


This post was originally published on Coder-Coder.

该帖子最初发布在Coder-Coder上 。

If you’re teaching yourself how to code, you may have more questions than answers when you’re starting out.


What do you need to learn? How do you figure out how to fix bugs? And how do you stay motivated when it just seems like an impossible task?

您需要学习什么? 您如何找出解决错误的方法? 当看起来似乎不可能完成的任务时,您如何保持动力?

If you’re worried about your chances of success in coding, don’t fret. Check out these 10 tips — I hope they will encourage and motivate you!

如果您担心成功编写代码的机会,请不要担心。 查看这10条提示-希望它们会鼓励和激励您!

1.有一个具体的目标。 (1. Have a concrete goal in mind.)

One of the most common questions I get from people who want to be coders is, “What language should I learn?”


It’s understandable, but this is ultimately the wrong question to start with.


The first question you really should be asking is, “What is my end goal in learning to code?”


It’s like taking a vacation — no one goes on vacation without having a specific place that they want to go. And no one is learning to code just for the sake of learning to code. There’s always a reason.

这就像休假一样-没有人想去一个特定的地方去度假。 没有人会为了学习编码而学习编码。 总是有原因的。

You want to learn to code to… what?


Take some time and think about what your final goal is. Once you have it, you can then work your way backward and figure out what you need to do to accomplish it!

花一些时间思考一下您的最终目标是什么。 一旦掌握了它,就可以向后退,找出需要做的事情!

Still not sure what your goal in learning to code is? Here are some common ones:

仍然不确定您学习编码的目标是什么? 这是一些常见的:

  • I want to get a job at a company in my city to make a stable income.

  • I want to start my own business making websites for small businesses.

  • I want to make money by building mobile apps.

  • I want to work at a tech startup.


If you don’t want to waste time, and don’t want to wander aimlessly, you definitely need to determine what your #1 goal in all this is.


2.选择一个计划并坚持下去。 (2. Pick a plan and stick to it.)

One awesome part about teaching yourself coding online these days is that there are SO many tutorials and articles that you can learn from! You can learn anything by searching for videos or articles on that topic.

如今,有关如何自学在线编码的一个令人敬畏的部分是,您可以学到太多教程和文章! 通过搜索有关该主题的视频或文章,您可以学到任何东西。

However, the downside of that is that because there are so many resources available, it can be hard to find the best one. The sheer number can be understandably overwhelming.

但是,这样做的缺点是,由于可用资源太多,因此很难找到最佳资源。 纯粹的数字可以说是压倒性的。

My advice? Don’t worry about spending a ton of time looking for the number one absolute best tutorial on learning X, Y, or Z.

我的建议? 不用担心花费大量时间寻找学习X,Y或Z的绝对最佳教程。

Just pick one.


Even if it’s not the best in the world, it’s very likely to be at least reasonably good! It’s way more important that you go through and complete it, than making sure you have the best one.

即使它不是世界上最好的,它也至少有可能是合理的! 完成并完成它比确保拥有最好的方法更为重要。

And, let’s be honest — spending time buying online courses and jumping around can be thinly veiled procrastination and lack of focus.


Just pick something, and stick to it until the end (unless it’s truly terrible). You can always go through another tutorial video if you didn’t like the last one!

只是选择一些东西,并坚持到最后(除非这确实很糟糕)。 如果您不喜欢上一个教程的视频,则可以随时观看另一个教程视频!

3.这是一场马拉松,而不是短跑。 (3. It’s a marathon, not a sprint.)

There are a lot of blog posts and videos out there that promise that you can learn programming and land a job in 3 or 6 months. Now, it might be possible, but there are a lot of if’s.

那里有很多博客文章和视频,它们保证您可以在3到6个月内学习编程并找到工作。 现在,这是可能的,但是如果有很多的话。

If you don’t have to currently work full-time, if you have the money (coding bootcamps in particular cost upwards of $10,000), and if you can keep up with the pace… then yes, you might be able to land a full-time job as a web developer.


My problem with this is that over-promotion of this gives people a very optimistic picture of how easy it is to get into coding. And they are in for a rude awakening when they realize how difficult it actually is.

我的问题是,过度推广使人们对进入编码的难易程度非常乐观。 当他们意识到这实际上是多么困难时,他们就会粗鲁地醒来。

I do have friends who went through a bootcamp and were able to get a job as a programmer in a matter of months. But from the people I know or have heard who didn’t have the bootcamp experience and instead taught themselves, it took them much longer, like 1–2 years.

