

  • 我们考了25题,一道题2分共50分,跟下面题型一样,给你一段描述问你术语或名词叫什么,有一些会问为什么叫这个名称,简述一下概念就行
  • ABC 是一家使用信息系统来处理其与另一家企业交互的企业。该系统允许ABC与该企业交换重要信息。该系统还支持ABC与该企业进行有效沟通,以便与该企业保持富有成效的关系。多年来,该系统在使ABC能够与该业务良好合作方面非常有帮助。这个系统是以内部为中心还是以外部为中心?

ABC is a business that uses an information system to deal with its interactions with another business. The system allows ABC to exchange important information with that business. The system also supports ABC in effective communication with that business so that it maintains a productive relationship with that business. The system has been very helpful in allowing ABC to work well with that business over the years. Is this system an internally focussed system or an externally focussed system?

externally focused

  • 将彼此不同的系统连接成一个完整的系统,这个术语是什么?现在,当不同系统彼此分离时,这个系统可以执行它们的所有功能。

What is the term for the joining of systems that are different from one another into a single, complete system? This one system now carries out all the functions of the different systems when they were separate from each other.

System Integration

  • 在互联网上的广告中,有支付模式可以做到这一点。广告成本基于每 1000 次展示的成本的支付模式是什么?

In advertising on the Internet, there are payment models for carrying this out. What is the payment model where the cost of advertising is based on the cost per 1000s of impressions?

Impression-based model

  • 使用关键字、独特内容等技术,提高网站页面在搜索引擎点击率中的排名的术语是什么?

What is the term for increased ranking of a site’s page in a search engine’s hits, using techniques like usage of keywords, unique content, etc.?

Search Engine Optimisation SEO

  • 有一个概念适用于员工对组织中 IS 的访问。这个概念是,员工应该只拥有他们执行活动绝对需要的访问权限,而不应该有他们不需要的进一步访问权限。这个术语是什么?

There is a concept that applies to employees’ access to ISs in an organisation. This concept is that employees should only have access that is absolutely required for them to perform their activities, and no further access that they do not require. What is the term for this?

principle of least privilege

Week 1 - Introduction

1. Digital divide: Some people have access to information systems (IS), whilst others don't, and it gives them an advantage.


2. Information Systems Outsourcing: Companies are offshoring production to overseas countries to reduce costs, etc.


3. Five IT Megatrends That Shape the Digital Future 塑造数字化未来的五大IT大趋势

①Mobile Devices ②Social Media③The Internet of Things ④Cloud Computing ⑤Big Data 移动设备、社交媒体、物联网、云计算、大数据

4. Information Systems Defined

Information Technology (IT): hardware, software and telecommunications networks. 信息技术(IT):硬件、软件和电信网络

Information System: Combination of people and IT. 信息系统:人与信息技术的结合

5. Data, information and knowledge

Data: Data is raw symbols. Data not useful until transformed into information.  数据是原始的符号。数据要转化为信息才有用。

Information: Information is product of processing data, such as ID.  信息是处理数据的产物,如ID

Knowledge: interpreting information, forming opinions and deciding or predicting based on information (ID uniquely identifies different people)解释信息,形成意见,并根据信息做出决定或预测(ID唯一标识不同的人)

6. Organizations

TPS(transaction processing system): process operational data, e.g., supermarket register  处理操作数据,如超市登记

MIS(Management Information System): information for managing company or part of it, e.g. inventory management system  管理公司或部分公司的信息,如库存管理系统

DSS(Decision Support Systems): decision-making in company, e.g., meeting support system  公司决策,如会议支持系统

8. Categories of Information Systems

Intelligent system 智能系统

Business intelligence system  商务智能系统

Office automation system: work activity support  办公自动化系统:工作活动支持

Customer relation management (CRM system): company interaction with customers 客户关系管理(CRM系统):公司与客户的互动

Enterprise resource planning system (ERP):integrate and support components of company   企业资源计划系统(ERP):集成和支持公司的组成部分

Supply chain management system   供应链管理系统

Electronic commerce system: purchase of goods/services from company  电子商务系统:从公司购买商品/服务

Lecture 2 - Information Strategies

1. Business process: what organization conducts to achieve business goals, consisting of activities.  业务流程:组织为实现业务目标而进行的活动

