废墟,让这个地方栩栩如生。

什么是MCDungeon? (What Is MCDungeon?)

McDungeon is a map modification tool that offers a highly customizable method of inserting procedurally generated dungeons into Minecraft. The short of it is this: you take a preexisting map, you run the MCDungeon application, and it works your map data over inserting large and elaborate dungeons into your map. The dungeons are packed with puzzles, traps, mob spawners and, of course, treasure in the form of randomly generated loot chests.

McDungeon是一种地图修改工具,它提供了一种高度可定制的方法,可以将程序生成的地牢插入Minecraft。 简而言之就是:您获取一个预先存在的地图,运行MCDungeon应用程序,它通过将大型且精巧的地牢插入到地图中来处理地图数据。 地牢中挤满了谜题,陷阱,暴民产生者,当然还有以随机生成的战利品箱子的形式存在的宝藏。

If you simply run MCDungeon with the default settings, you’re in for an adventure-filled treat—no tweaking or configuring necessary. If you pore over the configuration settings, however, you’ll find options for configuring dozens of dungeon features. If you’re having trouble even finding the dungeons, for example, you can increase the height of their above ground entrances and architecture to make them more visible at a distance. Find the dungeons too easy without enough mobs? You can set the number of torches to decrease the deeper you go in the dungeon to increase the number of monster spawns. Need an even bigger challenge? You can remove all the torches and increase the number of random mob spawners for a survival-of-the-fittest challenge.

如果仅使用默认设置运行MCDungeon,那么您就可以享受冒险的乐趣,而无需进行任何调整或配置。 但是,如果您仔细研究配置设置,则会发现用于配置数十种地牢功能的选项。 例如,如果您甚至找不到地牢,也可以增加它们在地上入口和建筑上的高度,以使它们在远处更加可见。 在没有足够小怪的情况下,发现地牢太容易了吗? 您可以设置割炬数量,以减少进入地牢的深度,从而增加怪物生成的数量。 需要更大的挑战吗? 您可以移除所有割炬并增加随机生物生成器的数量,以进行适者生存的挑战。

Free creepy abandoned dungeon cake is still free cake.

There are even advanced features like the ability to regenerate a dungeon you’ve already explored to be a completely new and random experience as well as to remove all the dungeons (if you find you dislike MCDungeon) and reseed the spaces with naturally generated terrain.


Overall MCDungeon is a fantastic way to keep the general feel of Minecraft the same while adding in generously sized dungeons that nicely compliment the existing subterranean structures (mine shafts, caverns, and the tiny vanilla Minecraft dungeons) while adding in large and interesting spaces to explore. While Minecraft might be devoid of a back story, we do see the evidence of some sort of past civilization in the abandoned mine shafts, strongholds, and vanilla dungeons and the more sophisticated dungeons created by MCDungeons fit right into the general feel. After all we have elaborate structures from past civilizations in our own world, why wouldn’t such things exist in the Minecraft world?

总体而言,MCDungeon是一种保持Minecraft总体感觉不变的绝妙方法,同时添加了大型地牢,可以很好地补充现有的地下结构(矿井,洞穴和微小的Minecraft地牢),同时又增加了有趣的大型探索空间。 尽管《我的世界》可能没有背景故事,但我们确实在废弃的矿井,据点和香草地牢中看到了某种过去的文明的证据,而MCDungeons创造的更复杂的地牢也恰如其分。 毕竟,我们拥有自己世界中过去文明的精心构造,为什么在Minecraft世界中不存在这样的事物?

Of course there’s a huge dungeon under the cathedral ruins.

If you’ve read this far and you’re not convinced that big ol’ dungeons would be a great addition to your world, there might just be one last thing we can share to convince you to use MCDungeon. Even if you don’t want elaborate dungeons to explore MCDungeon does include a very cool treasure hunt feature which doesn’t require dungeons to function and adds in a very fun over-land treasure hunt feature that really encourages you to get out there and explore.

