



In this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening to the mini-lecture, please complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap. Make sure the word(s) you fill in is (are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may use the blank sheet for note-taking.
You have THIRTY seconds to preview the gap-filling task.
Now listen to the mini-lecture. When it is over, you will be given THREE minutes to check your work.

In this section you will hear ONE interview. The interview will be divided into TWO parts. At the end of each part, five questions will be asked about what was said. Both the interview and the questions will be spoken ONCE ONLY. After each question there will be a ten-second pause. During the pause, you should read the four choices of [A], [B], [C], and [D], and mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO. You have THIRTY seconds to preview the questions.

Now, listen to Part One of the interview.

  1. [A] Satisfying. [B] Not good enough. [C] Dissatisfying. [D] Extremely bad.
  2. [A] We should create more jobs for university students.
    [B] We should encourage state school pupils to apply universities.
    [C] We should give more money to schools.
    [D] We should give people opportunity schools.
  3. [A] Doing what they have promised to schools.
    [B] Creating opportunities for leading universities.
    [C] Considering removing barriers for state school pupils.
    [D] Reducing opportunities for state school pupils.
  4. [A] It increases from 1/8to 1/3. [B] It increases from 1/8to 1/6.
    [C] It increases from 1% to 4.5%. [D] It increases from 1% to 3.5%.
  5. [A] Universities are not working hard to accept state school pupils.
    [B] The number of state pupils applying to Oxford fails to increase.
    [C] The government has lowered state pupils’ expectations.
    [D] Leading universities are rejecting state school pupils.

Now, listen to Part Two of the interview.
6. [A] Schools should be given more funding from education authorities.
[B] Schools should be given all the money and decide how to spend it.
[C] Schools should be granted greater power to run themselves.
[D] Schools should be given more opportunities and choices.
7. [A] 85pence in a pound will go to the schools.
[B] Every pound will be spent in schools.
[C] Most money is spent on schools, others for bureaucracy.
[D] Local education authorities should decide money allocation.
8. [A] Because money investment should be originally owned by schools.
[B] Because know what’s in the interest of their pupils.
[C] Because the government also wants the money to go to schools.
[D] Because schools are in a situation of lacking money.
9. [A] Local education authorities and the central government.
[B] Local education authorities and secondary schools together.
[C] Local education authorities only.
[D] The central government only.
10. [A] Ask for clarification. [B] Challenge the interviewee.
[C] Support the interviewee. [D] Initiate topics.

In this section there are several passages followed by fourteen multiple choice questions. For each multiple choice question, there are four suggested answers marked [A], [B], [C] and [D]. Choose the one that you think is the best answer and mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET TWO.

In 2011, many shoppers opted to avoid the frantic crowds and do their holiday shopping from the comfort of their computer. Sales at online retailers gained by more than 15%, making it the biggest season ever. But people are also returning those purchases at record rates, up 8% from last year.
What went wrong? Is the lingering shadow of the global financial crisis making it harder to accept extravagant
indulgences? Or that people shop more impulsively — and therefore make bad decisions — when online? Both
arguments are plausible. However, there is a third factor: a question of touch. We can love the look but, in an online
environment, we cannot feel the quality of a texture, the shape of the fit, the fall of a fold or the weight of an
earring. And physically interacting with an object makes you more committed to your purchase.
When my most recent book Brandwashed was released, I teamed up with a local bookstore to conduct an
experiment about the differences between the online and offline shopping. I carefully instructed a group of
volunteers to promote my book in two different ways. The first was a fairly hands-off approach. Whenever a
customer would inquire about my book, the volunteer would take them over to the shelf and point to it. Out of 20
such requests, six customers proceeded with the purchase.
The second option also involved going over to the shelf but, this time, removing the book and then subtly
holding onto it for just an extra moment before placing it in the customer’s hands. Of the 20people who were
handed the book. 13ended up buying it. Just physically passing the book showed a big difference in sales. Why?
We feel something similar to a sense of ownership when we hold things in our hand. That’s why we establish or
reestablish connection by greeting strangers and friends with a handshake. In this case, having to then let go of the
book after holding it might generate a subtle sense of loss, and motivate us to make the purchase even more.