2. Transaction: what is carried out daily by organization. 事务:组织每天进行的事务

3. Structured decision: procedure to follow for situation is set in advance.  结构化决策:预先设定好要遵循的程序

4. Semi-structured decision: some procedures set in advance, but because judgement/expertise needed, full recommendation not possible.半结构化决策:一些程序提前设定,但由于需要判断/专业知识,不可能完全推荐

5. Unstructured decision: hardly any of procedure set in advance as problem too complex.  非结构化决策:几乎没有预先设定的程序,因为问题太复杂

6. Organizational Decision Making Levels: Executive Level(Upper Management), Managerial Level(Middle Management), Operational Level (Operational Employees) 组织决策层次:执行/战略层面(高层管理),管理/战术层面(中层管理),运营层面(业务员工,部门经理,主管)

7. Identifying How to Compete: Choosing a Generic Strategy 确定如何竞争:选择通用策略

Low-cost strategy: organization sells goods/services at best price in industry.

Differentiation strategy: better goods/services than others in industry.

Best-cost provider strategy: reasonable quality goods/services at acceptable prices.  低成本策略:组织以行业内最优惠的价格销售商品/服务。差异化战略:比同行业中其他公司提供更好的产品/服务。最佳成本供应商策略:以可接受的价格提供合理质量的商品/服务。

8. Identifying How to Compete: Resources and Capabilities 确定如何竞争:资源和能力

Resources: organization's specific assets used to achieve cost or differentiation from competitors, e.g., proprietary technology.  资源:组织用于从竞争对手那里获得成本或差异化的特定资产,如专有技术。

Capabilities: organization's ability to exploit resources for advantage, e.g., efficient operations. 能力:组织利用资源获取优势的能力,如高效运作。

Distinctive competency: what organization is superior to others in best quality, lowest cost, generated by resources and capabilities.独特的竞争力:由资源和能力产生的,哪个组织在质量最好、成本最低方面优于其他组织。

9. Valuing Innovations

Innovation is key for some organizations attempting to gain/sustain competitive advantage. Innovation involves creating new products or services that return value to organization.创新是一些组织试图获得/维持竞争优势的关键。创新包括创造新产品或服务,为组织带来价值回报

Radical innovation (disruptive innovation): highly new or different technology accessing new customer segments and far greater benefits.激进创新(颠覆性创新):高度新颖或不同的技术获得新的客户群和更大的利益。

Open innovation: involve external stakeholders into innovation process.开放式创新:将外部利益相关者纳入创新过程

Lecture 3 - Cloud Computing and E-Commerce

1. What Is Cloud Computing?

Cloud Computing is a way to distribute resources. Resources are used “on-demand” as needed. Customers only pay for what they consume.云计算是一种分配资源的方式。资源可以根据需要按需使用。顾客只为他们消费的东西付费。

2. Cloud Characteristics

①On-Demand Self Service: Customer accesses resources in cloud as they like without needing interaction with cloud provider.

Rapid Elasticity: Resources can be scaled up/down quickly and automatically, satisfying user needs

③Broad Network Access: Services accessible from different devices anywhere where Internet access exists.

④Resource Pooling: Don't need one resource per customer-customers share same resources.

⑤Measured Service: Provider monitors use of resource so that customer pays only for this use.


3. Service Models

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): basic capabilities of processing, storage and networking are provided


②Platform as a Service (PaaS): Customer runs own applications or develops them with provider's tools. Customer doesn't have control over infrastructure.  平台即服务:客户运行自己的应用程序或使用提供商的工具开发它们。客户无法控制基础设施。

③Software as a Service (SaaS): Customer uses only software of infrastructure 软件即服务:客户仅使用基础设施中的软件

6. E-Commerce (EC) Defined: Electronic commerce refers to companies and individuals that buy and sell goods and services over the internet. 电子商务是指通过互联网买卖商品和服务的公司和个人。

Mobile commerce (m-commerce): transactions or information interactions using wireless, mobile device and mobile network, involving transfer of value exchanged for information, good or service  使用无线、移动设备和移动网络的交易或信息交互,涉及交换信息、商品或服务的价值转移

7. Types of Electronic Commerce

①Business-to-consumer (B2C): businesses selling to consumers企业对消费者(B2C),企业卖东西给消费者