如果您已经读了那么多书,而又不确定大型地牢对您的世界会有很大的帮助,那么我们可以分享的最后一件事就是说服您使用MCDungeon。 即使您不希望精巧的地牢探索,MCDungeon确实包含一个非常酷的寻宝功能,不需要地牢发挥作用,并且增加了一个非常有趣的陆上寻宝功能,这确实鼓励您走出去探索。

One final note on MCDungeon before we proceed. The modification process happens completely outside of the actual Minecraft game and uses vanilla blocks and resources. This means neither you nor other players who join your LAN game or server are required to install any mods or make any changes to their game. The map is completely vanilla-Minecraft friendly and all modifications occur during the map modification process.

在我们继续之前,有关MCDungeon的最后一点说明。 修改过程完全在Minecraft实际游戏之外进行,并使用了香草块和资源。 这意味着您和加入您的LAN游戏或服务器的其他玩家均不需要安装任何mod或对其游戏进行任何更改。 该地图完全适用于Minecraft,并且所有修改都在地图修改过程中进行。

Sounds pretty great, yeah? Let’s take a look at what you need and how to inject some awesome dungeons into your map.

听起来不错,是吗? 让我们来看看您需要什么,以及如何在地图中注入一些很棒的地牢。

我需要什么? (What Do I Need?)

To follow along with this tutorial you’ll need a Minecraft map, a copy of the MCDungeon files packaged for your OS, and a little time to familiarize yourself with MCDungeon and run it.


For the purposes of this tutorial we’re modifying a Minecraft version 1.8.1 map with MCDungeon but you can use it with earlier versions of the game if you wish. We will also be using the Windows version of the package. The ultimate functionality of the application is not changed based on your operating system (the whole thing is coded in Python), but you will need to make minor adjustments to how you launch the application based on your OS.

出于本教程的目的,我们正在使用MCDungeon修改Minecraft 1.8.1版地图,但您可以根据需要在游戏的早期版本中使用它。 我们还将使用Windows版本的软件包。 该应用程序的最终功能不会根据您的操作系统进行更改(整个过程均使用Python进行编码),但是您将需要对基于OS的启动该应用程序的方式进行一些小的调整。

选择地图 (Selecting the Map)

First, a word on selecting your map. Although MCDungeon does its best to not interfere with player built objects and existing structures such intersections are always possible. Always, always, always, backup your world data before performing any edits on it regardless of the tool you’re using.

首先,说说选择地图。 尽管MCDungeon竭尽所能,不干扰玩家建造的物体和现有结构,但始终可以实现这种相交。 无论您使用什么工具,必须始终,始终,始终备份世界数据,然后再对其进行任何编辑。

Before you actually unleash MCDungeon on a map you’ve invested time in, however, we’d encourage you to start with a fresh map to get the hang of even using MCDungeon. Once you’ve played around with it, possibly tinkered with the configuration files, and you like the results, then move on to running it on one of your established maps.

但是,在您实际花费大量时间在地图上释放MCDungeon之前,我们建议您重新制作一张新地图以掌握使用MCDungeon的习惯。 一旦您使用了它,可能会修改配置文件,并且喜欢结果,然后继续在已建立的地图之一上运行它。

安装MCDungeon (Installing MCDungeon)

You don’t as much install MCDungeon as you unpack the requisite files and wrangle with them to a greater or lesser degree based on your operating system. Head over to the GitHub page for MCDungeon and grab the appropriate file bundle for your operating system.

您无需解压缩MCDungeon,而是可以解压缩必需的文件并根据您的操作系统或多或少地对其进行处理。 转到MCDungeon的GitHub页面,并获取适合您的操作系统的文件包。

Windows users should grab the mcdungeon-v* or mcdungeon-v* bundle depending on the whether or not they’re running a 32 or 64-bit operating system (when in doubt, just grab the 32-bit package). Mac OS X users should grab the mcdungeon-v* bundle. Finally users on any other operating system (including Linux) should grab the mcdungeon-v*.zip file.