A recent study conducted by Bangor University together with the United Kingdom’s Royal Mail service also
revealed the power of touch, in this case when it came to snail mail. A deeper and longer-lasting impression of a
message was formed when delivered in a letter, as opposed to receiving the same message online. FMRLs(功能性
磁共振成像)showed that, on touching the paper, the emotional center of the brain was activated, thus forming a
stronger bond. The study also indicated that once touch becomes part of the process, it could translate into a sense
of possession. In other words, we simply feel more committed to possess and thus buy an item when we’ve first
touched it. This sense of ownership is simply not part of the equation in the online shopping experience.
As the rituals of purchase in the lead-up to Christmas change, not only do we give less thought to the type of
gifts we buy for our loved ones but, through our own digital wish lists, we increasingly control what they buy for us.
The reality, however, is that no matter how convinced we all are that digital is the way to go, finding real
satisfaction will probably take more than a few simple clicks.
11. According to the author, shoppers are returning their purchases for all the following reasons EXCEPT that .
[A] they are unsatisfied with the quality of the purchase
[B] they eventually find the purchase too expensive
[C] they change their mind out of uncertainty
[D] they regret making the purchase without forethought
12.Why does the author cite the study by Bangor University and the Royal Mail Service?
[A] To compare similar responses in different settings.
[B] To provide further evidence for his own observation.
[C] To offer a scientific account of the brain’s functions.
[D] To describe emotional responses in online shopping.
13. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
[A] Real satisfaction depends on factors other than the computer.
[B] Despite online shopping we still attach importance to gift buying.
[C] Some people are still uncertain about the digital age.
[D] Online shopping offers real satisfaction to shoppers.
My professor brother and I have an argument about head and heart, about whether he overvalues IQ while I
learn more toward EQ. We typically have this debate about people—can you be friends with a really smart jerk(怪
物)?—but there’s corollary to animals as well. I’d love it if our dog could fetch the morning paper and then read it
to me over coffee, but I actually care much more about her loyal and innocent heart. There’s already enough
thinking going on is our house, and we probably spend too much time in our heads. Where we need some role
modeling is in instinct, and that’s where a dog is a roving revelation.
I did not grow up with dogs, which meant that my older daughter’s respectful but unyielding determination to
get one required some adjustment on my part. I often felt she was training me: from ages of 6to 9, she gently
schooled me in various breeds and their personalities, whispered to the dogs we encountered so they would charm
and persuade me, demonstrated by her self-discipline that she was ready for the responsibility. And thus came our
dog Twist, whom I sometimes mistake for a third daughter.
At first I thought the challenge would be to train her to sit, to heel, to walk calmly beside us and not go wildly
chasing the neighbourhood rabbits. But I soon discovered how much more we had to learn from her than she from
If it is true, for example, that the secret to a child’s success is less rare genius than raw persistence, Twist’s
ability to stay on task is a model for us all, especially if the task is trying to capture the sunbeam that flicks around
the living room as the wind blows through the branches outside. She never succeeds, and she never gives up. This
includes when she runs square into walls.
Then there is her unfailing patience, which breaks down only when she senses that dinnertime was 15minutes
ago and we have somehow failed to notice. Even then she is more eager than indignant, and her refusal to whine
shows a restraint of which I’m not always capable when hungry.
But the lesson I value most is the one in forgiveness, and Twist first offered this when she was still very young.
When she was about 7months old, we took her to the vet to be sprayed( 切 除 卵 巢 ). We turned her over to a
stranger, who proceeded to perform a procedure that was probably not pleasant. But when the vet returned her to us,
limp and tender, there was no recrimination(反责),no How could you do that to me? It was as though she really
knew that we could not intentionally cause her pain, and while she did not understand, she forgave and curled up
with her head on my daughter’s lap.
I suppose we could have concluded that she was just blindly loyal and docile. But eventually we knew better.
She is entirely capable of disobedience, as she has proved many times. She will ignore us when there are more
interesting things to look at, rebuke us when we are careless, bark into the twilight when she has urgent messages to
send. But her patience with our failings and fickleness and her willingness to give us a second chance are a daily
lesson in gratitude.
My friends who grew up with dogs tell me how when they were teenagers and trusted no one in the world,
they could tell their dog all their secrets. It was the one friend who would not gossip or betray, could provide in the
middle of the night the soft, unbegrudging comfort and peace that adolescence conspires to disrupt. An age that is
all about growth and risk needs some anchors and weights, a model of steadfastness when all else is in flux.
