


由于需要昂贵的视频编辑软件 ,很多的计算机磁盘空间和高性能的图形显示卡,视频编辑的成本非常高。网络上有很多免费的视频编辑器,但不是个个都能随人心意。本文选择了18款最值得推荐的免费视频编辑器,功能包括了编辑,编码,合并或分割视频,添加2D和3D效果,音频增强以及更多的其他特效。


1) Windows Movie Maker 2.6 :微软的Windows Movie Maker已经推出2.6版本,可运行在Windows 7和Windows Vista上。高级用户很可能会选择更专业的视频编辑程序,但不可否认的是,对普通的家庭用户而言,Movie Maker是一款非常不错的全能视频编辑器。

2) VirtualDub : VirtualDub is a video capture/processing utility for 32-bit and 64-bit Windows platforms (98/ME/NT4/2000/XP/Vista/7), licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL).  It lacks the editing power of a general-purpose editor such as Adobe Premiere, but is streamlined for fast linear operations over video.  It has batch-processing capabilities for processing large numbers of files and can be extended with third-party video filters.  VirtualDub is mainly geared toward processing AVI files, although it can read (not write) MPEG-1 and also handle sets of BMP images.


2) VirtualDub :VirtualDub是一个视频捕捉/处理工具,可工作在32位和64位Windows平台上(98/ME/NT4/2000/XP/Vista/7),使用GNU通用公共许可证(GPL)授权。它缺乏通用编辑器如Adobe Premiere的编辑能力,但简化了视频的快速线性操作。它具有批处理功能,可以用来处理大量文件,并可以通过第三方视频滤镜扩展。VirtualDub是主要面向AVI文件处理,虽然它也可以读取(不包括写入)MPEG-1,以及系列BMP图像。

3) T@b ZS4 Video Editor : ZS4 Video Editor is free to download and use. It is video editing and compositing software which aims to provide media experts with a facility to combine a variety of media types(currently photos, videos and audio files) into one or more output files.

3) T@b ZS4视频编辑器 :ZS4视频编辑器可以免费下载和使用。这是一个视频编辑和合成软件,可以将不同的媒体类型(目前支持图片、视频和音频文件)合并到一个或多个输出文件。

4) Wax : Wax is a high performance and flexible video compositing and special effects software. The idea for Wax is to be very general purpose and flexible in video compositing and effects, so that you can compose your dream video sequence with ease everytime.Wax can create 2D & 3D special effects and can work in two modes – as a standalone application which would appeal for home users/beginners, and as a “plug-in” to video editors/NLEs which would be more useful for professional editors.


4) Wax : Wax是一款高性能、灵活的视频合成和特效制作软件。Wax的目标是完成视频合成和特效制作的日常任务,并且提供足够的灵活性,使你可以轻松实现自己理想中的视频效果。Wax可以创建2D和3D的特效,可以工作在两种模式——既可以作为一个独立的应用程序,主要针对家庭用户/初学者;也可以视频编辑器/NLEde的插件供更专业的编辑者使用。

5) Cinefx Jashaka : Cinefx is an offline playback, editing, encoding, animation and visual effects tool based on the Jahshaka technology that allows you to create professional digital media on your desktop. Use the tools that hollywood uses to create blockbuster films and special effects.


5) Cinefx Jashaka :Cinefx是一种离线播放、编辑、编码、动画和视觉效果工具,基于Jahshaka技术,允许您在电脑上制作专业的数字媒体。好莱坞曾经用这款工具制作过电影大片和特殊效果。

6) Blender : Blender is the free open source 3D content creation suite, available for all major operating systems under the GNU General Public License. It is one of the powerful, multi-use editing/compositing and modeling tool. This tool allows you to edit, create 3D graphics, sound effects, add special effects and much more.


6) Blender :Blender是免费开源的3D制作套装,适用于所有主流操作系统,使用GNU通用公共许可证授权。它是一个强大的,多用途的编辑/合成和建模工具。你可以用它编辑、创建三维图形及声音效果,添加特效等等。

7) Avidemux : Avidemux is a free video editor designed for simple cutting, filtering and encoding tasks. It supports many file types, including AVI, DVD compatible MPEG files, MP4 and ASF, using a variety of codecs. Tasks can be automated using projects, job queue and powerful scripting.


