


Today is the 30th anniversary of the first release of Microsoft Excel. To celebrate this auspicious occasion, I invited you to share your memories of getting started with Excel, and thank you for your contributions!

今天是Microsoft Excel首次发行30周年。 为了庆祝这个吉祥的日子,我邀请您分享您开始使用Excel的回忆,并感谢您的贡献!

In 2005 there was a 20th anniversary celebration, and I wasn't invited to the party, but I was at Microsoft that day. There was a party that night at Seattle's Experience Music Project, and we formed a band – Excelerongs – for a special one-night appearance. That's Dick Kusleika at the left, and I'm 3rd from the right.

在2005年有20周年庆典,我没有被邀请参加聚会,但是那天我在微软。 那天晚上,在西雅图的体验音乐项目中举行了一个聚会,我们组建了一支乐队– Excelerongs –进行了特别的一晚演出。 左边是Dick Kusleika,右边是我第3位。

So take time to celebrate today, and form your own band to sing the praises of Excel.


Excel记忆 (Excel Memories)

Some people started using Excel when they were school-aged, and others started much later in life. The contributors have used Excel for all kinds of tasks, and from very basic spreadsheets, to sophisticated applications. It's a fascinating collection, and the stories are listed below, in alphabetical order of given name.

有些人在学龄时就开始使用Excel,而另一些人的生活则晚得多。 贡献者已将Excel用于各种任务,从最基本的电子表格到复杂的应用程序。 这是一个引人入胜的收藏,下面以给定名称的字母顺序列出了故事。

Which stories sound most similar to your early Excel memories? Was your story completely different? Let me know in the comments.

哪些故事听起来与您早期的Excel记忆最相似? 你的故事完全不同吗? 在评论中让我知道。

阿尔贝托·阿尔莫加拉(Alberto Almoguera) (Alberto Almoguera)

I started using Excel 2.2 in a Macintosh Plus with RAM 256 Kbs and an external HDD of 20 MB and the Black & White screen was 9 inches. Something heavy like a hundred iPads but only as powerful as 1/100 iPad. I was 12 years old and it was 27 years ago... (more or less). Now I spend 8 hours a day with the Excel 2013... more than with my wife... and... I knew it before knowing her... she should be a bit jealous.

我开始在具有256 Kbs RAM和20 MB外部HDD的Macintosh Plus中使用Excel 2.2,而黑白屏幕为9英寸。 像一百台iPad一样重,但功能却只有1/100 iPad。 我当时12岁,那是27年前...(或多或少)。 现在我每天花8个小时在Excel 2013上,比花在我妻子身上的时间更多……而且……在认识她之前我就知道了……她应该有点嫉妒。

安妮卡·埃里克森(Annika Eriksson) (Annika Eriksson)

Late 80's -- Installing Excel with 6 floppy disks. After 20 minutes and changing all the disks the program asks what screen I have. EGA? CGA? VGA? Even more alternatives. I pick one. The installation program says "Wrong" and ends. I have to start all over again. And again. It took two hours to be able to start Excel.

80年代后期-使用6张软盘安装Excel。 20分钟后,更换所有磁盘后,程序将询问我所显示的屏幕。 EGA? CGA? VGA? 甚至更多的选择。 我选一个。 安装程序显示“错误”并结束。 我必须重新开始。 然后再次。 花了两个小时才能启动Excel。

Then choose correct printer with the possibility to get country specific characters so Excel could print. There was a short list of printers that worked. Or we could write our own printer driver, wasn't that difficult for a programmer.

然后选择正确的打印机,以获取特定于国家/地区的字符,以便Excel可以打印。 可以使用的打印机很短。 或者,我们可以编写自己的打印机驱动程序,对于程序员而言并不难。

By then I had a computer with a 20 MB drive, it was oceans of space.

到那时,我有一台具有20 MB驱动器的计算机,那是一片浩瀚的太空。

丹·卡彭特 (Dan Carpenter)

I started using Excel about 15 yrs ago. When I began, as a hairstylist, I started out with a client listing. I chose it over a word processor because of the ease of columns and the ability to sort in various ways. As I became more familiar, I started using it for other things like budgets, mortgage calculators and various projects. In 2004, I created a sophisticated spreadsheet for the firm I worked with by creating a listing of all the manufacturing parts and their costs. At the time, steel prices were escalating and it was necessary to estimate the increases in costs vs selling price.

我大约15年以前开始使用Excel。 当我开始做发型师时,我首先列出了一个客户清单。 我之所以选择它而不是文字处理程序,是因为其列的易用性以及以各种方式进行排序的能力。 随着我越来越熟悉,我开始将它用于预算,抵押计算器和各种项目等其他方面。 2004年,我通过创建所有制造零件及其成本的清单,为与我合作的公司创建了一个复杂的电子表格。 当时,钢铁价格不断上涨,有必要估算成本与售价之间的增长。

We were in the business of manufacturing farm gates of all sizes as well as many other accessory parts. The system was designed to input variable steel, energy and labour costs and have it reflect all the products. It was so effective that the company actually purchased its own steel tube mill to manufacture the steel tubing for the gates and it paid for itself in less than a year with the bonus of keeping the product selling price at a very modest increase versus what costs would have been at market price. Additionally, we began selling tubing to other customers at a better price than market.

我们从事制造各种尺寸的农用大门以及许多其他配件的业务。 该系统旨在输入可变的钢材,能源和人工成本,并能反映所有产品。 它是如此有效,以至于该公司实际上购买了自己的钢管厂来制造大门用钢管,并在不到一年的时间内收回了投资,并获得了将产品销售价格保持在相对于成本将非常适度增长的优势。一直以市场价格。 此外,我们开始以比市场更好的价格向其他客户出售管道。

戴维·昂格 (David Unger)

My first encounter with a spreadsheet program period was circa 1981, with Tandy’s TRS-80 Model III, running VisiCalc. Seemed impressive at the time, but only found limited uses for it. Had to wait for MS Office 97 to come out, then you could really start doing something useful. I built a number of applications for the office using Excel 97, they were in use for a number of years. Since then, I’ve learned to employ VBA as well, this can make Excel do almost anything.