Sometimes I think Twist’s devotion keeps my girls on a benevolent lash, one that hangs quietly at their side as they
trot along but occasionally yanks them back to safety and solid ground.
We’ve weighed so many decisions so carefully in raising our daughters—what school to send them to and
what church to attend, when to give them cell phones and with what precautions. But when it comes to what really
shapes their character and binds our family, I never would have thought we would owe so much to its smallest
14. In the first paragraph, the author suggests that
[A] a person can either have a high IQ or a low EQ
[B] her professor brother cares too much about IQ
[C] we need examples of how to follow one’s heart
[D] she prefers dogs that are clever and loyal
15. According to the passage, all the following are Twist’s characteristics EXCEPT____.
[A] resignation [B] patience [C] forgiveness [D] tenacity
16. That Twist’s devotion keeps my girls on a benevolent leash means that____.
[A] Twist is capable of looking after the girls [B] Twist and the girls have become friends
[C] Twist knows how to follow the girls [D] Twist’s loyalty helps the girls grow up
17. What does the author try to express in the last paragraph?
[A] Difficulties in raising her children. [B] Worries about what to buy for kids.
[C] Gratitude to Twist for her role. [D] Concerns about schooling and religion.
Most West African lorries ate not in what one would call the first flush of youth, and I had learnt by bitter
experience not to expect anything very much of them. But the lorry that arrived to take me up to the mountains was
worse than anything I had seen before: it tottered on the borders of senile decay. It stood there on buckled wheels,
wheezing and gasping with exhaustion from having to climb up the gentle slope to the camp, and I consigned
myself and my loads to it with some fear. The driver, who was a cheerful fellow, pointed out that he would require
my assistance in two very necessary operations: first, I had to keep the hand brake pressed down when travelling
downhill, for unless it was held thus almost level with the floor it sullenly refused to function. Secondly, I had to
keep a stern eye on the clutch, a wilful piece of mechanism that seized every chance to leap out of its socket with a
noise like a strangling leopard. As it was obvious that not even a West African lorry-driver could be successful in
driving while crouched under the dashboard, I had to take over control of these instruments if I valued my life. So,
while I ducked at intervals to put on the brake, amid the rich smell of burning rubber, our noble lorry jerked its way
towards the mountains at a steady twenty miles per hour; sometimes, when a downward slope favoured it, it threw
caution to the winds and careered(猛冲)along in a madcap fashion at twenty-five.
For the first thirty miles the red earth road wound its way through the lowland forest, the giant trees standing
in solid ranks alongside and their branches entwined(盘绕)in an archway of leaves above us. Slowly and almost
imperceptibly the road started to climb upwards, looping its way in languid curves round the forested hills. In the
back of the lorry the boys lifted up their voices in song:
Home again, home again,
When shall I see ma home?
The driver hummed the refrain(副歌)softly to himself glancing at me to see if I would object. To his surprise I
joined in and so while the lorry rolled onwards, the boys in the back maintained the chorus while the driver and I
harmonized and sang complicated twiddly bits.
Breaks in the forest became more frequent the higher we climbed, and presently a new type of undergrowth
began to appear: massive tree-ferns standing at the roadside on their thick, squat, hairy trunks. These ferns were the
guardians of a new world, for suddenly, as though the hills had shrugged themselves free of a cloak, the forest
disappeared. It lay behind us in the valley, while above us the hillside rose majestically, covered in a coat of
waist-high grass. The lorry crept higher and higher, the engine gasping and shuddering with this unaccustomed
activity. I began to think that we should have to push the wretched thing up the last two or three hundred feet, but to
everyone’s surprise we made it, and the lorry crept on to the brow of the hill, trembling with fatigue, spouting
steam from its radiator like a dying whale. We crawled to a standstill and the driver switched off the engine.
“We must wait small-time, engine get hot,” he explained, pointing to the forequarters of the lorry, which were
by now completely invisible under a cloud of steam. Thankfully I descended from the red-hot inside of the cab and
strolled down to where the road dipped into the next valley. From this vantage point I could see the country we had
travelled through and the country we were about to enter.
18. Which of the following words in the first paragraph is used literally?
[A] Flush. [B] Borders. [C] Operations. [D] Gasping.
