



    • 1. Overview
      • 1.1 Overview and history of computer architecture
      • 1.2 Computer Systems
    • 2. Input-Process-Output Model
      • 2.2 The von Neumann Model
    • 3. Machine instructions and HLL
      • 3.2 Interpreters
    • 4. Data, Information and Knowledge
      • 4.1 Alphanumeric codes
    • 5. Operating systems
      • 5.1 Operating systems: examples
      • 5.2 Onion ring model
      • 5.3 Interaction with operating system
      • 5.4 Client-server computing
    • 6. Principal components of a computer
      • 6.1 Motherboard
      • 6.3 Buses
      • 6.4 Two parts of CPU
      • 6.5 Registers
      • 6.6 Instruction Set
      • 6.7 CISC & RISC
    • 7. Hardware
      • 7.1 Output Hardware
      • 7.2 Screen Clarity
      • 7.3 Communications Hardware
      • 7.4 Ports
      • 7.5 USB (Universal Serial Bus)
      • 7.6 Connectors
      • 7.7 Power supply
    • 8. Data codes – numeric and character
      • 8.1 Unsigned integers: BCD
      • 8.2 Sign-and-magnitude representation
      • 8.3 10’s complementary coding
      • 8.4 Floating Point Numbers
    • 9. Data storage
      • 9.1 Main memory
      • 9.2 RAM
      • 9.3 ROM
      • 9.4 Other Forms of Memory
    • 10. Memory
      • 10.1 Address width
      • 10.2 Memory modules
      • 10.4 Memory address decoding
      • 10.5 Registers
      • 10.6 Cache memory
      • 10.7 Localisation of access
      • 10.8 Cache memory and cache control unit
      • 10.9 Memory hierarchy
    • 11. Hard disk drives
      • 11.1 Virtual memory
      • 11.2 Memory Management
    • 12. Digital systems
      • 12.1 Boolean gates
      • 12.2 Flip-flops(触发器), or latches
      • 12.3 Use of D flip-flops - Copying data

1. Overview

1.1 Overview and history of computer architecture

Types of Computers

  • Mainframe computers (1960s)

  • Supercomputers (1970s)

  • Workstations (1980s)

  • Microcomputers (1980s)

  • Personal computers (1980s)

  • Microcontrollers(单片机) (1980s)

  • Servers (1980s)

  • Chip computer (?)

Computer Generations

  • First (1944 to1958): vacuum tube(真空管;电子管)

  • Second (1959 to1963): transistor(晶体管)

  • Third generation (1964 to 1970): IC 集成电路(integrated circuit)

  • Fourth generation (1971 to now: VLSI) 超大规模集成电路(very large-scale integration)

1.2 Computer Systems

Computer Hardware

  • 5 categories
    • input
    • processing
    • output
    • storage
    • communications

Computer Software

  • System software
  • Applications software

Backward (Downward) Compatibility for new hardware

  • Most software written for computers with old hardware can be run on computers with newer hardware

VDHL 极高速集成电路硬件描述语言(Very High Speed Integrated Circuits Hardware Description Language)

  • A programming language to be used to specify both the structure and function of hardware circuits.
  • Supports computer simulations as well as providing input to automatic layout packages which arranges the final circuits.

Hierarchy of Systems

Operating System

  • Functionalities of hardware systems can be brought out by operating systems and thus offered to the user.
  • The user’s programs interact with hardware systems through the functionalities provided by operating systems.

Hardware evolution: Moore’s Law

  • A circuit designed 24 months ago can now be shrunk to fit into an area of half the size.
    • It is sometimes quoted as every 18 months.

2. Input-Process-Output Model

###2.1 Input-Process-Output

There are three components required for the implementation of Input-Process-Output and von Neumann model(s):

  • Hardware.
  • Software.
  • Data that is being manipulated.


  • Central Processing Unit (CPU) is an active part which performs calculations and other operations.
  • The main memory (primary storage or working storage), or RAM (for random access memory) holds data and programs for access by CPU.
  • Memory is volatile…
  • The secondary storage.
    • Long-term storage.
    • Holds programs and data.
    • Hard disk, CDs, DVD, etc.
  • Input devices: keyboard, mouse, scanner, etc.
  • Output devices: monitor, speaker, printer, etc.