我第一次遇到电子表格程序期间是在1981年左右,当时是Tandy的TRS-80 Model III运行VisiCalc。 当时看似令人印象深刻,但仅发现了有限的用途。 必须等待MS Office 97发布,然后您才能真正开始做一些有用的事情。 我使用Excel 97为办公室构建了许多应用程序,这些应用程序使用了很多年。 从那时起,我还学会了使用VBA,这可以使Excel几乎可以执行任何操作。

亨利·皮埃尔·查瓦兹 (Henri-Pierre Chavaz)

My first contact with a spreadsheet was with Visicalc on an APPLE ][ in 1979/1980. In the early 80’s, we were Multiplan users on MSDOS computers. And, in 1985 we bought two Macs essentially to run MacProject. Excel came in a sort of a bundle with the Macs.

我与电子表格的第一次接触是在1979/1980年在Apple []上使用Visicalc。 在80年代初,我们是MSDOS计算机上的Multiplan用户。 而且,在1985年,我们购买了两台本质上运行MacProject的Mac。 Excel与Mac捆绑在一起。

Working for a state administration, I lost the link with Microsoft Software for a time. But when a few year later the first usable Windows (3.1) came it seemed that everyone switched to Excel.

在为州政府工作时,我有一段时间失去了与Microsoft软件的链接。 但是,几年后,当第一个可用的Windows(3.1)出现时,似乎所有人都转向了Excel。

约翰·米卡洛迪斯(John Michaloudis) (John Michaloudis)

Do you remember when you started using Excel? I first laid my eyes on Excel back at university in 1998

您还记得开始使用Excel的时候吗? 1998年我第一次回到大学时就开始关注Excel

Was it your first spreadsheet? Yes it was my first spreadsheet, I did not have the privilege to have a taste of Lotus or VisiCalc.

这是您的第一个电子表格吗? 是的,这是我的第一个电子表格,我没有特权品尝Lotus或VisiCalc。

Did you dive right in? I was very reluctant.  I saw a blank page with lots of cells and did not know what to do.  I entered a few numbers. Some text and lots of crazy colors!

你潜水了吗? 我很不情愿。 我看到一个空白页面,里面有很多单元格,不知道该怎么办。 我输入了几个数字。 一些文字和许多疯狂的色彩!

What projects were you working on? It was a university project for Financial Accounting…how boring!

您正在从事哪些项目? 这是一个大学的财务会计项目,真是无聊!

What else do you remember? I remember switching it off and not using it for some months down the track.  I was lost in Excel!  Thanks to the introduction of the Ribbon menu my love for Excel began…

你还记得什么? 我记得关闭它并且在几个月后一直没有使用它。 我迷失在Excel中! 由于功能区菜单的引入,我对Excel的热爱开始了……

凯文·莱尔巴斯 (Kevin Lehrbass)

When I was teaching English in Mexico I remember stopping by a friend's desk and seeing an Excel spreadsheet. It seemed so interesting.

在墨西哥教英语时,我记得在朋友的办公桌旁停下来,看到一个Excel电子表格。 看起来真有趣。

I eventually took a very basic course. The first big leap was when I bought the Excel Bible by John W. and read it cover to cover. I remember the chapter intro to array formulas. The next chapter was called something like "Doing Magic with Array Formulas". I was hooked for life!

我最终参加了非常基础的课程。 第一个重大飞跃是当我购买John W.撰写的Excel圣经并仔细阅读该圣经时。 我记得本章介绍数组公式。 下一章称为“用数组公式做魔术”。 我迷上了生命!

库什诺德·维卡吉(Khushnood Viccaji) (Khushnood Viccaji)

My earliest brush with Excel was back in 1994. Around mid-1993, I had completed an exciting transition from Lotus 1-2-3 for DOS to Quattro Pro 4.0 / 5.0 for DOS. I had even mastered the QPro programming language from an 800 page book 🙂

我最早使用Excel的时候是在1994年。大约在1993年中,我完成了从DOS的Lotus 1-2-3到DOS的Quattro Pro 4.0 / 5.0的激动人心的过渡。 我什至从800页的书中就掌握了QPro编程语言🙂

Then in early 1994, a colleague (who had started using Windows + Excel) saw me exploiting QPro's features effectively. He dragged me to his workstation and showed me Excel and its power -- multiple sheets, GUI, VBA, etc... Then he showed me the pièce de résistance ... PIVOT TABLES. AND I WAS HOOKED! I bought one of the earliest books Excel for Dummies, and read it cover-to-cover. By the time I left that job, I was getting used to Excel and had a reasonably good grip on it.

然后在1994年初,一个同事(已经开始使用Windows + Excel)看到我有效地利用了QPro的功能。 他将我拖到他的工作站上,向我展示了Excel及其强大功能-多个工作表,GUI,VBA等。然后,他向我展示了piècede ressistance ... PIVOT TABLES。 我被骗了! 我买了最早的《 Excel for Dummies》一书,从头到尾地读了它。 当我离开这份工作时,我已经习惯了Excel,并且对它掌握得相当好。

Within a year or so, I had started writing VBA code, after buying yet another ...for Dummies book -- Excel Programming for Dummies by John Walkenbach -- whom I consider my second guru in Excel, after my ex-colleague!


