


Some people always follow their dreams even if the dreams are ambitious. Some think we should focus on achieving realistic goals.

Some people may argue that realistic goals may seem relatively easier to achieve and can be more motivated to work harder. However, from my perspective, even though some dreams may be considered ambitious or quite unrealistic, as long as we make a very specific plan to achieve them, we will also feel equally motivated by every little progress we have made on the way toward the ultimate goal.

When parents cannot afford time to accompany with their children, they could choose to send their children to child-care center where many children are cared together; or they could send their children to an individual caregiver. Which one is better?

Opponents argue that an individual caregiver could pay more attention to children and enable them to own a more considerate care, while in child-care center, a few caregivers may have to take care of twenty children, which makes it harder for teachers to give each child full attention. However, if parents could find a good child-care center equipped with experienced and qualified caregivers, children in child-care center could get as considerate care as children sent to individual caregivers. Besides, they could also develop social ability from a younger age since most of them do not have the opportunity to social and play with other children.

From what has been discussed above we could come to the conclusion that in order to make children grow up better, sending children to child-care center could bring much more benefits than to individual caregiver.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The most important thing people learned is from families.

It is undeniable that families are always the first teachers to instill moral values into individual mind, which inspires people to be honest and positive. However, this advantage seems to be minor in comparison with the great influence and benefits from school and society. As long as the person accepts advanced education and participates in meaningful social activities, he could form right values towards life as well as master competitive skills and knowledge which prepare him for a promising future.

To put all into a nutshell, I hold firm believes that school or society equips people with more important things than families do.


High school students should be required to study many different subjects at same time, or they should study only three or four subjects at a time.

Although taking lots of subjects at same time can be tired for students, various subjects could achieve mastery through a comprehensive study of the subject, which can show the superiority in deeper learning and help student easily to learn new theories. Meanwhile, students can relax themselves by doing some sports and attending music club on weekends, both of which can wipe out pressures of students and help them maintain productivity in school.

From these reasons that I mentioned above; we can come to the conclusion that high school students should be required to study lots of different subjects. Learning knowledge can benefit students’ future development and vice versa, the students could cultivate the capacity of multitasking.

High school students should be required to study many different subjects at same time or they should study only three or four subjects at a time.

Conversely, someone may raise counterarguments against me, holding the untenable reason that studying many different subjects at the same time will waste high school students a lot of time. Admittedly, students will put much more efforts in studying more than three or four courses, but as long as students improve their study efficiency, this problem can be easily solved. Furthermore, in the long run, if students can find what they are really interested in, then they will have more specific aims in future study. Thus, it is beneficial for students to study many different subjects at the same time.

To sum up, studying at the same time can help students find their interests and broaden their horizon. If it were me, I would like to raise my efficiency to study more courses.


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Primary school students (5-10 years old) should do no more than 30 minutes of homework per night because they already get enough instruction at school in the day.

Education, especially primary school education, shapes the future of a person. The study interests and habits nurtured in primary school period would continue to pose influence on students’ future study and work. Young students’ study load has always been intensively discussed. Some people are of the opinion that primary school students should spend 30 minutes at most per night doing homework, since they already had enough instructions at school. As far as I am concerned, 30 minutes’ homework time is sufficient for primary school students to nurture good study habits and interest.

First, spending no more than 30 minutes doing homework everyday would help students to form good study habits during their formative years, especially on time management and learning efficiency. It is well acknowledged that a good time management skill could make sure students stay focused during certain time slot on their tasks and avoid being distracted all the time. In this case, keeping homework time within 30 minutes can effectively motivate students to complete their homework more efficiently. To achieve higher efficiency, they would plan and prioritize their tasks and complete them on time. In return, students can enjoy a balanced study and life, which not only allows them to make good use of spare time and enjoy all kinds of afterschool activities like playing football or watching movies with friends, but also encourages children to be more concentrated on the 30 minutes’ study time at night.

Moreover, since students are studying hard at school in the daytime, a 30-minute homework time constraint is reasonable for the sake of maintaining students’ learning interest and motivation. School work is stressful for most students. Younger students, primary school students in this case, tend to be more vulnerable under pressure. If they come home with tons of extra homework after a long day of study, they would not hold long before they start being rebellious and lose interest toward study. When I was a primary school student, my favorite Math teacher Ms. Lim was strict to us in class, but at the same time, she always finished all the teaching and practicing within class time. Making sure every student had absorbed and understood the knowledge and leaving us only several practices to finish at night. She believed that it is the best way to generate interests and trigger active learning among students. Her strategy did work, since my classmates looked forward to her class every day.

The most important purpose of primary school education is to create an atmosphere that encourages active learning so as to achieve satisfaction learning outcome. Giving students more time after school by giving them less homework which requires no more than 30 minutes’ work is surely an effective way.

After high school, students should have at least one year to work or travel. It's better than attending university straight away.

Although taking a gap year to work or travel can help students to realize their interests and relax themselves from pressures, those can also be achieved by attending college clubs, which can also broaden the horizon and release oneself from stress. Meanwhile, the works for students without college diplomas are too simple to be helpful for major declaration, and one-year travel is also too expansive to afford for most students. Therefore, it is unrealistic for students to take a gap year before attending university.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Government, instead of individuals, should cover Internet fees.