Windows用户应根据是否运行32位或64位操作系统来获取mcdungeon-v * win32.zip或mcdungeon-v * win64.zip捆绑软件(如有疑问,只需获取32位包)。 Mac OS X用户应获取mcdungeon-v * macosx64.zip软件包。 最后,任何其他操作系统(包括Linux)上的用户都应获取mcdungeon-v * .zip文件。

The difference between the Windows and Mac OS X versions versus the more generic file is simply the inclusion of a wrapper and launcher for the required Python files that also automatically launches MCDungeon in “interactive” mode with handy prompts. If you’re using Linux or another *nix  system you’ll need to have Python 2.7 and NumPy installed. You’ll also need to manually put MCDungeon into interactive mode, if you so desire, by using the the command “python interactive”. For further instruction on using MCDungeon with the command prompt and command switches (for both *nix users as well as curious Windows/OS X users) check out the detailed run down of the command switches in the README.txt.

Windows和Mac OS X版本与更通用的文件之间的区别只是为所需的Python文件包含了包装程序和启动程序,该程序也可以在“交互式”模式下通过方便的提示自动启动MCDungeon。 如果您使用的是Linux或其他* nix系统,则需要安装Python 2.7和NumPy 。 如果需要,您还需要使用命令“ python Interactive”将MCDungeon手动设置为交互模式。 有关在命令提示符和命令开关( * nix用户以及好奇的Windows / OS X用户)中使用MCDungeon的进一步说明,请在README.txt中查看命令开关的详细说明。

Regardless of the version  you’re using, extract the files to a safe place and get ready to have some fun.


使用MCDungeon修改地图 (Modifying Your Map with MCDungeon)

With your map selected (and backed up/copied) it’s time to unleash MCDungeon on it. Run the launcher file (or manually launch it if you’re on a *nix system). The launcher will launch MCDungeon in the interactive mode which automatically reads your /saves/ directory and lists off the available worlds like so.

选择了您的地图(并备份/复制)后,就可以在其上释放MCDungeon了。 运行启动程序文件(如果在* nix系统上,则手动启动文件)。 启动程序将以交互模式启动MCDungeon,该模式会自动读取您的/ saves /目录并列出可用的世界。

Enter the name of the world you wish to modify. Before you enter the name and hit enter, double check that the world is both backed up and not currently loaded in Minecraft.

输入您要修改的世界的名称。 在输入名称并按Enter之前,请仔细检查世界是否已备份并且当前未在Minecraft中加载

Your options are to add dungeons or treasure hunts to the map, list existing dungeons and treasure hunts, delete dungeons or treasure hunts, regenerate either of the two, or generate and Overviewer map. Overviewer is another great open-source Minecraft project that creates high-resolution maps you can load in a web browser to view.

您的选择是将地牢或寻宝游戏添加到地图上,列出现有的地牢和寻宝游戏,删除地牢或寻宝游戏,重新生成二者之一,或生成和概述地图。 Overviewer是另一个很棒的Minecraft开源项目,它创建高分辨率地图,您可以将其加载到Web浏览器中进行查看。

First, let’s add some dungeons to our map.


Once you select “a” to generate the dungeons you’ll be prompted to select which configuration file you want to use. There will be plenty of time for experimenting with the different configuration files later, for now we’ll stick with the default configuration to show you how the default looks.

选择“ a”生成地牢后,将提示您选择要使用的配置文件。 以后会有足够的时间尝试不同的配置文件,现在我们将继续使用默认配置向您展示默认外观。

The above is one of those prompts that you recognize if it applies to you and if it doesn’t, you can ignore it. Most readers won’t be running a multi-world Bukkit server. Those that are will know what to do here.

以上是您发现的提示之一,如果它适用于您,则不适用,您可以忽略它。 大多数读者不会运行多世界Bukkit服务器。 那些将知道在这里做什么。

The value you enter in the next configuration prompt, the Max Distance, is the maximum number of chunks the generator will place dungeons from the spawn point of the map. A chunk is 16×16 blocks, for reference. If you want the dungeons to center around castle you’ve built or the like (and that castle isn’t at the map’s original spawnpoint) you’ll need to use the /setworldspawn command in the game to reset the spawnpoint to center the map on the location you wish to be the center for MCDungeon’s generation algorithm.