我的朋友确实经历了训练营,并在短短几个月内就可以当程序员。 但是,从我认识或听说过的人那里,他们没有训练营的经验,而是自学成才,这花费了他们更长的时间,例如1-2年。

If you want to hear a real-life story of someone teaching themselves to code, read my interview with Owen. He had a full-time job and a toddler but taught himself to code by waking up before the crack of dawn almost every day and grinding it out for two years.

如果您想听到有关某人自学编码的真实故事,请阅读我对Owen的采访 。 他有一份全职工作和一个蹒跚学步的孩子,但他几乎每天都在黎明之前醒来,然后磨了两年,自学了代码。

He did recently land a full-time web developer job, but it was after a long time of very, very hard work.


I’m not at all trying to discourage you but want to give you a more realistic picture of what learning to code is like. It’s definitely possible! But expect that it will take you a year or more to get where you want, not just a few months.

我并不是要阻止您,而是想让您更真实地了解学习编码的方式。 绝对有可能! 但是,期望您将需要一年或更长的时间才能到达所需的位置,而不仅仅是几个月。

4.缓慢而稳定地赢得比赛。 (4. Slow and steady wins the race.)

Now you know that learning to code is a pretty difficult process. But also try to avoid burning out as you burn that midnight or 5 am oil.

现在您知道学习编码是一个非常困难的过程。 但也要尽量避免在午夜或凌晨5点燃烧燃油时耗尽燃油。

Some people want to learn everything as quickly as possible, and start trying to put in 5 hours per day after getting off of work.


Again, while this might be possible for some people, it may be too much for others. There is a real danger of exhausting yourself and ending up quitting. And quitting is exactly what you want to avoid doing!

同样,尽管这对于某些人来说可能是可行的,但对另一些人来说可能太多了。 确实有使自己精疲力尽并最终退出的危险。 戒烟正是您想要避免的事情!

So how do you learn to code without burning out and quitting?


Aim for a sustainable amount of progress. Start slow, 30 minutes or 1 hour per day. Or something like 1–2 hours a few times a week.

争取可持续的进步。 每天慢30分钟或1小时开始。 或每周几次几次,例如1-2个小时。

Of course, the more time you can put in the more progress you can make. But if you start slow, you can progressively increase the amount of time you spend on coding.

当然,您可以投入更多的时间来取得更大的进步。 但是,如果您起步缓慢,则可以逐渐增加花费在编码上的时间。

And once you develop that habit, it will be easier to keep going on your path of learning, without giving up and quitting.


5.不要将自己的进步与他人进行比较…… (5. Don’t compare your progress to others…)

This is difficult advice to follow, but when you’re striving for a goal, try not to compare yourself to others.


On the one hand, it can be good to see how you stack up with other people doing the same thing as you. But on the other hand, in the age of constant social media, comparisons often leave you feeling discouraged.

一方面,最好能看到您是如何与其他与您做相同事情的人叠在一起的。 但另一方面,在不断使用社交媒体的时代,进行比较经常会使您感到沮丧。

The key for succeeding is to keep your head down and not to worry about other people’s progress. Just worry about your own.

成功的关键是保持低调,不要担心别人的进步。 只是担心自己。

Other people may learn faster or slower than you, and that’s fine. Everyone has a different life situation and a different pace of learning.

其他人可能比你学得更快或更慢,这很好。 每个人都有不同的生活状况和学习进度。

The less you think about how you compare with others, the more you’ll be able to focus on your own path.


…但是要和你的同龄人交朋友! (… but make friends with your peers!)

Even though you shouldn’t constantly compare yourself to others, I’m not at all advocating that you completely shut yourself off from the rest of the world.


In fact, if you’re learning to code online by yourself, it can quickly get very lonely.


Finding others who are doing the same thing you are, and making friends with them, can be an important source of motivation.




Well, for one thing, knowing that there are others out there who are struggling with the same issues you are can be hugely encouraging.


And friends can help each other out with problems. Having more than one point of view can help find a better solution, rather than only being dependent on yourself.

和朋友可以互相帮助解决问题。 有一个以上的观点可以帮助找到更好的解决方案,而不仅仅是依靠自己。

If you’re learning to code in a physical school, try to study together with other students. If you’re learning online, try to find coding communities, whether in Meetups, Facebook groups dedicated to web development, or on social media like Instagram.

如果您正在体育学校学习编码,请尝试与其他学生一起学习。 如果您正在在线学习,请尝试在Meetups,致力于网络开发的Facebook小组或Instagram等社交媒体上找到编码社区。

Building friendships and connections will help you to stay motivated while you’re pursuing your goals, and you can help motivate others as well!