  • The hardware of a computer (e.g. CPU) can carry out only very simple operations like adding numbers (very quickly).
  • To make it perform useful tasks, these simple steps are combined in the form of programs, which are collectively known as software.

Machine instructions

  • The CPU performs the execution of machine instructions.
  • Every CPU has its own instruction set (100- 200 instructions, typically).
    • For a particular machine, this set is fixed.
  • Although the instruction sets of different CPUs are similar, there is no standard instruction set.

Machine Instruction Categories

  • Input-output: IN, OUT (Intel x86 and Pentium, but does not exist in some CPUs), …
  • Data transfer and manipulations: MOV, ADD , MUL , AND , OR , …
  • Transfer of program control: JMP, JC, …
  • Machine control: can halt processing, reset the hardware, INT, HLT …

Machine Instructions and HLL

  • High Level Programming Languages (HLLs) are more suitable for programming than the languages of machine instructions.
  • The programs in HLL still have to be translated to the machine codes.

2.2 The von Neumann Model

  • The idea was formulated by von Neumann (late 1940s).
    • The computer is a general-purpose machine controlled by an executable program.
  • In this context:
    • A program is a list of instructions used to direct a task.
    • Both program and data are held in computer’s memory (store) and both represented by binary codes.
    • The fact that memory is re-writeable makes a von Neumann machine especially powerful.
    • A processor is an active part of the machine that executes the program instructions.

  • Input device is for transmitting information from a user into the computer’s memory.
  • Output device enables a user to see results of the program being performed.
  • Von Neumann bottleneck.
    • CPU is continuously forced to wait for vital data (and instructions) to be transferred to or from memory.

Harvard architecture

  • Separates data from programs.
  • Requires different memories and access buses for programs and data.
  • The intention is to increase transfer rates, improving throughput.

3. Machine instructions and HLL

Semantic gap

  • The term expresses the enormous difference between the way human languages expressing ideas and actions and the way computer instructions representing data processing activities.

###3.1 Translation

  • Translation is done by special programs such as:
    • Compilers, translating HLL instructions into machine code (sequence of instructions) before the code can be run on the machine.
    • Assemblers, translating mnemonic form of machine instructions (like MOV, ADD, etc) into their binary codes.
    • Interpreters, translating HLL instructions into machine code on-the-fly (while the program is running).

compilers and assemblers


  • Big programs usually are divided into several separate parts or modules.
  • Each module has to be designed, coded and compiled.
  • There are frequent occasions when code in one module needs to reference data or subroutines in another module.
  • A compiler can translate a module into binary codes, but it cannot resolve those references to other modules.
  • Those external references remain symbolic after the compilation, until the linker gets to work.
    • The linker is to join together all the binary parts.
    • The linker will report errors if it cannot find the module or code referred to by those external references.

Library files

  • Translated object code.
  • Provide many functions for programmers, but are only usable if linked into your code.
  • In Unix:
    • Directories /lib and /usr/lib/.
  • In Windows:
    • DLL files.

3.2 Interpreters

alternative way of running HLL programs

  • Instructions are converted into an intermediate form, consisting of tokens.
    • In Java, tokens such as: static, boolean, file, string, void, return
  • Tokens are then passed to the decoder, which selects appropriate routines for execution.
  • Compilers.
    • Take a program and translate it as a whole into machine code.
    • The processes of translation and execution are separate.
  • Interpreters.
    • Take an instruction, one at a time, translate and execute it.
    • The processes of translation and execution are interlaced.

C program compilation, linking & execution

  • C language source code --> compiler ( program) --> assembly language --> assembler --> machine code
  • Once we have machine code:
  • machine code --> linking and loading (program) --> program code execution (program)


Java source code --> compiler (program) --> Java “byte codes” --> Java interpreter (program)

Interpreters vs. Compilers

  • Execution of compiled code is much faster than execution of interpreted code.
  • Interpreters are more suitable for rapid prototyping and for other situations when a program is frequently modified.
    • Interpreters are more accurate in terms of error reporting.
    • Interpretation can provide uniform execution environment across several diverse computers. (Portable)

Interpreters as Virtual Machines

  • Interpreters are somewhat similar to the computer hardware (CPU)
    • take one instruction at a time and execute it.
  • Because of that sometimes they are referred to as a virtual machine
    • Example: JVM, Java Virtual Machine

###3.3 Code sharing and reuse

  • How to reuse existing proven software when developing new systems?

