

单选题 (每题1分,共112道题)

1、 [单选] 在项目的规划阶段,所需的外部和内部资源会发生冲突,若要解决这个问题,项目经理应该做什么?
During a projects planning phase,required external and internal resources are conflict.What should the project manager do to receive this?

  •  A:根据经验教训建立结构 Develop a structure based on lessons learne
  •  B:创建责任分配矩阵(RAM) Create a responsibility assignment matrix(RAM).
  •  C:生成执行、负责、咨询和知情(RACI)图 Generate a responsible.accountable,consult,and inform(RACI)chart.
  •  D:查看传统的组织结构图 Review a traditional organizational chart.

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:PMBOK(6)P317- 责任分配矩阵-RACI矩阵。RACI(执行、负责、咨询和知情)矩阵是RAM的其中一种类型,在团队是由内部和外部人员组成的情况下,RACI 矩阵对明确划分角色和职责特别有用。因此选C。 其他选项:AD不对,B责任分配矩阵是正确的,但是RACI明显更加精准,因为它可以针对这种有外部和内部资源同时存在的情况,非常有效。

2、 [单选] 一位相关方不同意月度状态报告,并要求项目经理每周亲自告知他们项目的状态,项目经理首先应该怎么做?
A stakeholder disagrees with the monthly status report and asks the project manager to personally inform them of the project's status on a weekly basis. What should the project manager do first?

  •  A:修改状态报告的形式和频率,以满足该相关方的需求 Modify the form and frequency of the status reports to accommodate the stakeholder needs
  •  B:寻求与该相关方达成协议以管理他们的期望 Seek agreement with the stakeholder to manage their expectations
  •  C:审查相关方参与计划,以重新审视该相关方的需求 Review the stakeholder engagement plan to revisit the stakeholder needs
  •  D:与该相关方会面以说明状态报告的详细信息 Meet with the stakeholder to explain the details of the status reports

正确答案:C 你的答案:C


6、 [单选] 在开工会议期间,一些相关方对项目管理计划的不同方面提出异议,在解决所有异议后,项目团队收到对计划的支持,发起人和相关方承诺完全支持该项目。这属于下面哪一项的实例?
During a kick-off meeting,some stakeholders raised objections about different aspects of the project management plan.After addressing all objections,the project team received support of the plan,and the sponsor andstakeholders fully committed to the project.Of what is this an example?

  •  A:精力充沛的相关方 Energetic stakeholders.
  •  B:有效的规划和沟通 Effective planning and communication.
  •  C:高效的团队协作 Efficient team collaboration.
  •  D:相关方关系的复杂性 Complexity of stakeholder relationships.

正确答案:B 你的答案:B


7、 [单选] 一家保安公司正在免费为当地的避难所实施门禁控制。营销团队计划通过善意的宣传活动,确保整体覆盖-包括广播和电视广告,并让避难所及其发起人参与。这描述的是哪一项风险应对策略?
A security firm is implementing access control at a local shelters at no charge. The marketing team plans a goodwill campaign ensuring press coverage, including radio and television features, and engagement with the shelter and its sponsors. Which risk response strategy does this describe?

  •  A:风险分析 Risk exploiting
  •  B:风险增强 Risk enhancement
  •  C:风险接受 Risk acceptance
  •  D:风险分摊 Risk sharing

正确答案:D 你的答案:D


9、 [单选] 一个新产品开发项目运行了将近六个月。最近,你接替了前项目经理。随后,你听到项目团队谈论先前批准的范围,以及即便有强大的变更控制流程,需求还是不断变化。你应该怎么做?
A new product development project is running for almost six months. Recently, you replaced the former project manager and ever since, you were hearing the project team istalking about changes in the previously approved scope and the ever-changing requirements, despite the robust change-control process in place. What should you do? .