7) Avidemux :Avidemux是一个免费的视频编辑软件,可以完成简单的剪切,视频过滤和编码任务。它支持多种文件类型,包括AVI,DVD兼容的MPEG文件,MP4和ASF文件。使用项目,工作队列和强大的脚本可以实现任务自动化。

8 ) MovieStorm : Moviestorm is the complete 3D movie making software application for all abilities. Whether your movie interest is cartoons, crime, music, horror etc, you can create awesome animation effects using this software.

8) MovieStorm :Moviestorm是一款全能的三维电影制作软件。无论是卡通、犯罪、音乐、恐怖等任何题材,你都可以使用该软件创建非常棒的动画效果。

9) Movica : Movica is just a graphical user interface that uses some fine programs to edit movie files. A great deal of emphasis has been placed on keyboard shortcuts to make the job of editing easier. Basically, it is meant for editing the kind of movies that VirtualDub won’t. V-Dub is primarily an AVI editor, Movica will work on .wmv, .flv, .rm and .mpg files. This makes it more versatile than Virtualdub.

9) Movica :Movica仅仅是一个图形用户界面,使用了一些优秀的程序对电影文件进行编辑。程序的亮点之一在于提供了丰富的键盘快捷键,使编辑工作更加轻松简单。基本上,它是用来编辑VirtualDub不能处理的电影文件的。VirtualDub主要是AVI文件的编辑,而Movica可以操作wmv、FLV、rm和mpg文件。这使得它比VirtualDub更具有通用性。

10) Video Spin : VideoSpin, free editor based on Studio, does a pretty darn good job compared with most free video tools. It doesn’t match the qualities of paid softwares but perform basic editing and output movies pretty easily.


11) AVIedit : It is a great tool to work with .AVI files. Regardless of small executable size, this avi editor offers you unlimited power of digital video processing. AVIedit allows you to join and split avi files, extract frames and do whatever you want… You can capture video by number of ways, including one-frame-per-minute (web camera) option, workaround annoying 2 Gb file size limit, send your videos to printer, heavy compress it and post to your webpage.

11) AVIedit :这是一款非常棒的AVI文件编辑工具。这款小巧的程序,提供了无限的数字视频处理能力。AVIedit可以合并或分割AVI文件,提取帧,完成任何你想得到的任务……您可以通过各种方式捕获视频,包括每分钟的帧数(摄像头)选项;解决恼人的2GB文件大小限制;将视频发送到打印机;高度压缩然后发布到网页上。

12) StoryBoard Pro Software : Atomic Learning’s FREE Video StoryBoard Pro is designed to give teachers, students, and home movie makers a tool to plan ahead when creating video projects. It features the ability to enter shot titles and descriptions, complete with planned lengths and edited order, indicate shot types: video, still, audio, music, or titles and much more.

12) StoryBoard Pro :原子学习(Atomic Learning)免费的视频工具StoryBoard Pro旨在为教师,学生和家庭电影制作者提供一款工具,在开展拍摄之前进行计划。它具有的特色功能包括,为镜头添加标题和描述,拍摄长度的计划和顺序的调整,拍摄类型注释:视频、静态画面、音频、音乐、标题等等。

13) AVI Trimmer : SolveigMM AVI Trimmer is a free video editor for fast and lossless AVI editing. This freeware AVI editor is small, smart, easy to use and  involves no encoding/decoding processes. No video / audio degradation and out of sync problem arises after editing. All AVI file types of any size and video / audio content are supported.