②Business-to-business (B2B): Transactions among businesses

③Consumer-to-business (C2B): consumers selling to businesses消费者对企业(C2B):消费者卖东西给企业

④Consumer-to-consumer (C2C): Transactions between people not necessarily working together

10. E-finance:电子金融

E-finance: use of information systems to provide financial services and markets 电子金融:利用信息系统提供金融服务和市场

E-banking (online banking): paying bills with electronic bill pay, managing accounts.电子银行:用电子账单支付账单、管理账户。

Online brokerage: sites giving latest information about stock prices, mortgage rates. 在线经纪业务:提供有关股票价格、抵押贷款利率等最新信息的网站

Fintech: technologies supporting activities in financial sector where new companies disrupt current activities 金融科技:支持金融部门活动的新公司扰乱当前活动的技术

11. EC Business Strategies  电子商务业务策略

Brick-and-mortar strategy: business has only physical stores to retail  实体战略:企业只有实体店进行零售

Click-and-mortar strategy: business has both physical stores and online site to retail 点击-实体战略:既有实体店又有网站零售

Click-only strategy: business has only site to retail 只需点击即可的策略:企业只有零售网站

12. E-tailing: Capabilities and Opportunities 电子零售的能力和机会

E-tailing: retailing goods or services online   电子零售:在网上零售商品或服务

Disintermediation: Cutting out intermediary to reach customers directly and efficiently非中介:通过剔除中介直接有效地联系客户

The Long Tail: Some e-tailers sell according to long tail. 长尾产品:一些电子零售商根据长尾产品销售。

Mass Customization: Mass production are cheapest to manufacture. 大批量定制:大批量生产是最便宜的生产方式。

Social Commerce: social media used to affect shopping behaviour.社交商务:用来影响购物行为的社交媒体。

New Revenue and Pricing Models: Companies and individuals can earn money through Web advertising or affiliate marketing. 新的收入和定价模式:公司和个人可以通过网络广告或联盟营销赚钱

13. Benefits of e-Tailing  网络零售的好处

Product benefits: No store size and shelf space restrictions, companies can sell far wider variety of goods.产品好处:没有商店规模和货架空间的限制,公司可以销售更广泛的商品。

Place benefits: Internet storefronts available on almost every computer connected to Internet. 放置好处:几乎每台连接到互联网的电脑都可以使用互联网店面。

Price benefits: online retailers with high volumes and low overhead. 价格优势:具有高容量和低开销的在线零售商。

14. Drawbacks of E-tailing 网络零售的不足

Trust: Especially a concern for new online businesses without proven track record  信任:特别是对新的在线业务没有被证明的跟踪记录的关注

Direct Product Experience: E-tailing doesn't provide sensory information. 直接产品体验:电子零售不提供感官信息。

Product Delivery and Returns: Except for direct downloads, e-tailing requires additional delivery time for products.产品交付和退货:除直接下载外,电子零售还需要额外的产品交付时间。

Lecture 4 - E-Commerce

1. Electronic Commerce Websites电子商务网站

(1)Designing Websites to Meet Online Consumers' Needs 设计满足在线消费者需求的网站

Structural Firmness: Characteristics affecting site's security and ensuring firm system structure结构坚固性:影响场地安全,保证系统结构坚固的特性

Functional Convenience: characteristics supporting easier or more convenient interaction功能便利性:支持更容易或更方便交互的特性

Representational Delight: characteristics leading to an aesthetically pleasing site代表性喜悦:导致一个美学上令人愉悦的网站的特征

(3)Internet Marketing 网络营销The company should increase the advertising budget of Internet marketing. 公司应该加大网络网络营销的广告预算。

(4)Search Marketing  搜索营销

Search marketing includes: Search Engine Optimization (SEO: Customers typically go through small number of prioritised hits SEO attempts to improve page's ranking in search engines) and paid search(payment made to ensure business' page appears on first page of engine's hits).搜索营销包括:搜索引擎优化(SEO:客户通常会经历少量的优先点击,SEO试图提高页面在搜索引擎中的排名)和付费搜索(支付,以确保业务页面出现在引擎点击的第一页)。

(5)Display Advertising 展示广告

Banner ads (including interactive ones) and video ads can be placed at sites. Contextual advertising: ad placed on page related to content of page.  横幅广告和视频广告可以放置在网站上。上下文广告:放置在页面上的与页面内容相关的广告。

