

如果Java AWT Printing未注册到运行打印应用程序的Windows / Active Directory用户,则它将无法通过路径找到该打印机.您必须通过Windows“设备和打印机”将打印机路径注册为该用户的打印机,以使其可见.然后,您必须运行lookupPrintServices以查看可用的打印机列表,并按列出的确切名称String检索正确的PrintService.


* Retrieve the specified Print Service; will return null if not found.

* @return


public static PrintService findPrintService(String printerName) {

PrintService service = null;

// Get array of all print services - sort order NOT GUARANTEED!

PrintService[] services = PrinterJob.lookupPrintServices();

// Retrieve specified print service from the array

for (int index = 0; service == null && index < services.length; index++) {

if (services[index].getName().equalsIgnoreCase(printerName)) {

service = services[index];



// Return the print service


本文标签: 机上如何使用打印机网络Java