


缺乏培训技能是政府绩效改进、领导力培训无法持续的原因。所有的培训师都很难接触到他们的受众。当培训者在培训成人时没有经历专业发展,学习者只能所学寥寥。另外是资源的可用性、适当性以及学习环境的质量。枯燥的材料必然会分散学习者的注意力。例如,1994年,我刚从圣地亚哥大学毕业,就作为一名保险销售顾问在GEICO(Government Employees Insurance Company)接受了一个月的销售技能培训。由于现场缺乏互动,我和同事都不喜欢培训课程。当培训师通读材料手册时,教室变得比沙漠还要难熬。午饭后在温暖的教室里保持清醒成了我们当时面临的最大挑战。

虽然名称中使用了“政府 (government)”一词,但GEICO是一家不隶属于美国政府的私人公司。作为一个全职的GEICO伙伴,员工有机会获得一个全面的薪酬计划,其中包括各种各样的选择,以保持健康和福利。GEICO与政府部门公司的唯一区别在于,在GEICO规定强制性退休年龄是合法的。随着预期寿命的增加,具有特殊技能、兴趣或愿望的高级员工往往会留在自己的岗位上,直到他们到了可以离开的年龄。他们知道自己可能不会致富,但他们追求的是工作保障和健康福利。在GEICO工作的这几年里,我经常听到年轻的管理者在完成转型目标时遇到的挑战。他们发现激励比他们年龄大、生活经验丰富的团队成员是一件很累人的事。







