

【单选题】运动损伤的预防下列说法 不 正确的是 (2.0分)

【判断题】发球员和接球员都必须站在斜对角发球区内发球和接发球,脚不能触及发球区的界限,两脚必须都有一部分和地面接触,不能移动,直至将球发出. (2.0分)


【单选题】1.羽毛球场呈长方形,长度是( ),单打球场宽5.18米,双打球场宽6.10米。 (2.0分)




【简答题】Nowadays many college students are addicted to qq


【简答题】请按照下列提示编写一个泛型接口以及其实现类。 提示: 1、 创建一个泛型接口Generic,并创建一个抽象方法get(T t); 2、 创建一个实现类GenericImpl,空实现get(T t)方法。

【多选题】下列关于TreeSet集合的描述中,正确的有( )

【多选题】下列关于ListIterator接口的描述中,正确的是( )

【简答题】各位同学请注意: 我们的考试分为线上和线下部分。线上包括看视频、回答问题以及线上考试,线下成绩即作业含15%比重,请大家把所做的内容发到线上。老师线上给成绩。 要求: 1. 原创一首古典诗(现代诗除外)或词,内容、标题自拟,但是必须抒写熟悉的生活内容,感情真挚。 2. 诗 遵守平水韵,词遵守词林正韵。(可以参照 搜韵网上的韵部) 3. 近体诗须遵守格律,古风须符合体裁及韵部要求,词须遵守词牌。自己自行在搜韵网或者诗词吾爱网上检测。 4. 截止日期为 2017年5 月12日。

【单选题】学生体育课中常规表现 不 正确的是 (2.0分)

【单选题】运动损伤的预防下列说法 不 正确的是( ) (2.0分)

【多选题】下列关于二叉树的描述中,正确的是( )

【简答题】阅读下面的程序,分析代码是否能编译通过,如果能编译通过,请列出运行的结果。如果不能编译通过,请说明原因。 import java.util.ArrayList; public class Test02 { public static void main(String[] args) { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); list.add("a"); list.add("b"); list.add("c"); for (String obj : list) { System.out.println(obj); } } }

【简答题】Look at the following pictures and write a paragraph with the topic sentece: There exist big cultural difference between the Chinese and the western culture. 7`~BB}J$]CYB~]J$SO7]5BS.png E7}J)0T39WCWOQYHG6RXR}6.png


【简答题】分析自己所表演的古诗词,要求如下: 1、诗词的含义 2、诗人的背景和经历 3、自己对这首诗词的理解 4、不少于800字。

【单选题】常见的羽毛球握拍的方法有几种( )。 (2.0分)


【单选题】羽毛球运动是什么时候传入我国的( )。 (2.0分)


