

Your Google Play Store search history includes previously searched for apps, movies, books, music, etc. and is saved and stored in your Play Store account. Also, every app you’ve downloaded, whether free or paid, is stored in your “My Apps” list.

您的Google Play商店搜索记录包括以前搜索过的应用,电影,书籍,音乐等,并保存并存储在您的Play商店帐户中。 另外,您下载的每个应用程序(无论是免费还是付费)都存储在“我的应用程序”列表中。

From time to time, you may want to clear out your search history in the Google Play Store. The list can become pretty large and can easily get out of control. If you want to clear your Google Play Store history, for whatever reason, it’s an easy process and we’ll show you how.

您可能不时需要在Google Play商店中清除搜索历史记

本文标签: 历史记录商店设备如何在Google