Admittedly, covering Internet fees would cause a heavy financial burden to the government. If the government decides to cover Internet fees for the whole country, a huge amount of money would be spent on installing Internet devices for those areas, which do not have Internet construction first. This is an extra cost. However, we should also see that covering Internet fees could enable poor children to get better education and to learn some skills. Thus, those children would have abilities to create a better life by themselves. This is a very efficient way for the government to decrease the number of poor people and this matters a lot for a country. Thus, the benefits of covering Internet fees weigh out the financial burden. To sum up, it is high time for the government to cover Internet fees.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Government, instead of individuals, should cover Internet fees.

Admittedly, covering Internet fee may place more burden on government, especially when strained public finance is taken into consideration. However, as long as the government establish detailed and sensible budget to improve the efficiency of utilizing capital, the financial problems would be overcome. From long-term perspective, advanced technology and harmonious society would boost economic development, thus relieving the financial pressure of the government.

To put all into a nutshell, I hold the firm belief that government, instead of individuals, are supposed to take the responsibility for internet fee.

1008 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? All university students should be required to take a public speaking course.

University education has been long taken as elite education where students spend four years delving deep into subjects they major in and become experts in respective fields. University students could develop various skills to achieve self-improvement. Some people argue that public speaking course could help cultivate students' personal ability, thus all undergraduates should take the course while others may take the opposite side. I prefer the idea that taking a public speaking course can be of good use to all students considering the confidence and communication skills the course could bring.

First, a public speaking course could help students conquer stage fright and speak in public with confidence. With professional training on language use, presentation skills, gestures and alike, students would be more comfortable speaking in front of audience. Moreover, students would be more willing to express their ideas and raise their questions in public, which is beneficial for all students' university study and even future career path. For example, I learned a lot of public speaking skills from my coach in debate team. and all the skills posed far-reaching influence on my university life. We were trained to utilize different tones and speed to help emphasize our goal of speech and catch audience's attention. Besides, speech structures and logics are also underlined while speaking in public, since the ultimate goal of a speech is always to inform audience the content we are presenting. After a semester's training, my teammates and 1, from all different majors in the university, become more confident and comfortable in public speaking. With such experience, I am firmly convinced that all students should be required to take public speaking course.

What is more, students' communication skills, a vital skill for all university students, would be boosted after taking a public speaking course. Since public speaking usually involves audience, speakers need to efficiently convey their ideas to audience. Therefore, in the process of learning to interact with audience, students would practice communicating with people and getting their attention. Due to the fact that most students are too shy to practice public speaking skills alone back in their dormitories, a required course seems more useful in pushing them forward. We can imagine that in a public speaking class, students would be grouped to practice public speaking or give presentations. During the process, students need to communicate with group members about speech topics, on-stage manners, and delivery of information. After presentation, professors are very likely to organize a discussion on the performance of each group. Therefore, communication skills would be trained and improved both before giving a speech, and after giving speeches. Students from all majors and backgrounds should all take advantage of the course to improve communication skills.

From the reasons mentioned above, a public speaking course is surely of great importance for all undergraduate students. Therefore, schools should require all students to take the course.



Students could receive a better, more efficient education if they spend 11 months a year studying.

It is attempting to think the more time a student spends on his studies, the better an education he/she can hope to receive. However, I hold the opposite opinion that it is impossible for a student to get a better education by excessively studying 11 months a year. More schooling does not necessarily equate a better education as education encompasses a rich array of aspects other than simply knowledge from textbooks.

A longer period study contributes very little to a better education. It has been reported that people cannot focus one thing for more than a few hours at a time. If they force themselves to stretch their attention span, then their physical condition deteriorates, leading to a decline in efficiency and productivity, be it at work or at study. It is not surprising, for example, that a skilled flutist might have difficulty in controlling her armature and overall posture for hours without drifting her focus to other less important things, like the hot guy in the trumpet section. A programmer, however skillful in coding, could not tease out a single bug after spending more than ten hours in front of the computer. Similarly, if students were forced to sit in the classroom for more than the regular school year of 8 months, listening to monotonous lectures one after another, they would soon become exhausted and even rebellious to such an unreasonable arrangement. They will become absent-minded in class and slack off on homework assignments. In contrast, if students take several months off after a normal semester of intense work, they can charge their batteries and return to the next semester, more engaged and rejuvenated.

The second reason for my stance is that the best education occurs outside of school. A several-month long summer break, for example, will allow students to go outside of their typical environment and to get in touch with the real world. They gain the opportunities to travel and socialize with people they normally wouldn’t interact with. These meaningful experiences offer an education that students could never hope to receive at school. I once met a person during my own summer vacation who was volunteering at a non-profit organization aimed at helping children from less privileged families. She sacrificed a high-paying job offer from a multinational company to devote her time wholeheartedly to helping those children. The encounter made me realize the power of dreams and how certain aspirations can motivate a person to leave behind materialistic desires, such as a stable job. Another example is a boy whom I met in Beijing. He was brought up in an orphanage as he lost his parents at an early age. But he remained optimistic and always wore the biggest smile on his face. We chatted and joked often. His sunny nature taught me that true happiness lies not in one’s circumstances, but in one’s state of mind. No matter how meager lives we lead, a simple smile can keep us happy from within. Those are precious lessons that I have stayed with me to this day. If I myself hadn’t gone on a vacation, I would have missed the education of a lifetime and become a very different person today.

Therefore, 11 months of education per year amounts to a harmful plan. I would encourage students to take breaks and take them often.

It is tempting to think the more time a students spends on his studies, the better an education he/she can hope to achieve. However, I hold the opposite opinion, it is impossible for a student to get a better education by excessively studying 11 months a year. More schooling does not necessary equate a better education as education encompasses a rich array of aspects rather than simple knowledge from text books.


本文标签: TOEFL