    • Source-level subroutines and macro libraries.

    • Pre-translated re-locatable binary libraries.

    • Dynamic libraries and dynamic linking.

How code can be shared

Source-level subroutines and macro libraries

  • Intention.
    • Take copies of the library routines.
    • Edit them into your new code.
    • Translate the whole together.
  • Disadvantages.
    • Who owned the code?
    • Who should maintain it?

Pre-translated relocatable binary libraries

  • Intention.
    • Libraries are pre-translated into relocatable binary code.
    • Can be linked into your new code, but not altered.
  • Acceptance.
    • Successful, and still essential for all software development undertaken today.
  • Disadvantage.
    • Each program is to have a private copy of the subroutines, wasting valuable memory space, and swapping time, in a multitasking system.

Dynamic libraries and dynamic linking

  • Intention.

    • Load a program which uses “public” routines already loaded into memory.
    • The memory-resident libraries are mapped, through the memory management system to control access and avoid multiple code copies.
  • Acceptance.

    • Successful through Microsoft’s ActiveX standard.

4. Data, Information and Knowledge

  • Data – raw facts, figures, measurements, …
    • 1.00001, 1.00000010, 2.0000101, 3.0000102, 5.000…
  • Information
    • data organized into useful representation
    • 1.000, 1.000, 2.000, 3.000, 5.000, …
  • Knowledge
    • application of reasoned analysis of information
    • ‘data are in increasing order’, ‘data can be derived based on Fibonacci sequencing’, etc

4.1 Alphanumeric codes

  • The majority of the data originally comes in the form of letters in alphabet, numbers and punctuation (alphanumeric data).
    • They are represented in computers by binary numbers.


A bit is the most basic unit of information possible: it contains the information necessary to distinguish two alternatives (1 or 0, YES or NOT, etc.).

  • ASCII code ( American Standard Code for Information interchange (7-bit code) and its extensions (8-bit codes) (well-established).
  • EBCDIC code ( Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code) 8-bit code. (IBM mainframe computers)
  • Unicode. Recent 16-bit standard. (Up to 216 characters can be encoded)

ASCII code table

  • Only half of possible byte (8-bits) patterns is used.
  • The table is divided into two classes of codes:
    • Printing characters.
    • Control characters.
  • Printing characters produce output on the screen or on a printer.
  • Control characters are used:
    • To control the position of output on the screen or paper (e.g. ‘HT’).
    • To cause some action to occur (e.g. ‘BEL’).
    • To communicate status between the computer and an I/O device (e.g. ‘Control-C’ combination).

Limitations of ASCII code

  • The limitations of the well-established 8 bit ASCII codes.
    • Too limited for the display requirements of modern Windows-based word-processors.
    • The requirement of global software market for handling international character sets.


  • Even 8-bit extensions of ASCII code table is capable to code only up to 256 characters.
  • Unicode Standard (1991) is an 16-bit international encoding system for information interchange.
    • Code values are available for more than 65,000 characters.

Representation of numbers

  • Two’s complement(补码) as a method of representing and manipulating negative integers.
5 = 00000101
-5 = 11111011 

Representation of real numbers

  • IEEE 754 standard.
    • The most widely-used standard for floatingpoint computation.
    • defines formats for representing floating-point numbers, special values, and a set of floatingpoint operations that operate on these values.

Declaration of variables in programs

  • What happens when you declare variables in a program?
    • You are telling the compiler to reserve the correct amount of memory space to hold the variable.
    • You are also telling the compiler what encoding/decoding/representation scheme to be used.