E-mail Marketing: Cheap to advertise using e-mail. Easy to track who has opened/responded to e-mail; saves paper.电子邮件营销:使用电子邮件做广告成本便宜。易于跟踪谁打开/回复电子邮件;节省纸张。

(6) Social Media Marketing  社交媒体营销

Mobile Marketing: Advertise to consumers using phones and tablets. Can be more targeted 移动营销:向使用手机和平板电脑的消费者做广告。可以更有针对性

(7) Payment Models in Marketing (Performance-based pricing models are better)市场营销中的支付模式(基于绩效的定价模式更好)

Impression-based model: priced using no. of times page showing ad is viewed 基于印象的模型:定价使用no。浏览次数显示广告的时间页面被浏览

Pay-per-click model: business pays publisher of ad when user clicks on their ad. 点击付费模式:当用户点击广告时,企业向广告发行商付费。

2. Mobile Commerce, Consumer-To-Consumer EC, and Consumer-To-Business EC  移动商务,消费者对消费者的电子商务,和消费者对企业的电子商务

(1) C2C EC

E-Auctions: Individual sellers can sell or barter items at online auctions, consumers place bids(Problem: items not shipped or counterfeit)电子拍卖:个人卖家可以在网上拍卖中出售或易货商品,消费者可以出价(问题:未发货或假冒商品)

Online Classifieds: Advertising only, no online transactions在线分类广告:仅限广告,没有在线交易

Consumer-to-consumer e-commerce allows consumers to achieve a fair price for goods, which they otherwise might not be able to achieve.消费者对消费者的电子商务允许消费者为商品实现一个公平的价格,否则他们可能无法实现。

(2) Opportunities and Threats of C2C EC

Opportunities: Consumers can buy and sell to broader markets. Increases the numbers of buyers and sellers who can find each other  消费者可以向更广泛的市场进行买卖。增加了可以找到对方的买卖双方的数量

Threats: No quality control. Higher risk of fraud. Harder to use traditional payment methods 没有质量控制。欺诈的风险更高。很难使用传统的支付方式

3. Securing Payments in the Digital World 在数字世界中确保支付

Payment services (PS) like PayPal, Apple Pay and Google Wallet address security concerns. Customer can use such service and provide less personal information at seller’s site.支付服务:都解决了安全问题。客户可以使用此类服务,并在卖家的网站上提供较少的个人信息。

Cryptocurrency (CC): virtual currency working with encryption for secure transactions and generating units of it (Bitcoin). 加密货币:安全交易虚拟货币(比特币)。

4. Managing Risk in B2C Transactions  管理B2C交易中的风险

Card-not-present transaction: online credit card transaction where card not definitely used  信用卡不存在交易:信用卡不明确使用的在线信用卡交易

Card security code: 3-digit code on back of card  卡安全代码:卡背面的3位代码

Further minimising risk: business uses fraud-screening services to provide it with risk score, using customer’s time zone, IP address, location, contact details, etc.进一步最小化风险:企业使用欺诈筛选服务来提供风险评分,使用客户的时区、IP地址、位置、联系方式等

Lecture 5 - Communication and Collaboration with Social Media

1. Virtual teams: groups with members from different geographic areas and assembled as needed to collaborate on project.Team can work synchronously (same-time) or asynchronously (different times) or both modes. 由来自不同地理区域的成员组成,并根据需要在项目上进行协作。团队可以同步(同一时间)或异步(不同时间)或两种模式

2. Categories of Collaboration Tools  协作工具的类别

Electronic Communication tools:Tools allowing users to convey verbal and written information and send files, documents, or other content.电子通信工具:允许用户传达口头和书面信息,并发送文件、文件或其他内容的工具。

Electronic conferencing tools: Tools allowing information sharing and rich interactions between users. Instant messaging, application sharing, video-conferencing电子会议工具:允许用户之间的信息共享和丰富的交互的工具。

Collaboration management tools: Tools used to facilitate virtual or collocated meetings and manage group activities. 协作管理工具:用于促进虚拟或组织会议和管理小组活动的工具。