6.养成使编码适合您的日程安排的习惯。 (6. Make a habit of fitting coding into your daily schedule.)

It can be really hard to find the time to code. After all, we all lead very busy lives, right?

很难找到时间进行编码。 毕竟,我们所有人过着非常忙碌的生活,对吗?

But if you can develop the habit of coding every day or a few times a week, you will be on the right path.


Developing habits (whether good or bad) is like blazing a trail in the wilderness. The first time you walk down that trail, it’s difficult because there’s no clear path. But the more times you walk down that trail, the clearer it will get over time. Finally, after a long time, the trail will be clear, flat, and easy to walk on.

养成习惯(无论好坏)就像在旷野开辟一条小路。 第一次沿着那条路走,很困难,因为没有明确的道路。 但是,沿着这条路走的次数越多,随着时间的推移,它越清晰。 最终,经过很长一段时间,这条小径将变得平坦,平坦且易于行走。

Creating a habit is like that — the first few times you sit down to code it will probably be very difficult. But if you keep at it, your brain gets used to the pattern. And our brains like routines, so you’ll find that over time it will feel easier to start the habit.

养成这样的习惯-最初几次坐下来编写代码可能会非常困难。 但是,如果坚持下去,大脑就会习惯这种模式。 而且我们的大脑就像是例行公事,因此随着时间的流逝,您会发现开始养成这种习惯会更容易。

There are a few ways you can try to get habits to stick.


One main one is to set a “trigger” that will happen right before your new habit. For example, you could try to fit coding into your morning routine by sitting down at your desk to code right after you make your first cup of coffee or tea for the day.

一个主要的方法是设置一个“触发”,该触发将在您的新习惯出现之前发生。 例如,您可以尝试在一天的第一杯咖啡或茶后坐在办公桌旁进行编码,以使编码适合您的早晨例行工作。

Or, in the evening you could start working on coding right after finishing cleaning up after dinner time.


Whatever it is, the key to continuing a habit is to keep repeating it over time.


7.学习如何研究主题和解决问题。 (7. Learn how to research topics and solve problems.)

Knowing how to problem-solve on your own is one of the most important, if not THE most important skill you can have as a web developer.


You might think that experienced web devs know the answers to everything right away. That’s not true at all!

您可能会认为经验丰富的Web开发人员会立即知道所有问题的答案。 那根本不是真的!

While of course they may know some things by heart, there is a lot that they still look up on Google (or DuckDuckGo). This is definitely true for myself, and I’ve been in the industry for 7 years now!

尽管他们当然可以内心地了解一些事情,但仍然有很多他们在Google(或DuckDuckGo)上查询。 这对我自己绝对是正确的,并且我从事该行业已有7年了!

So now that you know the secret of web developers, how can you become good at this all-important skill?




When you get stuck, before you try asking for help, spend some time searching for the problem you’re having or the error message you’re getting.


I’ll often search for “X doesn’t work” because it will turn up Stack Overflow posts of people who’ve run into the same problem as I have.

我经常搜索“ X无效”,因为它会出现与我遇到相同问题的人的Stack Overflow帖子。

Another tip is to look up and read through any documentation of the tool or software that you can find.


And, even once you find the solution, if you have additional time, do some research in the general area. By doing this, you will turn every annoying bug fix into an opportunity to enhance your skills.

而且,即使您找到了解决方案,如果还有更多时间,也可以在常规领域进行一些研究。 通过这样做,您将把所有烦人的错误修复变成提高技能的机会。

Think of it this way — the first time you have to look up a problem, it might take you 3 hours to finally find the solution. If you remember how you got there, the next time you encounter the same problem, it should take you far less time.

以这种方式思考-第一次必须查找问题时,可能需要3个小时才能最终找到解决方案。 如果您还记得到达那里的方式,那么下次您遇到相同的问题时,它应该花的时间要少得多。

Learning how to fix the most frequent issues that you get stuck on will make you a faster and more efficient web developer.


8.不要只看教程,而是制作东西! (8. Don’t just watch tutorials — build stuff!)

One of the most tempting pitfalls when learning to code is reading lots of tutorials and watching lots of videos, but never actually practicing the actual skills you’re learning.


Consider this — if you talked to someone who said they were training to run, but it turned out that they almost never run, you’d start thinking they’re all talk, right? Sure, you can spend some time learning techniques and figuring out what types of shoes you need. But at some point, the rubber has to hit the road.