One of my other memories of Excel (and Office) learning, was a website that used to deliver one tip every day by email. Over a period of a few months, I learnt many helpful nuggets of information which together contributed a great deal during my Excel learning days! Of course you and other Excel gurus are also very helpful and useful people in my continuous learning process 🙂

我对Excel(和Office)学习的其他记忆之一是一个网站,该网站过去每天通过电子邮件发送一个提示。 在几个月的时间里,我学习了许多有用的信息,这些信息在我学习Excel的过程中起到了很大的作用! 当然,您和其他Excel专家对我的持续学习过程也非常有帮助和有用。

拉里·安德森(Larry Anderson) (Larry Anderson)

I started using Excel when it first came out for a bowling spreadsheet to keep my bowling statistics. After playing around with Excel from the beginning to this very day today I find that Excel still has the same flaw.

保龄球电子表格首次发布时,我就开始使用Excel,以保留我的保龄球统计信息。 从一开始到今天一直在使用Excel,我发现Excel仍然存在相同的缺陷。

Prior to using Excel I was using Lotus 1-2-3 and had no problems using Lotus. Here is the problem that I have with Excel and I am sure that there are many other Accountants out in the market that have this problem.

在使用Excel之前,我使用的是Lotus 1-2-3,使用Lotus时没有任何问题。 这是我在使用Excel时遇到的问题,并且我确信市场上还有很多其他会计师都存在此问题。

In Lotus if you enter the following of 1+2 into any cell, Lotus treats it as a formula immediately and gives you 3 as the result in that cell, whereas Excel treats it as text and returns 1+2 in that cell. This is just plain WRONG!

在Lotus中,如果在任何单元格中输入1 + 2的以下内容,Lotus会立即将其视为公式,并在该单元格中给您3作为结果,而Excel将其视为文本,并在该单元格中返回1 + 2。 这简直就是错误!

If I wanted text I would use Word, or use single quote, double quote, space, carat, etc. to have text placed in the cell. Excel is a spreadsheet and NOT a text writing program, it should have and still to this day should treat entering 1+2 as a formula immediately and NOT as text. The problem as an accountant is that if you have a large spreadsheet, in this case I was working for SW Bell at the time and had a spreadsheet with 60+ columns and over 4,000 rows of information. This is over a quarter million cells where you would have to enter the = (or @ sign at that time) sign. This is a huge waste of time to enter this key stroke to calculate a formula, whereas in Lotus it would have been a lot easier to enter the information and be 250,000 keystrokes less. I wrote to Microsoft about this, BUT apparently they just do not care about wasting time and getting it right like Lotus did originally. Sure wish that they would still fix this issue

如果需要文本,可以使用Word,也可以使用单引号,双引号,空格,克拉等将文本放置在单元格中。 Excel是电子表格,而不是文本编写程序,它应该并且至今仍应将输入1 + 2作为公式而不是文本。 作为会计师的问题是,如果您有一个大型电子表格,那么在这种情况下,我当时在SW Bell工作,并且该电子表格包含60列以上的行和4000多个信息行。 这超过了25万个单元格,您必须在其中输入=(或@符号)。 输入此击键来计算公式会浪费大量时间,而在Lotus中,输入信息会容易得多,并且击键次数减少了25万次。 我写信给微软,但显然他们只是不关心浪费时间和使事情变得像Lotus最初那样正确。 当然希望他们仍然会解决此问题

李汤森 (Lee Townsend)

I have used Excel for almost my entire career.  I started my first technical job in 1976 before Excel existed.  First, I was a laser physicist in industry (1976 to 1996) where I was involved in design, simulation, and analysis of large industrial lasers.  After switching to academia, I developed Excel programs as a service to my University of Hartford colleagues (1997 to present).  I was no longer doing optics and laser work except that which went along with my sixth patent (a spherical laser) several years ago.  My mind does not idle well.

我几乎整个职业都使用Excel。 在Excel出现之前,我于1976年开始了我的第一项技术工作。 首先,我是工业界的激光物理学家(1976年至1996年),主要从事大型工业激光器的设计,仿真和分析。 切换到学术界后,我开发了Excel程序作为对我的Hartford大学同事的服务(1997年至今)。 除了几年前与我的第六项专利(球形激光器)一起进行的工作之外,我不再从事光学和激光工作。 我的思想不好。

When I moved to West Hartford CT in 2006 an Excel 1.04a floppy disk surfaced as I was unpacking.  According to Wikipedia, "Microsoft released the first version of Excel for the Macintosh on September 30, 1985, and the first Windows version was 2.05 (to synchronize with the Macintosh version 2.2) in November 1987.”  Hence, it looks like I started using Excel in 1985-1986.

当我2006年搬到West Hartford CT时,我在打开包装时出现了一张Excel 1.04a软盘。 根据Wikipedia的说法,“ Microsoft于1985年9月30日发布了适用于Macintosh的Excel的第一个版本,而第一个Windows版本是1987年11月的2.05(与Macintosh 2.2同步)。” 因此,看起来我在1985-1986年开始使用Excel。

Here are some of the highlights of how I have used Excel. 


1)  In the pre-advanced calculator days, I used it to perform numerical double integrations.  It was so easy to do in Excel.

1)在高级计算器时代,我用它来执行数值双重积分。 在Excel中是如此容易。

2)  I designed a spreadsheet to simulate a laser resonator and beam propagation using geometric optics, including optical  misalignments.  I later figured out how to connect a real laser beam size with the embedded Gaussian beam size and centerline, both found algebraically.  I included that feature.  It was validated experimentally.  The spreadsheet is based on ABCD matrix analysis.  It was so easy to look for the effects of misalignments by moving a lens to see the overall effect on the system at a glance.  No macro programming was involved.  I have attached it so you can see what it looks like.