3. Groupware: Software supporting group interaction. Such as group calendar, collaborative writing tool, discussion forum, electronic meeting system.  群件:支持群组交互的软件。如小组日历、协作写作工具、讨论论坛、电子会议系统等。

Groupware tools categorised with two dimensions:①Time: synchronous or asynchronous. ②Place: same place or geographically distributed  群件工具分为两个维度:时间:同步或异步。地点:相同的地点或地理分布

4. Videoconferencing视频会议: Videoconferencing is a simple solution to the problem of people needing to talk who are in different locations. 视频会议是一个简单的解决问题,需要交谈的人在不同的地点。

5. Intranets and Employee Portals 内部网和员工门户网站

Intranet: private network for secured transmission of organization’s information within it  内部网:用于安全传输组织信息的专用网络

Enterprise Search: Sometimes, more productive for employees to search for required information within intranet. enterprise search engines is retrieve information from intranet’s documents, databases.  企业搜索:有时,员工在内部网内搜索所需的信息。企业搜索引擎是从内部网的文档、数据库中检索信息。

Social intranet: intranet including social components, allowing users to create content, and connect with other such creators 社交内部网:包括社交组件在内的内部网,允许用户创建内容,并与其他这样的创建者建立联系

Employee portal: intranet portal designed for employment-related issues  员工门户:为与就业相关的问题而设计的内部网门户

Apply employee self-service: tools for supporting human resource-related tasks, e.g., generating group summary for income tax purposes.  应用员工自助服务:支持人力资源相关任务的工具,例如,为所得税目的生成组摘要。

6. The Evolving Web

Web 1.0: someone creates content and someone passively consumes that content 有人创建内容,而有人被动地使用这些内容

Web 2.0: change how people interact and enable social media  改变人们的互动方式和启用社交媒体

As we transition from the Web 1.0 model to the interactive Web 2.0 model, the Web experience changes to become both more individual and more interactive. 当我们从Web 1.0模型过渡到交互式Web 2.0模型时,Web体验变得更加个性化和更具交互性。

7. Evolving Social Interaction

Network effect: value of network, or of application based on network, rises the more people/participants there are.


Mashup: It is an application or Web site that uses data from one or more service providers. For example, a mashup could combine mapping data, photos, reference information, hotel prices, and weather information to provide a comprehensive overview of travel destinations.  Mashup:它是一个使用来自一个或多个服务提供商的数据的应用程序或网站。例如,混搭可以结合地图数据、照片、参考信息、酒店价格和天气信息,以提供旅游目的地的全面概述。

8. Future Web Capabilities  未来的网络功能

Semantic web: principles for better way to index pages, topics and subjects to yield more accurate and relevant results. When searching, pages returned are based on words literally placed in pages.  语义网:以更好的方式索引页面、主题和主题的原则,以产生更准确和相关的结果。在搜索时,返回的页面是基于字放置在页面中的单词。

Web 3.0:

9. Social Media and the Enterprise.社交媒体与企业版

Communication: this should be obvious to us! 沟通:这对我们来说应该是显而易见的!

Cooperation: enabling win-win situation  合作:实现双赢局面

Collaboration: people working together via interaction with each other  协作:人们通过相互互动一起工作

Connection: connecting people with each other 联系:让人相互联系

10. Enhancing Communication Using Social Media 利用社交媒体加强沟通

Blog: online journal composed of chronological posts about personal life, hobbies, etc.  博客:由关于个人生活、业余爱好等方面的文章组成的在线期刊。

Microblogging: Like blogs, but short “status updates” sent in real-time or near to it. Due to immediacy of messages, microblogging has become relevant for breaking news  微博:像博客,但简短的状态更新实时或接近发送。由于信息的即时性,微博已经成为突发新闻的相关内容

Instant Messaging: IM multiple participants have conversations, with immediate response, in real-time. 即时通讯:多个参与者进行实时对话,并提供即时响应。

11. Enhancing Cooperation with Social Media  加强与社交媒体的合作

Media Sharing: A form of cooperative social media using network effect is sharing of user-generated multimedia content.