13) AVI Trimmer :SolveigMM的AVI Trimmer是一款快速无损的AVI视频编辑器。这款免费的AVI编辑器小巧,灵活,简单易用,不涉及编码/解码过程。编辑后,不会出现视频/音频损坏和不同步的问题。只要是AVI文件,不管大小和视频/音频内容,都支持。

14) Zwei-Stien Video Editor : Zwei-Stein 3.01 is a freeware non-linear, non-destructive video compositing and editing system which offers many advanced features unavailable elsewhere.  With Zwei-Stein you can edit up to 256 video, audio and still image clips, each with up to 64 effects chained serially. Cropping, panning and custom effects are easy with automatic key frames.

14) Zwei-Stein 视频编辑器 :Zwei-Stein 3.01是一个免费的非线性,无损的视频合成和编辑系统,提供了许多其他软件没有的高级功能。使用Zwei-Stein可以编辑多达256个视频、音频和静态图像剪辑,每个都可以连续使用64种效果。使用自动关键帧,裁剪、平移和自定义效果更容易实现。

15) DVDVideoSoft Free : A pretty basic software to edit video and audio files. Free Studio is a single package which bundles all free software from DVDVideoSoft to work with DVD, video and audio files. With this free software you can convert video and audio files between different formats and to iPod, PSP, iPhone, BlackBerry and other portable devices; burn and rip DVDs and audio CDs; upload and download videos and music to your computer, iPod, PSP, iPhone and BlackBerry; perform basic editing of audio and video files.

15) DVDVideoSoft免费版 :一个编辑视频和音频文件的基本软件。免费的Studio打包了DVDVideoSoft所有的DVD、视频和音频文件的免费编辑软件。有了这个免费软件,您可以将视频和音频在不同格式间转换,并转换成iPod,PSP,iPhone,BlackBerry和其他便携设备上可用的格式;复制与刻录DVD和音频CD文件;上传和下载视频和音乐,在你的电脑、iPod、PSP、iPhone和黑莓之间;完成音频和视频文件的基本编辑。

16) AVITricks Video Editor : AviTricks is a non-linear, non-destructive AVI video editor with real-time preview. It makes cutting and joining footage easy and includes a wide range of built-in adjustable effects that can be used separately or in combination. (Effects include dissolves, mirror image, sepia, iris effects, fades, TV-shop and many more.) Besides the preview screen, the video you are working on is also represented clearly and graphically on a timeline and a tree-structure. Both of these fields are active and easy to work.

16) AVITricks视频编辑器 :AviTricks是一个非线性、无损、支持实时预览的AVI视频编辑器。它使画面切割和连接更容易,包括大量的内置调整效果,可单独或合并使用。(效果包括溶解、镜像、老照片、虹膜效果、淡化、电视购物等等。)除了预览屏幕外,软件也会用图形和树结构的形式清晰地表示正在编辑的视频。这两个面板同时处于激活状态,工作起来很方便。

17) DVD Knife : DVD Knife is a simple tool for extracting DVD clips from your DVD’s.The clips will be stored in VOB format only. This is the simplest and fastest tool in its category which has ability to extract long VOB clips in few seconds.Its so simple that only three steps can extract the clip ie “Select start” – “Select end” – “Save”. So get your favorite movie or film scenes stored seperately now. It is compatible with Windows XP. I hope this little free tool will come for Vista or 7 in he future.

17) DVD Knife :DVD Knife是简单的DVD工具,用于从DVD中提取片段。剪辑出的片段将被存储成VOB格式。同类软件中,这是最简单和最快捷的,只需几秒钟就可以提取出很长一段VOB片段。它的使用非常简单,只需三个步骤,“选择开始时间” - “选择结束时间” - “保存”。现在你可以把你喜欢的电影和电影场面分开存放了。这款软件兼容Windows XP。希望未来可以推出Windows Vista或Windows 7版本。

18) Mewa Film : It is a non-linear editing tool, called montage (this name might change) where video files are shown as a sequence of images layed off horizontally. The video files can then be assembled and cuted using intuitive actions as “drag and drop” and “rubberband selection”.

18) Mewa Film :这是一款非线性编辑工具,可以用来创作电影蒙太奇。可以通过直观的动作如“拖放”和“拖框选择”来组装和剪切视频文件

本文标签: 最值得编辑软件免费视频