【其它】词性转换练习 1. Theseresults are ______ (consist) with the _______(find) of the previous stay. 2. Wewere not surprised by their ______(sate) that the train services would bereduced. 3. Thestatistics _________(reflective) a change in people’s spending habits. 4. I’mafraid your driving license is _______(validity) in Eastern Europe. 5. Twenty-fivedollars was _________(consider) more than he had expected to pay. 6. Direct_______(comparative) between the two languages is not possible. 7. I cansay with _______(confide) that all our targets have now been met. 8. Likeso many ______(create) people he was never satisfied. 9. Amove towards healthy eating could help _______(elimination) heart disease. 10. Yourlife changes _______(drama) when you have a baby. 11. Theannual strategic dialogue between China and America is very ______(signify) forthe relationship between the two nations. 12. Havingso little money to spend on an apartment does ______(limitation) you in yourchoice. 13. Thissystem could deliver services to local communities more_____(effect) 14. Hiscomments sparked an angry ______(respond) from dissatisfied customers. 15. Checksare made to _____(discovery) whether ______(apply) have a ______(crime) record. 16. Ofany of these symptoms ______(occurrence) while you are taking the medicine, consultyour doctor immediately. 17. Themuseum is full of ______(rarity) and precious treasures. 18. Doyou agree with the use of animals in ______(scientist) experiments? 19. I’m____(slight) upset that she forgot my birthday. 20. Heneeded _____(surgeon) to cure a ______(trouble) back injury. 21. Stevenused to visit him for the _____(occasion) days and weekends. 22. The documentsare available for public _____(inspector). 23. Lastmonth’s bad weather was _____(respond) for the crop failure. 24. Despiteall my efforts, my carefully planned party turned out to be a complete____(disastrous). 25. Heglanced briefly towards her but there was no sign of _____(recognize). 26. Afterlong ______(reflective) we decided to purchase the house. 27. Foryears General Motors was the ______(dispute) giant of the world’s car industry. 28. Wecan’t conclude that the frequent transfer from one job to anotherundermines___(loyal). 29. Vitaminsare ______(essence) to the proper nourishment of the body. 30. Theyanswered with _____(assure) that it was against the rules. 31. Manypeople spend little time in _____(pursue) of physical fitness. 32. His____ (faith) old dog accompanied him everywhere he went. 33. Atany time, don’t feel sad for a(n)_____(grateful) man. 34. Oftenthey are competing ____(fierce) with fellow Spaniards for contracts. 35. The warwas followed by a long period of peace and ____(prosper). 36. Theservice at the famous hotel failed to live up to its _____(repute). 37. The campaignto drive the drug ____ (deal)away will continue. 38. I’mgoing to _____(complaint) to the manager about this. 39. Thismethod is ____(rare) used in modern lab. 40. Therain will be a ______(bless) for the farmers. 41. Yoursuggestion will _____(contributor) to solving the problem. 42. It is____(legislature) to buy a cigarettes in Britain if you are under 16. 43. This_____(exhaustion) study was conducted by the Royal Institute of Technology. 44. Inthese jungle areas, every day is a fight for ______(survivor). 45. Theyare seeking financial support from ______(variation) sources. 46. Thesemethods can help to increase students’______(motivate) and interest. 47. Thisadds to their knowledge about the _____(professor) they are pursuing. 48. Manyfirms are struggling to survive in a highly _____(compete) marketplace. 49. Angelawished she could think of some words of ____(unwise) for her friend, but hermind was a complete blank. 50. Shehas been _____(deliberate) ignoring him all day. 51. Waitingfor exam results is a time of great _____(anxious). 52. Thereis a general _____(believe) that things will soon get better. 53. Helooked distinctly ______ (comfort)when the subject was mentioned. 54. Isthere a French word that is the exact ____(equal) of the English word “home”? 55. You’dbetter not let your _____(image) run away with you. 56. Don’tever _____(threat) me again or I will seek ultimate justice. 57. He isseriously ill and unlikely to _____(cover). 58. We’retrying to ____(inspirational) him with confidence. 59. Thebook provides ______(value) information on recent trends. 60. Thewriter illustrates his point by _____(quotation) from a number of sources. 61. It isimproper to _____(difference) between pupils according to their familybackground. 62. Hehad been a strict father but was ______(indulge) to his grand grandchildren. 63. Weanticipate that we will meet a certain amount of ____(resistant) to our plan. 64. ____(establish)_____(music) have a ______(respond) to guide and assist your musicians. 65. Thisarticle has analyzed the _____(form) of crime psychology _____(theory). 66. It’svery foolish for the commander to expose his men to ______(necessity) risks. 67. Peopleare looking forward to stores with an _____(abundant) of commodity supplies. 68. Youngchildren usually have a ____(favor) soft object like a stuffed animal or ablanket. 69. Jackwanted to invite the beautiful girl out, but was ____(scare) that she wouldrefuse. 70. Asuccessful businessman made a small ____(donate) in his wife’s name. 71. TheGreat Sphinx in Egypt might have _____(origin) had the face of a lion, a UKgeologist claimed recently. 72. Thecountry has been in a very poor _____(economy) state ever since the decline ofits two major industries. 73. Weare in _____(precision) the same financial position as before. 74. Myparents never _____(hesitation) to tell me when I look bad. 75. Anattractive garden pond can be a _____(wonder) home for wildlife. 76. Theaccused man showed little sign of ____(emotionless) as he was sentenced. 77. Thereis widespread public _____(ignore) about how the disease is spread. 78. Therehas been a _____(completely) breakdown of trust and confidence. 79. TVhelps to relieve the _____(bore) of the long winter evenings. 80. Some groups,_____(name) students and pensioners, will benefit from the new tax. 81. Themain _____(characteristic) is a young girl from a small fishing village inJapan. 82. The____(tense) was becoming _____(bear), and I wanted to scream. 83. Hecould also be very disagreeable and say hard and ______(sourness) things. 84. Theroom was simply furnished and ____(please) to the eye. 85. Theusers may not want to spend the money or invest the time, to achieve ____(perfect). 86. Wegave a party to celebrate the successful _____(accomplish) of our task. 87. Her____(persist) work paid off when she was offered the job of manager. 88. Officialswho have too many things at their _____(dispose) will be easily corrupted. 89. Thedrug industry says its products are safe and ____(effect) for children. 90. As a_____(motivate) speaker, I love to share my story wherever opportunities becomeavailable. 91. Allthis should provide a spur to the waste industry and speed the ____(adopt) ofnew technology. 92. Ifyou have made an ____(appoint) with a customer, you should try to keep it. 93. Couldyou give me a ______(convince) reason why I am not allowed to accept thatscholarship? 94. Evenif the genes are not _____(initial) hazardous, you can’t imagine how they will___(evolution) 95. Thepersonnel department is responsible for drafting ______(recruit) policy. 96. Theteam enjoyed a high reputation for having had five ______(succeed) victories inthe World Championships. 97. I_____(despairing) of him, he can’t keep a job for more than six months. 98. Ihope the divorce won’t have a _______(negation) effect on the children. 99. Themayor has been meeting with city council members _____(individual). 100. The competition is a lot ____(tough)than what it was even a few year back. 101. There are a lot of other great things todo in this _____(credit) city. 102. For many people cars usually_____(symbol) personal problem. 103. It was only decided yesterday. It’s allbeen very _____(suddenly). 104. You can’t really _____(appreciative)foreign literature in translation. 105. I really enjoy the ______(purify) andbeauty of his writing. 106. He won standing ____(applaud) when heended his speech at the student center. 107. After a _____(shake) start, the hostteam fought back to win three-two. 108. I don’t want to sound _______(boast) butI always finish everything on time. 109. The government’s wrong policy in financeled the country into _____(economy) disaster, 110. They had an _____(arrange) that thechildren would spend two weeks with each parent. 111. The music festival is heavily_____(depend) on sponsorship for its success. 112. The expert’s speech gave us______(value) insight into the problems of education. 113. Nobody had much money at the time and Iwas no _____(except). 114. This computer is popular for its gooddesign and _____(easy) of use. 115. The school pays for heating and the____(maintain) of the buildings. 116. _____(consider) progress has been madein finding a cure for the disease. 117. It will be more ____(economy)to takepublic transport than to driver one’s own car. 118. Climate is the_____(accumulate) ofweather over a standard average of 30 years. 119. The coldness of the place was graduallyreplaced by light and ____(warm). 120. She stared up at him, as if asking forsome kind of _____(assure), her eyes not blinking. 121. I wasn’t complaining, I _____(mere) saidthat I was tired. 122. I discussed with my______(intimacy)friends whether I would immediately have a baby. 123. Technicians were examining the missileto ______ (determination) why it didn’t fire. 124. We thought that Egypt was an incredibly______(romance) country. 125. There is a _____(perceive) thatmanagement only wants to cut costs. 126. This type if work is not easy because itrequires ____(intensity) concentration. 127. Many women have abandoned their _______(tradition)role as wife and mother. 128. Businesses have become increasingly_____(rely) on complicated computin