5. Operating systems

5.1 Operating systems: examples

  • OS/360 for IBM System/360, 1960s.
  • Unix, 1970s.
  • MS-DOS for IBM PC and Mac OS for Apple Macintosh, 1980s.
  • Windows 95, 98, NT, 1990s.
    • NT served as the basis for Microsoft’s desktop operating system line starting in 2001.
  • Apple rebuilt their operating systems on top of a Unix core as Mac OS X, released in 2001.
  • Linux, BSD Unix…

5.2 Onion ring model

  • Core of operating system: dealing directly with the hardware.
    • Kernel: device drivers, memory allocator…
    • CLI(命令行界面) : provide user accessibilities to the system

5.3 Interaction with operating system

  • CLI (command line interpreter.)
    • DOS: type a command in a command line.
    • Unix/Linux: shell scripts (sequences of instructions).
    • Windows/Mac OS X: click with mouse on icons.

Computer Networks

  • Perhaps the most far-reaching changes ever produced to von Neumann’s original blueprint.
  • Operating system usually provides access to network facilities. (via networking API, e.g. socket interface)
  • Computer network is an interconnected collection of autonomous computers to facilitate fast information exchange.

5.4 Client-server computing

  • Client(客户端): The originator of a request.
  • Server(服务器): The supplier of the service.

Client-server interaction

  • Client starts the interaction by sending a request message to the server.
  • Server responds by sending replies back…

6. Principal components of a computer

  • These are the minimum set of components for a working digital computer.

6.1 Motherboard

  • Three principal subsystems:
    • CPU
    • main memory
    • input-output units

###6.2 Processor and Registers

  • Processor
    • arithmetic/logic unit (ALU) (运算器)
    • control unit(控制单元): part of a CPU responsible for performing the machine cycle-fetch, decode, execute, store
  • Registers
    • Program counter (PC)(程序计数器): contains the address of the next instruction to execute
    • Instruction register (IR)(指令寄存器): part of a CPU control unit that stores an instruction

Coprocessors: Assistants to the CPU

  • Coprocessors: microprocessors performing specialized functions that CPU cannot perform or cannot perform as well and as quickly
    • math
    • graphics

6.3 Buses

  • On the motherboard, all the components are interconnected by buses (“signal highways”).
  • A bus is a bundle of conductors, wires, or tracks.
  • Typically, there are address, data and control buses, each including several signal lines.
    • Intel 8086: 20 shared address/data lines, and a further 17 lines for control.
    • Intel Pentium: data bus 64 lines, and the address bus 32 lines.

  • Each hardware unit is connected to all these buses.
    • A simple way of building up complex systems in which each unit can communicate with each other.
    • Little disruption when plugging in new units and swapping out failed units.

6.4 Two parts of CPU

6.5 Registers

  • CPU registers: small block of fast memory.
    • Temporarily store for data and address variables.
  • Some CPU registers:
    • Instruction Pointer (IP) or Program Counter (PC).
      • Stores the address of the next instruction.
    • Accumulator (AX, EAX in Pentium).
      • General purpose data register.
    • Instruction Register (IR).
      • Stores the instruction that is being executed.
  • Memory address register (MAR).
    • Temporarily holds address of the memory location during a bus transfer.
  • MBR

6.6 Instruction Set

  • The collection of machine language instructions that a particular processor understands
  • machine language instructions
    • instructions for a specific CPU
    • designed to be executed by a computer without being translated
    • Also called machine code
    • Operations like: ADD, SUB, INC, DEC, etc.

How instructions are executed?

  • The basic operation, known as the fetchexecute cycle or machine cycle.
    • The sequence whereby each instruction of the program is executed:
      • Read from the memory.
      • Decoded.
      • Executed.

Machine Cycle

  • Fetch the instruction from memory. This step brings the instruction into the instruction register, a circuit that holds the instruction so that it can be decoded and executed
  • Decode the instruction
  • [Read the effective address from memory if the instruction has an indirect address ]
  • Execute the instruction
  • [Store the results]

The fetch phase of the cycle

  • The address in IP register is copied onto the address bus and further to MAR register.
  • IP is incremented ready for the next cycle. IP now points to the next location in the program memory.
  • Memory selects location and copies the content onto the data bus.
  • CPU copies the instruction code from the data bus into IR.
  • Decoding of the instruction starts.