Social bookmarking: categorization and sharing of web content by users. The more the users involved, the more reliable and closer to completeness the information will be  社交书签:由用户对网络内容进行分类和分享。所涉及的用户越多,信息就会越可靠、越接近完整

Social Cataloging: Creation of categorizations by users. Catalogue is the category, representing a topic. Organizations can use SC for structuring and managing voluminous information.  社会编目:由用户创建的分类。目录是一个类别,代表一个主题。组织可以使用SC来构建和管理大量的信息。

12. Enhancing Collaboration with Social Media  加强与社交媒体的协作

Cloud-based Collaboration Tools: Past: email documents to each other; continually install latest version of software. Now: CCT – documents accessible from cloud and synced to devices.  基于云的协作工具:过去:通过电子邮件将文档发给彼此;不断安装最新版本的软件。现在:CCT-可从云上访问并同步到设备上的文档。

Collective Intelligence (CI): dispersed groups of people with varying expertise and information  集体智慧(CI):具有不同专业知识和信息的分散人群

Peer production: creation of goods or services by teams, not strongly relying on leaders, to work together effectively


Crowdsourcing: using everyday people as cheaper form of labour.  众包:利用日常生活中的人员作为更便宜的劳动力形式。

Human Intelligence Tasks: small tasks easy for humans to solve but more difficult for computer, e.g., tagging images.


13. Enhancing Connection with Social Media  加强与社交媒体的联系

Social Networking: Organizations using social networks for interacting with customers, getting their feedback, presenting favourable brand image, etc.社交网络:使用社交网络与客户互动、获得反馈、展示良好的品牌形象等的组织。

Viral Marketing: advertising messages spread like a biological virus, using email or social networks, by users willing to do so


Lecture 6 - Enterprise Systems

2. Core Business Processes:核心业务流程

①Order-to-Cash 7(process of selling goods or services and collecting revenue for them)订单-现金(销售商品或服务和收取收入的过程)

Procure-to-Pay 5process of ordering goods or services and paying for them 支付采购:订购商品或服务并支付这些费用的过程

③Make-to-Stock: 存货式生产using forecast of demand for good, goods produced and stocked in warehouse; customers orders fulfilled from this stock.利用对货物需求、生产和库存的预测;客户的订单由该库存完成。

Make-to-Order: using customer orders, goods produced and stocked in warehouse; order fulfilled 订制:使用客户订单,生产的货物和仓库的库存;订单完成

3. Organizational Activities Along the Value Chain 公司在价值链上的组织活动

Value chain: activities business carries out to sell good/service to customers  价值链:企业向客户销售商品/服务的活动

Business processes rely on activities carried out by functional areas: core and support activities 


①Core activity: taking in inputs to generate outputs核心活动:接受输入以产生输出

Inbound Logistics Activities. Operations and Manufacturing Activities. Outbound Logistics Activities. Marketing and Sales Activities. Customer Service Activities. 入境物流活动。运营和制造活动。出站物流活动。营销和销售活动。客户服务活动。

②Support activity: support core activities to occur②支持活动:支持要发生的核心活动

Administrative Activities. Infrastructure Activities. Human Resource Activities. Technology Development Activities. Procurement Activities.行政活动。基础设施活动。人力资源活动。技术开发活动。采购活动。

5. Supporting Business Processes: Information System either internally focused or externally focused.支持业务流程:关注内部或关注外部的信息系统。

Internally focused system: supports functional areas, processes and decision-making in business.内部聚焦系统:支持业务中的功能领域、流程和决策。

Externally focused system: supports communication and coordinating business processes with customers, suppliers, business partners, etc. outside of business.外部关注:支持与客户、供应商、业务合作伙伴等的沟通和协调业务流程。业务外。

6. Improving Business Processes Through Enterprise Systems: Software is either Packaged software or Custom software通过企业系统改进业务流程:软件可以是打包软件,也可以是定制软件

Packaged software: developed by vendor, for businesses across the board, for standard tasks. 打包软件:由供应商开发,适用于所有业务,适用于标准任务

Custom software: developed specifically for a business, for its particular situation. 定制软件:专门为某项业务,针对其特定情况而开发的软件。

7. Enterprise Resource Planning企业资源规划

ERP refers to a suite of software that organizations use to manage day-to-day business activities, including accounting, procurement, project management, risk management and compliance, and supply chain operations.  ERP是指组织用于管理日常业务活动的一套软件,包括会计、采购、项目管理、风险管理和合规,以及供应链操作。

  • Two types of ERP components: core and extended


  • ERP core components: support internal activities producing goods/services:
  • ERP核心组件:支持生产商品/服务的内部活动;
    1. Operations: processes for inbound and outbound logistics, sales and service, manufacturing, etc.