【单选题】运动损伤的原因 不 正确的有( ) (2.0分)

【简答题】1. 查阅资料,填写G00、G01指令含义及使用格式。

【判断题】羽毛球是双打时,发球方队员脚踩线属于违规 (2.0分)

【简答题】根据多给主题句用比较法写出一个段落:There is a great difference between the western culture and the Chinese culture.

【简答题】请按照下列要求编写程序。 1、 编写一个Student类,包含name和age属性,提供有参构造方法。 2、 在Student类中,重写toString()方法,输出age和name的值。 3、 在Student类中,重写hashCode()和equals()方法 a. hashCode()的返回值是name的hash值与age的和。 b. equals()判断对象的name和age是否相同,相同则返回true不同返回false。 4、最后编写一个测试类,创建一个HashSet对象hs,向hs中添加多个Student对象,假设有两个Student对象相等,输出HashSet,观察是否添加成功。

【简答题】Nowadays Meituan take-out has become a widely accepted fashion. People prefer to call a take-out instead of cooking themselves. College students give up dining hall for it.(用因果或果因发扩展段落)

【简答题】根据所给主题句,用对比法扩展段落:There is a great difference between the western culture and the Chinese culture.


【简答题】阅读下面的程序,在下划线处填写正确代码,使程序可以编译运行 import java.util.*; class CollectionsDemo{ public static void main(String[] args){ List list = new Array(); list.add(“abc”); list.add(“ac”); list.add(“aac”) ________.sort(list); System.out.println(list); } }


【判断题】杀球是羽毛球运动中最具有杀伤力的进攻手段 (2.0分)


【简答题】请阅读下段代码 public static void main(String[] args) { Map hashMap = new HashMap(); hashMap.put("传智", "播客"); hashMap.put("务实", "创新"); for(Map.Entry entry:_________){ String key = entry.getKey(); String value = entry.getValue(); System.out.println("Key:"+key+" Value: "+value); } } 请补全下划线处代码,使main()方法能够正常运行。

【判断题】比赛使用何种球速的球应由运动员来选者确定 (2.0分)



【单选题】学生体育课中常规表现不正确的是( ) (2.0分)

【简答题】How do we recognize the kindness of strangers?


【单选题】运动损伤的原因 不 正确的有 (2.0分)


【填空题】LinkedList 的底层是由【】结构实现的


【填空题】画好课本P86图3-2.1后,拉伸,高度为10,生成实体。 然后点击菜单“分析”——测量体,选择拉伸的实体,将显示的体积数值、回转半径数值分别填写在两个空格中。 第一空:体积=( )mm^3 第二空:回转半径= ( )mm

本文标签: 的是下标数组接口正确