在下一个配置提示中输入的值“最大距离”是生成器将从地图的生成点开始放置地牢的最大块数。 一个块是16×16块,以供参考。 如果要让地牢以您建造的城堡或类似城堡为中心(并且该城堡不在地图的原始生成点),则需要在游戏中使用/ setworldspawn命令重置生成点以将地图居中在您希望成为MCDungeon生成算法中心的位置上。

Also keep in mind that if you set a very large value and a low number of total dungeons it will be very difficult to find the dungeons. If that’s your goal and you want the challenge that’s fine. If you’re looking to test out MCDungeon, however, it makes sense to stick with a smaller chunk radius as it’ll be easier to find them.

另外请记住,如果您设置的地牢值太大而总数太少,则很难找到地牢。 如果那是您的目标,并且您想挑战就好。 但是,如果您要测试MCDungeon,则最好使用较小的块半径,因为找到它们会更容易。

The next three settings are concerned with the size of the dungeons along the West-East axis, the size along the North-South axis, and the depth (in levels not blocks). You can enter in fixed greater-than-1 values or variable amounts (e.g. 5-10). We prefer using variable amounts just because it keeps things interesting. If you know every dungeon will always be three floors deep, for example, it makes even a randomly generated dungeon a bit less exciting.

接下来的三个设置涉及地牢沿东西轴的大小,沿南北轴的大小以及深度(以层级为单位)。 您可以输入大于1的固定值或可变的值(例如5-10)。 我们更喜欢使用可变金额,只是因为它使事情变得有趣。 例如,如果您知道每个地牢都将始终位于三层楼深,那么即使是随机生成的地牢也不会那么令人兴奋。

Finally, it prompts you to select the number of dungeons you want to include in your map. Remember even though all Minecraft maps are, practically speaking, just about infinite this number isn’t X number of dungeons over the entire potential Minecraft map it’s X number of dungeons over the chunk radius you specified several steps ago.

最后,它提示您选择要包括在地图中的地牢数量。 请记住,即使实际上所有Minecraft地图都是无限的,在整个潜在的Minecraft地图中,这个数字也不是X地下城的数目,而是您在几步之前指定的块半径上的X地下城数目。

One little trick here we’ve found useful for populating our maps, once we’ve found a dungeon density, if you will, that we really like is to keep the ratio the same for future maps. For example if you find that you were liked the spacing of the dungeons when you specified a 20 chunk radius and 5 dungeons, then keep that ratio when generating other maps (40:10, 80:20, etc.) If you want to go crazy and pack as many dungeons in as the game will allow (preventing dungeons from bleeding into other dungeons or in-game structures, of course) you can always specify -1 dungeons. Be aware that using the -1 maximum-dungeon function will spawn a lot of dungeons. You’ll practically be falling over them.

我们发现这里的一个小技巧对填充地图很有用,一旦我们发现了地下​​城的密度(如果您愿意的话),我们真正想要的是将比例保持不变以用于将来的地图。 例如,如果您发现指定20个块半径和5个地下城时喜欢地下城的间距,则在生成其他地图(40:10、80:20等)时保持该比例。疯狂并在游戏允许的范围内打包尽可能多的地下城(当然,防止地下城渗入其他地下城或游戏内结构),您始终可以指定-1地下城。 请注意,使用-1 maximum-dungeon函数会生成很多地下城。 您几乎会迷上它们。

It’s no small feat to generate lots of dungeons, so sit back and relax. If you specified something like a 500 chunk radius and -1 dungeons then you might be waiting until tomorrow morning to see the results. One thing worth noting here is every dungeon, as seen in the screenshot above, is listed by size, location, along with its name and other characteristics.

生成大量地下城不是一件容易的事,所以请坐下来放松一下。 如果您指定了半径为500块和-1的地牢,则可能要等到明天早上才能看到结果。 值得注意的是,如上图所示,每个地牢均按大小,位置以及名称和其他特征列出。

If you’re running a test map and you want to know the locations of at least a few of the dungeons so you can find them immediately, by all means take note. If you’re running MCDungeon to create a map specifically for the thrill of the hunt, however, you’ll want to ignore the log window to preserve the element of surprise.

如果您正在运行测试地图,并且想知道至少几个地牢的位置,以便立即找到它们,请务必注意。 但是,如果您运行MCDungeon来创建专门用于狩猎刺激的地图,则您将希望忽略日志窗口以保留惊喜元素。

When it’s done it will announce “Placed X Dungeons!” and any key press will shut down the application.