2)我设计了一个电子表格,使用几何光学(包括光学失准)来模拟激光谐振器和光束传播。 后来,我弄清楚了如何将真实的激光束大小与嵌入的高斯光束大小和中心线联系起来,两者都是通过代数运算得出的。 我包括了该功能。 经过实验验证。 该电子表格基于ABCD矩阵分析。 只需移动镜头即可一目了然地查看对系统的整体效果,以查找未对准的影响非常容易。 不涉及宏编程。 我已附上它,因此您可以看到它的外观。

3) I created an Excel model of a photolytic iodine laser (PIL) that my small company designed.  The contracting company actually built the laser.  The spreadsheet included the analysis of the liquid and gas phases of the laser – condenser, scrubber, and evaporator to eliminate byproducts of lasing.  Is also allowed me to investigate using more complex molecules of the same general type: C3F7I, C4F9I, C5F8I, etc.  The design resulted in two US patents (#5,889,807 and #5,802,093).  It was so much easier to use the Excel model than to program and use some fancy and complicated numerical optimization program.  I would set the properties of the evaporator (the system constraint) while watching what was happening in the laser generation part of the system.

3)我创建了由我的小型公司设计的Excel模型的光解碘激光器(PIL)。 订约公司实际上制造了激光器。 电子表格包括对激光-冷凝器,洗涤器和蒸发器的液相和气相的分析,以消除激光的副产物。 还允许我研究使用相同一般类型的更复杂分子:C3F7I,C4F9I,C5F8I等。该设计获得了两项美国专利(#5,889,807和#5,802,093)。 使用Excel模型比编写和使用一些复杂的数字优化程序要容易得多。 我将设置蒸发器的属性(系统约束),同时观察系统的激光生成部分中发生的情况。

4)  I used cluster analysis with graphs to determine the complex eigenvalues using results of numerical integration of successive iterations from a laser propagation code in Fortran.  There was a lot of noise in the data but spikes in the graph showed me true eigenvalues.

4)我使用聚类分析和图形,使用来自Fortran中激光传播代码的连续迭代的数值积分结果来确定复杂特征值。 数据中有很多噪声,但是图中的尖峰显示了我的真实特征值。

After my industrial career in both a large corporation and a four-person company, I switched to academia.  As an Associate Dean, I created the college schedule.  I immediately taught myself VBA in Access to create the code to help me look at room and faculty schedules graphically by week.  Before me, the college scheduler shuffled around pieces of paper on a huge conference table and scribbled on them.  I can’t read my handwriting nor do I have the patience to shuffle pieces of paper so I had to switch to using a computer. 

在一家大型公司和一家四人公司工作之后,我转到了学术界。 作为副院长,我制定了大学时间表。 我立即在Access中自学VBA来创建代码,以帮助我按周以图形方式查看教室和教师的时间表。 在我之前,大学的日程安排者在一张巨大的会议桌上乱翻纸片,并在上面乱涂乱画。 我看不懂我的笔迹,也没有耐心整理纸片,所以我不得不改用计算机。

Later I switched to Excel, since Access is not available on the Mac, to create the products described below that are used by my colleagues, chairs, and deans.  I no longer have any titles (I am not management material as I flunk politics) but I know what the questions are.  All the codes I develop are cross-platform as I develop on my Mac then check in Excel 2010.  Here are the main projects I have worked on as a service to my university (and me).

后来我切换到Excel,因为Mac上没有Access,因此创建了以下所述的产品,供同事,主席和教务长使用。 我不再有任何头衔(我在参政不便时也不是管理材料),但我知道问题是什么。 在Mac上开发时,我开发的所有代码都是跨平台的,然后在Excel 2010中进行检查。这是我为大学(和我)提供服务的主要项目。

1) A flow chart program to trace what routine is called by what routine/button press.  It does not include classes created by the user as I don’t use them.

1) 流程图程序,以跟踪哪个例程/按钮按下调用了哪个例程。 它不包括用户创建的类,因为我不使用它们。

2) A prerequisite report.  The code takes input from Registrar reports, parses them, then creates individualized roster workbooks for each of ~100 faculty members.  The reports are emailed programmatically out of Excel so all I have to do is press a button that tells Excel to do it then wait half an hour until it’s done.  I also create PDFs automatically to combine them with Acrobat then send the file to the department chairs.  The report includes student grades in all prerequisite and co-requisite courses.  The report takes care of about 90% of the work of checking prerequisites.  Transfer credits do not show up so faculty have to check a few transcripts instead of looking up the transcripts of all the students.

2)前提报告。 该代码从注册服务商报告中获取输入,进行解析,然后为约100名教职员工中的每一个创建个性化的名册工作簿。 报告是通过Excel编程方式通过电子邮件发送的,因此,我所要做的就是按一个告诉Excel进行操作的按钮,然后等待半小时直到完成。 我还会自动创建PDF文件,以将它们与Acrobat组合在一起,然后将文件发送到部门主席。 该报告包括所有前提课程和共同必备课程的学生成绩。 该报告负责检查先决条件的大约90%的工作。 转移学分不会显示,因此教师必须检查一些笔录,而不是查找所有学生的笔录。

3) A scheduler (my first Excel VBA program).  The code takes input from a listing of all UH courses then creates multiple ways to look at the data graphically.  Conflicts are easy to spot as they show up as green boxes.  Non-conflicting classes boxes are blue.  In addition, I get Registrar reports that give me the schedule of all students taking courses in my college.  Having the student schedule information allows me print out their schedules graphically so we can print the schedules of all students in a class with just a couple of button clicks.  I also print an overlap graph of all the student schedules in a course of interest so we can see available time slots for moving or splitting a course into two sections.  I built in the curriculum sheets for easy identification of required courses. The list can be graphed for ease of use in advising students.  The boxes on the graph are just rectangles so can be moved off the graph to find non-conflicting courses. 