• A Pentium instruction: 10111000 00000000 00000001 • Assembly code: MOV AX 0x100

  • Note that the content of a memory cell is different from its address (not shown in the figure).

The execution phase of the cycle

  • Execute phase depends on the type of instruction.
  • Example: the execution of MOV AX,256 instruction includes:
    • IP is copied to address bus and latched into memory.
    • IP is incremented.
    • The value selected in memory is copied onto the data bus.
    • CPU copies the value from the data bus into AX.


  • CISC (“sisk”)
    • complex instruction set
    • most mainframes and PCs
  • RISC (“risk”)
    • reduced instruction set (精简指令集)
    • cheaper and faster
    • shift some work to software


  • In RISC an instruction usually consists of a single word but in CISC an instruction may be several words long, requiring several fetches

RISC is faster because …

  • The vacated area of the chip can be used to accelerate the performance of more commonly used instructions, rather than compensating for those rarely used instructions
  • Easier to optimize the design
  • Simplifies translation from high-level languages into the smaller instruction set that the hardware understands, resulting in more efficient programs

7. Hardware

7.1 Output Hardware

  • Hardcopy output
    • graphics
    • letters
  • Softcopy output
    • video
    • audio

7.2 Screen Clarity

  • Standard screen resolutions
    • 640 x 480
    • 800 x 600
    • 1024 x 768
    • 1280 x 1024
    • 1600 x 1200

7.3 Communications Hardware

  • Facilitate networks
    • modems
    • hubs and other components of a network

7.4 Ports

connecting peripherals to the computers

  • Parallel port (IEEE 1284)
    • printers, some scanners
  • Serial port (RS-232)
    • modems, scanners, mice

7.5 USB (Universal Serial Bus)

  • USB
    • industry standard developed in the mid-1990s that defines the cables, connectors and protocols used for connection, communication and power supply between computers and electronic devices
    • standardized the connection of computer peripherals, such as keyboards, pointing devices, digital cameras, printers, portable media players, disk drives and network adapters to PCs
    • replaced earlier interfaces, such as serial and parallel ports, as well as separate power chargers for portable devices

7.6 Connectors

7.7 Power supply

  • Power supply
    • protected by power surge protector or
    • uninterrupted power supply unit (UPS)

8. Data codes – numeric and character

  • To store numbers we need an encoding scheme, which would allow us to encode:
    • The algebraic sign of numbers (+/-).
    • Decimal point that might be associated with a fractional number.

8.1 Unsigned integers: BCD

Each decimal digit is individually converted to binary.

  • This requires 4 bits per digit (not all 4-bits patterns are used).

8.2 Sign-and-magnitude representation

  • It is representation of signed integers by a plus or minus sign and a value.
  • Agreement. – Left-most bit represent a sign,
    • e.g., 0 stands for + and 1 stands for -.
    • 8-bits can represent the numbers from -127 to 127 (0 being represented twice).

8.3 10’s complementary coding

8.4 Floating Point Numbers

Single-precision 32 bit IEEE 754

Double-precision 64 bit IEEE 754

9. Data storage

  • Storage is the capacity of a device to hold and retain data.
  • Two main types of storage in a computer:
    • Main memory.
    • Mass storage.

9.1 Main memory

  • It refers to physical memory that is internal to the computer.
  • The computer can manipulate only data that is inside the main memory.

9.2 RAM

随机存取器 (random access memory)

  • The memory can be seen as a set of numbered storage elements, called words, each of which contains some information.
  • Each word is numbered with its address.
  • Any word of memory can be accessed “without touching” the preceding words (Random Access).
  • Access time is the same for all the stored items.

Dynamic RAM (DRAM)

  • Cheaper, but slower.

  • Implemented via capacitors.

  • DRAM needs to be refreshed.

Static RAM (SRAM)

  • Faster, but more expensive.
  • Implemented via flip-flops.
  • No need for refreshing.

Both types of RAM are volatile

They lose their contents when the power is turned off.