  •  A:考虑改变开发方法 Consider changing the development approach
  •  B:拒绝所有即将发生的变更 Reject all upcoming changes
  •  C:重新审视变更管理流程 Revisit the change management process
  •  D:告诉团队只要有资金就欢迎所有变更 Inform the team to welcome all changes as long as they are funded

正确答案:A 你的答案:A


10、 [单选] 项目经理加入一个项目,该项目正处于实施阶段,曾遭遇重大延期,预算超支和范围蔓延。项目经理希望在即将举行的变更控制委员会(CCB)会议上讨论一项变更,该变更将会让项目回到正轨。 项目经理在CCB会议上应说什么?
The project manager adds a project that is in the implementation phase and has endured a major delay, budget overruns and scope spreading. The project manager hopes to discuss a change at the upcoming Change Control Board (CCB) meeting, which will get the project back on track. What should the project manager say at the CCB meeting?

  •  A:变更成本及其对进度计划的影响 Changed cost and its impact on the schedule
  •  B:变更成本和财务效益 Changed cost and financial benefits
  •  C:对变更日志及进度计划的影响 Impact on the Change Log and Schedule
  •  D:对变更日志的影响及变更的财务效益 Impact on the Change Log and financial benefits of such change

正确答案:A 你的答案:A


14、 [单选] 在为主承包商建设一个场地时,项目经理得知确定施工方法所使用的信息是过时的,项目经理首先应该怎么做?
While establishing a site for the primary contractor , the project manager realizes that outdated information was used to determine the construction method What should the project manager do first?

  •  A:更新问题日志 Update the issue log
  •  B:将其添加到经验教训储存库中 Add this to the lessons learned repository
  •  C:寻求专家的专业支持 Seek specialized support from experts
  •  D:开展过程改进活动 Conduct process improvement activities

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P132- 问题日志 题目问题是“首先”要做什么, 结合选项,A是需最先要做的, 发现问题,先记录。在整个项目生命周期中,项目经理通常会遇到问题,应该用问题日志记录并跟踪问题。 其他选项:BCD都在更新问题日志后面再做。

15、 [单选] 你即将开始一个项目。你参与过许多传统项目,这将是你的第一个敏捷项目。你负责根据项目章程管理项目。你知道公司刚刚签署了项目章程,是由谁签署的?
You are just about to start the project. You have worked on many traditional projects and this will be your first agile project. You are assigned to manage the project with the project charter. You know that the organization has just signed the Project Charter. Who signs the Project Charter?

  •  A:产品负责人 The Product Owner
  •  B:项目经理 The Project Manager
  •  C:高级管理层 The Senior Management
  •  D:Scrum主管 The Scrum Master

正确答案:C 你的答案:C


17、 [单选] 在与新组建的团队启动项目后不久,项目经理发现团队成员对意见分歧极为直言不讳。若要在团队建设过程中鼓励进展,项目经理应该怎么做?
Shortly after kicking off a project with a newly formed team, the project manager discovers that team members are extremely vocal about differences of opinion. To encourage progression through the team building process,What should the project manager do ?

  •  A:要求团队成员专注于完成任务 Ask team members to focus on task completion
  •  B:营造一个反馈和肯定的环境,巩固支持团队的习惯 Foster an environment of feedback and affirmation to solidify habit that support the team
  •  C:强调团队成员之间达成共识以尽量减少冲突的重要性 Stress the importance of consensus among team members to minimize conflict
  •  D:经常审查并评团队和项目绩效 Frequently review and evaluate team and project performance

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:PMBOK(6)P336-9.4建设团队。建设团队是提高工作能力,促进团队成员互动,改善团队整体氛围,以提高项目绩效的过程。 其他选项选项A:忽略团队之间出现的冲突不可取选项C:同选项A,忽略冲突不可取,良性的冲突有助于团队成员提高绩效,开拓思路选项D:团队绩效评估,是对团队建设效果的评价,在选项B之后。

18、 [单选] Mia正准备参加冲刺回顾会议时被发起者拦住了。他问Mia会议的内容,有谁参加会议。Mia告诉他,参加冲刺回顾会议的人包括:
Mia was entering the sprint retrospective meeting when she was stopped by the sponsor. He asked Mia what the meeting was about and who all are the participants. Mia told that following roles are the attendees at the sprint retrospective meeting:

  •  A:Scrum主管,团队 Scrum Master, Team
  •  B:产品负责人,Scrum主管,团队,客户 Product Owner, Scrum Master, Team, Customer
  •  C:产品负责人,PMO,团队 Product Owner, PMO, Team
  •  D:产品负责人,Scrum主管,团队 Product Owner, Scrum Master, Team

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:关键词:冲刺回顾会议考点:冲刺回顾会的参与人员。在敏捷里面会有鸡和猪的角色,猪是敏捷团队成员,包括PO,SM,DevTeam;鸡是团队外的人,利益相关方,领导等等,也就是可能会对项目有直接影响的人。冲刺回顾会由Scrum团队的所有成员即猪的角色参加。A选项 少了PO;B选项 多了客户;C选项 多了PMO,少了Scrum Master

19、 [单选] 一个IT项目的客户坚持使用来自某个地区供应商的许可软件,在项目开始之前,合同中定义了不同的供应商和原产国。项目经理应该做什么?
The client for an IT project insists on using licensed software from a vendor from a certain region.A different vendor and country of origin were defined in the contract prior to the project's start. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:与客户分享合同协议 Share the contract agreement with the client.
  •  B:通知客户已经采购该软件 Inform the client that the software was already purchase
  •  C:从采购团队获得该地区的软件供应商清单 Obtain a list of software vendors from that region from the procurement team.
  •  D:提出一项变更请求,以符合客户的偏好 Initiate a change request to comply with the client's preference.

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:PMBOK(6)P489- 协议。 客户提出新要求,项目经理应该和客户先看合同,如果必要,让客户提出变更 其他选项:先A,必要时再D,然后再考虑CB

20、 [单选] 两个团队成员之间的沟通不畅正在影响项目的进展。项目经理首先应该做什么?
Miscommunication between two team members is affecting a project'sprogress. What should the project manager do first?

  •  A:培训存在无效沟通问题的团队成员 Train the team members who are ineffectively communicating
  •  B:要求将所有沟通发布到团队协作板上 Require that all communications are posted to a team collaboration board
  •  C:遵循沟通管理计划 Follow the communications management plan
  •  D:与团队开会,以评估当前的沟通方式 Meet with the team to assess current communication styles

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:PMBOK(6)P392- 会议。沟通存在问题,首先先评估当前的方式是否有问题以及影响,必要的时候发起变更。其他选项:已经出了问题,就不能再遵循沟通管理计划,也不能遵循原沟通计划进行培训,因此AC不对,B在D的后面。

21、 [单选] 项目经理正在领导一个项目,扩建一个小镇上的制造工厂。在上次市议会会议期间,当地居民对该项目表示担忧。项目经理将当地居民添加到相关方参与计划中,项目经理接下来应该做什么?
A project manager is leading a project to expand a manufacturing plant in a small town.During the last city council meeting,local residents raised about the project.The project manager adds the local residents to the stakeholder engagement plan.What should the project manager do to address their concerns?

  •  A:向当地的报纸提交一份文件,解释该扩建及其对社区的好处。 Submit an article to the local newspaper explaining the expansion and how it will benefit the community.
  •  B:在市议会厅外安装一个滚动屏幕以提供项目进度更新。 Place a bulletin board outside the city hall to provide project progress updates.
  •  C:在下次市议会会议期间召开互动问答会议 Hold an interactive question and answer session during the next city council meeting.
  •  D:使用电视和广播点让他们了解项目及其担忧的问题 Use TV and radio spots to keep them informed about the project and their concerns.

正确答案:D 你的答案:D


27、 [单选] 在考虑Scrum主管时,我们需要决定谁最适合这个角色。以下哪个任务不应该由Scrum主管执行?
When considering the Scrum Master role, we need to decide who is best suited for it. Which of the following tasks should not be performed by a scrum master?