    1. Human resources: recruitment, payroll, etc.


    1. Finances: accounting, financial reporting, etc.


  • ERP extended components: support external activities dealing with suppliers and customers, e.g., fulfilling customers orders, managing customer enquiries, etc.


Lecture 7 - Developing and Acquiring Information System

1. Systems Analyst (SA) 系统分析师

3. Systems integration: connecting different systems and applications to work as unified system.系统集成:将不同的系统和应用程序连接成统一的系统来工作。

4. Steps in the System Development Process 系统开发过程中的步骤

Phase 1: Systems Planning and Selection: Goal is to identify and select development project from potential projects business could carry out.系统规划和选择:目标是从业务可以进行的潜在项目中识别和选择开发项目。

Information Systems Planning: formal process where senior manager, steering committee, etc. identify and assess all development projects.信息系统规划:由高级经理、指导委员会等人员组成的正式程序。确定和评估所有的开发项目。

Phase 2: Systems Analysis: Gain understanding of business’ ways doing things for new system to support.系统分析:了解业务对新系统的支持方式。

Requirements Collection: gathering information from managers, users, business processes, etc. to convey how system will function.需求收集:从经理、用户、业务流程等处收集信息。来传达系统将如何运作。

Techniques for collecting requirements: Interviews, Questionnaires, Observations and Document Analysis.收集需求的技术:访谈、问卷调查、观察和文件分析。

Phase 3: Systems Design: details of chosen approach are elaborated with Designing Processing and Logic, Designing Database and Files, Designing the Human-Computer Interface  系统设计:通过设计处理和逻辑,数据库和文件的设计,人机界面的设计

Phase 4: Systems Implementation and Operation: Software Programming and Testing, System Conversion, Documentation, Training, and Support 系统实现和操作:软件编程和测试、系统转换、文档编制、培训和支持

7. Other Approaches to Designing and Building Systems 设计和构建系统的其他方法

Prototyping: Experimental (trial-and-error) approach  原型设计:实验性(试错)方法

Agile Methodologies (AM): system evolves as small, client-approved parts added to system over time  敏捷方法(AM):随着时间的推移,系统发展为客户认可的小部件

8. Acquiring Information Systems: Two options for acquiring system are external acquisition of prepackaged system and outsourcing systems development.获取信息系统:获取系统的两种选择是外部获取预包装系统和外包系统开发。

9. Request for Proposal (RFP): document conveying to vendors business’ requirements and inviting them to inform how they can meet requirements  提案请求(RFP):向供应商传达业务的要求,并邀请他们告知他们如何满足要求

Lecture 8 - Information Security

1. Computer Crime

Hacking and Cracking: Hacker(person accessing computer system and not authorised to do so), Black hats(hackers breaking into systems intending to do harm),White hats(hackers breaking in without intention to do harm-usually paid by businesses to test security of their systems).黑客和破解:黑客(访问计算机系统但未经授权的人)、黑帽(黑客侵入系统意图造成伤害)、白帽(黑客无意造成伤害——通常由企业支付来测试其系统的安全性)

Industrial spy: activities in industry for gaining an advantage over rival businesses, e.g., stealing trade secrets, bribery, blackmail, etc. 工业间谍活动:在工业中获得比竞争对手更有优势的活动,如窃取商业秘密、贿赂、勒索等。

Unauthorized Access: breach of security where person sees, manipulates or otherwise handles data, where not given authority to do so  未经授权的访问:人们看到、操纵或以其他方式处理数据,没有授权时违反安全

Insider threats: somebody within an organization posing a threat with regard to technology 内部威胁:组织内对技术构成威胁的人

Denial of service attach(Dos):culprits obstruct users of service (e.g., accessing website) from using service, by using up as much of system’s resources as they can 拒绝服务附加:罪犯通过尽可能多地使用系统的资源来阻碍服务用户(如访问网站)使用服务

Zombie computer: computer infected by malware to be used to launch attack on website 僵尸电脑:被恶意软件感染的电脑是用来攻击网站的

Spyware: software collecting user’s data while they are unaware of this间谍软件:软件收集用户的数据,而他们不知道