9.3 ROM

  • Read-only memory (ROM)
  • Software stored inside also known as firmware
  • Helps boot up the system
  • BIOS – Basic Input Output System

9.4 Other Forms of Memory

Cache memory

  • quick access memory, internal or external to the processor
  • bridge between the processor and RAM
  • including simultaneous read/write

Video memory


Mass storage

  • It refers to various techniques and devices for storing a large amount of data.
  • Unlike main memory, mass storage devices retain data even when the computer is turned off.

Types of mass storage

  • Hard disks.
  • Optical disks: CD-ROM, CD-RW, DVD, etc.
  • USB disks, Floppy disks.

Hard Disk Drives (HDD)


  • Hard disk drives are the most important types of permanent storage used in computers (esp. PCs).
  • Hard disks differ from the other mass storage devices in three ways:
    • Size (usually larger).
    • Speed (usually faster).
    • Permanence (usually fixed in computer and not removable).

10. Memory

  • Any memory location in main memory has its own address.

  • It follows then the more memory the larger addresses are needed.

  • Maximal memory length depends on address width

10.1 Address width

  • Address width is determined by:
    • The number of bits in the CPU address registers such as IP, MAR.
    • The number of lines in the address bus.

10.2 Memory modules

###10.3 Memory mapping

  • When the CPU sends out an address:
    • A part of the address locates the correct chip.
    • Another part specifies an address within the correct chip.
  • How actually the addresses are mapped to the memory locations is defined by memory maps.

Memory map for a small system

10.4 Memory address decoding

  • Memory chips are not normally matched to the width of the address bus. For example:
    • CPU may send 32-bit address.
    • RAM may receive directly 24-bit address.
  • Special Memory Address Decoding circuit implements necessary decoding

10.5 Registers

  • Registers are the memory cells which are core part of the processor itself.
  • It has very fast access (a few nanoseconds).
  • Not that much memory: tens of 32-, 64-, 80- bit registers (typically).

10.6 Cache memory

  • A memory (more expensive, but faster SRAM) placed between CPU and main memory.
  • Contains a copy of the portion of main memory.
  • The aim is to maintain in fast cache the currently active sections of code and data.
  • Processor when needs some information first checks cache.
  • If not found in cache, the block of memory containing the needed information is moved into the cache.

Levels of cache

  • Typically Level 1 cache has the size 8-64 KB.
  • Typically Level 2 cache has the size 128-512KB

10.7 Localisation of access

  • The idea of cache memory exploits Localisation of Memory Access principle:
    • Computers tend to spend periods of time accessing the same locality of memory.
    • A portion of code or data which require access needs to be loaded into the fastest memory nearest to CPU.
    • Other sections of the program and data can be held in readiness lower down the memory hierarchy.

Why localisation of access works?

  • Partly due to the programmer clustering related data items together in arrays or records.
  • Partly due to the repeating patterns in a program (i.e. loops)
  • Partly due to the compiler attempting to organise the code in an efficient manner.

10.8 Cache memory and cache control unit

10.9 Memory hierarchy

  • Going down the hierarchy:
    • Increased capacity.
    • Increased access time.
    • Decreased frequency of access of the memory by the processor.
    • Decreased cost per bit.

11. Hard disk drives

  • Hard disk drives are the most important type of permanent storage used in computers (esp. PCs).

Schematic diagram of hard disk

Storage Technology

  • Retrieving files into RAM is called reading

    • loading an application
    • opening a file
    • files can be programs or documents
  • Copying data from RAM onto a secondary storage device is called writing

11.1 Virtual memory

  • Virtual memory is a technique, in a sense, opposite to caching:

    • It is the use of low-level memory (i.e. hard disk) to ‘expand’ high-level (main) memory.
    • It provides a convenient expansion of main memory by ‘overflowing’ data and program code onto magnetic disk.
  • The area on disk reserved for this purpose is known as the swap area.

11.2 Memory Management

  • Virtual memory
    • hard disk space
    • when processor needs more RAM space, swaps unused data onto designated hard disk space
    • improves flexibility but is slower than RAM to which the processor has direct access

12. Digital systems

12.1 Boolean gates

12.2 Flip-flops(触发器), or latches

12.3 Use of D flip-flops - Copying data

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