  •  A:开展进修培训,提醒新团队在估算产品待办事项时使用规划扑克的规则 Performing refresher training to remind a new team about the rules of Planning Poker when estimating product backlog items
  •  B:更新冲刺并发布燃尽图或燃起图。 Updating sprint and release burndown or burnup chart.
  •  C:与非Scrum团队成员进行讨论 Having discussions with non-Scrum-team members
  •  D:与内部和外部利益相关方会面,对即将到来的冲刺进行优先排序 Meeting with both the internal and external stakeholders to rank the priorities for the upcoming sprint

正确答案:D 你的答案:D


29、 [单选] 一个软件开发项目的项目章程已获批准,项目经理召集会议准备项目管理计划,项目经理得知开发团队成员对他们的角色和职责感到困惑。 若要避免这个问题,项目经理应该事先做什么?
Approval of the project charter for a software development project has been obtained and the project manager calls a meeting to prepare the project management plan.The project manager learns that the development team members are confused about their roles and responsibilities. What should the project manager have done to avoid this?

  •  A:审查沟通管理计划 Reviewed the communication management plan.
  •  B:制定项目资源管理计划 Developed the project resource management plan.
  •  C:创建一份相关方登记册 Created a stakeholder register.
  •  D:分享工作分解结构(WBS) Shared the work breakdown structure(WBS).

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:PMBOK(6)P318-资源管理计划。团队的角色与职责在资源管理计划里。 其他选项:A沟通管理计划是关于项目沟通的信息,C相关方登记册记录了相关方的基本信息,D的WBS为范围基准的一部分

31、 [单选] 项目团队中两名最关键的资源私下告知项目经理他们已经辞职并将在一个月内离开项目,这两位成员非常受欢迎,团队中的其他成员也向他们寻求建议和支持。 项目经理应该做什么?
Two of the most critical resource on a project team privately informs the project manager that they have resigned and will leave the project within a month.These member are very popular,and others in the team lock to the advice and support. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:举行团队会议,宣布这两名成员辞职并解决任何疑虑 Conduct a team meeting to announce the resignations and address any concerns.
  •  B:要求团队成员不要讨论这两位成员辞职的信息,以免士气受到影响 Ask the team members to refrain from discussing their resignations so that morale is not impacted.
  •  C:推迟行动,因为这两名成员仍会在团队待一个月 Postpone action,since the two members are still on the team for another month.
  •  D:向所有团队成员发送一封电子邮件,告知这两名成员辞职的信息 Send an email to all team members to inform them of the resignations.

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:PMBOK(6)P350-变更请求。人员配备变更包括转派人员、外包部分工作,或替换离职人员。人员离职属于人员配备变更,要尽快处理并发出变更请求。 其他选项:BC,离职是无法隐瞒的,同时要尽快安排交接。D,不仅要告知,还要采取行动,以避免对项目的影响。

32、 [单选] 开发团队完成了一个最先进的软件项目,并计划启动收尾阶段。但是,由于不符合约定可交付成果,一位关键相关方拒绝签字。若要促进验收,项目经理应该怎么做?
A development team completed a state-of-the-art software project and plans to initiate the closing phase,However, one key stakeholder refused to sign off due to of non-conformance with the agreed upon deliverables. What should the project manager do to facilitate acceptance?

  •  A:为可交付成果的变更提供新的工作说明书(SOW) Provide a new statement of work (SOW) for the variation in the deliverables
  •  B:记录不合格情况并启动变更管理过程 Document the nonconformists and start the change management process
  •  C:记录不合格情况并启动项目收尾 Record the nonconformists and initiate project closure
  •  D:执行偏差分析以确定可交付成果中的任何偏差 Conduct a variance analysis to identify any deviations in deliverables

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P166- 变更请求 "不符合约定可交付成果,相关方拒绝签字", 即表示项目未通过正式验收, 需要走变更流程,对已经完成但未通过正式验收的可交付成果及其未通过验收的原因,应该记录在案。可能需要针对这些可交付成果提出变更请求,开展缺陷补救。 其他选项:验收不通过,要第一时间变更,采取缺陷补救。然后再考虑AD,C的流程不正确,不能带着问题收尾。

34、 [单选] 这个项目非常复杂,需求变化多端。客户尝试创建一个在市场上独一无二的创新项目。每个人都非常努力地工作,并在项目上投入了大量时间。但目前来看,形势并不乐观。你的团队原计划在当前冲刺中完成六个故事。但是到冲刺快结束时,只完成了四个。你该怎么办?
It is a very complex project with many changes to the requirements. The customer is trying to create a project that is unique and early comer at the market. Everyone is working very hard and is pulling a lot of hours on the project. Currently, the situation does not look very optimistic. Your team planned to complete six stories in the current sprint. But as you reach the end of the sprint, only four of them are done. What should you do?