完成后,它将宣布“ Placed X Dungeons!” 并且任何按键都会关闭该应用程序。

探索地下城 (Exploring the Dungeons)

The next stop is, of course, loading up the map you just modified and exploring. You’ll quickly find that the dungeons you stumble across range from grandiose to very subtle in appearance.

当然,下一站是加载刚刚修改并浏览的地图。 您会很快发现,您偶然发现的地牢从宏伟的外观到非常微妙的外观。

It is, for example, almost impossible to miss the entrances of the pyramid-like dungeons that appear in the forest, desert, and ice biomes. They’re enormous and the entrance alone, regardless of the side of the dungeon beneath, is several many chunks wide.

例如,几乎不可能错过出现在森林,沙漠和冰生物群落中的金字塔状地牢的入口。 它们是巨大的,而且不管地下城的侧面是什么,单独的入口就宽了好几块。

There’s treasure at the top. Trust us.
顶部有宝藏。 相信我们。

Other dungeons are very subtle in appearance and you could easily overlook them while exploring if you didn’t have a keen eye. The only evidence of the following dungeon is a chest, a hole in the ground, and some stone ruins around the hole.

其他地牢的外观非常微妙,如果您没有敏锐的眼睛,则可以轻松地忽略它们。 接下来的地牢的唯一证据是一个箱子,一个地下洞以及该洞周围的一些石头废墟。

Looks are deceiving; this dungeon was enormous.
外观在欺骗; 这个地牢是巨大的。

Regardless of how modest or majestic the entrance to the dungeon appears from the surface, however, you should always pack well for the journey and bring plenty of food, tools and, of course, torches; even the best lit dungeons created by the generator are still pretty dim.

不管从地面上看到地下城入口有多谦虚或雄伟,您都应该在旅途中收拾好行李,并带上充足的食物,工具和火炬; 即使由生成器创建的最佳照明地牢也仍然很暗。

Monster infested Great Halls are just the start.

While you’re down in the dungeons don’t forget to collect items from the numerous chests and secrete rooms like maps.


Alas, you can’t mark the traps on your map.

When you’re exploring a winding 8 level dungeon the maps really help you find your way back out. Why is the map so important? The levels of the dungeons are separated by layers of bedrock to ensure that once you’re in the dungeon you can’t cheat the system by just digging straight up or straight down to escape. Once you’re in the dungeon you’re in it until you find your way out or die trying.

当您探索蜿蜒的8级地牢时,这些地图确实可以帮助您找到出路。 为什么地图如此重要? 地牢的层级被基岩层隔开,以确保一旦进入地牢,您就无法通过直接向上或向下挖掘来逃脱来欺骗系统。 进入地牢之后,便会进入其中,直到找到出路或尝试死亡。

There’s lava at the bottom. We guarantee it.
底部有熔岩。 我们保证。

One of the great things about the dungeons is that once you completely clear one out, light it up, and collect all the loot, you now have a pretty awesome multi-level base ready to be filled with storage chests and largely immune to explosion damage thanks to the layers of bedrock throughout the dungeon.


高级技巧 (Advanced Tricks)

The default dungeon generator is pretty cool but there is so much more it is capable of. You can custom edit your own configuration files or just use the supplementary files included with the app to completely change the feel of the dungeons.

默认的地牢生成器很酷,但功能强大得多。 您可以自定义编辑自己的配置文件,也可以只使用应用程序附带的补充文件来完全改变地牢的感觉。

Not only is the default.cfg very heavily annotated and easy to understand, you can read through the configuration flag list on the MCDungeon website to get a better feel for both the dungeon and the treasure hunt configuration files. Even a simple change, like turning on the cave-fill function (which fills in natural caverns adjacent to dungeons in order to increase the mob spawn rate inside the dungeons) can completely change the feel of the game.

default.cfg不仅带有大量注释且易于理解,您还可以阅读MCDungeon网站上的配置标志列表,以更好地了解地牢和寻宝配置文件。 即使是简单的更改,例如打开洞穴填充功能(该功能会在地下城附近填充自然洞穴,以增加地下城中的怪物生成率),也可以完全改变游戏的感觉。

Speaking of treasure hunts, while the focus of this tutorial was generating enormous dungeons for your Minecraft world, we did promise treasure hunts in the introduction. The treasure hunt generator works pretty much like the dungeon generator, so we’re not going to walk you through it step-by-step, but we will show you what to expect from it.

