

Random Access Memory or RAM is a computer, laptop, phone component to provide memory to the given devices. RAM is a crucial part of a computer, laptop, phone, etc. where without a RAM they will not work. In this tutorial we will learn what is RAM, RAM Types, RAM Speeds, RAM Sizes, How RAM Works, etc.

Random Access MemoryRAM是计算机,便携式计算机,电话组件,用于为给定设备提供内存。 RAM是计算机,笔记本电脑,电话等的重要组成部分,如果没有RAM,它们将无法工作。 在本教程中,我们将学习什么是RAM,RAM类型,RAM速度,RAM大小,RAM的工作方式等。

什么是RAM? (What Is RAM?)

RAM is the short form of the Random Access Memory. It’s a memory where the short-term information can be stored in an easy, fast way. A typical computer can provide different memory types and components but RAM is the most efficient, reliable type of memory.

RAM是随机存取存储器的缩写。 它是一种可以方便,快捷地存储短期信息的存储器。 典型的计算机可以提供不同的内存类型和组件,但RAM是最高效,最可靠的内存类型。

RAM provides random access to read and write data or information in a fast way. RAM is mainly used by the CPU or processor component of the system.

RAM提供了快速访问随机存取读写数据或信息的方法。 RAM主要由系统的CPU或处理器组件使用。

RAM或内存或易失性内存 (RAM or Memory or Volatile Memory)

As a popular memory type RAM is also referred to as Memory or Volatile Memory . Even they are not the same in a daily usage most people use these terms interchangeably.

作为一种流行的内存类型,RAM也称为MemoryVolatile Memory 。 即使它们在日常使用中也不相同,大多数人也可以互换使用这些术语。

Memory is the general name of the related components like Volatile Memory and RAM. In general HDD, SSD is also named as memory because of their storage capacities and accessing the information later.

Memory是相关组件(如易失性内存和RAM)的通用名称。 在一般的HDD中,SSD也因其存储容量和以后访问信息而被称为内存。

Volatile Memory is generally used to specify a dynamic memory where data can be read and write in a fast way and stored during the running of the system. When the system is shut down all information in the volatile memory will be cleared. RAM also named as Volatile memory because of its popularity and working methodology.

Volatile Memory通常用于指定动态存储器,在该存储器中可以快速读取和写入数据并在系统运行期间进行存储。 当系统关闭时,易失性存储器中的所有信息将被清除。 RAM也因其流行和工作方法而被称为易失性存储器。

哪些设备具有RAM? (Which Devices Has RAM?)

Generally, if a device has a CPU or processor it generally has a memory and this memory is generally a RAM. Today a lot of different devices use RAMs. 10-15 years before only computers and some specific devices were using RAM as memory. But with the recent technological advancements today most of the smart devices uses RAM alongside the CPU or processor.

通常,如果设备具有CPU或处理器,则通常具有内存,而该内存通常是RAM。 如今,许多不同的设备都使用RAM。 仅在计算机和某些特定设备使用RAM作为内存之前的10-15年。 但是随着最新技术的发展,当今大多数智能设备都将RAM与CPU或处理器一起使用。

Computer is the main usage area of the RAM where different types of computers like Laptops, Servers, PC’s uses different type and sizes of CPUs.


Tablet is a popular device which provides an experience like smartphone and Laptop. Tablets use RAM like a regular computer.

Tablet是一种流行的设备,可提供智能手机和笔记本电脑等体验。 平板电脑像普通计算机一样使用RAM。

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Smart Phone or Android or iPhone generally categorized as the same types and those use RAM as a memory unit. All of them pose processors which will require some memory. RAM is used as the memory unit.

通常将Smart PhoneAndroidiPhone归类为相同类型,而将RAM用作存储单元。 它们全部构成处理器,这将需要一些内存。 RAM被用作存储单元。

Smart TV uses RAM as they contain some processor, operating system and applications to run properly. Even they can install applications from different marketplaces. They can be also called smart or end-user embedded devices.

Smart TV使用RAM,因为它们包含一些处理器,操作系统和应用程序,可以正常运行。 即使他们可以安装来自不同市场的应用程序。 它们也可以称为智能或最终用户嵌入式设备。

Embedded Devices uses RAM for a long time in order to store information about the connected systems and running applications.

Embedded Devices长时间使用RAM,以便存储有关已连接系统和正在运行的应用程序的信息。

RAM如何工作? (How RAM Works?)