19. We learn from the first paragraph that the author regards the inadequacies of the lorry as .
[A] inevitable and amusing [B] dangerous and frightening
[C] novel and unexpected [D] welcome and interesting
20. All the following words in the last but one paragraph describe the lorry as a human EXCEPT
[A] trembling [B] spouting [C] shuddering [D] crept
21. A suitable title for the passage would be .
[A] A journey that scared me [B] A journey to remember
[C] The wild West African lorry [D] A comic journey in West Africa
Have you ever noticed a certain similarity in public parks and back gardens in the cities of the West? A
ubiquitous woodland mix of lawn grasses and trees has found its way throughout Europe and the United States, and
it’s now spread to other cities around the world. As ecologist Peter Groffman has noted, it’s increasingly difficult to
tell one suburb apart from another, even when they’re located in vastly different climates such as Phoenix, Arizona,
or Boston in the much chillier north-east of the US. And why do parks in New Zealand often feature the same
species of trees that grow on the other side of the world in the UK?
Inspired by the English and New England countrysides, early landscape architects of the 19th century created
an aesthetic for urban public and private open space that persists to this day. But in the 21st century, urban green
space is tasked with doing far more than simply providing aesthetic appeal. From natural systems to deal with
surface water run-off and pollution to green corridors to increasing interest in urban food production, the urban
parks of the future will be designed and engineered for functionality as well as for beauty.
Imagine travelling among the cities of the mid-21st century and finding a unique set of urban landscapes that
capture local beauty, natural and cultural history, and the environmental context. They are tuned to their locality,
and diverse within as well as across cities. There are patches that provide shade and cooling, places of local food
production, and corridors that connect both residents and wildlife to the surrounding native environment. Their
functions are measured and monitored to meet the unique needs of each city for food production, water use,
nutrient recycling, and habitat. No two green spaces are quite the same.
Planners are already starting to work towards this vision. And if this movement has a buzzword it is
“hyperfunctionality” – designs which provide multiple uses in a confined space. At the moment, urban landscapes
are highly managed and limited in their spatial extent. Even the “green” cities of the future will contain extensive
areas of buildings, roads, railways, and other built structures. These future cities are likely to contain a higher
proportion of green cover than the cities of today, with an increasing focus on planting on roofs, vertical walls, and
surfaces like car parks. But built environments will still be ever-present in dense megacities. We can greatly
enhance the utility of green space through designs that provide a range of different uses in a confined space. A
hyperfunctional planting, for example, might be designed to provide food, shade, wildlife habitat, and pollution
removal all in the same garden with the right choice of plants and management practices.
What this means is that we have to maximise the benefits and uses of urban parks, while minimizing the costs
of building and maintaining them. Currently, green space and street plantings are relatively similar throughout the
Western world, regardless of differences in local climate, geography, and natural history. Even desert cities feature
the same sizable street trees and well-watered and well-fertilized lawns that you might see in more temperate
climes. The movement to reduce the resources and water requirements of such urban landscapes in these arid areas
is called “xeriscaping” – a concept that has so-far received mixed responses in terms of public acceptance. Scott
Yabiku and colleagues at the Central Arizona Phoenix project showed that newcomers to the desert embrace
xeriscaping more than long-time residents, who are more likely to prefer the well-watered aesthetic. In part, this
may be because xeriscaping is justified more by reducing landscaping costs – in this case water costs – than by
providing desired benefits like recreation, pollution mitigation, and cultural value. From this perspective,
xeriscaping can seem more like a compromise than an asset.
But there are other ways to make our parks and natural spaces do more. Nan Ellin, of the Ecological Planning
Center in the US, advocates an asset-based approach to urbanism. Instead of envisioning cities in terms what they
can’t have, ecological planners are beginning to frame the discussion of future cities in terms of what they do have
—their natural and cultural assets. In Utah’s Salt Lake City, instead of couching environmental planning as an issue
of resource scarcity, the future park is described as “mountain urbanism” and the strong association of local
residents with the natural environment of the mountain ranges near their home. From this starting point, the local
climate, vegetation, patterns of rain and snowfall, and mountain topography are all deemed natural assets that create
a new perspective when it comes to creating urban green space. In Cairns, Australia, the local master plan embraces
“tropical urbanism” that conveys a sense of place through landscaping features, while also providing important
functions such as shading and cooling in this tropical climate.
The globally homogenized landscape aesthetic – which sees parks from Boston to Brisbane looking
worryingly similar – will diminish in importance as future urban green space will be attuned to local values and
cultural perceptions of beauty. This will lead to a far greater diversity of urban landscape designs than are apparent
today. Already, we are seeing new purposes for urban landscaping that are transforming the 20th century woodland
park into bioswales – plantings designed to filter stormwater – green roofs, wildlife corridors, and urban food
gardens. However, until recently we have been lacking the datasets and science-based specifications for designs
that work to serve all of these purposes at once.
