

Technical debt (技术负债 / 技术债)

In software development, or any other IT field (e.g., Infrastructure, Networking, etc.) technical debt (also known as design debt or code debt) is the implied cost of future reworking required when choosing an easy but limited solution instead of a better approach that could take more time.
在程序设计及软件工程中,技术负债 / 技术债 / 设计负债 / 代码负债是指开发人员为了加速软件开发,在应该采用最佳方案时进行了妥协,改用了短期内能加速软件开发的方案,从而在未来给自己带来的额外开发负担。这种技术上的选择,虽然眼前看起来可以得到好处,但在未来必须付出额外的时间和精力持续修复之前的妥协所造成的问题及副作用,或是进行重构,把架构改善为最佳实现方式。


1. Introduction

Ward Cunningham first drew the comparison between technical complexity and debt in a 1992 experience report:
“Shipping first time code is like going into debt. A little debt speeds development so long as it is paid back promptly with a rewrite… The danger occurs when the debt is not repaid. Every minute spent on not-quite-right code counts as interest on that debt. Entire engineering organizations can be brought to a stand-still under the debt load of an unconsolidated implementation, object-oriented or otherwise.”

1992 年,Ward Cunningham (沃德 坎宁安) 首次对技术复杂性和债务进行了比较:
交付第一次代码就像欠债一样。只要通过重写及时偿还,一点点债务会加速开发。当债务没有偿还时,危险就会发生。在不完全正确的代码上花费的每一分钟都算作该债务的利息。整个工程组织可能会因为未整合的实施 (无论是面向对象的实施还是其他实施) 的债务负担而陷入停滞状态。

Ward Cunningham
Howard G. Cunningham (born May 26, 1949) is an American computer programmer who developed the first wiki and was a co-author of the Manifesto for Agile Software Development.
沃德 坎宁安是美国计算机程序员,也是 Wiki 概念的发明者。

In his 2004 text, Refactoring to Patterns, Joshua Kerievsky presents a comparable argument concerning the costs associated with architectural negligence, which he describes as “design debt”.
Joshua Kerievsky 在其 2004 年的文章 Refactoring to Patterns 中提出了一个类似的论点,涉及与架构疏忽相关的成本,他将其描述为设计债务。

Refactoring to Patterns (重构与模式),Joshua Kerievsky, 2004.

Activities that might be postponed include documentation, writing tests, attending to TODO comments and tackling compiler and static code analysis warnings. Other instances of technical debt include knowledge that isn’t shared around the organization and code that is too confusing to be modified easily.
可能被推迟的活动包括文档、编写测试、关注 TODO 注释以及处理编译器和静态代码分析警告。技术债务的其他实例包括组织内未共享的知识以及过于混乱而难以轻松修改的代码。

In open source software, postponing sending local changes to the upstream project is a form of technical debt.

1.1. Self-admitted technical debt (SATD)


2. Causes

band-aid:n. 急救带,急救绷带 adj. 急忙拼凑的

Common causes of technical debt include:

  • Ongoing development, long series of project enhancements over time renders old solutions sub-optimal.
  • Insufficient up-front definition, where requirements are still being defined during development, development starts before any design takes place. This is done to save time but often has to be reworked later.
  • Business pressures, where the business considers getting something released sooner before the necessary changes are complete, builds up technical debt involving those uncompleted changes.
  • Lack of process or understanding, where businesses are blind to the concept of technical debt, and make decisions without considering the implications.
  • Tightly coupled components, where functions are not modular, the software is not flexible enough to adapt to changes in business needs.
  • Lack of a test suite, which encourages quick and risky band-aid bug fixes.
    缺乏测试套件,这刺激了快速高风险凑活式的修复 bug。
  • Lack of software documentation, where code is created without supporting documentation.
  • Lack of collaboration, where knowledge isn’t shared around the organization and business efficiency suffers, or junior developers are not properly mentored.
  • Parallel development on multiple branches accrues technical debt because of the work required to merge the changes into a single source base. The more changes done in isolation, the more debt.
  • Deferred refactoring. As the requirements for a project evolve, it may become clear that parts of the code have become inefficient or difficult to edit and must be refactored in order to support future requirements. The longer refactoring is delayed, and the more code is added, the bigger the debt.
  • Lack of alignment to standards, where industry standard features, frameworks, and technologies are ignored. Eventually integration with standards will come and doing so sooner will cost less (similar to “delayed refactoring”).
    缺乏与标准的一致性,行业标准功能、框架和技术被忽视。最终与标准的集成将会到来,而且越早这样做成本就会更低 (类似于延迟重构)。
  • Lack of knowledge, when the developer doesn’t know how to write elegant code.
  • Lack of ownership, when outsourced software efforts result in in-house engineering being required to refactor or rewrite outsourced code.
  • Poor technological leadership, where poorly thought out commands are handed down the chain of command.
  • Last minute specification changes. These have potential to percolate throughout a project, but there is insufficient time or budget to document and test the changes.

Kenny Rubin uses the following status categories:

  • Happened-upon technical debt - debt that the development team was unaware existed until it was exposed during the normal course of performing work on the product.
    发生的技术债务 - 开发团队不知道债务的存在,直到在产品的正常工作过程中暴露出来。
  • Known technical debt - debt that is known to the development team and has been made visible using one of many approaches.
    已知技术债务 - 开发团队已知的债务,并且已使用多种方法之一使其可见。
  • Targeted technical debt - debt that is known and has been targeted for servicing by the development team.
    有针对性的技术债务 - 已知的债务,并且已成为开发团队要偿还的债务。

3. Technical debt quadrant


Technical Debt Landscape:

4. 避免和解决技术债

  1. 明确技术规范,加强管理


  1. 持续关注技术发展趋势,提前规划架构的演进方向


  1. 保持技术优化相关投入


  1. 可视化


Ward Cunningham, https://en.wikipedia/wiki/Ward_Cunningham
Technical Debt Quadrant,https://martinfowler/bliki/TechnicalDebtQuadrant.html
Refactoring for Software Design Smells: Managing Technical Debt,
Managing Software Debt: Building for Inevitable Change,
Managing Technical Debt in Software Engineering,
What is technical debt?, https://deepsource/blog/what-is-technical-debt
Technical Debts: Everything you need to know!, https://gauravtiwari/technical-debts-basics/
Technical Debt, https://www.martinfowler/bliki/TechnicalDebt.html
The Future of Managing Technical Debt,

本文标签: 技术Technicaldebt