考虑一下-如果您与某人说他们正在训练跑步,但事实证明他们几乎从未跑步,您会开始以为他们都在说话,对吧? 当然,您可以花一些时间学习技术,并弄清楚您需要哪种鞋子。 但是在某些时候,橡胶必须上路。

It’s the same with web development. Yes, it’s of course very important to learn coding skills and maybe even get some tools and software that will help make it easier. But if you’re spending all your time passively going through tutorials, you’re actually not learning anything.

Web开发也是如此。 是的,学习编码技能,甚至可能获得一些有助于简化编程的工具和软件,当然非常重要。 但是,如果您花费所有时间被动地学习教程,那么您实际上并没有学到任何东西。

I learned web development on the job — I didn’t actually have the option of browsing YouTube for cool coding videos. No time for that! I had deadlines to meet, and I had to figure out how to get my webpage working before then.

我在工作中学习了网络开发-实际上,我没有选择浏览YouTube以获得酷炫的编码视频的选择。 没有时间了! 我有最后期限要开会,在那之前我必须弄清楚如何使我的网页正常工作。

It was a trial by fire, and it was definitely stressful. But in retrospect, it was the best way that I could have learned. In a couple of years working as a web developer, I had learned a ton of practical skills. And it was all by building stuff!

这是一次大火,绝对压力很大。 但回想起来,这是我本可以学到的最好方法。 在作为Web开发人员的几年中,我学到了大量的实践技能。 这都是通过构建东西!

So, my advice to you is:


Tutorials and books are fine, even great things. But once you’ve finished a section or chapter, press pause. Crack open your code editor, and go back through what you’ve learned. Try to replicate any of the examples that the material was teaching you.

教程和书籍很好,甚至很棒。 但是,当您完成一节或章节后,请按暂停键。 破解您的代码编辑器,然后重新学习。 尝试复制该材料在教您的任何示例。

It’ll be much harder than reading or listening, but I promise you, practicing in real life will make sure that the concepts will stick.


9.容易失败。 (9. Be open to failure.)

Failure sucks. We all want to do well, and not to make mistakes.

失败很烂。 我们所有人都想做得好,不要犯错误。

But avoiding failure and mistakes is actually a terrible way of moving forward. Because it’s only through messing up that we will learn how to do the right thing.

但是,避免失败和错误实际上是前进的可怕方式。 因为只有搞砸了,我们才能学习如何做正确的事情。

When I was starting out as a junior web developer, I had a huge fear of messing up. If I got stuck on something, I hated feeling like I had to ask my boss for help, because it meant admitting that I had failed to do it on my own.

当我刚开始是一名初级Web开发人员时,我非常担心弄乱。 如果我卡在某个东西上,我会讨厌自己不得不向老板寻求帮助,因为这意味着要承认我自己没有做到。

Or even worse, if I made a mistake, especially if it affected a live website, that was one of the worst things. Because then I had really made a huge mistake!

甚至更糟的是,如果我犯了一个错误,特别是如果它影响了一个实时网站,那是最糟糕的事情之一。 因为那时我确实犯了一个巨大的错误!

In those situations, my immediate reaction was that I didn’t want anyone to know that I had failed.


But, I knew even more, that the quickest (and most honest) way to fix the situation itself was to come clean and talk to my boss to get help.


Obviously, this will depend on your work environment, but in my own experience, I never got into trouble even when making mistakes or admitting I didn’t know how to do something.


Being afraid of failure can lead you to try to stay “safe” and avoid situations where you could potentially make a mistake. However, this will lead you to not grow as much as you could.

害怕失败会导致您尝试保持“安全”并避免可能出错的情况。 但是,这将导致您无法尽可能地增长。

Even though it’s difficult, keep pushing through and keep trying. If you make a mistake, it’s ok! For coding, it’s very unlikely that you’re in a literal life and death situation. The most probable outcome is that you will be left feeling foolish or getting criticism.

即使很困难,也要继续努力并继续努力。 如果您输入有误,没关系! 对于编码,您几乎不可能处于生死存亡的境地。 最可能的结果是您将变得愚蠢或受到批评。

And that’s your ego. Put your ego to the side and embrace failure. (This is advice I’m also trying to follow myself — it’s not easy!) If we can be open to failure and making mistakes, we will be much better for it in the long run!

那就是你的自我。 将自我放在一边,拥抱失败。 (这是我也在努力追随自己的建议-这不容易!)如果我们可以容忍失败和犯错,从长远来看,我们会做得更好!

10.总是学习。 (10. Always be learning.)

Never stop learning.