In New York City, Thomas Whitlow of Cornell University sends students through tree-lined streets with
portable, backpack-mounted air quality monitors. At home in his laboratory, he places tree branches in wind tunnels
to measure pollution deposition onto leaves. It turns out that currently, many street tree plantings are ineffective at
removing air pollutants, and instead may trap pollutants near the ground. Rather than relying on assumptions about
the role of urban vegetation in improving the environment and health, future landscaping designs will be
engineered based on empirical data and state of the art of simulations.
New datasets on the performance of urban landscapes are changing our view of what future urban parks will
look like and what it will do. With precise measurements of pollutant uptake, water use, plant growth rates, and
greenhouse gas emissions, we are better and better able to design landscapes that require less intensive management
and are less costly, while providing more social and environmental uses.
22. The following are all features of future urban green space EXCEPT that
[A] each city has its distinct style of urban green space
[B] urban landscape will focus more on cultural history
[C] urban green space will be designed to serve many uses
[D] more green cover will be seen on city roofs and walls
23. According to the passage, if planners adopt an asset-based approach, they will probably________.
[A] incorporate the area’s natural and cultural heritage into their design
[B] make careful estimation of the area’s natural resources before designing
[C] combine natural resources and practical functions in their design
[D] envision more purposes for urban landscaping in their design
24. According to the passage, future landscaping designs will rely more on .
[A] human assumptions [B] field work
[C] scientific estimation [D] laboratory work
In this section there are eight short-answer questions based on the passages in SECTION A. Answer each
question in NO more than 10words in the space provided on ANSWER SHEET TWO.
25. What is the purpose of the experiment in the bookstore?
26. According to the context, what does the word “square” mean?
27. What can we learn about the condition of the lorry from “it tottered on the borders of senile decay”?
28. How did the author help the lorry driver on the way?
29. How did the author feel when helping the lorry driver?
30. According to the passage, what makes urban green space look similar throughout the West?
31.Why are some local residents opposed to “xeriscaping”?
32. What did Thomas Whitlow of Cornell University find out about tree branches?
The passage contains TEN errors. Each indicated line contains a maximum of ONE error. In each case,
only ONE word is involved. You should proofread the passage and correct it in the following way:
For a wrong word, underline the wrong word and write the correct one in the blank
provided at the end of the line.
For a missing word. mark the position of the missing word with a “∧” sign and write the
word you believe to be missing in the blank provided at the end of
the line.
For an unnecessary word, cross the unnecessary word with a slash “/”and put the word in the
blank provided at the end of the line.
When ∧ art museum wants a new exhibit, (1) an
it never buys things in finished form and hangs (2) never__________
them on the wall.When a natural history museum
wants an exhibition, it must often build it. (3) exhibit__________
Proofread the given passage on ANSWER SHEET THREE as instructed.
Translate the following text into English. Write your translation on ANSWER SHEET THREE.
茶花(camellia)的自然花期在 12 月至翌年 4 月,以红色系为主,另有黄色系和白色系等,花色艳丽。
此次茶花展历时 2 个月,展期内 200 多个茶花品种将陆续亮相。
With the continued increase of parents who communicate with their children through social media, social
networking will never be the same for both parents and children. Can social networking help parents and children
strengthen their relationship or give rise to distrust between parents and children due to some parents’ stalking or
following their children anonymously on social media? The following are opinions from both sides. Read the
excerpts carefully and write your response in about 300words, in which you should:

  1. summarize briefly the opinions from both sides;
  2. give your comment.
    Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality.
    Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.
    Retweeted by Mom? Teenagers might say they’d die of embarrassment. But teenagers who are connected with
    their parents via Twitter and other social media have better relationships with them, and fewer behavioral problems.
    Researchers at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, polled 491teenagers and their parents about social
    media use, and then used a variety of behavioral tests to measure parent-child connection. They looked at
    delinquency, depression, eating disorders, aggression in relationships and positive behaviors toward others. That
    last one asked the teens if they agreed with phrases that would be music to parent’s ear, such as, “I really enjoy
    doing small favors for my family.”