3)调度程序(我的第一个Excel VBA程序)。 该代码从所有UH课程列表中获取输入,然后创建多种方式以图形方式查看数据。 冲突很容易发现,因为它们显示为绿色框。 非冲突类框为蓝色。 此外,我还会收到注册服务商报告,该报告为我提供了我学院所有参加课程的学生的时间表。 有了学生时间表信息,我就可以以图形方式打印他们的时间表,因此只需单击几下按钮,我们就可以打印班上所有学生的时间表。 我还打印了感兴趣课程中所有学生时间表的重叠图,因此我们可以看到将课程移动或分为两部分的可用时间段。 我建立了课程表,以便轻松识别所需的课程。 可以将列表绘制成图表,以方便学生使用。 图上的框只是矩形,因此可以从图上移开以找到不冲突的路线。

4) UH enrollment histories.   I have seven years of data of the entire UH class offerings (from use in the scheduler) and ten years of data with student information.  I have that data as I chair the committee that establishes probation, dean’s list etc. and participated in the creation of an Excel spreadsheet to analyze the data for us to generate suggested action for ~1000 students.  The determination of academic status used to be done with piles of paper reports.  Now it takes about four hours to complete the task using Excel and no paper is used.

4)UH的入学历史。 我拥有整个UH课程产品的七年数据(来自调度程序的使用)和十年的学生信息数据。 当我主持建立缓刑,院长名单等委员会并参与创建Excel电子表格以分析数据时,我便拥有了这些数据,以便为我们分析〜1000名学生的建议行动。 过去常常通过大量纸质报告来确定学术地位。 现在,使用Excel完成任务大约需要四个小时,并且不使用纸张。

I built a pivot table that allows me to show the history of enrollments or number of sections in individual courses.  In the future, I will make the pivot table more general (change the row field).  The column field is the semester name.  I will also create a second pivot table that analyzes the current semester for help in scheduling from the data summary point of view.  Since this is my first pivot table project, I have a lot to learn so it may take a while for these latter programs to be built.  I also need to teach the users how to manipulate pivot tables by hand.  I am the only one in my college that has used them.

我建立了一个数据透视表,可以显示各个课程的注册历史或科目数量。 将来,我将使数据透视表更通用(更改行字段)。 列字段是学期名称。 我还将创建第二个数据透视表,该数据透视表分析当前学期,以从数据汇总的角度帮助计划。 由于这是我的第一个数据透视表项目,因此我要学习很多东西,因此可能需要一段时间才能构建这些后面的程序。 我还需要教用户如何手动操作数据透视表。 我是大学中唯一使用过它们的人。

5)  Timetabling. I will use Excel’s solver add-in to create the entire college schedule using integer linear programming with constraints. This project is in its early stages.

5)时间表。 我将使用Excel的求解器加载项,使用带有约束的整数线性规划来创建整个大学时间表。 该项目尚处于初期阶段。

Finally, I truly love using Excel.  It is easy to use and has great features.  It also keeps me continually educating myself on how to use it effectively and get the most out of its many features.

最后,我真的很喜欢使用Excel。 它易于使用且功能强大。 这也使我不断地学习如何有效使用它,并充分利用它的许多功能。

丽莎教堂 (Lisa Church)

While it wasn’t excel, I started a similar spreadsheet Lotus 1-2-3 that I cut my teeth on. We were able to do “lookup” on it. I worked at an insurance agency and we used the spreadsheet to track the buildings that we insured to make sure we didn’t insure all the buildings on the block in case of a fire.

尽管它不是excel,但我还是启动了一个类似的电子表格Lotus 1-2-3。 我们能够对其进行“查找”。 我在一家保险公司工作,我们使用电子表格来跟踪我们所保险的建筑物,以确保在发生火灾时不会对街区上的所有建筑物进行保险。

(MF Wong)

The first moment with Excel was when I studied in University.  In that time, Windows 3.1 was the operating system.   I don’t remember which version of Excel it was, but I believe It’s either Excel 95 or 97.  I learned Excel simply because all students were required to pass an “IT proficiency Test (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, email)” for graduation.

使用Excel的第一刻是我在大学学习时。 当时,Windows 3.1是操作系统。 我不记得它是哪个版本的Excel,但我相信它是Excel 95或97。我学习Excel的原因仅仅是因为所有学生都必须通过“ IT能力测试(Word,Excel,PowerPoint,电子邮件)”才能毕业。

Yes.  I passed the test.  I thought I was proficient in Excel until I attended an interview that tested my Excel skills.  I won’t forget that Excel test which was a total failure.  The test was about something really basic and simple – doing summation and percentage calculation, etc…  When I input the formula, the result did not show up as expected.  I was stuck.  I told the interviewer that there was a bug in the computer: “Excel did not calculate!”.  She simply ignored me.  Obviously I didn’t know manual calculation mode in Excel by that time. @[email protected]  Honestly, even though after so many years, I think that is not a good idea to test candidate Excel skills by setting Excel to manual calculation mode.  What’s the point?

是。 我通过了考试。 在参加一次测试我的Excel技能的面试之前,我以为自己精通 Excel。 我不会忘记Excel测试完全失败。 该测试涉及的是一些真正基础和简单的事情–进行求和和百分比计算等。当我输入公式时,结果没有按预期显示。 我卡住了。 我告诉面试官,计算机中存在一个错误:“ Excel无法计算!”。 她只是无视我。 显然,那时我还不了解Excel中的手动计算模式。 @ [受电子邮件保护]老实说,即使经过这么多年,我认为通过将Excel设置为手动计算模式来测试候选Excel技能也不是一个好主意。 重点是什么?

