

1.改革开放以来,中国人的饮食发生了显著变化。Since the start of the reform and opening up, the diet of the Chinese people has undergone remarkable changes.2.过去由于经济落后,食品种类有限、数量不足,人们仅仅满足于吃得饱。 In the past, when the economy was backward, and the variety and quantity of food were limited and insufficient, people were only content with filling their stomachs with whatever was available.3.如今中国经济快速发展,食品不仅更加丰富多样,质量也大幅提高。 Nowadays, with China's rapid economic growth, food has become not only more diverse but also of much higher quality. 4.随着生活水平不断提升,人们对饮食的要求越来越高,更加注重吃得营养健康。Thanks to rising living standards, people have higher demands for their diet, and pay more attention to nutritious and healthy eating.5.因此,目前市场上推出的低脂、低糖、有机食品受到人们的普遍欢迎。As a result, low-fat, low-sugar, and organic foods available on the market enjoy great popularity among the Chinese public.

  1. 立春(Start of Spring)在中国农历中表示春天的开始。Start of Spring marks the beginning of spring in the Chinese lunar calendar.2.立春之后,白天变得更长,天气也愈发温暖:万物开始复苏,大地充满生机。After that, the daytime becomes longer and the weather gets warmer, with all living things reviving and the world full of vitality.3.人们常说“一年之计在于春”,农民在这个时节开始播种,为全年的丰收打下基础。It is often said that the whole year's work depends on a good start in spring. Farmers begin to sow/plant seeds at this time to lay the foundation for a good harvest in the year. 4.中国人早在三千年前就已开始在立春这一天举行庆祝活动。数百年来,迎春一直是民间的重要习俗。Chinese started to celebrate Start of Spring three millennia ago. For centuries, welcoming/greeting spring has been an important folk custom. 5.在春暖花开的日子里,人们常常外出游玩,欣赏春天的美景。In the warm spring days when flowers blossom, people often go out to enjoy the charming scenery of the season.

1随着生活水平的提高,更多人开始加入到自驾游的行列之中。With the improvement of living standards, growing numbers of people are joining the ranks of self-drive tour.2自驾游者既可驾驶自家车也可借车或租车出游。Self-drive travelers can either drive their own cars or borrow or rent a car.3司机可能是车主或结伴出游者。The driver may be the owner of the car or the traveling companion.4自驾游与传统的组团旅游不同,它能够更好地满足旅游者的个性化需求,使他们更好地享受旅游的过程。Unlike a traditional organized tour, a road trip can better meet the individualized needs of the travelers so that they can enjoy the tour to their heart’s content.5自驾游尤其受到年轻出游者的欢迎。Self-drive travel has gained( in ) popularity among the young.6年轻人追求独立自由的生活,而自驾游恰好满足了他们的这一需求。They seek an independent and free life, and a road trip does satisfy their needs.

You probably havent taken the time to blink... B.abundant E.exact N.statistics F.increasingly O.textile C.awareness I.nearly K.reducing M.shrink

1.改革开放40多年以来,中国政府对高等教育越来越重视,高等教育已经进入稳步发展阶段。For over 40 years since the beginning of the reform and opening-up, the Chinese government has attached increasing importance to higher education, which has now moved into a stage of steady growth.2.我国高校学生总数已接近4,700万人,位居世界第一。The numbers of university students in China has totaled nearly 47 million, ranking first in the world.3.随着我国经济的快速发展,人民生活水平不断提高,越来越多的人渴望接受高等教育。With China’s fast economic development and continuous improvement in living standards, more and more people are eager to receive higher education.4.我国高校的数量和学科专业持续增加,招生人数逐年上升,教学质量也在不断改进.The number of universities and disciplines in China continue to increase, enrolling growing numbers of students from year to year. Meanwhile, the quality of teaching has been improving continuously. 5.中国为更多年轻人创造了接受高等教育的机会。China has created opportunities for more young people to receive a university education.

1.戏曲是一种中国传统的艺术形式,可以追溯到唐朝。Chinese opera is a traditional Chinese art, which can be traced back to the Tang Dynasty.2.中国戏曲吸引观众的一大特色是其独具风格的脸谱(facial painting)。One of the features of Chinese opera that attract audiences is its unique face paintings.3.中国戏曲中的脸谱(facial painting)代表不同角色的性格和命运,观众通过观察脸谱能够更好地理解这些角色的故事。Different face paintings in Chinese opera represent different characters’ personalities and fates. By observing their diversified face paintings, the audiences can better understand the stories about these characters.4.欣赏戏曲是中国人特别是老年人的一大乐趣。Watching Chinese operas is a pleasure for Chinese people, especially the elderly.5.为了吸引更多的年轻观众,传统戏曲正在不断地发展和创新。To attract young audiences, traditional operas are undergoing constant development and innovations.6.如今,越来越多的外国观众也喜欢中国戏曲。Nowadays, more and more foreigners are also interested in Chinese opera.

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