Title:An effective management development program for a company in the public sector (原文)
Most people look at a “Job for life” as having an occupation that guarantees a lifetime of steady income and supports. When income stability, health insurance, and retirement benefits become rarer in private sectors, having a permanent job from the government becomes attractive. Government companies can provide a cradle-to-grave type of financial securitythat no privately owned business would or could afford to do. Especially during a recession or pandemic situation like now, securing a permanent job from the public sector can bring people greater peace of mind.
Challenges to train senior employees in a public sector
A lack of training skills is why performance improvement leadership training in a government company fails to stick. All trainers struggle to reach their audiences. When trainers have not gone through professional development in training adults, learners canaccomplish relatively little learning. One more issue is the availability and appropriateness of resources and the quality of learning environments. Boring materials can surely distract learners from staying focus. For example,in 1994, right after I graduated from college in San Diego, I went through a month of sales skill training at GEICO as an insurance sales counselor. Neither my co-workers nor I enjoyed the training sessions due to a lack of live interaction. The class became even drier than a desert when the trainer read through the handbook of materials. Trying to stay awake in a warm classroom after lunch became the biggest challenge for all of us.
Despite the word “government” used in its name, GEICO is a private corporation not affiliated with the US government. As a full-time GEICOassociate, employees have the opportunity to receive a comprehensive salary program with benefits that includes a variety of options to preserve health and well-being. The only difference between GEICO and a company from the public sector is that it is legal to write up a mandatory retirement age at GEICO. With the impact of increased life expectancy, senior employees who had special skills, interests, or desires tended to stay in their positions until they reached their age to go. They knew they might not get rich, but job security and health benefits were what they were after. Throughout my years at GEICO, I often overheard young managers having challenges accomplishing their transformational goals. They had found it exhausting to motivate team-members who were older and much more experienced in life than they were.
Regardless of coming from a public or privately owned business, when senior employees do not keep up with their learning, they may not have the new knowledge and skills to support them in making good decisions. Also, they may not grow into the leaders they can be. The longer they work, the less productive the department may become. Consequently, the more money the host organization may end up paying due to high health care costs.
Senior employees from the public sector face demand to learn or re-learn their job multiple times in a career. Those who do not have strong learning skills still never get fried due to the strong job protection in the public sector of the US. What is worse is these employees do not always believe they need to be trained again after working an extended period for the employer. Some may feel insecure or become oppositional in their new role learning or even feel offended when their boss assigns them different responsibilities. A permanent job for life prevents managers from recruiting or promoting new talented employees. Also, it gives them challenges to motivate senior employees to participate in new-learning (Lavigna, 2014).
Two elements that impact the approach in adult learning
Performance improvement leadership training at a workplace is all about the art of knowledge transfer. It is a learning process that allows learners and trainers to learn, back and forth, from each other. When trainers have learning materials crammed into every lesson, or when employees are satisfied just-to-get by with their career and life, little learning can happen. When trainers are managers who have little or no understanding of how to transfer their knowledge and skills, no effective learning occurs. Within an adult learning environment at a workplace, employees represent a source of knowledge and ideas. So, if managers can get adult learners involved in decision-making, such participation can empower both managers and their employees to contribute great success in an organization.
The motivation for adult learners is internal rather than external
Performance improvement leadership training is about developing skills, knowledge, and personal abilities to change behavior within an organization. The most managers can do every day is to help their employees to experience successful accomplishment at the workplace. Employees become more engaged in what they are good at doing when managers encourage them to bring in values and experiences to work. So, if employees can find relations between their learning materials and prior experiences, they can process new information better. Because happy students learn better, having positive emotions in a learning environment can help adult learners remember complex materials. In essence, having motivation and open-mindedness become the crucial aspects of adult learning (Knowles & Swanson, 2015, p.218-229).
Having positive thinking also plays a critical role in successful learning. Managers should spend efforts on learning more about the prior knowledge and achievements of their senior employees. Since criticism can hurt and cause people to feel offended, or sometimes even do real damage to a team’s spirit, managers should control or best avoid the flow of crtticism about the reluctance to learn of their senior employees. One’s real-life work cases related to experience expand learners’ processing better in new concepts. Managers shouldalso invovle their senior employees in making decisions and participating in new employee mentoring. After seniors feel good and become proud of their contribution to the company, they will also feel better about adjusting to changes and expectations. Subsequently, managers can try again to work on their learning horizons ( Kislik, L., 2019; Knowles & Swanson, 2015, p.222)
Adults need to know why they need to learn something before learning it – for a better tomorrow.
Besides having well-designed and organized learning material, all employees want to know why they need to learn something before spending time and effort. To carry out a successful management development program in the public sector, trainers and managers should demonstrate learners “need to know” as clearly as possible during the first class. Managers can integrate a new set of disciplines, guidelines, and procedures as part of the learning context. Managers shall also describe the benefits of learning to the class participants based on their point of view. To increase learning effectiveness, they can promote self-directed learning behaviors by stimulating and connecting innate desires with the organizational learning objectives and goals (Knowles & Swanson, 2015, p.162; p. 224).
The Maslow hierarchy of needs argued that self-actualization is the complete realization of our potential. Also, our full development of abilities and appreciation for life. As we excel in different areas of our life, learning becomes meaningful when our achievement is acknowledged. After working a full four years at GEICO, I was in a no-win situation, despite my higher education level and sales performance achieved. My bosses only cared how much more of the sales revenue I could generate and how many more years I could stay on the regional top salespost. Nobody seemed to acknowledge my feelings towards a job advancement, as they never included me in the glass ceiling conversation. I could have stayed a bit longer if the team of supervisors selected me for advanced training.
Retraining can help senior employees realize that they have not been forgotten and help bring them back a sense of purpose. The best practice in teaching senior employees to learn is cultivating a social environment that encourages guiding and learning at the same time. In addition to overseeing performance output and managing employees, managers should advocate a diverse and multi-generational workforce in the workplace. Through maximizing interpersonal capacity within a department, employees can learn the wealth of knowledge and experiences from one another. Practicing andragogy in a workplace is about applying a holistic approach that considers learning needs within a life course development history. The more understanding and acceptance between employees and managers, the more harmonious the work environment can become. Subsequently, the more self-motivated employees a company may have for accomplishing the organizational goals collectively. Cultivating a diverse and multi-generational environment at a workplace shall be the ultimate goal for achieving adult learning success in today’s world (Knowles & Swanson, 2015, p. 105-111; p.162; p. 226).
Kislik,L. (2019, November, 18). How to manage a stubborn, defensive, or defiant employee. Harvard business review. Retrieved from: https://hbr/2019/11/how-to-manage-a-stubborn-defensive-or-defiant-employee
Knowles, M.S., Holton, E.F., & Swanson, R.A. (2015). The adult learner: The definitive classic in adult education and human resource development. London and New York: Routledge.
Lavigna, R. (2014, November, 28). Why government workers are harder to motivate”. Harvard business review. Retrieved from: https://hbr/2014/11/why-government-workers-are-harder-to-motivate
Beatrice,香港出生。年少只身去美国学习,美国东伊利诺大学(Eastern Illinois Univeristy)老龄化研究文学硕士。在上海经营过自己设计的服装品牌20年。如今转行从事有关养老培训行业(目标是开办自己品牌的老年日托中心,解决老父母不高兴进养老院,儿女白天上班没有时间照顾的难题)。把国外有关照顾老人痴呆的知识和技术引进国内。非常敬业和有爱心,有持续学习力和创新进取精神。

本文标签: 发展计划领域公司