I did not get the job of course. The job I landed afterward did not require Excel skills at all.  That’s the beginning of my Excel memories.

我当然没有得到这份工作。 我后来找到的工作根本不需要Excel技能。 那是我Excel记忆的开始。

Excel was then something out of my mind until 2001 when I sat in a course called “Decision Making with Computer” in my MBA study.  The professor showed us some simple tricks of using Excel.  Every student in the class was amazed.  Then I decided to sit in the course throughout the whole semester.  I would say that was the turning point of my Excel life.

直到2001年,当我坐在MBA学习中的一门名为“计算机决策制定”的课程中时,Excel才让我无所适从。 教授向我们展示了一些使用Excel的简单技巧。 班上的每个学生都很惊讶。 然后,我决定在整个学期都参加这门课程。 我会说这是我Excel生活的转折点。

Afterward, I thought I know Excel well because I could make dynamic charts, deployed SUMPRODUCT and VLOOKUP.  This kind of “self-satisfaction” lasted for few years.  But the fact is I did not improve much.

之后,我以为我很了解Excel,因为我可以制作动态图表,部署SUMPRODUCT和VLOOKUP。 这种“自我满足”持续了几年。 但是事实是我并没有太大进步。

In recent years, I browse Excel related topics and forums on Internet.  I stopped by Contextures, and some other popular Excel sites: Chandoo, Mr. Excel, Bacon Bits, MyonlineTrainingHub, just to name a few.  The more I learn from you geniuses, the more I realize that I know so little about Excel.  Meanwhile, the more I learn, the more I love Excel.

近年来,我在Internet上浏览了Excel相关的主题和论坛。 我停在Contextures和其他一些受欢迎的Excel网站上:Chandoo,Excel先生,Bacon Bits,MyonlineTrainingHub,仅举几例。 我从您的天才身上学到的越多,我就越了解到我对Excel知之甚少。 同时,我学得越多,就越喜欢Excel。

In September 2013, I started blogging in order to share my Excel knowledge.  Initially, I thought all the visits was coming from my friend (actually only a few of them), and myself. Two years later, I am glad that I have more visitors.  Nevertheless the true happiness is coming the compliments from readers.  I am glad that my blog may be helping someone somewhere in the world, like what I have gained by reading others' blogs.  

2013年9月,我开始写博客以分享我的Excel知识。 最初,我认为所有访问都是来自我的朋友(实际上只有其中的几个)和我自己。 两年后,我很高兴有更多的访客。 然而,真正的幸福来自读者的赞美。 我很高兴自己的博客可以为世界上某人提供帮助,就像我通过阅读别人的博客所获得的帮助一样。

That’s my story.  I believe it will continue as there is still so much to learn.

那是我的故事。 我相信它将继续下去,因为还有很多东西需要学习。

迈克·本斯特德(Mike Benstead) (Mike Benstead)

In the 70s I opened a collection agency and decided from day one that everything would have to be computerised. I had three choices.

在70年代,我开设了一家收款公司,并从第一天起就决定将所有内容都进行计算机化处理。 我有三个选择。

  1. I could pay $100,000 for industry-specific software

  2. I could employ someone to write a package for me, knowing full well that every other agency would end up with the package that I had paid for when the job was done or

  3. I could learn to code.


I chose the latter. I was give a copy of Q&A by Symantec v1.0 and found I could learn by myself simply by pressing for help. I became quite proficient and was my best friend. I eventually upgraded to Q&A v4.0 and I now had a printed manual. I bought some more books on Q&A and had a week long focussed read-fest on a beach with no computer. I went back to the office and started running everything by macro. I could do things that could not have been done economically such as sending four consecutive letters of demand instead of the usual two for a lesser cost.

我选择了后者。 我得到了Symantec v1.0的“问答”的副本,发现仅需寻求帮助,我就能自己学习。 我变得精通,是我最好的朋友。 我最终升级到Q&A v4.0,现在有了印刷手册。 我又买了一些有关问答的书,并在没有电脑的海滩上度过了一个星期的阅读重心。 我回到办公室,开始按宏运行所有内容。 我可以做一些在经济上无法做到的事情,例如以更低的成本发送四个连续的需求函,而不是通常的两个需求函。

These were so effective it caused unprecedented results leaving very few phone calls to be made saving even more money. Business was booming and I bought a second Debt Collection company. Everything was manual and I knew how to fix that. No more records on ledger cards, automated mail merge, automated looking up of data and reporting. I paid rent on two offices including a whole floor of office space in Sydney and I had a staff of 23 over the two offices. I was able to close the city office with no loss of income.

这些功能是如此有效,以至于产生了空前的结果,几乎没有电话可以节省更多的钱。 生意兴隆,我买了第二家收债公司。 一切都是手动的,我知道如何解决。 分类账卡上不再有记录,自动邮件合并,自动查找数据和报告。 我在两个办公室支付了租金,包括悉尼整个办公区域的租金,两个办公室共有23名员工。 我能够关闭市政厅而没有任何收入损失。

I found that as staff left of their own accord to get married, move house, etc. I never had to replace them. Ah, the mighty macro 🙂 If anything had to be done more than once in 366 days I write a macro to do it.

我发现,随着员工自愿离婚,搬家等,我再也不必替换他们了。 啊,强大的宏🙂如果必须在366天之内完成多次操作,我可以编写一个宏来完成。

When Windows came out Symantec made a vain attempt at converting Q&A to Windows but the windows version failed to support Macros. Symantec had seen Access and Excel and there was no further development. They ceased supporting Q&A altogether. Symantec actually recommended that I look at Access and Excel. I resisted until Y2K rendered Q&A v4.0 for DOS completely unusable. I was devastated and my businesses were at threat of collapsing.