Adware: free software where ads seen in its use paid for software 广告软件:免费软件,广告使用付费软件

Identity Theft: theft of someone’s personal data to exploit victim’s credit rating; to borrow money, buy goods or carry out purchases inducing debts 身份盗窃:盗窃某人的个人数据,利用受害者的信用评级;借钱、购买商品或进行购买,以诱发债务

Cyberharassment: technology used to communicate obscene, vulgar or threatening content to harm/harass person 网络骚扰:用于交流淫秽、粗俗或威胁性内容以伤害/骚扰人的技术

2. Computer Viruses and Other Destructive Code:Malware (malicious software): 计算机病毒和其他破坏性代码

Worm: variation of virus, replicating itself without attaching to program 蠕虫:病毒的变异,复制自己而不附加到程序

Trojan horse: gives impression it is harmless program; although appears computer working as usual, destructive code running behind-the-scenes  特洛伊木马:给人的印象它是无害的程序;虽然电脑像往常一样工作,破坏性代码在幕后运行

Logic bomb: like Trojan horse, triggered by operation like entering password  逻辑炸弹:如特洛伊木马,由输入密码等操作触发

Time bomb: triggered by date  定时炸弹:按日期触发

Ransomware: locks control of computer so that criminals demand ransom to unlock computer  勒索软件:锁定控制电脑,以便犯罪分子要求赎金来解锁电脑

3. Managing Information Systems Security管理信息系统的安全

Information systems security: steps taken to keep aspects of ISs safe from destruction, manipulation or unauthorised access


Securing against threats involves goals: Availability, Integrity, Confidentiality, Accountability.


Options for Addressing Information System Risks:Risk reduction, Risk acceptance, Risk transference, Risk avoidance


4. Developing a Security Strategy 制定一个安全策略

After assessing risks, strategy specifies information system controls (ISC)评估风险后,策略指定信息系统控制(ISC

ISC: process/procedure assisting in availability, integrity and confidentiality of data and systems.协助实现数据和系统的可用性、完整性和机密性的过程/程序。

Types of controls: Preventive (prevent negative event from occurring), Detective (recognise when anything went wrong to limit damage), Corrective (reduce impact of any problem after occurred) 控制类型:预防性(防止负面事件发生)、侦探(识别任何故障时,以限制损害)、纠正(减少任何问题发生后的影响)

 Least privilege: give employees access to what is needed for carrying out duties 最低特权:允许员工接触到履行职责所需的东西

5. Implementing Controls and Training实施控制和培训

After strategy specified, business decides how it will implement controls. 在指定了策略后,业务部门将决定如何实施控制。

Physical access restrictions 物理访问限制

Authentication: confirming identity of user attempting to access restricted system 身份验证:确认访问受限系统的用户的身份

Authorization: accessing resources after successful identification and authentication 授权:识别和认证成功后访问资源

Two-factor authentication: two types of credentials required to identify user双因素身份验证:识别用户所需的两种类型的凭据

Mobile device management: securing business’ mobile devices to apply authorization policies, prevent downloading/installing of non-approved apps, etc.移动设备管理:确保企业的移动设备应用授权策略,防止下载/安装未经批准的应用程序等。

6. Monitoring Security 监控安全

Computer Forensics: formal, investigative techniques for evaluation of digital information for use in court of law


Honeypot: computer, data or site on network attractive to cracker; track them in illegal activity


Lecture 9 - Developing a business site

Techniques for developing site网站开发技术

①Programming from scratch 编程从头开始

languages: HTML, JavaScript, CSS, PHP, Python, ASP.NET, etc

Software: PHP: NetBeans, PHPStorm, Python: Eclipse with PyDev plug-in, PyCharm, Eric

②Commercial E-commerce software: GoDaddy, BigCommerce 商业电子商务软件

③Open source E-commerce software: osCommerce, PrestaShop, Magento开源电子商务软件

④WordPress (WP) for business sites: WordPress is general Content Management System used to create any site you wish. Using AtSpace hosting  WordPress是一种通用的内容管理系统,用于创建任何你想要的网站。 使用AtSpace托管

Implementing business functions in site - Plugins or Programming code.可以利用插件或编程代码中实现业务功能。

本文标签: 在线河南大学商务系统