When you’re beginning, the world of web development can seem extremely overwhelming, because there are seemingly hundreds of skills that you need to learn.


Once you’ve been learning and practicing for a while, you may start to feel more comfortable. While that is a good thing, because it means you’re growing more skills and developing more confidence in yourself, don’t become stagnant!

学习和练习一段时间后,您可能会开始感到更加舒适。 虽然这是一件好事,但因为这意味着您正在培养更多的技能并对自己拥有更多的信心,所以请不要停滞不前!

The industry we’re in is constantly changing. And if you don’t change with it for a long enough time, you may make yourself obsolete.

我们所处的行业正在不断变化。 而且,如果您长时间没有使用它进行更改,则可能会使自己过时。

As an example, I had gotten pretty good at building layouts using the CSS float property. I had heard about flexbox, and co-workers of mine had even talked about how great it is.

举例来说,我已经非常擅长使用CSS float属性来构建布局。 我听说过flexbox,而我的同事们甚至都在谈论它的强大之处。

But I was hesitant to spend time learning about this new technology. If I’m honest, it was because I was too lazy to learn something new if I didn’t absolutely have to.

但是我很犹豫,花时间学习这项新技术。 如果说实话,那是因为如果我不是绝对必须的,我懒得学习新的东西。

Finally, I did end up learning flexbox. It didn’t take very long and the second I got it, I was kicking myself for not learning it a long while ago.

最后,我确实学习了flexbox。 并没有花很长时间,第二秒钟我就明白了,因为不久前我没有学习它就踢自己。

Now, I’ve understood the importance of staying up to date with technologies. While delaying learning flexbox didn’t really hurt my career, imagine if I never learned it at all! At some point, I wouldn’t be very marketable as a web developer.

现在,我已经了解了保持最新技术的重要性。 虽然延迟学习flexbox并没有真正伤害我的职业,但是想想我是否从没学过! 在某个时候,作为一个Web开发人员,我的市场规模不会很大。

Now, don’t feel like you have to learn every single language, tool, and skill that exists in the world (unless you really want to). What you can do is try to learn the new tools that have become so widely used that they are in the mainstream.

现在,您不必不必学习世界上存在的每一种语言,工具和技能(除非您真的想要)。 您可以做的是尝试学习已广泛使用以至于成为主流的新工具。

For instance, React.js and Node.js came out years ago, and are now dominating the industry. Those would be good stacks to learn right now if you haven’t already.

例如,React.js和Node.js几年前问世,现在在整个行业中占据主导地位。 如果您还没有的话,那将是现在学习的好堆栈。

So how do you find out what’s popular?


Here are some of the ways that I keep up:


  • is a podcast by Wes Bos and Scott Tolinski. Really fantastic — they talk about what’s new in web dev, as well as other relevant topics.

    Syntax.fm是Wes Bos和Scott Tolinski的播客。 真是太棒了–他们谈论Web开发人员的新功能以及其他相关主题。

  • CSS Tricks has tons of articles and tutorials on using CSS. Its creator, Chris Coyier, also helped created, a web development playground.

    CSS Tricks提供了大量有关使用CSS的文章和教程。 它的创建者Chris Coyier还帮助创建了Web开发场所 。

  • Stack Overflow releases a survey on the state of web development every year. It’s a good way to keep up to date on what’s doing well and what is getting obsolete.

    Stack Overflow每年都会发布有关Web开发状态的调查 。 这是保持最新进展的好方法。

  • Smashing Magazine talks about all sorts of topics in web development, UX/UI, and web design.

    Smashing Magazine讨论了Web开发,UX / UI和Web设计中的各种主题。

去做就对了! (Just do it!)

I hope these tips have helped you feel less anxious and more excited about learning web development!


The last tip is to just do it. Even if you don’t know exactly what you’re doing, don’t let that stop you. Start somewhere, and you’ll figure out more as you go along.

最后一个提示就是做到这一点。 即使您不完全知道自己在做什么,也不要让它阻止您。 从某个地方开始,然后您会发现更多。

想要更多? (Want more?)

? Read more tutorials on my blog, coder-coder.? Sign up here to get emails about new articles.? Join 25,000+ others — Follow @thecodercoder on Instagram.? Check out coding tutorials on my YouTube channel.

? 在我的博客c oder-coder上阅读更多教程。 ? 请点击此处以获取有关新文章的电子邮件。 ? 加入25,000多个其他人- 在Instagram上关注@th ecodercoder。 ? 在我的YouTube频道上查看编码教程。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp/news/10-tips-for-success-when-youre-learning-to-code-65ff55a52bed/


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