当Windows出现时,Symantec徒劳地尝试将问答转换为Windows,但是Windows版本未能支持Macros。 赛门铁克已经看到了Access和Excel,并且没有进一步的发展。 他们完全不再支持问答。 赛门铁克实际上建议我查看Access和Excel。 我一直抵制,直到Y2K完全无法使用DOS的Q&A v4.0。 我很沮丧,我的生意也面临崩溃的威胁。

Reluctantly I turned to Excel.


Well blow me down... almost all of the code was identical. There were a few differences. In Q&A you told the program what cell to GOTO next after evaluating the activecell. Q&A had a handy POST() cell function which Excel does not have but it can now be achieved in VBA using sheet().cell() = ...

好吧,让我失望...几乎所有代码都是相同的。 有一些区别。 在Q&A中,您在评估了活动单元之后告诉​​程序下一步要转到哪个单元。 Q&A有一个便捷的POST()单元函数,Excel没有,但是现在可以在VBA中使用sheet()来实现。cell()= ...

So my transition to Excel was pretty much seamless. While most use Excel for analysis I find its strength is in the automation of administrative and operational tasks.

因此,我向Excel的过渡几乎是无缝的。 尽管大多数人使用Excel进行分析,但我发现它的优势在于管理和操作任务的自动化。

If you have basic High School maths and a penchant for problem solving you have all you need to excel. There's not a lot that can't be done in Excel. I haven't yet looked into using Excel with robotics or interfacing VBA with Arduino to make my coffee yet but I'm sure someone will have...

如果您具有基本的高中数学和对解决问题的兴趣,那么您将拥有卓越的一切。 在Excel中没有很多不能完成的事情。 我尚未考虑将Excel与机器人技术结合使用或将VBA与Arduino连接来煮咖啡,但我敢肯定有人会...

南奇·艾伦 (Nanci Allen)

Do you remember, was it Excel or Lotus 123 that typing a series of key strokes enabled something like a flight simulator or something crazy like that? If my feeble memory serves me at all it required typing that code in a specific cell.

您是否还记得,是Excel还是Lotus 123键入了一系列按键才能启用飞行模拟器之类的功能? 如果我的记忆力有限,那么我需要在特定的单元格中键入该代码。

绿野仙踪 (Oz du Soleil)

I used to process course completions and send out certificates. The source data came to me in all-caps and each month I would retype 60 names before doing the merge with Word and printing the certificates. Of course, there were typos that I'd catch after printing the certificates, and then recipients would call and complain about typos in their names that I didn't catch.

我曾经处理课程结业并发出证书。 源数据全都写给了我,每个月我都会在与Word合并并打印证书之前重新输入60个名字。 当然,在打印证书后我会发现一些错别字,然后收件人会打电话并抱怨我没抓到的名字中的错别字。

More than 1 year later I learned about the PROPER() function and reduced hours of tedious work down to minutes, and ended all the trouble around typos.


菲尔·沃丁顿(PhilUK) (Phil Waddington (PhilUK))

My first memories of using Excel go back to Excel 95. In 1996,at the age of 40, I was working for a National Authority in West Yorkshire, UK as a lowly Accounts Payable clerk. I had little or no interface with nor any apparent need for the spreadsheets used at the time (probably Lotus 123), similarly with the document package (WordPerfect). The decision had been taken to upgrade to a Windows based package and Office 95 was integrated. Luckily my department manager recognised that I was bored & unfulfilled with the work I was doing and in the first week I was tasked with ‘making better use’ of the ‘new’ spreadsheet – Excel.

使用Excel的最初记忆可追溯到Excel95。1996年,我40岁那年,我在英国西约克郡的国家管理局工作,时薪很低。 与文档包(WordPerfect)相似,我与当时使用的电子表格(可能是Lotus 123)几乎没有界面,也没有任何明显的需求。 已经决定升级到基于Windows的程序包,并集成了Office 95。 幸运的是,我的部门经理认识到我对所做的工作感到无聊和不满意,在第一周,我的任务是“更好地利用”“新”电子表格– Excel。

As will most new users, I fascinated myself playing with the formatting, producing probably useless but definitely very pretty and colourful spreadsheets which contained very little by way of functions with the exception of SUM(), using data which was laboriously typed into each cell. Meanwhile the number crunchers in the Management Accounts team had stolen a march on me – they had the advantage of previous experience with Lotus and the ability to download swathes of data from the ledgers – both of which I lacked.

像大多数新用户一样,我着迷于格式化,制作了可能没用但绝对非常漂亮且色彩丰富的电子表格,除了使用SUM()之外,这些电子表格几乎不包含任何功能,而是使用费力地在每个单元格中键入的数据。 同时,管理帐户团队中的数字紧缩者偷走了我-他们拥有以前在Lotus方面的经验,并且能够从分类账中下载大量数据,而这都是我所缺乏的。

My time in the role was short-lived, I had the chance to move into a financial role which better suited my previous experience and gave me much more freedom to use and experience Excel.


Excel was now my fascination: over the years I have worked assignments in a number of roles and trades, with colleagues who used different aspects of Excel in different ways, developing my skills which now also include VBA at a basic / intermediate level. I dissected spreadsheets developed by others, re-developing and improving as I went along. I trawled the internet for techniques, digesting knowledge generously shared by the Excel MVPs and experts, and integrating the improvements which came along with each new release.