    End results: The teenagers who were most connected to their parents on Facebook, Twitter and other forms of
    social media felt closer and more connected to their parents in real life. The teenagers in families who used social
    media to stay connected also were less likely to be depressed, delinquent, and aggressive. And they were more
    likely to be kind and thoughtful with others.
    BYU psychologist Sarah Coyne, the lead author of the study, readily admits that the didn’t prove that the
    reach-out-and-text effort from parents is causing all this goodness. “The downside of our study is we didn’t ask
    what parents were doing on social media,” Coyne tells Shots. But she thinks the value comes in using social media
    tools as “a show of love and support and getting a better sense of what’s happening in their teens’ world.”
    Parents should make it clear on that they’ll be on social media, too, and using it to monitor their children’s
    activities, Coyne says. “It’s a great conversation to have, especially with younger teens.”
    But Coyne suspects that more parents are hesitating to post, Tweet, or Snapchat with their progeny. “Try it out,”
    she says. It’s their world, after all. And don’t you want to know where your kids are hanging out?
    The study also found that teenagers who were heavy users of social media, independent of parents connections,
    were more likely to have problems, including delinquency, aggressive relationships and depression.
    Virtual communication online actually undermines parent-child relationship. Most children believe that more
    space should be given to real-life communication, which could boost honesty, trust and concentration.
    Firstly, real-life communication is much better than communication online in terms of enhancing parent-child
    relationship, for the former can better guarantee honesty of the communication. Real-life communication is often a
    combination of verbal communication and body-language communication. It is often done in an extemporaneous
    manner. These two factors together ensure that people have little chance to ask for others’ advice or make up lies or
    excuses without looking or sounding awkwardly during communication. Therefore, real-life communication itself
    constitutes a confirmation of honesty.
    Secondly, real-life communication deserves more attention than online communication, for it can eliminate
    distrust between parents and children. According to a recent survey, most children feel disgusted if their parents
    stalk or follow their accounts anonymously on social media. However, what they do not realize is that they barely
    talk with their parents in their daily lives and these parents have to do it so as to know them will. Therefore, both
    sides should talk with each other through real-life communication so that distrust between parents and children will
    be greatly eliminated. The more frequent face-to-face communications, the less distrust and conflicts between
    parents and children. Thus, full should be given to real-life communication.
    Write your response on ANSWER SHEET FOUR.
    Understanding Academic Lectures
    Listening to academic lectures is an important task for university
    Students. Then, how can we comprehend a lecture efficiently?
    I.Understanding all (1)________ (1)____________
    A. words
    B. (2) ________ (2)____________
    —(3)________ (3)____________
    —(4)________ (4)____________
    —(5)________ (5)____________
    II.Adding information
    A. lecturers:sharing information with audience
    B. listeners:(6) ________ (6)____________
    C. sources of information
    —knowledge of (7) ________ (7)____________
    —(8)________ of the world (8)____________
    D. listening involving three steps:
    —(9) ________ (9)____________
    —(10) ________ (10)____________
    III.(11) ________ (11)____________
    —(12) ________ (12)____________
    —save time
    B.(13)________ (13)____________
    —(14) ________ (14)____________
    IV.Evaluating while listening
    A. helps to decide the (15) of notes (15)____
    B. helps to remember information

When I was in my early teens, I was taken to a spectacular show
on ice by the mother of a friend. Looked round at the luxury of the rink, (1)__________
my friend’s mother remarked on the “plush” seats we had been given. I
did not know what she meant , and being proud of my vocabulary, I tried (2)__________
to infer its meaning from the context. “Plush” was clearly intended as a
complimentary , a positive evaluation; that much I could tell it from the (3)__________
tone of voice and the context. So I started to use the word. Yes, I replied, (4)__________
they certainly are plush, and so are the ice rink and the costumes of the skaters,
aren’t they? My friend’s mother was very polite to correct me, but I could tell (5)__________
from her expression that I had not got the word quite right.
Often we can indeed infer from the context what a word roughly means,
and that is in fact the way which we usually acquire both new words and new (6)__________
meanings for familiar words, specially in our own first language. But sometimes (7)__________
we need to ask, as I should have asked for plush, and this is particularly true in (8)__________
the aspect of a foreign language. If you are continually surrounded by speakers (9)__________
of the language you are learning, you can ask them directly, but often this
opportunity does not exist for the learner of English. So dictionaries have been
developed to mend the gap. . (10)__________