RAM is a volatile memory which simply means the data stored inside RAM is volatile. RAM uses electricity to store the information inside it and without electricity, the information can be stored inside RAM. RAM refresh itself regularly with high frequencies for data storage or access to read or write. During these refreshes, CPU will access the RAM to read or write some data which can reside in different locations of the RAM. The data which is not accessed or changed will be refreshed as same to continue storing them.

RAM是易失性存储器,仅表示存储在RAM中的数据是易失性的。 RAM使用电来存储内部信息,而无需通电,信息就可以存储在RAM中。 RAM会定期以高频率刷新自身,以进行数据存储或访问读写。 在这些刷新期间,CPU将访问RAM以读取或写入一些可以驻留在RAM不同位置的数据。 未访问或未更改的数据将被刷新,以继续存储它们。

RAM类型 (RAM Types)

RAM has changed during history. THE First RAM types were very low performance and size where they get faster and bigger in size.

RAM在历史记录中已更改。 First RAM类型的性能和尺寸非常低,因此它们变得更快,更大。

SRAM is the first type of RAM created to be used in MainFrames in 1963 and used to 1995. SRAM is the short form of the Static RAM which is generally used the Mosfet technology inside it.

SRAM是1963年在MainFrames中使用并于1995年使用的第一类RAM。SRAM是Static RAM的缩写,通常用于其内部的Mosfet技术。

DRAM is created at the same time as the SRAM in 1965 and used to 2001.


SDRAM or Synchronous Dynamic Random-Access Memory is the most recent RAM type and technology which is created in 1992 by Samsung. It is mainly using the DDR technology for performance and efficiency. Today most of the devices use this SDRAM or DDR type RAMs. DDR RAMs have recently achieved version 5 which is called DDR5. Also, Mobile devices may use the mobile version of DDR type named LPDDR which is also version 5 recently.

SDRAMSynchronous Dynamic Random-Access Memory是Samsung在1992年创建的最新RAM类型和技术。 它主要使用DDR技术来提高性能和效率。 今天,大多数设备都使用这种SDRAM或DDR类型的RAM。 DDR RAM最近实现了称为DDR5的版本5。 同样,移动设备可能会使用名为LPDDR的DDR类型的移动版本,最近也使用了第5版。


RAM类型根据外形规格(PC或笔记本电脑)(RAM Type According Form Factor (PC or Laptop))

As the most popular RAM usage is is the computers in general PC/Server/Workstation and Laptops are two main usage areas. Because their form factors or sizes are different from each other they need different sizes of RAM. There is two form factor type of RAM.

由于最受欢迎的RAM使用是一般PC /服务器/工作站中的计算机,而笔记本电脑是两个主要的使用区域。 由于它们的形状因数或大小互不相同,因此需要不同大小的RAM。 RAM有两种尺寸类型。

PC RAM is used for the PC’s, Workstations and Servers. Also, servers and workstations have some extra features they have the same form factor.

PC RAM用于PC,工作站和服务器。 此外,服务器和工作站具有一些额外的功能,它们具有相同的外形尺寸。

PC, Workstation, Server RAM

Laptop RAM is used for mobile devices like Laptops and Tablets.

Laptop RAM用于笔记本电脑和平板电脑等移动设备。

Laptop RAM

RAM速度(RAM Speeds)

RAM is generally not popular with its speeds because the speed of the RAM is generally enough to make the general system faster. And do not lower the general system speed or performance in a viewable range. But RAM has a speed parameter to even not so important. The speed is generally related to the frequency of the RAM refresh rate and transfer rate.

RAM通常不因其速度而流行,因为RAM的速度通常足以使整个系统更快。 并且不要在可见范围内降低总体系统速度或性能。 但是RAM的速度参数甚至不那么重要。 速度通常与RAM刷新频率和传输速度有关。

  • DDR Memory Clock is about 200 MHz and Bandwidth is around 3.2 GB/s

    DDR内存时钟约为200 MHz,带宽约为3.2 GB / s
  • DDR2 Memory Clock is about 200 MHz and Bandwidth is around 6.4 GB/s

    DDR2内存时钟约为200 MHz,带宽约为6.4 GB / s
  • DDR3 Memory Clock is about 200 MHz and Bandwidth is around 12.8 GB/s

    DDR3内存时钟约为200 MHz,带宽约为12.8 GB / s
  • DDR4 Memory Clock is about 400 MHz and Bandwidth is around 25.6 GB/s

    DDR4内存时钟约为400 MHz,带宽约为25.6 GB / s
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内存大小(RAM Sizes)

The most important metric of the RAM is its size. Because today operating systems, applications, and users require more memory than before and this increases day by day. For example, 32 MB memory was enough for general usage in the year 2000 wherein 2020 at least 8GB memory is required for general usage.