现在,我对Excel着迷了:多年来,我曾与许多以不同方式使用Excel不同方面的同事一起工作,并发展了我的技能,现在我的技能还包括基础/中级VBA。 我剖析了其他人开发的电子表格,并在进行过程中进行了重新开发和改进。 我在Internet上寻找技术,消化了Excel MVP和专家慷慨分享的知识,并集成了每个新版本附带的改进。

My Excel experience takes a high precedence on my CV (resume); I work with the knowledge that, if I am unsure how to produce a formula or code I need then I can turn to the internet and find the answer to my problem on a blog or forum.

我的Excel经验优先于我的简历(简历); 我的知识是,如果不确定如何生成所需的公式或代码,则可以访问Internet并在博客或论坛上找到问题的答案。

I try to share my Excel experience with colleagues, offering help with functions and techniques where appropriate, hopefully helping them to appreciate and develop their own Excel experience.


罗杰·戈维尔 (Roger Govier)

I started with VisiCalc in 1981 / 82, then progressed on to Supercalc around 1984. I had not liked Lotus 123 for some reason, and persisted with Supercalc through until an excursion into Quattro in 1992. Supercalc was still my greatest love, and used more than Quattro, until 1995 when I first used Excel.

我从1981年/ 82年开始使用VisiCalc,然后在1984年左右进入Supercalc。出于某种原因,我不喜欢Lotus 123,并一直坚持到Supercalc,直到1992年游览Quattro。Supercalc仍然是我最大的爱,并且使用了更多而不是Quattro,直到1995年我第一次使用Excel时。

At first, I didn’t like Excel – I guess because I was so used to the Supercalc slash “/” commands, which had become totally intuitive. I was new to Windows and a mouse, and getting used to those and Excel took a little time.

起初,我不喜欢Excel –我猜是因为我已经习惯了Supercalc斜杠“ /”命令,该命令已经变得非常直观。 我是Windows和鼠标的新手,习惯了这些和Excel花费了一些时间。

Gradually, I became very adept with Excel 95 and loved it, and every incarnation since has enhanced the “love affair”. Now, to be without Excel, would be like working with one hand tied behind my back.

渐渐地,我变得非常善于使用Excel 95并喜欢它,自此以后的每个化身都增强了“恋情”。 现在,没有Excel,就像用一只手绑在我的背后。

The first Excel projects were involved with producing Cash Flow projections for my company, and for clients of the software company I was then working for, operating mainly within the Agricultural sector.


Earlier models created on Supercalc were re-built within Excel, and these included Ration formulation for feeding livestock, and projecting future sales of Pigs from data about Service dates, projected Farrowing and Weaning dates and utilising various estimated levels of daily live weight gain of the progeny,  to predict when and how much pig meat would be sold.


Then, it was used for managing our Sales leads and pipeline projection  through to our Sales Analysis and projections. By the end of 1996, we had sold off the software company of which I was the Commercial Director, and I started working for myself. I then decided I was going to concentrate entirely upon Excel, and use it to assist all sorts of companies with their planning and analysis.

然后,它被用于管理我们的销售线索和管道预测,直到我们的销售分析和预测。 到1996年底,我们已经出售了我担任商务总监的软件公司,并开始为自己工作。 然后,我决定我将完全专注于Excel,并使用它来协助各种公司进行计划和分析。

Gradually, I began to experiment with VBA to enhance all the work that I did using most of the Excel functions, and then I decided that there was nothing in the world, that could not be done with Excel.


维塔利 (Vitalie)

I started using Excel back in 1997 in high school. I had just arrived to the UK from Moldova on an exchange program and had taken IT as one of the subjects. Excel was introduced in one of the first lessons, and I had no idea what to do with it 🙂 I was mostly overwhelmed by the multitude of little buttons on the toolbar (it was version 95 still, not 97).

我从1997年在高中就开始使用Excel。 我刚从摩尔多瓦(Moldova)到达英国,参加了一项交流计划,并将IT作为其中的主题之一。 Excel是在第一堂课中介绍的,我不知道该怎么做🙂我对工具栏上的许多小按钮感到不知所措(仍然是95版,而不是97版)。

One of the first things our teacher showed us was using the Autorun (or Autoexec, don't remember exactly now) macro that would fire automatically when Excel would start, which was cool (not much security back then). We eventually had to do coursework in Excel and document it all in Word. Crazy times! I've been using Excel in my finance-related work on a daily basis since 2001.

老师向我们展示的第一件事是使用Autorun(或Autoexec,现在不记得了)宏,该宏会在Excel启动时自动触发,这很酷(当时安全性不高)。 我们最终不得不在Excel中完成课程作业,并在Word中全部记录下来。 疯狂的时代! 自2001年以来,我每天都在与财务相关的工作中使用Excel。

更多Excel记忆 (More Excel Memories)

I shared some of my earliest Excel memories on this blog, about 5 years ago – Back in Time with Microsoft Excel.

大约5年前,我在这个博客上分享了我最早的Excel记忆– 使用Microsoft Excel来追溯 。

There are a few more stories of getting started in Excel, in the comments in this "How Long Have You Been Using Excel" article, on my Debra D's blog.

在我的Debra D博客上的“您使用Excel多久了”一文中的评论中 ,还有更多关于Excel入门的故事。

And I hope you checked out GeekWire's interview with 4 original members of Microsoft's Excel team -- Mike Koss, Jabe Blumenthal, Doug Klunder and Jon DeVaan. You'll learn what they almost called Excel, and why Excel's motto is "Recalc or Die". Read the comments too!

我希望您能查看GeekWire对Microsoft Excel团队的4位原始成员的采访 -Mike Koss,Jabe Blumenthal,Doug Klunder和Jon DeVaan。 您将了解到它们几乎被称为Excel的原因,以及为什么Excel的座右铭是“ Recalc or Die”。 也阅读评论!

翻译自: https://contexturesblog/archives/2015/09/30/happy-30th-anniversary-excel/


本文标签: 周年快乐工作Excel