说到寻宝,虽然本教程的重点是为您的Minecraft世界生成巨大的地牢,但我们确实在介绍中承诺进行寻宝。 寻宝生成器的工作原理与地牢生成器非常相似,因此我们不会逐步介绍它,但我们将向您展示它的期望。

The treasure hunt generator creates patterns of landmarks and objects on the map that encourage exploration. You’ll come across ruins, old cabins, and the like, like this ruined dwelling here.

寻宝生成器在地图上创建地标和物体的图案,以鼓励探索。 您会遇到废墟,旧客舱之类的东西,例如这里的废墟房屋。

Loot is abundant in treasure hunt mode.

Inside you’ll find a notebook with clues in it that guide you toward landmarks and other clues.


If you’re willing to hike for it, that is.

Follow the clues, and eventually you’ll find a chest with enchanted armor, gold, and/or other rare items in it.


The best advice we’d give in regard to using the treasure generator is to set fairly large distances (you can specify how many chunks the hunt will cover and how many steps there are between each clue). If you use low values the clues are practically on top of each other and the treasure hunt isn’t much fun. If you use larger values it gives it a more realistic feel (who would hide their precious treasure ten feet from their cryptic clues, after all).

关于使用宝藏生成器的最佳建议是设置相当大的距离(您可以指定狩猎将覆盖多少块以及每个线索之间有多少步)。 如果您使用低值,则线索实际上是相互重叠的,寻宝并不是那么有趣。 如果您使用较大的值,它会给人更真实的感觉(毕竟,他们会将他们的宝贵宝藏藏在神秘线索的十英尺外)。

Even if you skip using the dungeon generator, we highly recommend the treasure hunt generator simply because it does so much to get rid of that feeling of emptiness that pervades the Minecraft world. Just setting up a few dozen treasure hunts with a fairly low density will sprinkle all sorts of small structures like abandoned homes, ruins, and wells across the land which goes a long way toward making the world feel less barren.

即使您跳过使用地牢生成器,我们也强烈建议您使用寻宝生成器,因为它的作用是消除存在于Minecraft世界中的空虚感。 仅仅以低密度建立几十个寻宝活动,就会在整个土地上撒布各种各样的小结构,例如废弃的房屋,废墟和水井,这将使整个世界变得不那么贫瘠。

Finally, the other very nifty trick included in the MCDungeon package is the Overviewer map generator. Rather than give you a static screenshot of it, which just doesn’t do justice to how cool it is and how great the graphics look, we’d encourage you to check out this interactive sample on the Overviewer website. If you’re generating an MCDungeon map to use on a server, with your kids, or anywhere that you, as the administrator and not the adventurer, want to have a bird’s eye view of where all the dungeons and special features are located then the Overviewer view of your new world is a great way to keep track of everything.

最后,MCDungeon软件包中包含的另一个非常漂亮的技巧是Overviewer地图生成器。 与其给您一个静态的屏幕快照,不如不能证明它的酷炫和图形的外观出色,我们不建议您在Overviewer网站上查看此交互式示例。 如果您要生成MCDungeon地图,以便与您的孩子或您作为管理员而不是冒险家的任何人一起在服务器上使用,而想要一览一下所有地牢和特殊功能的位置,则可以概述者对新世界的看法是跟踪所有情况的好方法。

Armed with MCDungeon you have the power to create maps with far flung and elaborate dungeons and treasure hunts perfect for hours of exploration and fun. Need some more ideas for Minecraft? Check out our collection of Minecraft articles here.

借助MCDungeon,您可以创建带有遥远而精致的地牢以及寻宝游戏的地图,非常适合数小时的探索和娱乐。 是否需要有关Minecraft的更多想法? 在这里查看我们的Minecraft文章集。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/212073/add-dungeons-ruins-and-treasure-hunts-to-your-minecraft-world-with-mcdungeon/


本文标签: 您的地牢废墟寻宝世界