RAM的最重要指标是其大小。 因为今天的操作系统,应用程序和用户比以前需要更多的内存,并且这每天都在增加。 例如,在2000年,32 MB内存足以满足一般用途,其中2020年至少需要8 GB的内存才能用于一般用途。

Today even a single RAM can provide 8 GB memory more than one RAM module can be used to increase the total memory of the system. Generally computers, servers provide a lot of memory slots to add extra RAM to the existing or upgrade. PC’s and Laptop also provides RAM slots between 2-4 for an upgrade but small factor devices like Tablet, Smartphone and SmartTV do not provide slots extra addition of the RAMs.

今天,即使单个RAM可以提供8 GB内存,也可以使用多个RAM模块来增加系统的总内存。 通常,计算机,服务器会提供大量内存插槽,以为现有或升级添加额外的RAM。 PC和笔记本电脑还提供2-4个RAM插槽以进行升级,但平板电脑,智能手机和SmartTV等小型设备不提供额外的RAM插槽。

Today as 2020 following sizes of the single unit RAMs can be found on the market easily. Extra size RAM can be found for special cases from special sellers too if needed.

到了2020年,如今可以轻松在市场上找到以下尺寸的单个单元RAM。 如果需要,特殊卖家也可以为特殊情况找到额外的RAM。

  • 2 GB

    2 GB
  • 4 GB

  • 8 GB

    8 GB
  • 16 GB

    16 GB
  • 32 GB

    32 GB
  • 64 GB

    64 GB

RAM饥饿的应用 (RAM Hungry Applications)

Why the computation systems require more and more RAMs day by day. Because there are a lot of applications that require high memory sizes. Before listing RAM heavy applications why they require more RAM and how they use? These applications generally stores cache data and intermediate process results in the RAM or provides a high amount of data as visual or 3D image or Video will require more RAM for easy and fast access.

为什么计算系统每天都需要越来越多的RAM。 因为有许多应用程序需要高内存大小。 在列出需要大量RAM的应用程序之前,为什么它们需要更多的RAM以及如何使用它们? 这些应用程序通常将缓存数据和中间过程结果存储在RAM中,或者提供大量数据,因为可视或3D图像或视频将需要更多RAM才能轻松快速地进行访问。

Operating Systems do not require a high level of RAM but generally uses about 2GB RAM. Operating systems generally run different services for easy and best user experience on the background and these services stores different data in RAM for fast access.

Operating Systems不需要高级别的RAM,但通常使用大约2GB的RAM。 操作系统通常会在后台运行不同的服务,以实现最佳的轻松用户体验,并且这些服务将不同的数据存储在RAM中以便快速访问。

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3D Design and Editing Aplications generally use a high level of memory because the drawings and designs are stored as 3D like a real-world example.

3D Design and Editing Aplications通常使用高级别的内存,因为工程图和设计像真实示例一样以3D形式存储。

Games are another type of applications which are similar to the 3D Design and Editing Applications which creates, updates and stores 3D object during the game experience.


Browser with a lot of tabs will also use high RAM. With the popularity of the tabs, a single browser window can store a lot of tabs and web pages. Today web pages are not just static HTML and CSS code with little Javascript. They are complete web applications with complex JavaScript code and this makes them RAM thirsty.

具有许多选项卡的Browser也将使用高内存。 随着标签的流行,单个浏览器窗口可以存储很多标签和网页。 今天的网页不仅仅是带有少量Javascript的静态HTML和CSS代码。 它们是带有复杂JavaScript代码的完整Web应用程序,这使它们变得渴了。

Virtual Machines can use a lot of RAMs because they will run a complete operating system with its user-level applications. This is just running a second computer inside the current physical computer.

Virtual Machines可以使用大量RAM,因为它们将使用其用户级应用程序运行完整的操作系统。 这只是在当前物理计算机内部运行第二台计算机。

翻译自: https://www.poftut/what-is-ram-random-access-memory/

本文标签: 存储器ram