  •  A:将剩余的故事返回到待办事项列表,重新做计划 Return the remaining stories to the backlog for re-planning
  •  B:请求产品负责人延长冲刺 Ask the product owner to extend the sprint
  •  C:在有空档的时候处理剩下的故事 Work on the remaining stories when you can fit them in
  •  D:在下一个冲刺开始时安排剩余的故事 Schedule the remaining stories at the start of the next sprint

正确答案:A 你的答案:A


36、 [单选] 在大量数据中获得的质量报告表明,目前的可交付成果存在许多缺陷。项目经理应该使用什么工具或技术来获得制定决策的洞察力?
Quality reports derived from large amounts of data indicate that the current deliverable has many defects.What tool or technique should the project manager use to gain insight for decision making?

  •  A:亲和图 Affinity diagram
  •  B:石川图 Ishikawa diagram
  •  C:控制图 Control chart
  •  D:帕累托分析 Pareto analysis

正确答案:D 你的答案:D


41、 [单选] 项目经理接管了一个处于第二阶段的多阶段项目,其应该从之前的项目经理那里获得哪些来有效地管理当前和未来项目阶段的资源?
A project manager assumes a multi-phase project during its second phase.What show they seek from the previous project manager to effectively manage resources for current and future project phases?

  •  A:将在未来几个阶段交付的任务 Tasks that will be delivered in the next phase
  •  B:下一个阶段的资源日历 Resources calendar for the next phase
  •  C:已定义角色和职责的资源 Resources with defined roles and responsibilities
  •  D:资源分解结构(RBS) Resources breakdown structure(RBS)

正确答案:D 你的答案:D


44、 [单选] 你正在一个迭代过程中,期间,你意识到有一些未预料到的问题将阻止你完成所有本次迭代承诺的用户故事。你应该怎么做?
You are working on an iteration and in between the iteration, you realize that some unforeseen issues will prevent you from completing all the committed user stories for that iteration. What should you do?

  •  A:削减"完成的定义",以弥补失去的时间 Reduce the Denition of Done to make up for the lost time
  •  B:在满足所有标准的前提下,完成可以完成的故事 Complete what can be achieved meeting all the criteria
  •  C:要求产品负责人延长迭代的时间盒限制,以完成所有承诺的故事 Ask Product Owner to extend the timebox limit of the iteration so that all committed stories can be completed
  •  D:让团队周末加班,以履行承诺 Let the team work over the weekend to meet their commitment

正确答案:B 你的答案:B


45、 [单选] 在项目收尾期间,项目经理发现很难得到关于项目成功完成的反馈,一些相关方对项目的成功标准意见不一致,并从一开始就对项目感到沮丧。 项目经理应查阅下列哪一份文件来解决这些问题?
During project closure,the project manager finds it difficult to obtain successful project completion feedback.Some stakeholders disagree with the project's success criteria and have been frustrated with the project from the beginning.To what should the project manager refer to address these concerns?

  •  A:范围说明书 Scope statement.
  •  B:需求文件 Requirement document.
  •  C:项目章程 Project charter.
  •  D:质量管理计划 Quality management plan.

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:PMBOK(6)P81- 项目章程。相关方对项目成功标准不一致不确定。项目的成功标准在项目章程里。

47、 [单选] 项目经理正在启动一个项目,而项目地点在历史上受到自然灾害。由于这个问题,之前有许多项目都出现延期问题。 制定风险管理计划来解决这一风险时,项目经理应该首先参考什么?
The proje

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