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The State of Application Development, 2018
How Low-Code Enables Innovation, Speeds-up Delivery, and Improves Agility

Agility:/ə'dʒɪlətɪ/ n. 敏捷;灵活;机敏

应用开发状况,2018年 低代码如何实现创新,加速交付并提高敏捷性

3,500 IT professionals from 116 countries share their insights in one of the most comprehensive research reports on the state of application development.


Featuring an analysis of responses from IT managers, architects, and developers across all industries, this 34-page research report answers five critical questions:


  • How are app dev priorities adjusting to this digital age?
  • What are the main challenges of meeting app dev goals?
  • What strategies are IT teams employing to increase app dev capacity and speed?
  • Are these strategies working to overcome resource constraints, and reduce backlogs?
  • Are new app dev practices such as low-code and citizen development making a difference?
  • 应用程序开发优先级如何适应这个数字时代?
  • 满足应用开发目标的主要挑战是什么?
  • IT团队采用哪些策略来增加app 开发的容量和速度?
  • 这些策略是否有助于克服资源限制并减少积压?
  • 新的应用程序开发实践,如低代码和公民发展(开发大众化)是否有所作为?


backlogs:n.积压的工作;vt. 储备;把…积压起来

tenure:n. 任期;占有;vt. 授予…终身职位

Executive Summary:

The need for digital transformation dominates business strategy today, and there are two obvious consequences for IT. Demand for application development is at an all-time high, and speed and agility are more important than ever before.


As aptly put by Forrester Research, today “every company is in the software business.” Also, fast iterative delivery of high-quality software is the name of the game. (游戏规则)If you’re in any doubt about these claims, then consider this. The average tenure of companies in the S&P 500(标准普尔500指数) has plummeted from 60 years to less than 20 years since the 1950s and is forecast to be just 12 years a decade from now.

tenure:n. 任期;占有;vt. 授予…终身职位

plummet:n. [测] 铅锤,坠子;vi. 垂直落下;(价格、水平等)骤然下跌

In a world that is changing at breakneck speed, the ability to identify and respond to digital innovation opportunities more quickly than your competitors will determine if your company sinks or swims.

breakneck :adj. 非常危险的;要使颈骨折断似的;极快的

Every company is in the software business because innovation and differentiation don’t come from neatly packaged off-the-shelf solutions. And, if you want to get to market first, you need the courage for high-speed experimentation. This is no place for glacial, multi-month ERP-style projects.




正如Forrester Research所说,今天“每家公司都处于软件业务中。”1此外,快速迭代交付高质量软件是游戏的名称。如果您对这些声明有任何疑问,请考虑这一点。自20世纪50年代以来,标准普尔500指数中公司的平均任期从60年暴跌至不到20年,预计十年后仅为12年。




glacial:adj. 冰的;冰冷的;冰河时代的


The State of Application Development, 2018
How Low-Code Enables Innovation, Speeds-up Delivery, and Improves Agility

Agility:/ə'dʒɪlətɪ/ n. 敏捷;灵活;机敏

应用开发状况,2018年 低代码如何实现创新,加速交付并提高敏捷性

野生程序员:citizen developers

we defined citizen developers as “non-professional developers who don’t report to IT.” 





本文标签: 科技新闻状况CodeoutsystemsAgility