

Java Python Reassessment Assignment Brief

Module Name

Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Management

Module Code


Word Count


Reassessment weighting/Pass Mark

Resubmit coursework for 100% of the module

mark. Any previous marks achieved for this module will not be carried forward.

Pass Mark: 50%

Submission Date

Wednesday 31 July 2024 at 12:00pm midday

Date of Feedback to Students

5 September 2024

Where feedback can be found

Module Moodle Page

An assignment of 3,000 words on an ethical/social challenge, identifying the existing and future collaborative policies and solutions to address it.


Provide a brief assessment of a key ethical or social issue (such as climate change, child labour,  product safety, deception, consumer exclusion, employee working conditions, poverty or social exclusion). The assignment will be based on desktop research where students are required to meet three requirements:

Requirement 1: Identify & Define the Social/Ethical issue

a/ What is the focal social issue (or ethical issue) and what are its implications and for whom; b/ Provide atheory-based definition of the social issue; c/ Provide two examples of companies

(mention only the names of the companies) that dealt with the same social issue in the past and their key actions to address it (name the solutions).

Requirement 2: Stakeholder Analysis

a/ identify all the affected stakeholders; b/ what are the consequences of the social issue for each stakeholder group (how are they affected by the social issue?); c/ what are the obligations of each stakeholder group? (i.e. what responsibilities do stakeholders have?); d/ starting from the social issue identify links across stakeholders and/or the business.

Requirement 3: a/ thinking creatively develop suggestions on how a company should act

proactively by developing an appropriate CSR programme to address the specific social issue.

Requirement 4: Reflective Practice

A paragraph on reflection should be incorporated indicating how the student learned from the    assignment and how the learning will be put in practice in the student’s future preferred career         

本文标签: socialCorporateManagementRSustainabilityresponsibility